ClanBase Controversy! Canada Kicked From NC, USA Withdrawn

Crossfire tonight learned that the struggling USA team will be withdrawn from this years ClanBase NationsCup XII - amid howls of controversy and scandal engulfing the entire North American scene! This a move that will further compound what has been a torrid time for Enemy Territory stateside.

Although details are currently sketchy, reports from across the pond are that United States of America alea, though American, not currently on the US roster, and Canada anim, team Canada's captain, covertly played for the USA team in their first match week loss to Slovenia Slovenia.

The favour was returned with United States of America theend playing for Canada in their victory over Hungary in Group C.

These revelations leave ClanBase in a sticky position as to their next move, with a minimum red card for both teams (i.e. forfeiting matches played with mercs) seeming a certainty. This fiasco also leaves many asking as to possible repercussions for the NA scene, with ClanBase due shortly to announce their first North American ladder.

6. Freelancing (playing for 2 different national teams at the same time or as 2 different players, even when having both accounts linked), is not allowed. All matches where the freelancer has played will be turned into a forfeit loss. The freelancer will be banned from the cup and will receive a temporary 3 months ban from ClanBase. In case of a returned freelancer, he will receive a further ban. In case a freelancer has 2 different unlinked accounts, his newest active account will be deleted and the other one banned. This may also lead to the exclusion of the clans involved from the cup.
7. Any attempt to mislead a referee or a supervisor will be handled according to ClanBase's Abuse policy.
8. Any player caught faking his nationality in order to play for another nation will be considered as misleading the Supervisors and receive a temporary ban from ClanBase.

Team USA are currently sitting bottom of Group D after losing their opening encounter against Slovenia, and are scheduled to play Croatia Sunday night, 21:00 CET. It is unlikely that this match will be played.

More details to follow!

Update: Following the initial bans imposed by ClanBase C&A on the actual players, the ClanBase ET admins have now acted and have kicked Canada out of the competition.

Quote by ClanBaseSince the situation with both teams has been handled by our C&A division we are now taking the step of removing both teams from competition. After banning the 2 involved players Anim and TheEnd Canada will be removed due to the person involved being their teamleader. For team USA the request was made to remove them by Mistaken, the American team captain. While it is regrettable the fault is theirs alone. Playing for a nation that you do not belong to will be punished severely.
I dont get it :l
Nellie's english is stranger than shakespeares'.

Granted not all that lyrical, but I've not used obscure English?
no, ur totally not speaking in codes.
yea...... right......
there isn't any sentence in your news that said the same as rhand's comment, good thing someone summarized it in normal english, jeez!!!!!!!
Of course, it's intentionally vague. More or less know what's happened, but people aren't online atm to 100% confirm everything... not great if I post something in a news as fact when it might not be?
wouldn't have replied if i knew the meaning of ''smurfs''! :[
yea I'm sure that 90% of cf users understood your first paragraph.
Oh no, the drama :'(
Can't handle the excitement, I want to know what happened!
shame on u !
gogogogo pro smurfs !!!!!
it did not work out at the start without bliss & co..and now this...just too bad :(
haha, how low can you go
all the way to the floor?
:D harris <3
I drunk too much ; can't :D

I dnt even have it on here XD
Anyway gooooodnight
I want to know who those smurfs are
How were they found out?
Well this is new.
smurf isn't really merc.

smurfing is more like getting a 'merc' (not on team list) to act as another player (is on the team list) without the other team knowing.
Yeah, and now they used their etkeys afaik so it was an agreed action which should more or less lead to 6months CB ban afaik.
don't really know what happened etc but meh

i don't think etkey does anything in terms of yawn. just get the pb guid always going to be the same AFAIK.
PB GUID is based on etkey.
the other one then.
etproguids were spoofed, pbguids were shared, they will all go to hell x-z<<z<zdasd
where are they getting all this info from? How come i don't know anything about this lol
sorry, modified fourchinned quote, just a joke ;-p
conspiracy i say:P
(but this time slajdan is right - if the etpro guids have been spoofed(and not only the etkey's been shared) -> not only red card for playing with not allowed players but 6(or 12 for cheating in official) months for cheating)

e: does every player/captain/manager/house keeper involved get a 6 months ban aswell, for knowingly playing with a cheater?:P
They would have lost to Croatia anyway...
A co-vert ops in disguise!
blame nothx
I know this is super late and all as I havent been around much, but this made me laugh.


