Removal of Croatia, Netherlands and Finland

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

After a complaint about the lineup of team Croatia regarding the rule:

Quote by CB RulesPlayers are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 29th September 2008 until Monday of the 2nd Match Week of the cup. Activity for clans is defined as participating in any ClanBase competition (Hosted Cups and QuickCups which are not intended for National teams included, Friendlies excluded). Exceptions may apply.
National captains are expected to know the full clan history of any player they wish to field; not knowing it will not be an excuse to break this rule. If any doubt is possible about the membership of a certain player in a certain clan then the captain must always get permission from the supervisor before using that player. There is no limit on how many members of the same clan can be registered with a national team.

We have turned The result for the matches Croatia Croatia vs Germany Germany and Croatia Croatia vs Slovenia Slovenia into forfeit losses. This means the team will be removed from the NationsCup.

During the Search on this case 2 other cases also emerged namely Finland Team Finland and Netherlands Team Netherlands. They have apparently broken the same above rule in their matches. I won't list all the games the event occurred in As it would only fill the page. Since both are also receiving at least 2 forfeit losses they will be removed from the cup with th same reason as team Croatia.


Good job admins

edit: Would be nice if the admin who made this decision would mention their name
Check NC cup servisors @ CB page ?
Who is it then?
I see Bartichello & mUnduS there but as someone said maybe they asked someone from "above" to be sure about this decision.
its that retard bart who was admin on at least 1 of croatias games and allowed them to play...mundus is just his pube shaving fag boy........
wtf you whining about dipshit ? Rules are rules.
fuck off with your rules fuckface, this is a fucking gaming community where the players make the community and should have a big say in the rules. It's not some stalinist iron making factory...simple cunt, now stfu
funny thing is you actually mean what you say
ofc I mean what I say. Whats not to mean? Some people here think the gaming scene should be ran like an institution. Players make this competition and not the fools who make these pathetic non workable rulez..get some sense boy.
without admins/leaders with an iron fist, the community will devaluate itself even more

you dirty hippy :(
with more facist attitudes like that, we wont have a community!! we need admins who are in touch with the scene....end of..
the retard part applies for mundus

edit: the jaka flame is retarded, the amount of people that would do exactly what he did if they were in his shoes is just unreal, have half of you people not played ET long enough yet to realise people will do _ANYTHING_ for a forfeit?
Cancer stupid.. bb best teams.
jp is the best team anyway
Not one of them was at the top of their group, so "best teams" seems a bit exaggerated.
whazzup to nation cup now ? :(
Another proof why clanbase sucks donkeyballs

e: if its nations cup it should be allowed to choose best players from ur country whatever team they was in !
Hienoa kepsa, sinun tähtihetkesi kusi ;<
Jumala halus tätä...
Having talked to the CB guys, it'd seem their hands are tied by those above.

Which again asks the question, why do we allow people with no knowledge or interest in the scene dictate as to what happens? Keep the ClanBase ET admins, but drop the worthless backlog of 'Chiefs'.
crossfirebase please.
yep, I feel sorry for all the "retard admins" whine as they are simply doing the job as it's laid out.
next season -> crossfire nationscup plx :)
UK finally to playoffs, gratz
afaik killerboy didn't have much to do with this shit
basing my trust on the previous topics, jakazc was the one to come up with this utter bullshit
Good job (and I mean for real, no sarcasm).
The worst NC so far. Hilarious removals, gj admins :DD
If team finland got kicked because their ppl was in 3on3 clan, then Poland should get kicked too (they got players from k1ck) and Sweden has from Dispo.

