Don Baker Cup Final

image: game8694

Sunday January 11th @ 22:00 CET
Slovenia mamut.si vs Vicious and Evil Europe

Line Ups

*will add once confirmed

Match Server is being provided by gamestv.org


Round1: mamut.si choice
Round2: Vicious and Evil choice
Tiebreaker: Elimn from pool below (VAE calls cointoss)
(Radar, Supply, SW Goldrush TE, Bremen, Forstbite)

Cup is double elimination & beings that mamut.si has yet to suffer a loss, if they were to lose they would be moved to final losers bracket slot & match would be played again.

See Bracket Here

If 2nd match is to be played the following will apply..

(if 2nd match is needed)
Round1: Vicious and Evil choice
Round2: mamut.si choice
Tiebreaker: Elimn from pool below (mamut.si calls cointoss)
(Radar, Supply, SW Goldrush TE, Bremen, Forstbite)


1st $196 (USD)
2nd 2 month 20 man etpro from etgamehosting.com & 2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice
3rd 2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice *

* Belgium 8b1ts FiFg needs to contact me after final to claim 3rd place prize

Good luck to both teams. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me via the following
IRC: #xpleague
xfire: gdevol
email: [email protected]
gl, should have fitted the second layer into the first layer of the banner, would have looked way better:]
you mean like the top & bottom overlapping the middle?
i mean the sides of the black border sticking out
you mean the top & bottom overlapping the middle, and the sides of the black border sticking out. OH I SEE NOW
image: img_d042536ce0572807b930e208e35df579
like that:D
ya I knew what you meant. I tried it & liked it the other way better. With the center box overlapping it says that match is too big to be contained :p (I'm kidding of course it was completely by accident)

The more I play with fireworks the more I like things unconventional. Anybody can make a rectangular box, add a ET graphic & some random text but it's the same ole boring boxes that grab less attention. I started seeing some really cool map images being posted around here (I forget whose the were might even of been your guys'(VAE) & thats kind of what inspired me to start start thinking differently about my banners.
already ? :D
lol ya cup took alot longer than ever anticipated. Lessons learned about international play. Hard to get EU & NA teams together @ a time that works for both but since people paid to participate I didnt wanna be pushy. I just let them play as it worked best for everybody.
nice, gl vae !
1st $196 (USD) WOW! gl vae!
message to zombie:

we already have ourselves a ventrilo, sponsored by 8bits

could it be possible to get the money or to lend the ventrilo server to someone? :o

was a pleasure to play in the cup, altough it took a bit long due to EU/USA time difference and we realised that playing on an American server isn't that funny :P

thx for all your help zombie, you did a great job !
Well Nationvoice made a large monetary donation already, the servers were kind of an extra so the cash value of the server wouldn't be possible.

I figured you guys prob had a vent (most teams do) but ya if you wanna donate to somebody else thats fine I will just need that info when the time comes.
well, you can do with the money whatever you want

probably giving it to Don Baker Gateway for Cancer Research is the best way to use the money

or if Nationvoice dont want to give money instead of the server, we could give the server away to a nice team without a proper ventrilo or so
what I mean is theres no money involved with the vent server, it's either the server or nothing so if you know of somebody who needs one I have no problem with you donating it to them. Otherwise it just goes to waste really.

image: teddyuy5
hahahahaahaahaaaa ha
Van buiten een belg, maar van binnen ... *sniff*
Nice banner. Have fun.
excel shouldve been there :(

+wat kiewan said
gO Mamut ofc !
Gl mamut.

will be a nice game btw :)
gl vae :)
whats vae inetonly squad?
nice banner, great job organizers and hf both finalists
seeing lettu,chmpp and squall getting pwnd by Highbot yesterday, this will be a clear 4-0 for mamut =)
You got that one right!
gl mamut.si :)
good luck evil ;)
will be _interesting_
I know these 2 play quite frequently, anybody know what the record is?
Record of what?
wins/loses, I see it the matches of you guys playing each other all the time on games.tv. Wasn't sure if there was a way to search for all of those & see what the record is.
3-1 for mamut if im correct
2-1 (baker + EC 2x)?
gl mamuty
mamut 4:0
will be nice match
wat if reload nvr turns up for the match? just lke the last final mamut played against bb.
then you'll get to play, Hype
or you, if you dont go missing
i am not hype lol.

i dont mind playin for mamut though :P
easy for mamut
Vae vie :>
go go mamut :)
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