unfair to blame smurftang rly..
I wasn't really around alot as a "manager" because everyone knew I wouldn't have been a starter for USA, and apparently during our match vs slovenia we used 2 mercs,and then The End merced for canada vs hungary, and as soon as I was approached about this by Barti and co, I was kind of shocked, so I decided to withdraw the team from competition, we really didn't have much of a chance anyways but we decided to take a throw of the dice, and the American community showed everyone else their colors. Anyways..... Thats what happened from the USA captains point of view.
A good decision!
they would prolly have lost to all euro teams anyway, so wouldn't help them imo :p

but ofc this isn't such a good thing ie the scandal for the game nor the community (that in usa started looking a lot more active again)
Thats wat happens when Im not on the roster!
as long as smurfs are from US who cares
Gargamel cares.
i really was looking forward for such a comment^^
I think there is a big difference between asking for using a merc and using a merc without asking.
So who will play instead of United States of America USA? Malta comeback!
no.. just no :<
that seems fair :P but no1 will agree on this
we'd lose all the games anyway , waste of time :P
no way ! we have the top secret weapon (KILLERBOY)

NOT :)
Canada thought it was Kaku playing, since i went to take a nap over playing against Hungary haha.
the guy that disappeared while I was mercing for you guys? :XD
no idea haha
were so kool
Americans always cheat

next time make NC EU only, then the playing on US servers is also gone, no whining about hat anymore.

Atleast give the whole team, including the team captian a 6 months ban!
what about Australia and Japan
Lets not forget Chile. US and Canada always played on UK servers this time, so there wasn't that much whining. The whining was from chile because Slovenia (which happened to be the team that the mercs were used against too) were acting like assholes and refused to play on an US server.
can I play for USA now ?
Nellie speaks with confidence and that is why most of us can't understand his eloquent and unique dialect. However we can improve ourselves on that area

Well done USA, I have always wondered how you can surprise me with your stupidy. To be honest this might be a blessing in disguise.
just as many Canadians involved.
my heritage is only somehow related into Canada, so I have nothing to do with this case.
ur english is 2 high 4 me

use other words :/
everybody smurfs in na whats so big deal?
Who cares.
there is no "I" in Team America
ban anim!
image: At_First

Nice one guys, wp !

more like the other way around :>
Feels like BBC news :d
ban the guys who played for different nations, or ban all players, especially anim, who wants to be a figurehead of the NA community.

really weak.
now that's bullshit, don't be biased. anim is just misunderstood in my point of view!
ye poor canadian misunderstood captain :S he knew the consequences.
Quoteespecially anim, who wants to be a figurehead of the NA community.

it was supposed be an answer on this part. sounds to me like your intention is to outline him as an arrogant player.
yeah he is. tbh I dont care what happens to him now, it just showed that hes a total idiot.
total idiot? or wanted to help his friends win a game? judgment is impaired when friends come in the picture. little thing called peer pressure
nice fuck up simon :P
Blazen has nice ping : D.
somehow this isen't dramatic at all.
Does anybody really give a crap? I know somebody who plays for a different nations team every season.
You mean Hype or someone else?
nice lies! :(
Which comment?
The first one which you replied to. But trust me, chaning password is the best way to slove this problem :))
and then the european teams have to play fair with pings while you guys just switch players

but just let those teams play , they won't reach playoff anyway.
USA cunts. omfg.

ban USA!
miss the old team U$A
Nothing more than a handful of players with a lack of respect for ClanBase & the Nations Cup. To put it plainly, they simply don't care. They don't care how this reflects on all of us & they don't care how far something like this sets us back. I for one am embarrassed & deeply disappointed.

