ET Masters: Rule reminder

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Unfortunately it seems that Week 2 of ET Masters has not been a successful one, 3 teams have now had wins overturned after being issued yellow cards due to breaking the rules of the tourney.

Tag 4 - 0 Masculine Mans
Masculine Mans win by default.
Reason: Tag player Euruz caught using 180 degree script
Punishment: Yellow card and forfeit match loss.

MouK 0 - 4 GzCon
MouK win by default.
Reason: GzCon player rizzle caught using 180 degree script
Punishment: Yellow card and forfeit match loss.

Pidars 4 - 2 8Bits
8Bits win by default.
Reason: Playing with a player (olbaa) who was not on their allowed player list and who was associated with another clan (sublime in the group stages).
Punishment: yellow card and forfeit match loss.

Now i can say from my perspective that i dont like having to issue forfeit match losses to teams for breaking the rules but the blame has to lie with the teams and players, lets be honest, we were very clear about the 180 script, its stupid to be getting caught using it after we announced what the punishment would be and in the case of pidars all they had to do was speak to an admin and get olbaa added to their APL, since he had not played since the qualifiers this would have been allowed but you cant expect to just turn up to a game with a player without getting him on your APL, its lazy and stupid. Bottom line all these forfeit losses could have been avoided, however the rules are set and we will enforce them. Again it is the responsibility of all clans and players to read the rules, if you haven't then please do so now:

Let this be a reminder and warning to everyone, play fair and follow the rules, please!!!

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good work, ppl should follow the rules
Yeah you lost it because of the script :)
they used bug plant also tbh :s
you just lost, nothing more, nothing less
how is it bug plant? u were able to defuse it, it wasn't planted on a corpse or what ever
We were like saying it again and again and you still used it. :'(
from euruz doesnt really look like a 180 script..
u can see crosshairpulse on and its script cause xhair didnt get bigger
it does and is and he admitted it, it was just a tad bit of stupiditiy on his part to not read the rules :(
Hard lesson to learn
well the script switch didnt change anything ingame like a important situation just a bit harsh, fucks it all up imo
we have to be consistent, the rules are there for a reason
I just dont understand its a nice tournament why do you have to fuck it up with these kind of things?? if some1 wasnt allowed playing ok, but a 180 script.. in a total not interesting situation
its just a bit childish..
this is why more people play in the cb opencup :]
That's like someone getting away with killing a guy that lives on the streets and saying it's ok because it's nothing important or interesting
umhhh NOT, what the fuck are you talking about
More like what the fuck are you talking about? Get over it, what's done is done.
Sure you replied with the correct account?
Dunno what thats suppsoed to mean but your above comment doesn't make no sense at all related to the topic
He's complaining about "if doesn't matter if it's not important" - Say this was to be said for everything in life, I used an example, put 2 + 2 together... I sure hope you don't get 5
its not childish, their is no malice here of favouritism, we have to enforce the rules we wrote even if we don't like the result :(
really, people should start playing with the mouse instead using script like that
its unfair advantage because there is no turnspread ,and its bug abusing since command used in that script is already illegal
dont even bother explaining it to a person like him....
so when has pedro been polish? lol
Israel chosen is hilarious. :P


you can't be serious, who the fuck cares, there's a 180-script-user in every 2nd team and cb doesn't ban for it either.
giving wins to ppl who don't deserve it and forfeiting every 2nd match doesn't really cast a positive light on etmasters either tbh, just give them a yellow card / warning and let it be. just watch the other matches more closely and i'm sure you find another match to forfeit.

edit: what hayaa said.
good work, ppl should follow the rules
Looks like aimbot to me..
tho it sucks for forfeited teams, but its a good thing something is enforced

+forfeiting is kinda lame, should be just warning/yellow card, or at worst case replay of game...
good work, ppl should follow the rules
what about people with limited space of movement? not everyone has the best flat surface and wants high + sens stupid reason to kick out good teams but rules are rules i guess even if they are as little as it seems
its all about turnspread.. isnt it kinda unfair if there is no turnspread if you turn 180 degrees with that script?
lolol :D
just ruins the whole etmasters
nice babywhine hayaa
waiting for the next moron to use 180 script :D
H2K win by default.
Reason: BBASHERS player lettu caught using 180 degree script
Punishment: Yellow card and forfeit match loss.

lets stick to the rules shall we?