Poles actually asked for permission to add wiadro... which was granted...
For wiadro but they got 4 others too I think :] No one asked permission for them either.

well done Finland / Netherlands captains
ach man...they whine about tekoa being in dnan. while he never played any offi with these guys.:D
the argument of the finnish players being in a 3o3 team together is even more ridiculous
:-D I still find this quite funny
Yes, rules are rules.: 55.7%
look at the comments

alot of guys did yes but posted that a better solution would be to just add croatia again
this wasn't killerboys fault
Dave had to get into playoffs somehow !
idd. now he can show what he is capable of! go griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!
dont fucking blame killerboy on anything, gtfo
me & squall havent played for defix like a year.. so lols. I think all teams have more than 3 players in same cb profile so just kick all teams from the cup :)
Me since -07 DECEMBER o M g !
and teKoa did play for dNan :D:D:D?
continue the cup without CB.
And without Slovenia :D.
good idea imo
The mysterious CB Chiefs again ^^
Jaki is DEAD next lan.
atleast he wont be able to talk anymoaH
It is a good day to... go offline only.
dont think so i will be there to. Line them up !! :P
this is really ridiculous :D
It would maybe be justice if they actually played an official in the clan which was the reason for the kick :D
why sweden? more correctly would be hungary, poland and france
what about germany and megapro gaming or whatevah
See, you can drop out every single favorite in NC:P
We had that problem a few seasons ago when we wanted to play with Hatred/Keran who both were on MPGs roster and thus counted as active. Guess what, we payed attention to the rule and just used different players OH MY OH MY
Well, I've never played NC and I think the rule is good. But there's something wrong if it's applied to my 3on3 team in which max 1 of these guys played simultaneously on the field. And how could 4 guys play same time in a 3on3 team anyway?

According to this rule it's irrelevant, because they only talk about the guys that are in the roster, so u should have been punished as well (if keran and hatred ever were in NC lineup even)
Point is we never took them into our NC lineup because of that, but it is true that applying this rule to 3on3/fun teams is stupid
fin should be punished because they had 5 vae guys last season playing NC and EC simultaneously but this is pure madness imo :p
don't mind him, he seems to be mentally challenged. I explained him that u can have whatever amount of players from 1 team in NC team but only 3 of them can play at the same time but his defected brain didn't catch the info i sent : /
I think the rule in itself is good, but it should apply for actual teams and surely not for a 3on3 team where the fins never played even together at same time
At least I'm not retaded enough to use 180 script and fail my match =D
Also 3 of "them" in Defix never played together so np.
haha what idiots really killing the cup, no one really cares about it the rule anyway.
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD this must be a joke, wait oh noes.. the joke here is Clanbase oO
look out that you wont be kicked.
Since the belgium line up =

So you have also 4 players from the same team.
i would say. ingore cb.
no wrong

spiro added after 2nd matchweek, we waited because we knew the rule ;)
goed werk dan:)
Wat een cool woord! ingore!
well its only when they play in a game together... you can add 6 players from 1 clan in the national team profile but if they wont play with more than 3 aat the same time in a match it wont be a problem... or am i wrong?
your wrong, sad but true. finland got kicked because of a 3o3 clan, where they all play together.
I mean in a NC match. You can add ten players from one clan (even if its a 3v3 clan with 10 players) but if you wont let more then 3 players play in 1 NC game... it wont be a problem... If you let 4 players from the same clan play in a NC game you got a problem...
hahahaha nice admins :D
haha, are the cb admins on drugs or??
blame !
All teams (NC) @ clanbase shud boycott and not play any games before this situation have been fixed :D
How stupid this suggestion may sound, I support the idea

Jokes aside, this is quite ridiculous :)
Yes! I think it's ridiculous that these teams were kicked from the NationsCup, simply because some retard from a third world country found it useful to cry about Croatia to ClanBase for all the wrong reasons. The rules say exceptions are possible and in all fairness, the exceptions should be in force for this matter, simply because this does not equal fairness. Let's sum it up, notice how retarded it is and the more retarded it gets as you read on:

- Top player whining;
- Croatia removed for having some previously inactive players in a lineup of a team;
- Netherlands removed for the same reason;
- Finland for having people in the lineup of a 3on3 clan;

Who wins? Nobody. JaKa better protect his ass next LAN.
or just continue the cup without cb = success
I support this idea! Someone make a site :)
now get a decent admin, somebody along the lines of chosen or adacore!
tules nytten irkkiin o m g
just all leave the cup and continue playing under the crossfire flag :P
the mighty cuttyP has talked !

