ET Masters: And the 6th map is..

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Siwa Oasis will be the 6th and final map in this years ET Masters tourney. After careful consideration and after having watched the show match games we decided that this could once again be used in competition.

Of course some will say that it is a bad idea since there used to be a mentality that full holds were too common on this map however this is not actually the case. Of course there will be full holds on defence as there are in plenty of other maps such as goldrush supply and radar to name a few, the issue with the map only occurs if double full holds become common. This is not something that we believe is as big an issue as a few would make out since what we have seen and what is actually more common is that the best team usually always sets a time. Nonetheless we believe the risk of a full hold is actually preferable to maps such as frostbite / adlernest etc where very quick times and the lotto factor tend to often determine the outcome. Of course we expect some people to be dismayed at the map, after all you can't please everyone however i'm sure many of you look forward to playing this map again and viewing top games on ETTV.

In other news United Kingdom versatile will be replacing Germany Highbot in group A and they will be joined by France desire. France gzcon take the final spot in Group B.

This was unfortunate to lose Germany Highbot who are concentrating on COD4 at the moment however it does give the opportunity to United Kingdom Versatile who looked very impressive in the qualifiers.

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hf @ all :)

e: nice admins, fail expected
great choice
oasis = fail. it was removed from competition for a reason.
Still wondering why supply is in then
It is a great map, balanced objective stages etc. Sure, overplayed, but only for a reason.
Hm hm hm..
you oldschooler should show me some tax :)
Best map ever.
For christ sake..oasis..let's put back shit maps that were removed for obvious reasons -.-
like reactor?
Reactor is bestest map everer!
what obvious reasons? If u say 2 much fullholds, ILL KILL U
It's soooo sloooow. Walking for half a minute only to get raped by some camped up defense and that for 30 minutes because of all the fullholds 8-D
which map? oasis or the b3 version?
original oasis
Are you serious?
LOL! seriously, b3 is way to go if you want to take that, its thousands times better than the original and im sure everyone will agree
i can tell u atleast two guys who can say for sure that this is not true :)
first i want you to name two players actually playing in the cup that think picking oasis is a good idea
frozz, tekoa, asmogan, mrhankey, fex - just read comments :)
/me thinks people wrote oasis instead of oasis_b3 while signing up
that's not how we did it
gl Poland shap-the-almighty
what determined we should be in group B? Shouldn't we be on the same side as the other team from our qualifier-bracket half?

gl hf to all teams participating.
Kiewan admin? nice! a cheater!
overload kicked cause of suspicious actions you say?
oasis :E:E:E:E

what are the maps for first round?
no maps forced at all, you can pick every map twice, just read rules mate
maybe baserace next year ? :DDDDDD
newschool :/
QuoteSiwa Oasis

image: b6jdlityq2dq94tei
its a joke right?

instead of making this game faster u slow it down... map where you have to run for 20 seconds to the objective is fucking amazing..
it's 40 seconds for you
you're a jew... go burn or something, k?
what about beach
im not big fan of et beach, even if its one of the best rtcw maps... but!!

on beach you're shooting whole the time... at first phase, when u have to blow up the bunker door... after that youre defending close to flag[only noobs defend docs inside warroom]... so there is action whole the time...

@ oasis, no mather base, or b3 you are forced to run for 10-20 seconds, before you will fire the first bullet...

instead oasis i would choose new version of battery, which isnt as spamonly as base battery...

ice seems a good choice to, however i guess many would whine about rtcw maps not being playable because of rifle...
rofl, i rather play adlernest than this
i hope clanbase won't follow
stop reviving or remaking shitmaps. battery is fail, no matter if you make 10 sw_versions or not, same with oasis.
you need a team first :p
A modified version would be ok. Doubt people will be happy with that. Still I like to see some original maps returning :)
come on, at least use the b3 :s
rather put railgun or fueldump so we can see who prepared better (or at least something like that)
For the log:
You remember the time oasis got removed?
- No proper heavy weapon restriction
- many objectives
- some with covert
- no big change still fullholds
- more spawns for axis
- less flexible attack since everything can be covered from catwalk and 1st spawn
- mapper didnt progress to final version
- 1 way less
- now with hw restriction
- rifles who are doing trick shots
- axis cant spawn upstairs properly