Server negotiations

Server testing begins as soon as an admin proposes a server. You will have the google sheet to reply to this as soon as possible but at least 1 hour before the official match starts.

Admins will propose a server up to 72 hours before match time, so make sure every player in your team is able to test it before. We will always try to pick a server fair for both teams, but sometimes this will not be possible due to issues with a player's internet provider or location.

The server proposed at match time is forced and can not be changed for the good of the coverage.

Matches are played 6 on 6. Showing up with less than 6 players is equivalent to a no show and therefore a forfeit loss; games cannot be played with 5 players even if both teams agree.

mm didnt have 6 players on the server at the time we should have started. They said they cant get 6th to connect to the right one. That was already after they could have changed it so there should be 1:0 for TAG and a noshow lose for MM. What comes next is just a random practice game played on ettv.

Waiting for some admins reply.
sounds like a tough one ^^
no it isnt. I just copied few rules from the ET Masters ruleset. Accoring to that, it's a noshow win for TAG and 180's/bug plants/whatever can evo think of just to fuck us up doesn't matter since it didn't happen during a cup match but a random game not connected in any way.
i just dont want to imagine whats going on in the 2nd division matches...
Both teams agreed to play the match. Noshow wins are impossible after the game has begun.
and also changing server wasn't allowed so if it was same server then ur team never got 6 players into the server, i wouldn't mind if u asked before the game for changing the server but as u just want the win after loosing on ettv but u didn't even go to the server and check if u have fine pings or what so ever then this pisses me off.
Did you agree to the server change?

Masculine Mans already lost one match by forfeit because the opponent (Team Poland) refused to change the server which was unplayable for the Finland players.
Something doesnt match. Squall joined mamut and he played a quali too, and no forfeit for mamut? Olbaa did a same and they got a forfeit. did i understand it right? you are way too strict with that, after all it was 1st match week and it wud be SO MUCH easier if clans could decide their starting roster as their own and no having to need to inform admins everytime they happen to use backup or something.

Also. 1. Squall won in the qualis -> hopped -> could play?
olbaa lost in qualis -> hopped -> could not play
e: lettu played and won quali and could hop for BB???????

shouldnt it be other way around? (i hope i explained it like i wanted roflolz)

e: pointless points aboveeeeee

And 180 script.. yea its not allowed but still kinda harsh, id more interested to know if bug planting is allowed or not
mamut didnt have to qualify? :/
read rules!
+ "in the case of pidars all they had to do was speak to an admin and get olbaa added to their APL, since he had not played since the playoffs this would have been allowed but you cant expect to just turn up to a game with a player without getting him on your APL, its lazy and stupid."

playoffs = qualifiers
my bad on the typo, hopefully most understood what i meant though :D
but planting up isn't a bug plant, u are able to defuse it or how u mean it's bugged?
well it surely isnt how its meant to be.. I know several clans used to have agreements in the past that no trick plants will be done cuz its extremely lame and not how it should be planted but i guess nowdays every abuse is allowed (or well, used) wether it was rifle aiming script, 180 script or funny dynamite planting