Two of the players implicated hold positions of authority in NA comp & have completely ignored their responsibility in the examples they set. One of whom (as soon as I get confirmation) will be losing that position.

To be honest the problem started at the top. Not that Mistaken did anything wrong but the captain position was given to somebody these guys weren't gonna listen to. In NA if you haven't been playing since beta or are not a part of certain group, these guys won't follow you. Anybody that knows anything about any of the various ET related organizations/projects I'm involved in knows that Mistaken is right there with me assiting in everyway he can. He may be brash sometimes but thats because he's very passonatie about the game & everything he does surronding it. He puts alot into this community & I only wish these guys would atleast give him the respect he deserves for that.

It's a shame that this reflects NA comp as a whole because theres several players over here that would have never done something like this. I can only hope that ClanBase deals with this on an individual basis & not take future action on these 2 teams as whole. It would be a shame if our last opportunity for USA & Canada to represent itself against the rest of the world would go down like this.
Nice post, +1
What makes you think this was you guys last opportunity?
Nobody wanted to play when Anim asked the previous players, what makes you think they would play for Mistaken? Even those who joined his roster didn't play any NC games.(As far as I know) Besides them, Common/Elusive haven't been on in over a month and I don't even talk to Alea/Silver. Matt's fragging CoD4 and Ouch until a week or two ago wasn't on much.

We're hardly a 'group'. Me and Matt are from BD, Axcess from Gameface, Alea/Silver u5, Common from Fatal Attraction, Vader/Anim from Excel, and Ouch from Rapid Oxidation. Not everyone likes each other but for the most part, they haven't played ET much recently, have grown up and got along nicely last season and when we played as Excel with the Japs.

Tbh, if Mistaken was captain we would have played if we wanted to. Of course he's shown his colors to the rest of us so we probably wouldn't play with him now even if we wanted to play. But I would have had captain anyways if we wanted to play. I still find it hilarious how he disappeared from IRC and changed his name on Steam to Proof after not logging in for several weeks. He won't even talk on vent if me or shaftz0r are ringing now LOL. Before he decided to be a douchebag, he was very polite, was very passionate about fragging Euros in EC and wanted to join Facial's L4D team. Hard to put on a plastic face all the time I guess.
what are u talking about.. i wont play with anybody in ET unless they played RTCW mp_test brah
It's important to have ELF in the lineup, write that down!
cases like this should have one end:
1) person who played for wrong team getting banned
2) team captain getting banned for being responsible for the members of "his" team
3) banning team from upcoming NC event
As soon as I found out about the smurfing situation I told barti to remove the team from competition
so it won't be played ?
it won't be played, USA have to forfeit their matches (kicked) and the players involved in sharing their pbguid or spoofing etpro guids will get banned, same goes to CA.
ye well would make sense to let the teams play that lost in qualifiers again them then, no?
whats the point you guys would get raped anyways
Ye, unlike you who have to use smurfs to win games, n1
ya sorry we used 1 player in 1 match to play, its probably worse to know that we beat hungary using a merc.
this is why you 'raped' us in our quali game?
no we raped you cause you guys arent very good, and we used our team to.
pls.. watch the replay of how you 'raped' us, it was an even game until we played delivery which half our team didnt know.
ya im sure it was really even when we full held you on supply and fucked around on radar

your not even nc worthy if half of the team doesnt know the map, thats just a proof you deliver yourself that you blow. honestly if someone would deserve replacing ca, its definately not you
compare it to football, teams like andorra and liechtenstein suck balls aswell.. but still they can play qualifiers, thats what qualifiers are for... they might not be NC worthy but they should be allowed to play qualifiers imo ;)
well dont know if you notice, but we already passed the qualys and were now @ groupstage :D
werent you talking bout ukraine?
yes, but bout the fact who should replace them in the groupstage
Srsly there are surely even players in teams who play ec who dont know maps like reaktor, are we to blame for cb's shitmappool now? We played with two players who didnt play for a long time, thus didnt know the map.

