3.200€ LAN event in Poland

image: phpjjjusoamhp7

Enemy Territory events with money involved are quite rare but that is nothing new to the common ET player. Ever when there are bigger events popping up, we are more than happy to see someone actually investing into our game. Some events turn out great like Crossfire's very own Challenge series, the Poznan Game Arena back in 2006, the QCups and also the ESL Major Series. And some events - like the Expekt.com Cup, which has been announced recently - turn out negatively as the tournament unfortunately never happened due to uncertain promisses and a weird registration process. The result is a kind of disbelief towards new announcements - which is only logical and understandable.

Now a new promissing LAN event has been announced which is going to take place in ET's probably most active country - Poland. After CC5 and close to the next ET main event, also known as the 'EasyBash' project, initiated by United Kingdom TosspoT, will the Bydgoszcz '09 LAN event appear on the ET agenda. Organised by the Polish multigaming organisation Fast2KiLL - which recently picked Poland Blurred Vision as ET team to send them to Enschede - in cooperation with major partner IBM as well as partners like Fujitsu Siemens, MultiKino, ET.Owned.pl and Pretorian - this event features an Enemy Territory prizepurse of nearly 3.200 € in cash, together with hardware prizes by Fujitsu Siemens and clothing by Pretorian. The venue for the LAN will be the MultiKino cinema in Bydgoszcz, Poland (also known as Bromberg).

As Polish community site ET.Owned.pl had some doubts about the validity of that news, they contacted the man behind all this. Unfortunately the interview has been published in Polish only, so here is just a short extract from the talk. Anyone who could translate it into English would really help us to understand the ideas behind the event and help making it a success.

Quote by Marcin 'Pride' RybakHow did you come up with the idea for the lan and making Enemy Territory one of main platforms ?

Thats an interesting question, I cant precisely say how the idea was born, but taking into account the marketing and financial potential of Fast2KiLL and some of my personal contacts, I decided to do "the impossible" by creating this Lan Party. You ask why ET? Here's a very simple answer, this will be an alternative for other lans, which favourite the same games all the time, for example CS 1.6, besides that I also play ET and I personally like it very much.

  • Venue: Multikino Bydgoszcz
  • Date: Undefined
  • Games: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Trackmania Nations: Forever, TBA
  • Sign Up's: February / March
  • Entry Fee: 40€ per team
  • Qualification: Depending on the number of applications
  • Maps: To be announced at least two months before the event
  • Rules: TBA
  • Accommodation: Self-dependent (eg eholiday.pl - around 4-5 € per night)
  • * Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-M68SM-S2L nForce 630a
    * Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000 2x2, 6GHz 1MB Cache
    * RAM [MB]: KINGSTON DDR2 1024MB PC667
    * Hard Drive [GB]: SAMSUNG 80GB HDD
    * Graphic Card: GIGABYTE GeForce 9400GT 1024MB DDR2

Due to the overlapping of the first date for the event with TosspoT's 'EasyBash' project, the admins decided to take some time to find a decent date for the event. Therefore the date is scheduled as undefined until new information get published. As well as that, the admin crew is also thinking about the final name for the event, which should be also announced very soon.

Prize Distribution:
  • 1.600 € + Pretorian Clothing
  • 1.000 € + Pretorian Clothing
  • 600 € + Pretorian Clothing

Of course such news comes pretty early - taking into consideration that the event itself is still more than four months away - nevertheless it is great to hear about such an event for ET. It should raise the motivation for all the top teams who would like to attend LAN events and it is enough time to prepare for it. Further information will hopefully be published within the next months. Thanks to Poland uf0l for translating.
image: 2egfbyw

Source: ET.Owned.pl
Sounds nice
cu there :)
see ya there.....wat
PCs seem decent
yeah, you better trust 'em. never heard about a lieing polak!
avi =D !
I was just writing this news ...