Yea i know rules aint denying it i guess and it must feel great to plant the dyna in a place so partly i understand all the joy u get from there
its bug abuse and so imo i would want a yellow card for it, not sure if the other admins would agree, like you i agree the map was not designed for people to plant there, why people have to test things like this i dont know, they know themselves they are in a seriously grey area
please explain me what do u mean under bug plant since from what u write i can not read out what it means.
well i have not seen the demo and i dont know the particular bug they are saying you did, never seen it, but apparently you planted on top of the building instead of down by the barrier, this is clear abuse, you would be planting from the cover of a building/wall as opposed to down at the barrier in open view, this is not the design of the mapper therefore a bug abuse
shouldn't this kind of thing be discribed in the rules set?
because bug plant for me has always meant something that is impossible to defuse/or to reach that u mean a eg 3 man tower.
also the rule that says 180 degree script isn't allowed, should be then discribed as tuning scripts using +turnleft/+turnright command.
In general atm what MM vs TAG game showed was only one thing: sportsmanship never pays off. It will only create more default wins from every match that has the possibilty to screw ppl, not by me only. since u never know what someone made there on purpose or not but there might be a possibilty of loosing a match.
didnt you complain of some random nade bug/hack which we have no idea what it is so very nice sportmanship idd!
"this is not the design of the mapper therefore a bug abuse "

You're stepping on another gray area here... You have to ask the mapper what is by design and what's not, and then you could apply the same abuse rule to trick jumping.

(I don't even know which particular map/objective you're talking about here though.)
giving forfeit wins for 1 man using a script you must be kidding me?!:D:D:D:D:DD:D you also don't give @ soccer match forfeit because opponent missed the ball and hit opponent?!:D:D:D:D


I asked about it: 1st matches didn't start yet, i played qualy match for gZcon, and asked if i was able to join another clan( who was @ invite 1st league) there was NO rule about it it being allowed nor disallowed, yet chosen decided I had to wait till 2nd match finished:D:D the pidar case shows that each admin has their own rules hasnt it?!:D:D:D:D good cup!
you do! at least you would if evo was a referee :)
go pub @ bio latenite
nah, its just too much skill there for meh :< cant win a single duel
and he is not playing with us anymore
Rules are rules, although in case of the 180° script it _might_ be a bit silly to give the team a forfeit, but atleast ppl will stop using it now (normally :P)
In case of pidar, the forfeit is justified tbh, but as chmpp said, mamut should get a forfeit for it aswell (if they didn't pm the admins about it, for the meantioned APL)

Anyway, we know the rules now so that's positive :D
they did pm an admin
Then you made the right decisions I guess :-)
obviously you are acting to nice over here worm...oh wait you got the forfeit win :D
don't get me wrong, it doesn't matter anymore, but isn't it a bit interesting that in last et masters we used gifty as a merc and we did ask an admin about it? the admin said clearly "yes" and we started the game. after the game you came and said lolz u played with him wtf, forfeit. just pointing out that this is utter bullshit.
i think u asked a match admin not me, its not bs though
that's retarded however it goes. so basically "matchadmin" doesn't have anything to do with anything and they're totally useless. nice to know! :d well anyway was very interesting cup!
hardly interesting for you, you guys folded as soon as you were not living up to the standards you thought you would be at, afaik you were the first to walk
I was? not sure about that one. anyway what do you know about it -,-
Match rules - general
Matches are played 6 on 6. Showing up with less than 6 players is equivalent to a no show and therefore a forfeit loss; games cannot be played with 5 players even if both teams agree.

