FF: Alive and k1cking!

image: banner_et_k1ck

Just like last season, the Poland Powerhouse Fear Factory has been raging over the EC. By an unfaithful turn of events they were expelled last season however, but this time all the signs are pointing in the good direction, that of the EC XVIII Finals. And that is not the only direction in which they pointed. Having been spotted several times claiming they didn't get enough support from their current organization, Fear Factory X-Fi, their succes in ET has been picked up by another legendary ET MGC!
It is Portugal k1ck eSports who have picked this team up for the remainder of the EC Season and after that hopefully many other events to come! It even meant for some of the players to return to their old roots, since they were in one of the first few ET teams that k1ck has already had. The Manager and Wrobel had the following to say:

Quote by k1ck-Spirit A few days ago we have announced a team in a game that will always take us back to our Quake roots. Today we are announcing another team in a game that will also always be dear to us, ET. Going for the podium at the Clanbase XVIII Eurocup, K1ck will always have friendly faces in Enemy Territory. K1ck has been playing Enemy Territory since the very first day and some of the board members were a part of the first team, so it is always a pleasure to get back at the game. Welcome aboard!

Quote by /<-Wrobel We are really happy to join an organisation such as k1ck gaming. We anticipate a strong collaboration to make a prosperous relationship between our squad and k1ck. I'm very thankful for k1ck's reliance and management!

The Line-Up is as follows:
  • Poland Wrobel
  • Poland wiesiek
  • Poland Frag'Stealer
  • Poland dvk3
  • Poland Xanah
  • Poland wiaderko
  • Poland Templar
  • Poland n00n

The team that formerly played for Fear Factory X-Fi will be fighting for k1ck eSports Club at the Winners Final of the Clanbase's XVIII Eurocup edition. Facing the former The Last Resort team, the outcome of the game will help defining the final podium position and secure, of what they can hope for, a successful future.
omg :D

gluck though !
Quote By an unfaithful turn of events they were expelled last season however, but this time all the signs are pointing in the good direction



now that they have got a better sponsor, will we see them at LAN? ...
the signs or crossairs?
Don't ask me, I made this news post on request :)
lol who gave it to you Portugal or Poland ?

that "all signs point in the good direction" is so ironic :D
noon, at least he was searching for a poster on irc
No? Because sign-ups are closed already ?
if they want to come we might be able to make a special exception :!?

toss is only back into sorting crossfire stuff today after his lil break
stop whining asslicker :PP
now with k1ck as mgc they can go to cc5 :DD .
they can but will they :D
why did you join another team?
no lansupport? :/
lol I love the banner with the qw shit in the background, so fitting
yea, plus it seems little bit faily with the white background
I'm using serious blue theme, so it fits !!!11 ;D
Well, I can't get rid of thought that this white background is failed transparent background, because it looks really weird. :P
Nice, now k1ck has 2 EC teams! Gl Wrobel and company, hope to see you guys at LAN soon (maybe?)
why join any mgc when u already missed cc5 singups?
FF didnt provide a server? :D
of course they did, but we look in the future!
can you tell us what k1ck gave you better than FF? any lan support or smth? :/
heh ok, just quite unusual considering this is ET :p
future and ET ? hm a little bit strange...
Can they attend lan now?
n00n will bash them with muscles , just like alexLazarevic
gl wiaderko and n00n <3
"an unfaithful turn of events they were expelled last season"

rofl ye thats one way of putting it :D
/< teh beltardz, gl
gl ec winners
nice QW picture with enemy territory on it
so why did you join them, as you are not able to attend cc5 anyway, pretty pointless if you ask me !
Still not attending lan :DDDDDDDDD
we attended more lans than u fosho xDDDDDDDD
Playing with your brother in the same room is not a lan
all FF players playing in the same house. THAT A FUCKING DIFFERENCE!
at one pc
XP, Xtreme Progaming?
kinda lol'd :D
that was actualy funny! :D
rofl i lol'd xDDDDD
Sure, but why dont you attend to cc5 and c0me pwn everyone here like you guys are doing @ online? :) I think it's funny to own some low+ guys at PL lan: )
cause we are not going to pay on our own for ET LAN [ FF wasnt supporting us even with 1/3 of needed cash for cc ] - we joined k1ck and some time must pass till we got full coverage . what else dont u understand cause we are repeating same and same ... we got money - we can go , we dont have - we cannot

btw if clans like authentic , savak were low+ why did u pple whine @ them so much " CHeATErS omgmgomgomg "
go bust Squall, mAus or toxic, maybe it's your lucky day and you won't fail, like you normal do
Can you stfu vs me please? I'm not interested in comments from busted hackers & especially if they're polish
Suggested option: Ignore
Awesome banner.
shit name aswell
gl wiahacko
Lansupport? :>
nice quakewars banner
i like the logo
What a crappy banner , but GL...
Quote by WrobelWith effect from today's already old Warriors of Wolfenstein leaves multigaming team Fear Factory after 2 years of adventures in this organization. At the very beginning, I would like to thank the entire organization for allowing us to travel to many events and in particular the two most important for our team. (Poznan Game Arena 2006, and CPC2). It was thanks to this support, we had an opportunity to show up. Everything is beautiful at once, however, ends. The reason for our departure is very simple: lack of sponsorship for the next editions of the tournament in the Netherlands. From today we will play under the name # Berzé-TEAM. We are open to various proposals gamingów for possible cooperation.