Accommodation: Self-dependent (eg eholiday.pl - from 15-20 zlotys! (about 4-5 euros) per night)
any irc channel or smth?
We are trying to figure out the lan-name.
They stole my date :(
I was gonna say! :D
put it to 10-12 th april or to march before 25th day or to summer!
do it during the easter holidays or before? :p
Cool : )), I might be avi! :'D
That's like ½ of the yearly GDP in Poland!
I guess I gotta be there :D Living near Torun :)
I'll see you I think :D
cu there!

only 40e per team for entry? :o
CC5 - 40e per person.
Bydgoszcz - 40e per team.
it's Poland, what do you expect :D
local teams will be praccing hard then :<<<
Well cu there.
Cu @ LAN
cu there lowbirds!:D
Cant wait :D
Cu there...
3.200 is the price of a house in poland
of a 1 square metre
so you need to work 10 years for a square meter of land?
like you on ur bot ;)
xD k got proof? nah
u know only cheaters talk about proof..
what else can i say? i cant proof that im clean so
and u have to take a mortgage credit for 50 year to live in a house (:
welcome in real life
Not rly u fucking cunt
get your "guns" out D:
yes even in poland you would be forced to live under the bridge...
jua, 26m2 appartment costs here 100 000 dollars - I could buy a house in the US for that :)
Discussion with this idiot isn't worth a try, just leave him alone for the sake of your own mind :P
nice one, most liekly see you there! :P
fif lan support : )?
thats the most likely part :d
lol, to Poland? o_O
stfu, this has nothing to do with growing up
absolutely nothing
belgtard ;s
take your own flag polak
or what? :!D?
or stay the retard you are now
k I won't be retard, I won't be BEL ! :1D jeez fuckin' carekid
Accommodation: Self-dependent (eg eholiday.pl - around 4-5 € per night)

thats even less than 1/10 i have to pay in enschede :D
lets organize next cc in poland!
ofc u can find some hotels were night cost 100e :)
Okè, that's pretty cheap!
nice one ;)
and how to get there?
Plane (Bydgoszcz has even an airport!), train, car ... It's almost in the central Poland.
they have airports and train stations there? :o
image: image-11a

ecologically clean transport ftw !
rofl, Bydgoszcz is not even close to a center of Poland
DID I say center of Poland or central Poland ?
still it's far
image: bydgoszczno0
Not really.
image: 35lgrgx

Looks pretty close, see you there.
That's Central Europe, you dumb ! :)
It will be like this when I'm the president! Oh, wait...
btw its 6on6?
6v6! and 1v1 vs elvis :D
Poland seems scary.
way to go pollanders
let's move cc5 to poland
cu there, nice giving the date so early :)

TAG will be going
awesome, im waiting for your car
you can be our polak guide! sounds like a plan
drop 2 more nicks and then i can agree you!
pretorian clothing sucks :(
um ok...
watch out for dragons, they're flying low these days !
I doubt I will go there, after all my flame twoards polish people I doubt they will alloweme into their country!
I will allow you!
that Bydgoszcz is soooooo far away, krakow would be better, but it's nice to see a new et lan
krakow would be better for you! :D
think about guys from sweden and stuff, they wont agree with you :D
im from krakow :<<< !
PLZ 3on3 !
hope will be able to go
need 3on3 lan ffs =<
Sounds good.
cu there biatch!
pfff unlikely unfortunately :P
nice to see a lan which also contains mainly et.. rly nice. gl for it!
how the fuck do you spell Bydgoszcz?! :o
u can't say that ;p
nearly, i only have some problems with the szcz :D
Bydgoschtsch, Sch like in Schleswig, Tsch like in Tschechien
b&#301;d'gôsh, -gôshch
Then how the fuck do you expect polaks spell english?
whats difficult in english language? :)
Whats difficult in Finnish language?
well, english is relatively easy language to learn. its surely easier than finnish, polish, german, french, chinese and many others :)
That doesn't really make sense.. You learn your mothelanguage whether its an easy language or not. You learn english cause its teached at school, what if german was the "main" language in the world, dont you think we all would learn it?

Furthermore, you learn languages that are similar to your motherlanguage easier than others, for example a swede learns german easier than finnish.