Server negotiations
Server testing begins as soon as an admin proposes a server. You will have the google sheet to reply to this as soon as possible but at least 1 hour before the official match starts.
Admins will propose a server up to 72 hours before match time, so make sure every player in your team is able to test it before. We will always try to pick a server fair for both teams, but sometimes this will not be possible due to issues with a player's internet provider or location.
The server proposed at match time is forced and can not be changed for the good of the coverage.
This only makes me ask if players start joining server after the match time and then after 15 minutes they say that they want to change server which by rules isn't allowed neither is 5 vs 6 playing and the players are supposed to check if they can connect and what pings are before the match start. why do we get def loss when they weren't on server in time? In my eyes we should get def win coz they were not on server in time and the match that was on ettv was actually a ettv supported prac not an official and imo the rules only affect official matches?
ok to those whining, i have to assume you are being blind with stupidity, we made a news post about this 180 script, it was clear, its not allowed, use it and lose your game, we put this in the rules, now how can you whine now when you get caught using it and the rules are enforced.
@ hayaa - you cant put in the rules, 180 turn script is allowed if its not in a key part of the game, the rules are simple they aint allowed.
To others whining, i am just dumbfounded, everyone wants to see bug abuse out of the game yet the minute we enforce that you whine that its too harsh, seriously wtf -,-
you cant please everyone 3\/0
still Like I said before, you fuck this cup up ( wich was nice till now ) with these kind of moves, thats all, its your cup, So I guess you dont care
i never used the 180 script so your player fucked it up no one else
the players are fucking it up, stop being small minded
so why should the TEAM loosing a match because of this? just ban the player! :DDDD(from cup)
cause ET is a team based game
ah ye that 180 degree turn made our teamplay based match indeed amazing, just stunning! that's why teams are getting banned when 1 player has been caught? right? or am i missing something here Mr.?
if 1 player hacks the whole team gets an advantage, come on you aint stupid that stuff is easy to understand, you win as a team you lose as a team
well i've had twice there was a hacker in my team, we didn't knew about, yet i should be punished? i had a cvar violation, which causes... well no1 still knows.. yet donex told me CB isn't banning for cvars, yet 6months later i get a 6month-long-CBban, because some Matias guy whined @ luna, yet 3months later, they changed it to 3months ban, since cvars aren't "clear" proofs.

the rule:
"Following tactics are to be considered illegal and will result in a yellow card:"
"- 180 scripts or any others giving you an unfair advantage will not be tolerated "
and it can include forfeit loss, ye np @ reading.

but rules like: any others giving you an unfair( not your team?D:D:D) an unfair advantage.... well that isn't even a CLEAR rule. this also includes spawnscripts/classscripts? i always click limbo menu:XD

another case like i wrote somewhere before, the groupmatches didn't start yet, i asked chosen can i join/switch other clan? since i played for an other team qualy already?
he said: No you have to wait till 2nd match finished.
rules: "Each team will have the opportunity to add/transfer players during 3 transfer windows.
Period 1 – Between 2nd and 3rd Group games
Period 2 – Between 5th and 6th Group games
Period 3 – Following completion of group games and start of playoffs.
no rule about it....

aswell i played a match under one of my random names: C.C. yet chosen/other admin forced me to put my xfire nick, while playing vs Mamut they can have a name as "merc" :D:D admin no word about it, even after saying it;O

can't think atm about anything more
well i will only reply to the part you wrote about chosen in so much as to say that he was wrong, if players asked to play for someone else before the groups had started then i and adacore allowed it since their is no rule not allowing it, as always there will be some rules open to interpretation, hopefully common sense will prevail
well there were first games, after made rules? :) trickplant was disallowed because it was known, there won't be a rule about it if it was still unknown:) same case here, so admins will need to "redo/add rules". so discuss about it together instead of saying yea allowed/no not allowed. smth like : "i can't answer that rule at the moment, i will discuss about it later after talked with other admins etc." should've been better? in this case i could've played with a lan team, now i stayed with gZcon -> Authentic Gaming.
rules were made from the start its just we never added a rule about that, everyone is human even my admins make mistakes however usually before any major decision we discuss it first
well that "mistake" isn't (read above) the first time it happens to me!!!! thx for the experience once again!
no prob, so glad to make these tourneys for your experience, maybe we should not bother then you wont have any to experience?
And you read krein his comment about the match? :) just a question not attacking you or something :p
i already spoke to them about that, i agree it sucks they had to get a forfeit loss but i cant issue a forfeit loss based on that, i mean imaging this, a player tests the server 3 days before the game, 2 hours before the game his ISP decides to act up and he cant connect, we cant be arseholes when applying the rules, we need to show some common sense, if we have to change server it aint the end of the world, no one is actually trying to cheat or bug abuse there, its not comparable
it isn't about that. mud had to play also with 220 ping coz his ping was fucked and i'm not saying they should of have tested server 3 days before but they should of have requested new server BEFORE the match time not 15-20 minutes LATER. It's ur own rules that say U CAN NOT CHANGE SERVER AFTER. and afterall why is it def loss at all my script didn't change the way game was going to be, ok if a card but forfeit for it? and in our case (and i mean our case only) it was our win and what they did not do not about what I did.
Rules say indeed that admins will propose a server 72h prior to the match, well noone did. I personally requested the game and picked server which what usually has worked well.