It will all be about your tactic and NOONE is forced to play it: Just read rules on map pick and if your opponent takes this map you can always beat him on a decider if needed. Although, in elimination for map choice you can just eliminate oasis first :)
yes, the mortar on oasis really was the cause of all the fullholds. unless you suddenly remove artillery and rifle you'll still see massive fullholds. -,-

and your 'you can always win the decider' argument is the most pointless and retarded argument anyone has ever come up with, and you know it. and yes, you can give me warning points for that.
Shut up and get on with it!
heavy weapon ristriction is not about limiting classes!
and heavy weapon restriction was never what made the map unplayable!
roach is still waiting for railgun :<
shit map & shit groups

for the rest => nice cup :D
you forgot shit players!
like you? :o
ik heb ook gezegt da gelle in de zwaarste groep zit , maar als ge in top 3 van cc6 wilt kome , dan is dit een goede voorbereiding imo. niet?
sorry als ik fout ben, ik ben maar een kokje geen pro tomate plukker :( :)
well, its true that being in a very though group gives a lot of motivation, but its just not fair... never the less we gonna try everything to go trough to the playoffs so you are right in some way indeed :)
hehe i think you misunderstood

i meant you
ow, so you called me shit? :<
self defence!
I am not shit !
Will be nice to watch matches on Oasis again.
Next stop - Railgun
the fact that it takes long for allies to arrive @ objective sucks quite a lot

camping and gibbing the engineers would be harder for the allies than in other maps :(

nonetheless, gl hf :)
ey wtf! i voted for adler:[
Oasis is so boring to watch (and play too) :/. Everyone waiting on his camp spot till they come... zzzzz.
I rather prefer a lotto map like adler or frost. Clans probably prefer oasis. Ah whatever:/
Our admins


image: Youblueit
go shit somewhere else lowskiller
ok mr. 28acc=highskill
great admin or greatest admin
oasis zzZZzzzz
nice oasis^^ ABOUT FCKIN TIME o.0
atleast snoop is happy
why the fuck oasis of all maps. pick a new map, pick a shit map, but don't pick fucking oasis. it's been tried dozens of times, and there is a reason it got removed dozens of times. b3 was a slight improvement, but dear fucking god, are we really going to play this shit map with it's dreadfull 20 minutes timelimit again? or will it be less, and will we have fullholds only? you do realise that 12 minutes is a quick time on that shit map? -,-

next time please ask the clans playing rather than going with what you think it suitable for competition, i'm sure most will prefer frostbite, adler and even fucking reactor :-/
feel free to not play then if you have such an issue with it
i thought your job as admin was to make the cup run as good and smooth as possible, since when is trying to avoid top teams from participating part of that?
Job as admin! For starters its not a job, its not like i'm running this for anyone else, its a tournament i originally created for the teams to play in and now chosen and i have taken it on to bring you a second season with prize money out of our own pockets, so our role is not to pander to you or any other teams, simply put we can run the tourney how we feel fit and if players dont like it they dont have to play in it, we are putting all our own time and money into providing this tournament for ET, we certainly dont have to take shit from you or anyone else. Fair?
point taken
"After careful consideration and after having watched the show match games we decided that this could once again be used in competition."- Good. Excellent even. Gets the point across

"i am teh admin and i´ll run a shit cup if i want to"- true, but...
i dont think thats been said nor do i think we are running a shit cup, in fact i think we are running an excellent cup, my point was should we choose to do something we can, its not a job for us, we dont get anything out of it which is the way it was described above and as such we dont have to take shit off people who want to play in the cup.
Maybe it's different now since the teams are also playing different then 3 years ago? more aggresive and maybe that will make oasis also a bit more fun to play
yes, more agressive in defense resulting in more fullholds, if you kill majority of allies once you can push on every spawn all the way and still have enough time to hold guns if you fail at push
you do realise that it was the agressive play that ruined the map? the u96d outer defense everyone started using resulted in non-stop fullholds because it's too fucking effective compared to the inside defense people used to have. it's why they came up with the b3 version, not because of the fucking mortars or other ridiculous excuses people have now for thinking the map will work. ofcourse it fucking won't.
didn't really think about how they played or I can't really remember how they played back then:p only specced couple of matches but that was when I just came to etpro
u96d defense wasn't about just staying outside actually :p
no mortar this time
Mortar was used by the attackers, not the defenders :/ few ways to defend the lucky plant (either huge skill difference or luck required)