However this has absolutely nothing to do with the question of who should replace canada, in case they get discqualified. They were our oponent in the qualifier and if they get disqualified match results should get reverted and if there would be a nation to replace them that would be us.
delivery isnt a shitmap, its been play for some time now, and this is only an edit of the oldskool style, so stop moaning, if your to low even know a map of the important league your playing you dont deserve it
oh ok sorry mister, i forgot that teams for the nationscup are selected according to your rating of worthyness and nations aren't allowed to play if they have players who dont know a map from the mappool. good thing you pointed that out, i almost thought aim/gamesense would represent skill LOL
im not mentioning (dis) allowing or w/e, you could have at least takenn the effort to get to know that map -_-
why was BEL-CAN played then yesterday? :)
Let some other nations take their spots.
It will be like last EC, where 50% of the teams folded etc.
hm ye, but they didn't really fold and I think there are nations who really want to play who lost their quali !
nellie nice blaming smurftang first, and then just slightly edit without any apologizes or smth
And apologize!!!
Replace canada with ukraine kthx
Thats a lie, I cannot accept that.
Need an avi of Sublime-Simon backshooting me as im planting a landmine. As I respawn he goes sit on the mine and tries to defuse it as 4 axis come of out spawn with a shield. (10 minutes into the game, epic gamesense and timing imho)

+ the quote where hes raging about getting owned by mr 25 acc (im sorry,cant helpt it ur so stupid. Maybe with some brain you can kill me after the respawn next time)
who are you? LOL YEA TAG MY FIRST DECENT TEAM, shut the fuck up faggot you're bad
i'm sorry i dont change team every 2 weeks
that has nothing to do with it, just because i don't have shit all over my face from licking lightning's asshole, oh and you're talking about skill when all you've ever been known for is planting landmines? faggot
You try to argue then when you get destroyed you reply with smileys? Are you kidding me...
Wait, i need to reply to total bullshit? Ahhhhh, this is the internet. Even retards are entiteled to their own oppinion and I gotta listen and reply to them? No tnx.

Ah wait, ur one of his faggot buddies who will keep spamming me cause i flamed ur cocksucker? gtfo, i dont got time for this bs

allways same crap. flame one retard and the next moment all his gay little lemming buddies are pming me.
Flaming me doesn't make you tougher or smarter, neither does calling me a faggot. I asked 1 thing and you got furious. You got some problems brah.
You said "I gotta listen and reply to them? No tnx." yet you still replied to him. So wtf were you trying to say again?
You obviously have enough time since you wrote me a small paragraph. Comments like "gtfo" don't work with me, I'm not 12. Try harder with your next post or don't waste my time with your 12 year old comments.
You obviously have enough time since you wrote me a small paragraph. Comments like "You try to argue then when you get destroyed you reply with smileys? Are you kidding me..." don't work with me.

I dont know you at all, im even wondering why you joined this discussion in the first place. Do you know me? Have you ever played with me? Who the fuck are you?

edit: ok checked ur profile. Ur United States of America and simon is on your buddy list. Stop wasting my time.
I never said I didn't have enough time. Can you read?
Repeating my words and just changing a couple of things is called plagiarism or something you do when you can't come up with something of your own. In other words, you have nothing to say.
Do I have to know you in order to ask you a question on this online video game forum/board?
I'll repeat myself again because it seems that you can't read(AGAIN.) All I posted was a simple question and you replied with a post by calling me names. Also, what was the point of the questions you asked me? They can be applied for you as well since I have no idea who you are... pointless.
Your Edit: What does that have to do with anything? Was "simon" part of my first question? You want to get back at me but you can't because you have nothing to say. So basically, stop trying.
Brah, so ghetto ~/
you are getting raped here :(

i almost feel sorry
epic lulz
They do this every year what's the big fuzz about?
Quote by Nellie- amid howls of controversy and scandal engulfing the entire North American scene! This a move that will further compound what has been a torrid time for Enemy Territory stateside.