The point was, I really can't understand why people flame polish people that they can't speak english, maybe they should try to speak polish sometimes :P (weird that I'm for once on polaks side :p).
ah, now i get your point (at your reply to the guy who asked how to spell bydgoszcz) :P

and yes, I agree with you. If German was "main" language like English is now and like French was back in the times, everybody would learn it, but that doesnt change the fact that it would be harder than with English :)

But, as we know, its English that is that "main" language nowadays, due to historical reasons of course, but still the fact that its relatively easy to learn is helping him gain even more world domination! :D
Ill be there.
take your second mouse your second keyboard and your second pc with! or you'll fail..:D
sounds nice!
crossing the polish border, over my dead body
Just wanted to write the same :o))
Need a team!

*EDIT* Me and Baggiez recruiting 4 nice people, playing for fun couple prac's a week etc willing to go to this lan!
:o awesome :)
are the quadv crew going?
Tallinn>Bydgoszcz is 1120km
thats not SO much by car :D

damn , im interested :D
This will be the best team of your career! (btw good to see you're still around :>)
so count me in if you want :P
I'm certainly interested.
get foonr! i think i will go to this lan, i have to see that prick once!
football team - fifa or pes ? C:
Wooo! need playerIN ? oO
does entery fee depends on price of euro in poland? if yes you may pay a bit more in april :P
lal the city i come from :))) <33333
Bydgoszcz - city where the ET talents are born.
image: its_a_tarp
Nah, +99
Wasn't it in April 2 minutes ago?
It was, we've changed the date because of small talk with TosspoT. You can figure out the rest :)
When was the original date though? The one in april
To the middle of the exam session? :o|
Shit, forgot about it ... But I was only date that we could take instead of 18-19 April.
what was wrong with that date?
Tosspots event won
imo they will lose more ppl making it @ exams than making it @ tosspots event
+ fucking 1 :(

(though I can still fail the winter session and get thrown out of uni before this event :D )
(hahaha, same here mate :D)
Well, move it to February/March so that there's no big gap between CC5 and CC6 and teams won't fold or just move it to July, evereyone's got holidays then.
where lol
edit : ah okey, I thought they moved it to the may
Pierdol studia, zostan ninja!
gratz robienie w PL lana dla obcokrajowcow xD dobrze ze nie przelozyliscie na wielkanoc , to by wiecej osob nie moglo niz w trakcie sesji ...
Yes it was!
how the fuck could they raise 3.2k in poland? rofl
sold stolen cars
the date is even better now! :d
avi up here , can pay for my own ! q/ #pWs.clan
I'm gonna win this, easy.
This is the most random question in the world, but when I clicked on your profile, your picture looked familiar and then I remembered seeing it on ESL under my friend connections... do you maybe know Germany Puma? :O
Looks nice !!
I hope killergay will come


cu @ lan sheep, Anaconda, nebu and others :_)
u won't come anyway :XD
nice reply skill! Don't know just think so :D u didnt come to any lan, did you :D?
nope, but only because it was far away (I'm from "3miasto" :XD ) and in GGT time I wasn't much active ;)


+ no moniez ;[
ye know sth about it, come to GGt took 12h for me by train from Cracow, pretty annoying and boring.
yup, well maybe cu @ this LAN :)
The best thing is that apart from the travel, players/teams/sponsors will only have to pay a fraction to participate in the event compared to CDC.

Food, lodging and entry fee are cheap and you almost live like kings ;)

Only problem are the dates, they are right in the exam periods of europe.
are you going ?
the only chance to ever play on LAN i think :)
seriously ? hmm. lets talk at lan. hows thing with you anyways meight? need to get your ass online :P

you heard ronner had to buy a new tv cause we made his old one feel so dirty hahahah
Sounds good, might go if I'm around. Worryingly, it'd be my fourth time in Poland!
cheap ho's
Lucky you!
few more times and you are a full-time Polish
Will there be a cod5 competition as well?
You dont play cod5, you play poker (badly!)
nonono i am winning these days =]

but im afraid epsilon wont send me there to play poker would they now :(
do they lag @ lan,too?
we've got 150-200 ping @ lan's so NP !
ah k sounds perfect xd
This sounds kinda good actually. Timing looks fine etc, I might finally attend a LAN event :)
Yea, in your dreams !! :D hähää
hm nice would be nice :>
Sounds interesting!
Sounds interesting!
tho im kinda scared of getting mugged there:/
faildate :X
i can sponsor highskilled team's entrence fee if they bring me price moneyz
ET's probably most hacktive country - Poland
Come over here and own them on LAN tough boy!
pay for me and i will. big boy
fuck no! not during the session??????????