Still love the map though :x
Quoteit's been tried dozens of times, and there is a reason it got removed dozens of times.

no mortar this time
fuck, you're ignorant. i already pointed out that the problem wasn't the mortar. the mortar made the game easier to attack, and if anything prevented more double fullholds.
wasnt rly talking about fullholds, just pointed that the ignorance isnt that huge when u dont have to hide in the shade of a palmtree if u dont want to get hit by mortar.. and its still fukin awesome map :p
And what is wrong with a 12 min time at a map? I think a match which takes 20 min like EST vs JAP is shit.
like i said, 12 minutes is a quick time. i prefer matches with times of 6/7 minutes and dynamic gameplay to 2 times a tedious and monotone 20 minute fullhold.
So you started ET when the lotto maps got popular I guess?
yeah, not liking boring maps makes me newschool indeed. guess logic still isn't part of the german educational system.
Wow insulting was really necessary now I guess since it's the internet! But anyway you misinterpreted the intention of the question: Why you liked ET in the first place if you don't like long maps?
i interpreted the question the way it was posed and to be expected of you, arrogant, demeaning and with a unjustified sense of superiority. furthermore, rather than assuming there was a deeper meaning in my post you should actually try reading it to begin with. i said i prefered quicker maps with dynamic gameplay over long and boring double fullholds. does that say i don't like oasis as a map? no, it says i think oasis is shit for competition play. same goes for maps like fueldump and original goldrush. once they make a good sw version like they did with grush it might become playable again, but with the original version it certainly isn't.
Wow like any human being would be arrogant or feel superior because he played a game longer than another human being. Total non-sense sorry. :/
incase you haven't noticed, lots of people are. don't know wether you are, but it's easy enough to assume.
Sorry, but I will rather play oasis than frost and adler together, a match which can be finished in 15mins.
oasis ok.. but fucking b3 ver.!
oasis ... automatically reminds me of one of the most stunning matches - GER vs. EST in 2006. right decision in choosing this map.
omg its tommy !
i'm sorry to disappoint you but i'm not the tOMMy :D maybe i should change nick in order to avoid misunderstandings : )
:( he was ownage ! good old times in oasis

AMAZING choice.
We'll pick oasis on Monday, be prepared my Polish friend !
Finally some normal map again ! :XD
finally original oasis =))))
oasis > adler, frost, braun or any other 2min map

good choise!
make maptimes 1 hour again and we will see less fullholds!
Oasis decem-edition with dragons!
lost in the valley of the damned (with dragons)
oasis <3
Siwa Oasis will be the 6th and final map in this years ET Masters tourney

infect admon and siwa oasis as 6th map.

no offence but i never saw you doing anything else than flaming clessposts.
good for you. I wasnt flaming, I was just speaking the truth
oasis nice map but i hope adlernest will delet from 6on6 competition....

mental as admin nice maybe now all who flame on him get a penality ^^
I realise this is the worst defence ever, but one thing to note is that because nobody actually has (or will have) oasis tactics (except perhaps mamut) - and even if they do have them nobody will prac it - I don't expect to see many full holds. It's pretty tough to fullhold a map when you've got no teamplay defending it. Admittedly on most maps you only need to make one mistake to lose a stage, while on oasis you need to make two on 2nd stage, but with teams having no practice, mistakes on defence will be relatively frequent.

Plus, of course, if the skill levels are markedly different then the stronger team should win anyway. From that respect it's probably a solid pick in an easy game, as you're unlikely to lose oasis to lotto (unless you get really stupid and let them walljump somehow).
I don't mind the map, but I think most would like to see the sw version more then the original (some part of me also thinks that they just wrote oasis, while they meant the sw version).