plz whadafack man -_-
yeah.. with the american scene being all active and all.. a whole 3 matches being played every week there.. and i dont think anyone cares for the 1hour a week lost playing with 200 ping
So who will play instead of United States of AmericaUSA?
Chile chile!!!
Chile chile!!!
Chile chile!!!
Chile chile!!!
Chile chile!!!
Chile chile!!!
no money yet?
tax & legal issues I presume
waiting for a better exchange rate! ;)
fucking fags i hate teams that smurf!
What NA scene? a scandal engulfing the entire NA scene... What scene? the 12 legit players followed by the 30 hackers?
the statement could be:

Quote"We could care less. Euro's are fags anyway."

Pretty sure that 80% of NA thinks that anyways lol.
vader, what have you done?
so ugh ya whens wolfenstein coming out?
lol overdrive

"Hey they are planting controls"

*overdrive is planting landmines at back of braundorf instead*
how about keeping one fucking gate with 5 guys?
im just kidding but seriously it was funny.
It's pretty funny how malicious this article makes us sound. "The favour was then returned with theend playing for Canada in their victory over Hungary in Group C." HAHAHA. The canada match was actually played first. We just didn't have ANYONE on come match time and wanted to play. Yes, this was dumb and we forgot to consider how seriously you guys still take this game. If anyone watching that match didn't immediately realize that Axcess uhhh wasn't Axcess then lol.

We really don't care too much about the integrity of our ET community. Wow we have 10 good players left and loads of cheaters. You want to see the US community thriving again? Just wait for Wolfenstein : )
Was Axcess alea and Godfather anim? Complete guess.
just gtfo :) why are you still playing et if you don't care about it anymore?
Yet another statement which makes me think that American retardness is genetic.
how can you ban anim when there is no proof?
What makes you say there’s no proof?:)

You guys are pretty weak at the cliché’d yank rage, we’ve seen it all before, they where better than you.
hmmm im not raging at anyone...... if anything its you starting up this stupid topic that no one even cares about. talking about anim there hasn't been anything been brought out us even showing that he played in the match with usa.
He wouldn’t even deny playing in the match :)

I’ve seen the proof, seems fairly conclusive – shit happens, you got caught this time, deal with it. You clearly do "care" ‘n the massive amount of views show that others do too :}
oh no I care deeply that we lost our match against hun because we raped them and then they got flustered and decided to check guids after due to the fact it seems to me that euros will always try and find a way to win. And no, no one doesnt care about usa dropping out its not like they would have even won a match with even there team captain not showing up to atleast get there players on before a match. Me personally, I could not care less about winning NC season 75 cause after all there is no point of getting worked up about a video game and just try to enjoy the last bit before this game dies and play against some decent players that aren't hacking.
Heh changed tact again, blame it on Hungary now :) doubt they had the foggiest.
using :) in replies makes it seem like you are not furious inside :]

ya ive been trying to use many different tactics in there epic whine about using a merc in a match and you guys taking this WAY to serious.
Yes, following the rules is taking something way too serious. Making a newspost about this stuff when it comes to light is taking stuff way too serious.