I gave an ip for you (over an hour before starting time), Light wanted to change it at first but eventually said its ok, we had tested the server (pinging) and it was okey, (passwords changes an hour before a game so there was no possibilty to test it earlier than that and after it wasnt possible cuz our player wasnt available) So how the hell should we expect the server what usually works well now didnt let one of our member in? After we noticed it and did all necessary pc and modem reboots I told Light about our need and gave him 6 different ips for a new server.

i think it was just a bad luck and sometimes it happens, if it wudve been totally our fault (ie. pinging badly like mud we cudve played with it but instead it didnt let him connect, not much u can do there and especially u cant blame us about that situation)
well isn't it nice sportsmanship for changing the server and let u play 6v6 vs us not 5v6 and in return you go and stab us after loosing?
what do u think if there will ever be a situation like this, will i ever allow to this kind of thing again? i guess sportsmanship fo in the future.
we couldve taken wildcard aswell but usually in these situations can be worked out

and that 180 script wasnt actually spotted by any of us (just meaning that we didnt hunt for u if u used any stuff, though I personally rate 180 scripts for the same level as aimbots and wallhacks) and I personally wouldnt have wanted to get a forfeit for it.. but rules are rules i cant make it any better for u

only thing what annoyed me was the plant tbh, otherwise you won good and fair
ur team pm'd evo with the avi and it was ensams ftp the avi was hosted, but i don't matter anymore what's done is done. i know i fucked up and u deserved the win
ill kick everyone who wanted to a take a forfeit for that!
eVo wont reply to some1 who is right about HIS rules, dont worry
eVo is kinda the nicest/best admin of the whole community in my oppinion. Ofcourse if my team would get this shit I would be really angry, now I also think yes it is harsh but what can they do else? maybe after 2 yellow cards? it's a choice he made, his choice is hard but I think maybe the best? Since they want to disallow 180 script and I don't think people will use it now anymore and if they do again they aren't really thinking :)
after just a yellow card, they wont use it aswell, but forfeiting matches just fucks the whole competition, so for examply MM is going trough play offs and tag wont becasue we used once a script?
that's sucks for the team yes. But doing nothing about it is also shit.
just a yellow card is enough
its really sad if that happens, all you can do is blame urself. if rules are that 180script isnt allowed, dont use it. there were enough information what will happen
cheating isnt allowed aswell, hi MM
i would love to see some proofs, just whine around
I would love that aswell, maybe coming who knows
proofs, guess not really hard since some of you already had some privat bots so when you guys get busted I don't think LOL I would never think that.
no1 has used any private bot in our clan atm.
kinda funny when you say that, after you have been bashing us everytime weve played
yes so? doesnt mean your teammates are all clean, have been bashing oGr and co aswell but they still hack...
well i have never noticed any other dominant player as you (well maus maybe) which is kind of funny that I dont have a clue of who you are, cant recall any clans or anything. Then you are the one here crying for our hacks. cant just understand a) how you are so random and yet so pro b) how you are so random and always talk bullshit and always without a point
c) seem to know more about our "hackers" than me
I dont think im random, Im sorry for you dont know me :(
Member For: 1 year, 10 months and 27 days