Source: Fear-Factory.pl ( translated with Google Translater)
thats quite beautiful
Well, eventhough they left due to the mentioned issues, there is nothing confirmed regarding their attendence, yet. k1ck managers prolly want to see if they really go through to the overall final of EC which would be online maybe and then decide to invest money to send them to Enschede. (After reading it twice this option is bullshit as that would take far too long)

But even in this case they should announce their attendence as soon as possible, which would mean, now. As real Lan finals (with not only the grand final match) but also the match vs BB and one or two loserbracket matches played at Lan would be even more fun to watch and no one could cry because of cheat issues afterwards. Let's say VAE, BB and k1ck are going to play the EC Lan finals at CC5. That would be almost the best ET season, though I hardly doubt it will ever happen.
when i said beautiful, i meant the worlds wrobel used, translated, are quite brilliant, i actually didnt mean anything else by it :p

i understand them joining FF, they wont be going to cc5 for sure, but the eZbash lan or whatever in march/may whatever, is quite a reality, them getting top 3 this EC, means they have that under their belt + loyalty points as they joined 'early' + stability + they got time to impress more, so they will get something im sure from k1ck, wont be full support, but it should be enough, im behind their decision :P
so now FF is looking 4 et division?
Don't think so they want to recruit new ET division! but Who knows.
I don't think so.
nice etqw guy @ pic
exactly 2 days after CC5 signups closed... fate???
wiaderko @ lan?
can't really see the idea behind this move as I don't think k1ck provides any better game servers than FF :l
biggest question is: lansupport? if they get, will they show up in cc5?

of course they show up if they get lansupport :d
dont make me look stupid:(
its too late for cc5... but cc6 is an option
It was tactical, 2 days after sign ups had closed
how do you know that there will be cc6?
usually 6 comes after 5.. plus tossy is a beast
Indeed he is!
let me guess... because et is dead?
I've never said that, but what's the point of saying that cc6 is an option if it's not even announced and who knows if this team is going to play till another major event
and whats the point in your sensless talk?

I just said they will have bigger chance of going to next lan... and the matter: will it happen or not is not important...
I can fully understand you:D

They are infiltrating in my country also :/
Dumb idiot x)
no lan, no use.
Prac moar with replay pls, aleks


image: sadhu

going to lan ?
oh fuck nice :P
gl vs bb and in the future :D
k1ck always :)
gl ;D
n1 logo
ETQW in logo, n1!

Give them a chance and stop being retards. Who of you ever went to a lan youself? I would say only about 10%.

FF in my eyes has always been a stable and good clan. Most of these retards in here are jealous because of them not having such a organization

I wish you the best of luck and hope you will make some quite good results.

- adizz
thank you :-)
adizz, go fuck urself

- Lazio
Lazio, shup the fuck up

- n00n
Shut up Aleks.
QuoteWho of you ever went to a lan youself?

yes, most of the ppl havent been in lan, like me.
but i rly dont have any reason to go there, i dont have that much i-net friends who i wanna see in rl and dont think any of them is going.
and im not that good player that i would have chance to win it.
drinking would be only reason why i would go but alone, it sucks
Playing top 3 in EC and not attending CC5?

They're talking about EC final @ CC5

so forfeit win then?
so what?

Seems like you don't get it. When EC was announced nobody told that the finals could be played at CC5. And now all of a sudden someone got the great ideá of playing the finals at CC5. Well do you know what? fuck them.

If there are going to be EC lanfinals then announce it before 1-2 months before the actual lan.

And as something else you can't expect that the top 3-5 must show up.

If the EC finals would end up being played at CC5 then CB should pay the trip for the playing teams.
hf wiesiek! ;D
GL guys :)
gl at lan
it is bad enough they are going to win EC...
wtf @ pic?
you swapped to qw? :D
let's say the banner creater was just to lazy ;)
Guys, From former FF only I'm going and it's 100% sure and probably wiesiek(depends of some team) we can't get the money so fast, but i hope Tosspot won't be bored and he will do more CCs in the future :D so everything is waiting for us :)
So in the year 2030 when you guys are the only guys playing ET we will see you on a lan?
they went to cpc2, right?
H@H@H@ Not really funny we were at CPC2 and 10201201 polish lans :>
"we were at CPC2" rly ?:D maybe "They were"? :DD

oj n00n n00n :D
I'm talking as FFs guy so stfu.
nie unos sie tak :D
the newspot is missing just one word....

little help: starts with L than comes A and finally N
gl noon wiadro and wiesu
Good luck Guys :)
Wiesiu, Noonek, Wiaderko <3
haahah ye alive:p sorry was almost month off xD
:P good to see you're back
hey, hows your german doing?
better xD but stil i am uber big lame :P
but you got your friend still and practicing?
haha y we practicing every day xD
JOLA! wie gehts dir? :>
haaha mustiii :D i heard u woll be in bremen?:P we need to meet then:p flo cant wait xD
lol. Ill be in Bremen, np if u come see me :)
jola r u coming to enschede`?
stil dont know, but probably no:( i will see:P
why not? and hows u milady? :D
ahha i am oke:P just was off almost one month :P
and like Wesbo said - monster is back xD will try to go on cc5, but cant promice that i will arrive:(
Good :D
nice team ofc. gl
you should have taken us.
wobi and wisieu KEKEKEE
Send them to CC5 pls
GL xanah
wiaderko in 2 lineups or better to say.. in 2 clans ? :O)
gl wrobel & wiesiek
dvk3 has cheats in his pc.
going to lan? :D
only poland flags is boring :<
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