A Polish Monday

Forget Finland, erase Estonia, swipe aside Sweden - tonight, Poland are Enemy Territory's top dogs. Monday night sees the return of EuroCup as these two great entities compete to become the first Polish team to reach a EuroCup Winners Bracket Final.

Poland Replay Devilry vs Poland Fear Factory

Competition: Winners Bracket Semi Final, ClanBase EC XVIII
Date: Monday, 3rd November
Time: 22:30 CET
Maps: tba / tba
ETTV: http://www.gamestv.org/event/7475-re-play-devilry-vs-fear-factory-x-fi/

Poland Replay Devilry

Poland buzka
Poland rio
Poland S4rna
Poland kot
Poland Robol
Poland r1co
Poland Fear Factory

Poland Wrobel
Poland Xanah
Poland wiesiek
Poland wiaderko
Poland Templar
Poland Frag Stealer

The winner will progress on to the Winners Bracket Final, just two matches shy of EC fame. Whilst the loser drops down to the losers bracket to face the eventual victor of ovr vs mamut.

Polish superstar kot was available to comment on Mondays match following his Round 1 Playoff victory over SNB.

QuoteWe would've lost if we hadn't won. (Ed: quite)

No [we won't win vs FF], we'll get raged. We haven't pracced properly in weeks; no one is unbeatable and that's nice, but FF is out of reach for us in our current shape.
Amazing quotation.
I'll change it for you.
Even better now.
sweden? What good swede is playing europcup nowadays?
alexL, savage?
miks won't play anyway, instead of him, r1co will play. Like Kot already said, according to their performance versus S.N.Batallion, they'll get raged like hell. If they'll perform even better (they played horrible...) versus FF, than against S.N.Batallion, they won't have any chances in my opinion anyway.

By the way, when I comare this News Post to the one posted by Re-Wolf, this one isn't news worthy for sure. No offence to you, Nellie, but you should really fix the design of this News Post or Fusen should at least...
it's got less content, and rewolf does have more analysis in his posts, but I'm relieved that at least Nellie doesn't use titles which are obvious attempts to be creative. With all due respect, trying too hard to come up with a clever title is just starting to get really corny and maybe a normal title will serve the purpose just fine tbh.
Its not an attempt to being creative, it's just what comes to my mind at first. For me, thinking of a 'normal' title would need some attempts.
pff don't be shamed, titles are the best part! I couldn't think of anything witty, or even slightly alliterate :(
"Just another Magic Monday" is what springs to my mind at first :D
if you are referring to that bangles song, its "just another maniac Monday" if you weren't then nevermind.
No matter how, it stays a nice title!
No, it doesn't. Nellie's title > yours by far.
they should at least add ''EC XVIII'' so people can still find the news after 3 months etc...
Search includes article content, "devilry vs fear factory" displays this...
if you add EC XVIII it will list all coverage ever made?
It's got alliteration, it's awesome!

A 20 second hack job as nobody else has done one :O) feel free to click contribute in the top right corner.
I will do that in the future :)

PS. I forgot to add in my previous comment that this is still a much better coverage in comparison with no coverage at all :>
need some car pics, gl
n1ce Nellie!
should be easy for FF but lets hope devilry will give us a show
Poland miks isnt playing i guess ?
yes he isn't :(
QuoteWe would've lost if we hadn't won.

no shit
sry about time again :^)
"Polish superstar"

Yes he is, as opposed to you
Luckely he isn't polish idd
Luckely he isn't belgian superstar
the only things u can do is whining or equoquiting
buy some fairplay !!
Fairplay is for the weak
thats why ur too progressive
well gl anyway
Well, isn't he a superstar? If you call yourself "high" then you'd be somewhat a star and mAus would then be a SUPERstar <_<

Kot used to rage the polish scene like nothing :p guess it has changed now though, but the fact remains, he's a superstar compared to the other polish players :)
nice oxymore 8D
Was surprised how awful replay were after Adacore hyped them to me :o( Considering we nearly beat them 4-0 with a mix, it should be rape for FF.

Wiadro <3
olololol cheaterlover
not really, he hates you.
oh does he ? i am nice @ vent though
Apparently they chose the one prac I watched to play the best they'd ever played...
And TLR chose to replace their lineup with six olBaa's?
don't ruin your own joke, that's my territory :(
may the force be with devilry
anyway easy bash for FF !
It's DEVILRY. FF gonna take it anyway :)
my money on devilry
it is re-play devilry

gl replay
gl n00ni

and miks wont play
hoping to see some polished teamwork & tactics from both sides
i see what you did there!
i see what you did there!
sarcasm is the word, sir
gl and hf all,
clash of the polak titans
n1 logo for the news . ahh forgot he is superstar xD
of what ? nah its enough for me when u said i am cheater xD
You got him there :P
oh pls not again his pic on the frontpage ARGH
must be some inside joke from the xfire admins, but i have to agree its fucking annoying idd :DD
easy bash for Poland KOCIO
pojeby (replay) graja na ultra pojebow (FF):XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
the picture is a bit random :o
no its not!
its gonna be a one man show (no pressure kot)
kot is good, and can make very nice actions, but i dont agree with the whole superstar kot thing, there is a lot of very good polish players that all do their thing and each match somebody else can be the hero..
go Devilry!
journal pls
gl devilry and wiaderko <3
well on one side u have nice clean polish guys.. and on the other side some new talents.. amazing final
war report will come in this week
yeah, because you prefer playing yourself rather than writing a report! Lazy bastard
I had the occassion to rape chmmp's ass, couldn't just pass by :)
naijlepzy game w europie, np
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