stupid trolls. the problem is in the rule, not people following it.
whos they second guy?
mO4R p0K3mOn L3TtErS pLeAs3
why sweden? I have not played CB since I was wrongly banned, no 6v6 and max 2 ppl in same clan.
how many of these defix guys have played in CB for defix in years :D ?
Fair enough,but I have to say that Bartichello couldnt do anything on this case,although he always had time to talk and trying to solve problems that could be solved.
He didnt have time for this one , i wanted to talk with him before i mailed others, but he ignored
Ha. Just like it's a matter of life and death, fucking retard. You should know better.
why would you care about other teams then?
you are just retarded
the fact that someone has to say it before cb sees it says more about cb and their rules
i agreeu
you're a hopeless fag
man you are awesome!
You really fucked this up now man :<

nobody hates alexl plz..
I'm behind you! Rules are rules!
reminds me of TWK and puran... wonder how many slovenian guys there have played :/
twk is inactive for more than 2 years, and purans for 4 years or something

and even if both teams were active i doubt we ever had more than 3 players from either of them
and how actively do these 5 guys play in defix :p ?
Enemy Territory ET 3v3 OpenCup Fall 2008 ?

but its a stupid rule in any case
well, max 1 of those guys was active there. They needed to show proof in the news post that Fin played with 3+ guys at same time, so I fail to see why they don't show proof that defix played that OC 3v3 with 3+ of those guys at same time
the rule isnt about how many players played an official but how many were on the roster, which is stupid.

even with the correct rule i dont see why 4 or 5 players couldnt play an official for a 3on3 clan in one cup
Well, defix is me, sanda and a random 3rd, and each of those 5 guys could be nothing but the random 3rd in that equation.

So it's possible, but they wouldn't have any teamplay or any advance whatsoever in that case (even if they all took turns and played as our 3rd (which they didn't do)).

The rule itself is good but I fail to see how it applies for a 3on3 team or for teams that played ages ago, not now...

Last season fin played with 5 vae guys and I'd understand if they would be punished for that, but punishing for defix is ridiculous in my eyes..
gl in the race most hated 09-10
idd, what a hero 8)
very good thinking: if I'm going down, then others should go down too !
honestly, can u explain to me how 5 or even 4 finnish guys can play at same time in a 3on3 team?
omg spirea, you still don't get it, it's not about playing at all, it's about being on roster, played or not played a single match is absolutely irrelevant
No, I don't really understand that when it's about a 3on3 team and 6on6 NC team. I really don't understand when we talk about like a different game here.
:/ stop looking at it as 3on3 or 6on6 or whatever, CB admins don't give a fuck what size the team is and what format it plays, they don't even care if a player played a single match or 100 of them, if he was in the team 1 min or 5 years, all that is completely irrelevant, they only care that the player is in the list of players of a team that is active(=played at least one offi in the given period of time) and that's where the absurdity of the rule stands out

dig now?
and if they didn't play any games during that time?
doesn't matter, read again, only thing that matters is that they're enlisted in the clan
last season fin had 5 vae guys playing simultaneously in NC and EC, I would have understand this happening then, but atm it's kinda absurd and for such a stupid reason as well
good to follow the rules, also dont blame the CB ET admins. They are just forced to follow the rules from the chief's. But tbh, captains from all those nations should have looked abit more into the rules and there players history. Its the responsibility of the captains to know the rules and clan history from there players. But i understand the frustration because i dont agree with the rule aswell.

ye! we should have had zenix as NL captain and none of all this would have happened!
yes thats true. I had this situation also with ETQW nl team. 4 players from NL team listed @ kapoks cb account one played in ET squad from kapoks before a year ago, but was honorary. I wasnt sure about these rules because they are not very clear and vague, and useless. So i asked the supervisors and they said it doesnt matter if he wasnt active, its only about if the clan was active. And CB doesnt define sections. So imo those captains should have asked the supervisors if the rules werent clear for them. But i am still against this rule, in the end its good that i wasnt captain. Because i am in hospital now for a few weeks allready ( badluck ) And i am not happy that NL is removed, i support ronner because he is the chosen captain. And i dont like that my country is removed.
sounds ridiculous but it´s true.. zenix found out i was still in the kapoks page even though i havent played for them officialy in nearly 2 years. Further investigation involving admins taught us we couldnt have 3 guys of kapoks + me as it would count as 4 players of kapoks.