Is that your automatic response to everything?
hmmm accually in the rules it says that we just forfiet the match
Following the rules as in not using mercs/smurfs.
ya i know, we used a merc and beat a terrible team. Ya we should forfeit the match, but be kicked out of NC is a big LOL. Retarded admins now saying that we smurfed pb guids and exchanged et keys is stupid, and they won't even show us the "proof" of that to us.
How is the fact that they are terrible of any relevance? Who are you trying to impress?
No one, the point is killerfag is saying that we spoofed guids and that didn't happen as usual false accusations with no proof.
Correct and the punishment according to the rules is 3 months for the "smurfers.' So why was team Canada kicked out? That's not in the rules unless the admins decided to make new ones. +Add killerboy making up stories to cover up the match admins who couldn't do their simple job. It's the admins (responsible for both matches) who should be banned along with the players.
'A Team Captain breaking the rules, or seemingly allowing his members to break the rules, may incur penalties against the whole national team.'
there you go
That was not posted(still isn't) in the original post as to why team Canada was removed. Also, no proof was posted whatsoever. Just some idiot claiming people exchanged etkeys (nice guess, idiot... but no)
I didn't make the decision, don't come to me with that stuff. Irrelevant in this discussion anyway.
No proof was shown so that made him say there's no proof...
Anim delivered.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the drama
i voted for Kick them :P
i blame shaun :D
omg exweed dutchie :P what did u vote in the poll?? i guess the 3rd...
too bad for both teams, but they shouldnt have done it this way
who cares
Quote by the endstop blaming everyone its nbd just me and anim suspended.... I got Canada to at least win a match which the probaly would have one anyway which made the euros FURIOUS. USA had 3 players on before the match....... Rather than ffing it seemed better to just get past USA nations cup players to participate. The euros make it sound horrible which is hilarious.

In other news my computer is fried and I can't play et for awhile. FUCK YOU SHAFTY

hahahahahahaha made my day, you go on the top of my #1 retard list.
lol , GREAT SUCCES ;o!
imo #care hahahahhahahahaahahha HF
you have the best profile pic ever :p
I think the funniest part is, that this is stickied over the news of clanbase announcing Opencup/Eurocup
prolly because of the update, else ppl won't notice since it will be placed 6th or smth
you rly rly have nothing better to do ? like detect hax or something ?
he gave up on that, half the people he catches there isn't sufficient evidence for a ban so
they can start with the swedish national team , shouldn't be hard to bust them
Yeah, it's so easy that nobody succeeded the past 3 years. Get over it and admit you're just getting asswhiped the whole time.
wtf ? , we played them today ( reunionday ) they were hacking beyond obvious just plain wallshooting , and tbh why should they hide it ? everybody does it and noone gets consequences .
For your information : they won supply , we won gold then they ragequit , TOO BAD FOR YOU WE STILL GOTZ THE TEAMPLAY

wtf are you criticizing me anyways , you get blown away by everybody so you can't know the difference between skill and hax , cunt
This is most likely my first reply to one of your comments in months, but you're quite the delusional type so I'll forgive you.

Why is it too bad for me btw, I don't care. It's just that whine like yours is whine in 9 out of 10 cases and not cheats.

And the CB & CF-banlist begs to differ about the "no consequences".
QuoteThis is most likely my first reply to one of your comments in months, but you're quite the delusional type so I'll forgive you.
on what part of my comment is that a reply ?

QuoteWhy is it too bad for me btw, I don't care. It's just that whine like yours is whine in 9 out of 10 cases and not cheats.
I know i whine alot about people cheating , but history proved me right 90% of the time.

QuoteAnd the CB & CF-banlist begs to differ about the "no consequences".

Those 2000 or w/e bans every month are 99.99% all pubnoobs who noone cares about . It's the blatant hacking " highskillers" like sweden ( not you savage ) and others who need to be dealt with.
so then technically speaking that 90% of the time clanbase does their job?
no not rly , people like perfo are again playing eurocup / nationscup np4them
oh so you're complaining about punishment rather than actually catching hackers
i you are not gonna punish them decently what's the point of catching them at all ?
"on what part of my comment is that a reply ?"

Next time don't edit your original posts after I replied on it.

"I know i whine alot about people cheating , but history proved me right 90% of the time."

Any names, or should I take your word for it?

"Those 2000 or w/e bans every month are 99.99% all pubnoobs who noone cares about . It's the blatant hacking " highskillers" like sweden ( not you savage ) and others who need to be dealt with."

Clanbase can only ban players who have registered unto their website and hence their bans can only effect competitive players, and I can assure you there are more low+/med/med+ hackers than there are highskilled hackers and they're as annoying for me as they are for you. Who of those Swedes do you consider blatant hackers btw?
And out of sheer curiosity, who did you play that game with?