are you beeing funny on em because you aint yet been busted?
ive been to lan, + im not going to get busted
Still Im flattered ( however you spell it ) that you think im pro :D
he performed better on the LAN than you did chimpmeister...
well some of your teammates had a cb ban right?
smokeninja had one, that was for discrimantion tho, dunno bout others
it's allowed on cb so why shouldn't ppl use it? and it isn't a cheat so why is it punished so hard ? i mean if u made a undefuseable plant and won coz if it fine but it didn't change the way game was going, if i didn't use the script would they have won the map?
It isn't allowed but they can't disable it in their config. (or it is still allowed but soon not anymore (c)killerboy) And their is something with turnspread I don't know what people mean with it maybe it makes you unhittable I don't know. But I think it is kinda hard to but I think you won't do it again? Or maybe you do:p I don't know. Anyway he made his choice I don't think he will change his mind
you dont know what turnspread means?? bullets are flying like shooting with mg without putting it on the ground
admins didnt decide anything. if something is in the rules, its being done and there's no admin's will involved. as you could see, evo said he didnt like to do it but he just HAD TO.
admins made the rules (evo=admin)
correct and the rules are fair, sometimes the situation is harsh that we have to issue forfeit however if he used that turn script at a key moment in the game and owned some guy it would not be harsh, we cant have any grey area on these turn scripts, it has to be black and white, its abuse, unfair and not allowed simple as
question is, did he/they?
i thought i just said thats not the question, it's black and why not was it a crucial moment or not, its bug abuse and everyone knows it therefore cheating.
and since they are done, he only executes them...
yes, and it's good what he's doing :)
since when are cb the demographic on what is allowed and what isn't, this aint CB and our rules are clear, the script is a form of bug abuse so therefore should be illegal and rightly so
now your just being stupid, is your ego to high to just admit you fucked it for your team? its in the rules, get over it. there has been tons of journals and polls about it on cf that it would possibly be removed
if u even red what i wrote before then i didn't use the script even during the match because there was no match coz of mm noshow, and as evo posted it i admitted i used the script so how the hell am i ego now? and these tons of journals said it was not disallowed on cb configs so i might use it on cb wars, i forgot about esl rules and i used it here, though it didn't give me an advantage, i didn't even kill him so that he could say he would of have changed the way match was.
this kind of punishment is like beating up a babie for eating other babies candy
yes, i noticed your comeback with why you didn't get forfeit win cause they weren't on time on the server
you really think forfeit is an option if there are other possibilies avi?
im not following you with this, explain!
i think you missed his sarcasm, it was kinda dry so easily done :P
dont think he was sarcastic. read his comments above and his comment in euruz' journal where he asked about the 180-script and you will see that he doesn't even want the forfeit even though he's a masculine mens member.
i was referring to goliath
i already replied just not directly to him, stop being so soft really
I deleted that comment already, because I didn`t saw your reply, excuse me
Can we get a yellow card and a forfeit for "zerender" playing as "merc" at the mamut team then?
he was clanless and added to their roster, completely allowed you know that because you were there at the time and had no issue so dont even think of whining about it now
i think hes more talking about the nickname, not the fact that he got added to the team :p
as Desire said, he played with a "wrong" nickname I suppose, obviously I don't give a crap but if we're gonna be putting salt on every slick or whatever the expression should be in English I suppose this offense should also lead to a yellow card and a forfeit win for the enemy.
CB rules, not ours, nothing in our rules so enough said
fuck off seriously :Z
Ahaha, cu@lan.
Toujours aussi drôle avec tes images ;)
90 degree script allowed?
179 degree script allowed?
540 degree script allowed?
will rise ever show up at lan?
i always laugh hard when people do something wrong and then they whine at admins :D:D
to hayaa, euruz and other lowbrains, i propose to go and take some 'introduction to law' course on the nearest university - perhaps then they would find out that its not admin who punished them, but they did it themselves :)
Harsh decision but fair,its not like they didnt know about the rule so let them whine all they want...more fun for us xD
et players have just forgotten the old CB days where you got punished for every small detail. time to read rules guys or should we make an audio book out of it perhaps easier to comprehend :p
Now ET did so many good things for you, its time you help the community thus ET by making an audio book. Its all on you now
if you do the hawaii videoclip
no problem
well, there was sometime a dutch guy who made a .avi of rules etc... :DDD on cb for some season
i would understand if 180 script actually did something but it does fuck all it makes you turn around woop da fucking doo.