Even though i don't agree with the course of action and the result this holds for the et scene yet again by this decision, this was simply a rookie mistake by the captains involved.
But it didnt matter at all! Cuz tele never showed up at any official anyway :D:D
my girlfriend allows me to play only on thursdays, as she is at work till 12 on thursdays. On other days i get cussed at if i only play 15 mins of poker :p If the matches were on Friday or Saturday i would be able to play as we are usually at my parents home during the weekend but during the week im at her place in A'dam :)
its called being whipped....
:D and there's not really much i can do atm.. im still trying to work it in :D
good luck with that :D what is it they say about old dogs??
they have high ego
Say BB to the last nations cup under the CB auspices
That decision is even worse than the EC qualifiers.
(still its rules, so bad luck)
Once again stupid admins stupid league
that is utter bullshit
rofl what a joke :DDdDdddd
this game is about playing, not about some retarded rules - which noone gives a fuck about - and admin powers.
good job guys :)
rules are rules
It takes some serious mental disorder to interpret this rule so as to treat everyone linked to the team account as an active player.
FAKKING HELL I also heard Azatej was in the team NL lineup, and as we know he was against the 3 players per clan rule, anti3 you might say, so I'd say NL's kick is justified!
QuoteDuring the Search on this case

like you'd find it out if it was not frozz's whine :)
Lolled, CB falers. pls man really, ??!!!

too bad for the netherlands, Gl anyway overboost en jasper!
Nice fail of Netherlands Ronner as captain from the Netherlands.
jealous cause none of FiF were picked?
I'm disappointed that my country got kicked out of the NationsCup because of a fault which should have been seen by the captain of the Netherlands.
would be easier if the rules were clearer, you cant deny they're pretty bullshit and here you are blaming it all on ronner
I'm not blaming it all on Ronner. I blame CB for their weird rules and I blame Ronner for his mistake.
so why in your first comment have you written nothing about your opinion of clanbase or the rules?
these rules have been around as long as ronner has been so he should know of them thx
Quotewould be easier if the rules were clearer

they're easy to misunderstand or think that you arent doing anything wrong, they arent all as simple as do or dont
Because I don't think it's needed to tell something which 50 people in front of me already said.
so true :D +1
for your own sake that better be sarcasm imo.
It isn't, although the rule is god damn stupid. CB cut themselves throw their own fingers by making this kind of rules.
If you seriously think it's a fail on my side, you are just as retarded as the guys that decided to kick these nations out of the cup.

Let's take a closer look at what is written in the rules shall we.

- Players are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 29th September 2008 until Monday of the 2nd Match Week of the cup.
- Activity for clans is defined as participating in any ClanBase competition (Hosted Cups and QuickCups which are not intended for National teams included, Friendlies excluded).
- Exceptions may apply.

In the first line they give a timeframe when a player is considered a member of an active clan.
In the second line they say "Activity for clans is defined as participating". Activity for clans can either be interpreted as Activity of the clan as a whole or Activity of the player in question. This line is simply not conclusive wether it is either the clan or the player.
The third line "Exceptions may apply", well.. we all know that exceptions never apply with CB, unless it's in their best interest.

I have not failed in selecting the members for Team NL. Tekoa has never played an official match with dNan and is even listed on their "inactive" members on the dNan CB page. There is no rule being broken in fielding him with 3 other dNan players. Well, unless you are a CB admin/chief that interprets line two in their benefit.
Is their a benefit with the rule for CB?
I've been saying this all day. CB are either really dumb (naaaaaaahhhh) or they should come with a proper statement as to why they think their rules apply on NL. The other nations i do not know their situation.