Anyways, good job so far on the cup/league :)
Doesn't make clear to me which version is better! :P Are you going to change the spawntimes in any way or not? :)
they won't change atm, we don't want to release another config next to cb / european one
what about this btw?

still didn't notice changes, might not be your fault, but still.. it's fucked
It's not going to be changed, seedings were done properly on lan achivements, stability and ec/oc/esl results, with our seedings, this are proper groups according to the seeding and i'm sure you can actually do a surprise or just lose in groupstage. Top 4 will meet in the Qualifier Spot tournament, no way you can trick some1 anyway.
Both groups compared just don't look even enough in my eyes, but I guess it's just subjective anyway ..

And indeed, we might need a surprise here !
tell me your top 4 of each group :)
No, go away :(
Group A:
- ButtonBashers
- Impact
All the TBA's are just equally skilled right now, no offense towards those teams btw ! (Cortana and Overload would most probably be able to proceed though)

Group B:
- H2K
- Mamut
- Diversus / FiF / Pidar (all of these would - in my eyes - "easily" get the 2 TBA's in group A, which was my point)
now tell me the last achivements of your teams, you will find nothing for inactive diversus, the new pida playing 1 ec with a 3rd place, but only 2 ec players at start, maybe now with 3 or 4 but still a new team.
we as a team, and players have a more precise view of the actual skill of most teams right now, I know you won't agree with me on this, cause you're an admin (and you also try to do your job, which is correct ;P)

about the achievements, well how can a newly team forced have achievements? :/
diversus used to be a TOP team, it's not like their skill just dissapeared ..
Ok, you really do have a point. Going by our original seeding, and now that HB have dropped, the average group B team is 1.5 seeding places higher than group A! (That may not sound massive, but in group seeding terms it's insane - it should be less than 0.5).

Doing the groups from scratch based purely on the seedings after the most recent changes gives:

A - bb, impact, FiF, SNB, cortana, mouk, mmans, vers
B - h2k, mamut, TAG, diversus, ovr, pidar, desire, gzcon

I'll talk to Chosen tonight.
would indeed be a lot more equal, thanks for atleast not just denying it!
as a player, it just feels like you're "ripped off", having an eye at the opposite group, as it is now :-P

edit: your proposal looks absolutely way better, eventhough some teams (from group A) might complain about a change happening
nice even groups, tho SNB is underrated I guess, but thats not really a big problem, thanks for at least not ignoring the crowd as some admins seem to do
we should still be seeded higher aswell :(
based on?
wait for SNB pracc screeny -movie
exactly :D we beat impact BB h2k and all others in prac, np
placing 5th in EC and winning HB WC, more than TAG/FiF have done in the past ;d
since when is TAG used as a reference point x'D

all we ever won was oc premier and a couple of dozen one day cups :DDD
i know, but still you're seeded higher than we are, and so is FiF! ;D
i got no clue how we got up there
+1 anime_club is amazing
It's also worth remembering that your average player is a much more skilled strafer these days, watch out for regular wall-jumps ;)
The wall jump was never hard though - I didn't know anyone in a mid+ team who couldn't do it with ease (except Stun). But you never see it in a highskill game because any team with a brain won't let it happen and/or will realise when it does and send someone back to defend. It's quite hard to disguise the fact you're attacking with 5 for the 2 minutes it takes for a walljumping engineer to set up certain victory against a team which has good game awareness, even if he does get through undetected.

Then again, at lower levels, it's a viable tactic. I remember wDw had a whole attack strat designed to get me or Spit to the walljump without the enemy noticing. The other 4-5 players were pure diversion. Not something you use every spawn, of course, but worth throwing in occaisionally just on the offchance you get the instant victory: 5 mines at south gun, plant north on axis spawntime (drop the dyna 12 seconds earlier but wait to arm it, in order to get the charge to plant south before the axis respawn), jump over to south and plant that as soon as you have charge, then camp by the tank = win, unless you're an idiot.
haha :D

nice tax m8 ;)