"no not rly , people like perfo are again playing eurocup / nationscup np4them "

Perhaps because they received and served their punishment and are now using their second chance?
1. you were too dumb too understand the meaning of "commenting" in that sentence so i had to replace it with a better word

2. perfo , kenji or kenta or w/e his name was , the portugese team , Svper and lot's of others

3. newbje uniX and another fakenicker

4. the word reunion doesn't mean anything to you ? Now you are gonna say you played with ex-hackers as well , well ye but they weren't cheating anymore ( and i don't consider them REAL hackers since they didn't try to cover it up like everybody else , they deliberatly tracked trough walls ( Now you might say well that's the same as team.swe now but the difference is overload came forward with it once tosspot asked them , team.swe has been hacking for years now , np4them)) and playing in a team without ex-cheaters is virtually impossible since 99% of ET is either hacking or an ex-hacker.

5. an idiot will always be an idiot , a criminal will always be a criminal and a hacker will always want to hack.
4. How am I supposed to know who you're playing with even if you include the word reunion. I suspected you played with them, but didn't know for sure. Your excuse is pathetic btw, cheating in scrimms = cheating in scrimms wheither it's to prove a point or not.

5. "an idiot will always be an idiot" You just showed me that's true.
4. i havn't played much the last 1.5 year prior to that i only had one team trough 3 years , you can't be sure about reunion ... oke rhand

They weren't proving a point , it was more like a Fuck You to all you tards

5. "Been asked to leave as Supervisor after only 2 months, most likely the fastest time set to this day."

If even they , the biggest tards of all , don't find you fit to join them i would not start to call other people idiots
You have no idea what happened, yet that doesn't stop you drawing conclusions which are usually wrong. Do you always do that?

Checking your old journals:

Seems like a yes to me.
nice try changing the subject to randomness but ok

i'm 99% of the time completely right but people like you can't understand the bigger issues and therefor think i'm wrong,( regarding those two journals ) unfortunately for belgium there are tards like you in politics who still think there is no problem at all ,you'll see in 5-10 years when it's too late or when you decide too get some sunlight on ur skin
And once again you're wrong. Let's just quit it, this is tiring.
Quoteand i don't consider them REAL hackers since they didn't try to cover it up like everybody else , they deliberatly tracked trough walls

ye and now check their latest comments on gtv aka "never hacked in any offi / never hacked at all"
that's called sarcasm , google it
Name a team which doesn't have any cheaters/excheaters or suspicious players, is skilled and active.
And do you realy believe your own bullshit about the overload situation? they didn't come forward with it straight away, they were trying and lieing around with it for over a month, vila came forward with it when both him and some other was deliberatly busted, some of the others still deny it in the regular belgian fashion.
And how can you justify your own playing with such an opinion? :-D
lol you don't seem to know even remotely what happend , but this discussion about hacking with with a swede is like me talking to Dutroux about child molestation and it's taking up too much time so this is the last i'll say ( and do please read it ):

1. you say they cheated for over a month , while i know they only cheated like 2/3 weeks

2. If you think they were trying to hide it ingame you should recheck ETTV

3. The big reason why they started hacking is because they got "owned" by mr obvious hacker waiderko & co and they were sick of it ( NOT A GOOD REASON BUT w/e ) so they decided to start hacking untill a week before cpc ( to re-adjust ) , then play/bash cpc , and then quit et .
They did not hide anything since they knew nobody can do shit if they don't have a ridiculous amount of proof so they didn't hide it at all , people watched ettv and saw it ... like everybody knows from 85% of EC teams they hack but can't prove it , then 2 weeks later ( or somthn) tosspot pms the manager ( and i do know the whole story since i was on vent with them at that time ) and asks him about their situtation ( wether they were hacking or not ) the manager tells him to talk to zeto ( since he was the only one on vent at that time ) . Tosspot asked if they hacked ... zeto said no ... tosspot said that and i do quote " if you and your team admit now that you cheated , we will let you play cpc " Zeto called vila and asked what to do , vila said DENY DENY , i said DENY DENY , but zeto believed tosspot and went ahead and said they cheated. Not longer than 1 minute later there was a post on xfire saying all players of overload admitted to cheating ( which was bullshit since only zeto said they cheated ).
2 Minutes later new post saying overload have all been banned from xfire & cpc , zeto jetro & kevin said FUCK IT download some pubhack, aimbotted on a pub and got a cb ban .
Vila had to make a statement and said he cheated.