Also i find it hilarious that some player has to ring the bell, only THEN clanbase ADMINS find out that there's teams breaking the rules AFTER i don't know how many matches have been played.

image: 463px-Symbol_thumbs_up.svg

no offense towards you but we encountered the same problem with the etqw squad, where i was still on a roster without playing actively. You could have prevented this by asking permission for exception or asking for clarity from one of the cb admins. Even though the rule is senseless and messed up, the rule is pretty clear. It's a shame that cb rather destroys their own cup by sticking to the rules rather then letting it slip for once.
"Activity for clans" can either be interpreted as Activity of the clan as a whole or Activity of the player in question. This line is simply not conclusive wether it is either the clan or the player and thus the rules are not clear.

But anyone in their right mind would not see tekoa as a 4th dNan player since he never played an offi for dNan, so that's why I never even thought of asking cuz it's just ridiculous to even think that.
so true, i was in a tab called Honorary so i didn't really mind being on the cb page until i found out that cb actually sees that as actively participating in a clan -_-' I can understand the purpose behind the rule but it needs to be fairly adjusted. 3on3 teams, backups and inactive members should not count as active players.
Do you?
You still haven't fixed it
What is wrong then?
image: grammartimehs1

come on now, no one likes a bellend.
I love brittish faggots complaining about engrish. So how many languages do you speak fluently?
oh fuck how true is that.
<3 great comment
english is the most spoken language in the world, we don't need to learn any others.

globalization, suck it bitch.
So everyone outside england have to speak perfect english or what?
Yea, because I really need to learn fluent Polish and French. All the brits and running to Poland :D

I don't speak any other language as fluent. If you haven't noticed, England's only official language is English, whereas Belgium - that's another story. And Poland, well I'm not going to say anything or I will sound a little racist.

+ what speaker said
thanks for proving your arrogance :)
No seriously, you got me interested. Tell me why I should bother to learn any other language fluently?
You obviously didn't get his point, which, following your previous comments, isn't something strange.
cause belgians have none of that, right?
I can't even speak English fluently :(.
CB does an epic fail again? No surprise here.

Just boycot this stupid organisation. We don't need people with zero knowledge of the game we play to tell us what is or is not allowed in a cup that is supposed to be fun for players and spectators.

Just like Kot said earlier "It take some serious mental disorder to interpret this rule so as to treat everyone linked to the team account as an active player."

Apparently it takes only a few morons that have never even played ET to destroy a cup that is supposed to be played for the fun of the game for both players and spectators.

Thx retards! I'm not playing for CB ever again and in my opinion, every nation that thinks this is just a retarded decision should just quit this NC as well or continue it under or CF or whatever.
100 % agree papa.ronner
tell the man who won qcon and other stuff to stop whining after he loses and it will be ok
still wont be boycotted w/o an alternative organisation beside esl i guess
well, getting in won't change anything since their rules are cb rules + some more limitation.
I hope that cb has it's lesson and they will take the rules read them carefully through and remove unclear rules and put new clear and simple rules instead. Also i think that in the rules should be described all the possible unallowed moves/or eg specified exactly where u can plant, not that bug plants are not allowed and then one admin says it is bug plant and other that it isn't.
Also there should be a rule that if it isn't in the rules then u have the right to do it.
It's the only way i can see playing in the future possible since it isn't anymore about the game and enjoying it, it's only about def wins, how sad it is.
Idiot, so rules dont apply for everyone?
I urge you to read the rules on this again and try and interpret it. You'll see that you can interpret it in two ways and actually you should interpret it as "activity of the player for the clan", seen as it's written as "Activity for clans". If they meant to say the activity of the clan as a whole, they should've stated "Activity of clans".

Apart from that, the last line of that rule states, "exceptions may apply".

Anyone in their right mind thinking that tekoa is a 4th dNan player cuz he's on the roster of dNan listed in the inactive group and has never played an offi for dNan ever, is retarded in my eyes.

But thx for calling me an idiot.
I think we should boycott cb, fucking clowns.. The worst admins ever, trying to destroy this game or....?
Omg. Really??

Whoever complained is a fucking pathetic mongrol!!

Failbase once again. No wonder everbody fucking hates you
Omg FAIL NC :s
Team Scotland will step up and worries
yesh yesh!!!!
Another retard decision from CB which makes another intriguing competition to be a big and controversal battle field for players. We are always whining about something, but at least this decision crossed the line badly. If 5 Finland's players where playing in 3o3 OC and they got kicked from competition? Imo all teams should be expelled if their players have played together in their career in mix or in some random team.