I'm too newschool for this, but looks like great fun :P
wDw were horrible to attack on the 1st stage =[
Was our best map - we had perfect teamplay and comms on oasis, on both stages, on attack and defence. Still lost to teams that were much better than us, but beat anyone at the same level.
Addendum to previous reply: You should've seen the alternate 1st stage def tactics we sometimes used. They were so much fun to play (chaotic as hell though). 2 medics on top of spawn (!), fops in the MG nest next to spawn, rifle roaming, medic in spawn courtyard, fops/medic at the top of the back steps near the boxes. Basic principle being to get them to waste as much time (ideally 3 full spawns) as possible for every attack. And there are some *really* nasty airstrikes you can use if you don't have any defenders in the forward part of the old city.
CPC1, T&F vs. dmize - gifty walljumped and they didn't notice for the 2 minutes he was mining, but he was so nervous and bottled the timing of the dynamites and they got a defuse :(
Yeah, I remember that.
reminds me of good old fuel dump times, there we had a whole tax designed to let one run through the tunnel and jump into the depot(or sometimes even 3^^)
We won a CB OC playoff match because I walljumped on Fuel - we were being totally pwned at the bridge, I snuck through the tunnel, made the jump, planted on spawn time = win! :D
thx for giving us a chance
Welcome To ET - by overdrive

Once upon a time ET was dominated by campers and fullholds. Maps like oasis were huge, respawning as attacker ment you had to run half a map to join the action again. This encouraged a campy / braindead playstyle as there really was no point in timing enemy attacks. Most defenders where people sitting on the same spot for 20 mins.

But then came idle and rushtactics. ET was transformed from a slow, campy, lets-run-for-10-seconds-after-spawn game into fast paced shooter built around rushing, getting the gibs at the right time, timing, etc. Supply still is insanely popular just for that: the map is small, theres hardly any garbage time except for the part where you have to wait for main to blow and the part where you drive truck from main to cp. You spawn and two strafes later ur spraying bullets across the map allready. Camping isnt as rewarding as allies can just rush the times, giving axis less time to adapt / counteract.

Anyways, I really dont get why oasis got picked. To be blunt: it seems like inexperienced OC div 10 players are currently adminning cause no experienced player would ever go back to oasis. Last season you failed with battery, but guess what: THE MAP FAILED 10 TIMES BEFORE ALREADY. Now you come and try to revive oasis?

I can imagine what happened. Admins talking at vent, wtf we need a 6th map. In a binge of nostalgia someone suggested oasis and all the admins joined in the orgy 'zomg oldsql map, i had so much fun on it as a noob'

Anyways, this mapchoice is a fucking joke. Stop trying to revive shitty maps over and over and over again. If a map failed once, i dont see any reason why it should work out a couple of months later (without any changes btw)

last season => battery = fail
this season => oasis = fail
stop trying to revive shit maps

€: and dont use the LOAL OASIS MUCHOS TEAMPLAY NEEDED arguement. Its not cause the map is ridiculously huge an you need to group up to achieve something its more teamplay.

Dude, it has been THE map for several years, saying oasis is a fail map is really bullshit
last season battery most certainly did not fail, i watched a replay of Impact vs TLR where impact won in the group stages i think and it was just an immense match, sorry but you're wrong. But thanks for the lesson on ET by overdrive -,-
no matter if 1 single game on ettv was intense or not, most people didn't like to play battery and... how often have you played battery in a prac on irc? this shows enough tbh, in my opinion battery failed. ouh and :p
at least the lack of practice - which will prolly also be the case in oasis soon - might lead to less fullholds than in the past :D
funny how oasis used to be the most played map for like 2years
noone likes change thats why theres so much whine now
only usefull argument is that its different from nowadays maps (because of high timelimit and easy fullholds) but so is map like adlernest with avarage 4min times.. better fullholds than super easy attacks because that means lotto
bring back oasis battery and other oldies for the time before theres good replacements for adler frost and delivery etc
the problem is that theres no more good maps that are same type as gr supply and radar so gotta choose the lesser evil now
i'm yet to see a clan callvote battery in a prac. Thats all the proof I need. Afaik theres only one clan in ET which activly plays oasis: POBOR.

sorry but no, there are no better choices in my opinion so get practicing
Did you ever consider only having a 5 maps pool?

