Epsilon lose zerender

ET top player zerender himself has broken the news that he most probably won't be part of Epsilon.ET in upcoming tournaments as he retires from active gaming.

zerender was one of the key players of the surprisingly successful Epsilon ET team that won CC5 in december. His departure will be the first crucial lineup change that the CC5 champs have to undergo. A replacement can probably already be seen live on Sunday night as Epsilon will face Germany atoOn and Europe TAG in an action filled evening. It remains to be seen if the team could keep up the high level of teamwork and efficience which they have shown to the scene lately.

As of yet there don't seem to be any internal conflicts within the team nor plans to change to xbox gaming (what was rumoured) that could have lead to his retirement. However it's not all bad for the German, as he can now concentrate on real live issues and spend his won money in several night clubs.
yeah, we need more news!
I smell wEAK..
to change to xbox gaming

lettu, attack !
i smell matias
and wEAK :D
hurensohnrender sucks
it was his nephew!
Not again.. See you in two weeks!
i can smell a new player with a big name :O
ATS ditch d1ablo -> main news
Epsilon lose zerender -> other news

giggity giggity
idd wtf is this shit
i think this is like the 3rd journal saying hes gna quit gaming :P
third time's a charm!
lets hope so!
tried it about 5 times, but this was my first journal!
hope this ngr will come back :D
hope snYpe ngrs will come back :D
np for t6nis :D
i dont care
please make it main news and sticky
He's from Kazakhstan, bitch.
he wants to paly for the german nations cup HE IS NOT
too bad, gl with whatever you do !
Latvia ;-)
take me!
aw to bad zerender was sik up. take lightning pl0x, if you dont hell wet himself
take him!
if they switch to xbox, slajdan should join!
journal pls
Nobody gets what my initial reason for writing that news was :(

(Except for perfo, maybe)

Good luck to you anyway. ET deserves better coverage though.
Surprising, considering lines like "there don't seem to be any internal conflicts within the team nor plans to change to xbox gaming". :D
YOU ! come back.
Guess he'll be back in few weeks !
hf aiming with joypad
no, i can't join, sry..

2 weeks and we'll see a comeback journal
take me!
good for epsi
Epsi needs its teddybear so it won't be good for them ! :(
Germany replacement = Austria potter !

hi2u beasty btw, lololololololololololololol

how are you?
bored.. waiting for et allstars 3 :P
journal pls
First whitney leaves the hills now this..what next :(
Watch "The City" then!
Welcome 2 ET
to bad! nice guy, great player!

bi buy
nice egoboost you gave him X-DDD
Germany wEAK duh..
Germany antiheld incomming. Would love to see him playing :O
oh noes :/
GL edu for the rest!
hi we4K? :d
bla bla bla
baba zäre
Cmon, the guy isnt that special :X
Thats special!
Member For: 3 years, 3 months and 3 days
Member For: 8 months and 27 days
Fakeacc ofc :<
U r right :)
His aim and damage weren't that bad on CC5 .
Have fun, mate!
gl zerender well played at cc5, all the best
cu zerender :<

gl epsilon :)
SHIT FUCK! zerender is AWESOME
Glad you lost your admin rights, hahahaha nerd loser
good luck bro ;)
gl Zerender
team-gypsies needs you ;'[
Yga4u though :)
TeamZ zerendererer! <3
2 weeks & not news worthy :y
wtf at the small eye!

image: eyecancer
I have also something like that on the left side of my left eye. it's really big:P have been many times to the hospital it's something weird ;p
its just a lazy eye afaik
[dutch] ik heb dat niet, bij mij lijkt het net een gezwel die nu aan het groeien is omdat ik zelf ook beetje nog aan het groeien ben. het is best groot alleen als ze hem weghalen kunnen ze men oog beschadigen en het is geen tumor dus laat ik het mooi zitten :p kan best foto laten zien als ik die heb :P [/dutch]
nee doe maar niet -_-
What would you want to do on xbox? :s
gl @ rl business :)
champion ! zerender !
news? XDDD
gl in r life
butchji is 2g

really sad 4 epsilon :' (
take drago!!!
so sad...

..stay a good boy ;)
who is zerender ?
Quitting while you're ahead - smart guy.
gl & rl business :) Zerender
How long zerender will be away? I think he start missing ET and he start playing again ;)
Germany Weak ofc
doesnt matter they were a one weekend success anyway
i heard "tba" is pretty good aswell though
i smell AnonymousLoekino!
Good player :)
u cant stop when u r on top imo
sad!!! hope epsilon get some big name :)
You are one of the guys like above that didn't realise that it was meant more as a joke. The whole news is rather a copy of the d1ablo news. It was a kind of test, whether the news will also be mainpaged like the other mentioned one or not. It also shows how less people care about the competitive top level coverage-wise. More than 90 % of the cf readers are interested in ET rather than any other game, still there is less to nothing written about the scene itself. Then again a random CoD player leaving a team makes it to main news. I'm happy about TosspoT being semi active in writing news from time to time. But I'm sad that nobody of the admins neither write ET news nor wants to change anything about it. It can not be said oftentimes enough, this page is mainly about ET; still there is no one writing about the game/community. Just compare the amount of comments. I doubt people are fed up with reading ET related news, they are rather happy to see some kind of live sign. And believe me, more ET news won't hurt anyone. It's one of the parts that this game is still lacking.
Might be.
omfg oh noes please not how can you do this to me
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