I had similar situation ( not this big thou) couple season ago when I was playing OC 5th div 3o3, at the same time I was clanleader of team which was playing in 2nd, however I didn't play a single round with that "better" team but still CB's admin decided to kick my lovely little IRL friend clan from OC's 5th div claiming that I had played with another team. Best thing is that the admin was playing with our next opponent.

I have to agree that boycott is only thing which would "help us", even if it could kill our biggest "supporter". However I can't really know how boycott would support us, but I would be more than happy if we were able to gain some aid from ESL's ET organization who we have done signifant jobs during there lovely years in ET.
it won't make anything better for us that's the point + ESL won't be better
Good job cb! Now kick slovenia for taddletaling .
if Bartichello has any brains and/or balls, he should quit his job @ CB right away.
you spamm so much!
+ (more like whole et crew ultimatum)
Sounds like CB needs to update itself maybe?
Quit flaming ET admins/supervisors who can't change the rules set by those above them.
AT least one person here is able to get the WHOLE fact Thx to you Mashed
would love to see you back in the scene Mashed :)
Check every single nc team now, remove all.

High respect CB and next NC winner !!
I formally apply for CB NC supervisor! :D
good decision, as fair as it can get
Not really, coz, those finnish newbies never played together.
There was screens from cb offis when they played together within the last 6 months, think it was as vae.
vae ? afaik, squall n iron played there only.
:DD failllllll
hahahahah what the hell :DDDDD
april 1st already :o ?

or what kinda joke is this?
blame jaka + cb ^^
its all your fault :( + defix
hah, I planted it all along. Tried to recruit also enough pl guys but they didn't accept :(

only fooled krein !
well you didnt try with me :D
rifle in a 3on3 team wouldn't be very credible !
go and force those fuckin dumbass clanbase backfag chiefs (not barti / mundus) or whoever forced barti to do so to just give croatia, finland and netherland forfeit losses in the matches in which they have used 4 players of one clan and broke the rule ..

but don't act stupid ..

on the other hand, we would've won anyways .. i don't give a shit. .. fuck off
owned :>
Thx Jakazc!
cup about players from one nation. Does it matter if they're n one team? worst rule ever imo. but ye welcome to cb
CB nerds have failed in anything so far.. wonder how failure is their irl situation if theyre that dumb
usa should be allowed back in tbh
clownbase owned
ok now ban poland !!!

Who exactly administrated these matches? Anyone with a vague knowledge of the scene should know which players have played together. I remember administrating a NC semi-final between Finland and Holland. Despite the fact uQ (parodia) were no longer playing together they tried to use four players in the NC team, and mystic had to step out for kmble. I think, perhaps, that the blame should be spread around a little more liberally.The supervisors, admins, players and coaches all have a part to play.
but the thing is... we have never played together :D we are just in same clan profile
who would know that defix played OC and that 5 fin nc players are considered to be members of dfx and therefore forbidden to play nc.LoL
Why the admins didn't give a warning or something like that before removing the whole nation from the cup? :l
you tell me
I still don't get it how 5 guys can play together in a 3on3?
i dont fucking get HOW THE HELL can they be consired as a members in that certain cup while they all had different teams. can only play 1 team oc ^^

phew, have probably said that thousands times now but care xD
I guess matias will still try to get an explanation to that from the CB bosses (that were pretending to be afk tonight)
as i see it,the admins of the cup should have done the same thing to croatia finland and NL as they have done in the mystic case. so actually it's the admins' fault they allowed the game to be played with these "illegal" players, not the teams' fault.
well, when i made the topic about cb not checking players guids and if they were on the list of NC team at all. then the xfire ppl told me that cb isn't bunch of nannies, now u want them to check every players profile. oh god i feel excited.
Ok that is rly gay. Countries should be able to pick the best players of their country and who cares if they are in same team ? this rule is really unreasonable.!
i ll host a nationscup under the flag of #ET-Cup ;p
That always used to be my favourite competition<3
Oh, please.
admins are succeeding at killing ET
To Finland, Netherlands and Croatia!

cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it!!!
Thanks CB for killing once again a nice league.
Next Nationscup will be hosted by YCN and it will be the best NC cup ever with cash prizes!
or just host it now <3
you go girl<3
or just host it now <3
Host it now :)
lol, u better do this fast, all the fiinnish guys are wetting themselves over here :D
Great idea, but hf copying rules/making new rules and in the end someone still finds a way to flame and u will get all the credit.
lolololol epic fail cup for a crap game
Mate, don't tell me to go back to school when you think his sentence is perfect English. Of course I can't speak Polish - why would I need to?
b4 this I thought calling clanbase clownbase wud be too harsh, as I liked CB, but now this is just bullshit. Croatia, Finland nor NL shouldn't be removed just because of some old teams which ain't even active. I hope they would change their mind but as I know it won't clownbase
germany would have won it anyway and YOU know it :D
maybe, maybe not, but that's just not fair to any of those countries that got removed :/
jakazc going for most hated 2009
why? bcoz he was also removed from NC for the same rule problem at QW ? ..he just wanted to clear this fuckuped rule for once! ..he has nothing to do about it.
lol it doesnt get any more retarded than this...
its a fucking nations cup and your not allowed to have more than 3 persons that play in the same clan lol what kinda fucking useless rule is that? its about the best players of your country not about some retarded rule a bunch of monkeys with a banana in their arses made up. just change the rules, kill the admins. viva la revolucion!

but seriously this is just retarded, gj killing the nc. morons, my little mongoloid cuzin would do a better job making up rules...
haha NL is out!!! CB being gay but I'm still enjoying it :o

waste of other teams of course :D
Just kick Germany, Poland, and Estonia now.
Estonia Team-Estonia +6
gj jaka :XD
People with the same opinion as you are just retarded. Try to get it for once.
theres no opinion in what i stated
without jaka noone would have been kicked thats a fact
nice try though
without jaka noone would have been kicked thats a fact

ofc noone would have been kicked... but the point was that CB was making some exceptions, and Jaka was pissed off. Whoever join the cup should understand that RULES ARE RULES, and it's not our fault if rules are fuckuped.

that has nothing to do with what i said
i never made an argument one way or the other because i dont really care about this years nc
he was pissed of cuz he lost
Im I the only one seeing similarities between this guy and half the polish community in the gnajda incident??

or am I thinking of that gay person screaming at the world to stop harassing britney....
Finally justice has served. Should have add Nyu and me. nP
Yeah Qyz is ownage!
damn right nigga
Straight As A Ruler!
wp yesterday (K)
this cup was doomed from the beginning

and slovenia still won't win...
who cares
a big success for croatia, graz!
ahahahahah....look who is alive :D
still in business but still not an attention whore like u :P
w00t? you are still playing ET? :XD
this is soooooo fuckin redicolous :D
i prefer esl.
I'm aware of the fact that 'rules are rules' and should apply to everyone equally, but is CB really that inflexible? Couldn't you people do some brainstorming over ejecting, correct me if I'm wrong, 2 favourites?
Haha nice Jackacz the b3ast, awesome <3
nice fuckup jaka
loled@cb removing finland cause some of them playing 3on3 together :XD
They never played together afaik. Spirea + Sanda + random. :--D
haha fuck cb :D:D:D::D

LOL this EC is one big FAIL!
fail cb
If team finland got kicked because their ppl was in 3on3 clan, then Poland should get kicked too (they got players from k1ck) and Sweden has from Dispo.

1. dispo played cb 3 years ago, before you started playing.
2. we read the rules and interpreted them unlike some other countries, no rules broken(except maybe a bit offensive due to the great forced german servers x-]).
1. i started playing et in early 2005 (4 years ago)
2. No wonder that swedes are now yelling here prolly with huge erection on that RULES ARE RULES, now you finally have a chance again!.
3. Like 90% of the community is saying that cb made a wrong decision and so on, and i wasnt sure about that dispo case, just wondering.
Rules ARE rules, not saying they shouldn't be changed, but I find it fucking funny that noone whined when croatia was pushed over but now suddenly every random fintard and nethard are whining like crazy and expect them to overturn their decision based on the amount of spamm they can generate on crossfire.
On top of that I also finds it quite hillarious that everyone seems to be angry/upset on CB, and want to "boycott" them while CB don't force anyone to actually play their leagues neither have they stated that they can't change their rules.
I just think that changing the rules according to as circumstances occur kinda nullifies the options and limits on the perceptual concept of a rule
HEY, to take it to the extreme let's say the next time someone that is liked within the community gets busted, we should remove the rule since he was only busted for overtweaking with rivatuner.