I really don't see a reason for always having 6 or more maps in the pool (this counts for most ET competitions) :-(
i did but i still think oasis will be a different change for most teams, granted mamut are probably one of the few teams who know exactly what everyone is going to be doing, for most they have never played the map as a team so it will be interesting to see them work on it and also for that reason i dont "think" we will see the full hold disaster most predict, i hope i'm right but if i am wrong i will hold my hands up to it. Time will tell.
Played tonight with 3 players on our team who had _never_ played oasis in 6v6 before. We fullheld our opposition (who are seeded highly in ET masters Div. 1) with little to no problem. Almost 10 minutes at the flag then they got nowhere past our aggressive wall-defence stage.

Our team used old SoF tactics which are no doubt incredibly dated and not brilliant to begin with.

Though we got a few plants on the guns, our attack also ended in a fullhold.

I've every belief that if we played the game over again, a double fullhold would be the end result.
blame newschoolers
Cortana did get raped but still some of your players were so so suspicious.
I'm not trying to flame on cortana, I'm just using them as an example as how bad the map is. Don't take it the wrong way :p
I didn't say you tried to flame them but the fact that you played with the players you played with should be enough to take your victory :D

But i gotta give you credit for your defence on Oasis that was simply amazing how they almost didn't even get the flag.
at the same time i spoke to butchji and they(h2k) played some really good games on it with no full holds either by them on defence or when they were attacking. We will just have to see how it plays out
That's quite worrying as we played the same team h2k did and h2k couldn't manage a fullhold? :P
:D no comment
Blame galahad ^_^
Well, I think you should blame the community itself on this case as well. WE were given the chance to vote for a 6th map and the majority of the community voted for Oasis.
hello newschooler
thank god I'm not playing, hf with 20mins : D
I think its time for new rifle scripts h0h0h0 ;D
Oasis will be fullhold/or close to it mostly
another problem is the late announcement of it, with first games being played this week-end its way too late to get a normal prac for it.

Though the biggest problem that still bothers me are the groups, which are still unresolved, and I hope the admins will atleast take an objective look at them, and forget "their ranking system"
Awesome decision! Always been a great map for 6on6. Too bad I'm not playing
mental? i understand the other admins and they seem right, but what the fuck a 15 years old retard who just keeps spamming CF with his senseless comments is doing there? ::D:dD
oasis is good
idd, best map ever.Reminds the old days :)
Reluctantly played Oasis tonight. Double fullhold. Unexpected.
best decision since years, thank you very much !!! <3333
oasis rocks in 6on6, everyone who say's it doesn't is too newschool :D

Back in the day's, 60 mins playing (with fullhold) :D
let's put 10s allies spawn in config otherwise crap games are incoming :/
let's play the normal goldrush, fueldump and railgun, reminds the old days :)
excellent move with oasis... this map is one of the bestest map in this game for clanwars ... ive played many of them on every map and me know what me saying .. u sould get back the promotions level as well :D maybe think about Crossfire and Esl Classical Clanwar config it is worth taking a look seriously ( war6v6xp.config )
anyway we all play this game quite a bit of time in most of the cases so what's the sense of gathering 6 players to play 10 minutes match cause 5 min maps are mostly played as an offui maps why dont we start making this game more fun and gather to play it not just rush for obj and quit the server ><
Better take sw_oasis !
I'd go for 15 allied spawn, played H2k yesterday on it,wasn't bad.
need the xp back too !
AND NADE SOUNDS !"!!!!#"!#"!!"#¤¤
funny how oasis used to be the most played map for like 2years
noone likes change thats why theres so much whine now
only usefull argument is that its different from nowadays maps (because of high timelimit and easy fullholds) but so is map like adlernest with avarage 4min times.. better fullholds than super easy attacks because that means lotto
bring back oasis battery and other oldies for the time before theres good replacements for adler frost and delivery etc
the problem is that theres no more good maps that are same type as gr supply and radar so gotta choose the lesser evil now
I've send a score a few days ago and it's still not added :<.

You should make a link to ET Masters in the menu (instead of CC5 Results for example).
Awesome map, but when can we expect groups to be updated ?
best map ever! 6 man airstrike incomming!
pm me for best oasis strats ever

XP removed
Mortar locked

Thanks god the rifle is still avilable;]

(Oh, i forgot cvops...)

So, back oldschool maplist! More timelimit = more fun;]
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