3 weeks later lio & acid( who denied ever hacking because they knew cb couldn't do shit) joined rodcad for some fun , cb admin ( i think bartichello ) pmd prydz telling them they wouldn't be allowed to play EC if they had lio & acid in their team. THAT is how corrupt those fucking tards are. Cheating is bad , and i suggest every player that has ever hacked gets a pb ban but if you don't do that and you still let known hacktards play ( like israel's destiny ) let everybody play , hell why not allow wallhacks and make a whole new ladder if you're gonna be that retarded.

Do you base that on the times we played you guys when you were cheating?
i havn't cheated / played with them while they were cheating , at least not in 6v6
HA! I know you would reply like that, not to be racist but it's the typical belgian stupidity.
You are allowed to adress one(or more) induvidual(s) of a group as "them" but you can't take someone else placing you in a group.

And how do you know you havn't played with them while you(some of them) was cheating? "Everyone" has seen some of those guys induvidual performances both on lan and with anti3, I got some ridiculously good examples,
but nvm, if you realy think we cheat why don't we play 6v6 with antipro on chapljas pub server then or wait for when it is out?

imho it's very very very much more likely that some of your mates starts cheating again or already have than that anyone of us would do it. Once a cheater always a cheater.(yeh ofc savage was busted a long time ago but what is 1v5? x-D)
- i thought by "you" you meant me and not the clan overload was a hackclan and i was in it that's true
and if you think i use " them" or "you" to point out some of the members of team.swe , i don't , i do mean the whoçle fucking team is hacking

- i know when overload started hacking cause i've known them for years and they tell me everything , i knew the day they started hacking and i knew when it ended ( few days before toss' lame inquiry) I know they are not hacking now cause their hacks don't work anymore because of the memory corrupted shit.

-I'd love to see you play them with or without me on a clean server vs you clean. The one from the match who had the fake nick starting with k will not be playing then i'm sure of that.

The fact of the matter is , it just annoys me to see vila & lio & acid getting rejected from EC\NC even when they are not CB banned while people like perfo can play like nothing happend ( not meaning vila & lio should play , but meaning perfo should be kicked the fuck off )

- the time you say is bs and some of those busted have both tested and cheated for a longer time, and if you know why didn't you stop them and in worst case bust them? and how do you know it is corrupted memory now? selfbust :-D

-Im sure I will. ;-]

-perfo served his ban, there is lots of guys I think should get a big fat ban also, but it is unlikely going to happen, that doesnt mean I must start cheating does it? when antipro comes out all this rage whine all you belgians have inside you will boil over, you should try to control it, accept the fact that there is alot of cheaters and not get überangry when an opponent with a probable big fucking advantage kills/wins you.
ye nellie got bored busting cheaters so he stayed checking who merced...

well doesnt this suck ass :), was fun playing though, bb.
Getting blown way out of proportion.
competition is what facilitated all of this. therefore i vote to ban all and every type of competition who motions?

and really it's not like usa/can had these "smurfs" hacking. they used illegitimate players; they were caught; they were punished. it is what it is.
c00l beans, punish the whole team for 1 guy.


GL to the other countries
But you guys didn't know there were smurfs or what? or did you consult you opponents and asked them if it was ok you used mercs? Then it would be more understandable. :-p
I dunno, i went to bed instead of playing, they got the merc for me. haha
Hey man, i went to bed late, got up early and i had to play hockey later that day and anim didnt show up so i left to get some sleep (love anim)
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