The most just thing would be to keep them all banned over this nc season, the next most just thing would be to remove the rule straight away and let all of them 3 countries play, one of the more unjust things would be to unban all of them except croatia.
this has nothing to do with cheating, so dont use those as an example. I think majority of the players here agree me that nc is about each countrys best players playing against eachother. And as i've said i wouldn't have anything against it if for example Germany would use all players from mgp in one match. Or Sweden using whole dispo, imo the whole point is that nations best players are fighting for the victory.

I'm just saying that this is a fuckin bullshit rule in nationcup case.
I can agree to that, but sadly noone complained even when it was highlighted before nc started.
checked disposable clan profile @ cb.

last 3on3 official from 18 May '08. imo thats not over 3 years ago. thou it doesnt change anything in this nc conversation but still.
He was talking about 6on6...
right, these were the times when dispo was hacking like hell...dispo never broke any
It's a huge conspiracy to let the french team win this NC ! :D
Everybody knew this rule and have to follow it, that's a good lesson for the next NC.
Ukraine Ukraine is sharing in pain with you. Ukraine is going to boycott it also! :PPPPPPPP
dont give a fuck
All of a sudden, nationscup is being taken serious again :O)
the biggest fail nc ever!
Its like you actually aim to fail.
idiotic rule
don't blame mundus and bartichello :)
rules are rules

rofl at people blaming jakazc, afaik he only complained about an admin not listening to him when he raised the point croatia were using too many players from one team and was ignored.

Those admins hands were forced from above after this and once Croatia were kicked they tried their best to get back into the NC by grassing up any other team they could think of.. no one would ever kick big ET Nations like NL and Finland. ;)

This is the admins and the teams that fielded too many players fault, even if the rule is a bit dated. basing it just on the last EC/OC season would have been better.
Clanbase failed again, with their stupid unnecessary rules! There is already a limited ET community, and this wont make it better!
image: 1ApplauseCard

"National captains are expected to know the full clan history of any player they wish to field; not knowing it will not be an excuse to break this rule"

Good job ronner
et = dead
thx clanbase nerds
shame on you cb,its just a game wtf,teams like croatia should stay since they have small community.
you make no sense at all
get brain then
that hurt me very deeply :(

cro should stay in because the rule is stupid, not because their community is small
You sniped well against ger :p
why finland got removed? am i right cause of some 3on3 clan ? :D (cause 3on3 is 3on3 and 6on6 is 6on6)
bullshit :!
if u want et dead keep goin on like this^^
anyone who agrees me write +1 under this comment.
Wanted to see ma overboost in action, my dreams crushed :<

at least m33z can still ch33r me up!
Fair play.

or something like that
did jaka actually come out before the recent news post and say it was him that did the email?

if not THEN i think it was extremely poorly managed via the clanbase admins. i think they should have just said it came from an undisclosed source. simple.

i think this is where clanbase has ULTIMATELY failed. imo
Remove sweden! Just because i want spain win this retarded NC!!!

Plz over fail.
Both the rules and the anger against CB has been in place for like 10 years, you're all just do dumb to do the same mistakes and complain to the same organization over and over and over.
Hear, hear!
Take notice of the rules as stupid as they are, or at least double check with an admin.

E-"sports" ! , diving next ?

ag0n (POR) 9 Mar 02:09
Royalblood is the same team as 6s (+/- 3 seasons ago). We played a qualifier against mmf ( ) + played 3 nationcup together with this lineup. So dont call us a new team.

we didnt qualify for nc so chill
jeh that's why, smart decision, u know
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