why isnt it allowed? because its a second faster? in that case you should ban killrevives because it gives people more adrenaline.
read > you,
it has turn spread bugs in it
now do you understand?
you cant turn 180° in 1 frame, a script can thus you get less screenshake compared to someone who manually does the full 180.
compare it to driving in a car. If the lights are red but there are no cars coming from the other sides, ur still not allowed to drive through. It doesn't affect any1, but u will get fined =D
disqualifying teams because someone used a 180 script, oh i bet killerboy has a hard on right now
Epic fail.
Let's ban everyone for strafing ingame since it's a bug of the quake engine.
Yeah no more trickjumps allowed!
Trickjumping is not a bug anymore :) It was in old quake engine but they fixed it and then added it again in game as a feature.
QuoteThe Card System

Yellow Card

Every team can receive up to one yellow card during the tournament, punishment for receiving a yellow card is dependent on the situation in which you receive it however can include forfeit match loss or if received outside of a game then will result in a 2 point penalty, equivalent to a match loss. Receiving a second yellow card will result in a red card.

Yeah, we totally deserve to lose that match because of RizZle using a 180 script and afterwards raging the whole enemy team!! seriously what the hell? Yellow card ok I can understand, but why the hell forfeit loss? It's not like it mattered anything to the match?
maby, but perhaps not
ye maby but perhaps not
we i'll see
what a stupid rule with 180 script
good work , finally a cup/group that follows the rules and not bending/forget the rules like clanbase
QuoteRules are there to be broken


good job admins!
a bit stupid to give forfait for using that 180° script :/ warning would have been better
Nice work evo
prolly there are more ppl who used it, did any admin check the GV logs?
thank god they didnt see me bugabusing on grush!
funny as always - people broke rules, get punished and then whine and blame everybody else for it hahah
what about this pretty insane idea: follow the fukin rules
hahahahahahahhahaahauahaa loooooool
I think it's a good thing that you took action vs rule breaking, though I think forfeiting a match because of a minor offense which doesn't make a big difference during a match is too harsh.

And btw, TAG vs MM was 4-0, not 4-2. Nice knowing the right score.
well, you cant please everybody
180 script power :D
yawn hype got kicked for jumping in another teams channel and kicking them all, same old hype same shit thats why
just let them replay that match without their 180° script :|
but you're right rules are rules and rules are clearly.
I bet you made that avi, u scum.
lame :/

what's next? everyone has to play with ETconfig in a while?? :(
agreed that rules are rules and im not saying that what you did is wrong.
However i do think that the 180 rule is still stupid. I cant imagen that the amount of spread reduction is so immensely unfair that you have a great advantage over you opponent...

imo like all the other so called recoil/spread reduction tweaks or whatever, they only decrease them by slight fractions its just bs....

besides the 180script are tools like DInput or RInput allowed actually ?? couse they to give you a so called unfair advantage with the increase of accuracy now don't they?
180 script is not about recoil/spread as far as i know.
ppl whining about unfair advantage, omgwtf ET is all about unfair advantages
Thats actually a nice and interesting thesis, could you expand your expression a bit? :)
script skill ;)
You better update the scores !
looked more like a 179 degree script in the avi imo
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