you'd better leave the event in april, so europeans will go to cc5 and polish will go to this lan. because at the moment its like: europeans will go to cc5 and to this lan, but polish people will not go anywhere :) (i mean, the guys who are at least 20 by then)
I think some smart teams would go to the polish LAN, just because their chances are smaller to win a CC event and the fact that Poland is cheaper.
crossfire is just expensive :>
frankly, yes :)
Ok now answer my question! Is there free wlan at cc5? :)
afaik and based on previous editions, the wireless has always been free. For reporters, players and spectators. I don't really see a reason why it would be changed. You do need to get a password from WZZRD.
Nice :)

Will do some reports prolly!

cu there
Sad to see how the Polish and British always refuse to call themselves Europeans as well.
In that sentence, by European I meant non-Polish, obviously.
(And I'm Algerian, thanks)
unlucky that my final exams (and the ones of all other germans of my age) are exactly at these dates :<
catch the bus and pick up your car when you get there
i'll sponsor team if someone can pick me up :)
40e np4i
gooly lets paly paly there xD
i think i will go to visit all of those ex-overdose guys lol
just dont call me boss, i dont like it xDDDDDDDDDD
im coming with gnajda np
nice :> only 40€ per team look great :>
Hmm maybe I'll go as a spec for one day or something or maybe will paly GUIDE AVI btw
avi when some team would take me ;p
I'll try to translate the Interview later btw...
"IBM is a main sponsor and gives us all PCs (...straight from 80's)"
can you shut the fuck up now and in the future? What a pity you won't visit 'us' in Bydgoszcz....
hard to come coz not even able to book tickets coz can't even pronounce or write that name
what a pity :<
yes what a lack of language skills.. :(
we all pity you
Are you handicapped or something?
cu @ lan : D!
ty dziwko bez szkoly


kRONE 1 - 0 You
i'll be there :)
my dad works @ IBM!
my grandfather who died some years ago used to work for IBM
who the fuck was so intelligent to change this date?
The admins, I guess.
luckily my session starts @ wednesday, while lan is sat-sun

: <

but still retarded
tosspot said HEY I MAKE LAN YOU CANT? wat, isnt it supposed to be polish lan or?
It's open for anybody.
same as ggt...
The number of non-Polish participants was limited there. So far nothing like that has been said. And regarding the goal to show Europe that it's possible to hold such a professional event in Poland, it would be a big mistake to allow only two teams again, as a lot teams signed interest already and the target would be missed anyway.
Maybe they don't want to compete against crossfire -lans which I find very wise :)
with that date they compete against players, what i dont really find too wise

anyway, none europeans will most likely come coz they will be afraid of getting their cars/trains/buses/planes stolen so whatever
charming perspectives
I think we'll be seeing some european teams @ this lan.

Might be wrong though!
if some1 can pick me up with a car then cu there !
cu there :))
ok, ive got holiday home ~100km from bydgoszcz
didnt know they had PCs like this in poland ... guess they are stolen in somer neighbour contry?
brought from european union, you know :D

you know why russians steal everything twice when they are in germany?
because they have to cross poland :P
on their way back :p
Berlin - Poznan , easygoing , i would be there if someone need a decent rifle ;)
Explain ;o
dunno exactly but on 95% that lan wont exist

lucky rtcw2 is cming :)
Is this LAN happening or not? Would be awesome with some kind of confirmation.
So what's the status here?

many ppl saying this Lan is a fraud or somethin?
There won't be any LAN
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