The decision of the Chiefs

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

The time has come. The Chiefs of Cups made their decision belong to the 'removal case'. By now the CB NationsCup XII isn't frozen anymore.

Following, here is the statement of the Chiefs:
  • 1st.) First, it should be made clear that normally exceptions are not to be
    given retroactively but if a team captain has a specific question he
    should ask beforehand and after it is reasonable, and only then, he should come to the Chiefs to request the exception. That should be the normal procedure to the teams/captains.
  • 2nd.) Second, the Chiefs have all agreed unanimously that Croatia Croatia has indeed a more solid case for an exception and although it wasn't requested properly they are willing to have them reinstated back into the cup.
  • 3rd.) Third, about the case of Netherlands Netherlands the Chiefs didn't had a strong agreement but bottom line they have decided to approve reinstating them as well considering they didn't remove the player from the clan after the ban was
    expired for good reasons.
  • 4th.) Fourth, Finland Finland will not be reinstated as they clearly violated
    the rule. The Chiefs don't define special clans on CB. So claiming the clan was a '3on3 clan' is not valid in this case.
  • 5th.) Fifth, the community should know that the Chiefs aspire to follow our rules
    everywhere and everytime and if there's something wrong with them,
    they (the community) can come up with suggestions to change it. One such suggestion was made in that post which the Chiefs will be discussing,
    however threatening to drop out of tournaments and stuff like that is not helpful to anyone and will not be regarded as a reason to apply rules or not.

As matter of fact the missing matches will be cought up as soon as possible, to proceed the Playoff Stage. All in all there are three matches missing their scores.


image: 5453.thumb2
Please redirect all your flame to the ClanBase Chief of Cups Section, pm them on ClanBase, if you don't know how, ask Slovenia jakazc, i'm sure it has become what i would call "second nature" to him by now.
well just to make it clear, the Chief of Cups (atleast some of them) don't give a flying fuck about ET, they have/want to stick to their rules, and we had to spend hours debating with them to get 2 teams in.

Why fin didn't get re-added:

Quote guys, go back to our definitions please. we don't define being a member of a clan by playing for it and we don't define squads or special teams, clans are also those who don't officially play all their matches on CB

even when we told them they were a 3on3 clan we got this:

Quote we can't and won't make such diffenertiations, there's no such thing as 3v3 clan or 6v6 clan unless it's defined by something we can control, just like with inactive sections and "honorary" clans, if it's active, it's a clan and you shouldn't use players from it together

Now about Croatia:

they got re-added because their is a rule (don't think its public) for when a Clanleader adds a player by mistake, since suvi was there for only 5hours, it was considered to be in this rule and thus an exception

About Netherlands:

Since they had an extra player, we(CB ET Sups) managed to find a gd exception, teKoa was Banned during the period the clan was active, so there was no way he could have play during this time, we also gave them the link to the matches.

Altough it would have been nice to see all clans re-added, it does look harsh on finland, but there's nothing much we can do now, we tried our best...
lal ^^

i dont like Finland squall but bring fin also back ..

there is no clue to bring NL and CRO only .. they all broke the same rule .. nosens at all..
lol, fuck you clownbase
none of us have played for defix for seasons, so this is fucking stupid :DDDDDDDDdd... maybe lepari but he only played 1 match in nc

so it's the same case as tekoa's case.. and still we only used 4 players from "defix" in 2 matches (against UK & AUT)
maybe you should have also leaked some anti-cheat software to get yourself banned so that the chiefs knew that there was no way for you to play during that time!
vs AUT there were 5 (:
it doesnt make a difference
I know but apparently CB don't see a difference between COD and CS either if they don't understand it between 3on3 and 6on6 in ET
and that while they make (made) a fucking 6o6 OC AND a 3o3 OC.

"theres no such thing as 3o3 or 6o6 team"
yea but none of us played for defix last oc, except lepari (who played only vs aut)
yea I know, I've been the one who has whined most in these threads about that decision if u haven't noticed :)
Lool of the mool
We still need to boycot this NC imho.

Let Clanbase see what dickheads they are. Thought we're living in a democratic world (well most of the europeans), majorty of the ET players want all 3 teams re-added, Clownbase should fucking listen to the community!

Why don't continue the NC on crossfire? Just turn our back to Clownbase!

And maybe host next EC also on CF, when CB announces it just copy the shit and run it at the same time! Clownbase can say bb to ET then :D (CF admins now more about ET teams then Clownbase dickheads so the invites and qualies should be better also)
haha finland :D kinda funny :p
Quoteconsidering they didn't remove the player from the clan after the ban was
expired for good reasons.


so what good reasons do they have? surely just let finland know these "good reasons" so that they too can get reinstated amiright?
Hahah nice fuck up, bye bye Finland Finlanders :D.

seems like the ET scene admins are even more retarded than the playerbase
how retarded are the ppl that don't even notice the Chief of Cups != ET scene admins
youre a retard
what do the ET scene admins have to do with this?
same thing

*edit* and with "same thing" I dont mean same to you as to |<1773R|30Y
Unexpected :|

Where is "dura lex, sed lex"?
"the law is hard, but it's the law"
fail :<

not even giving a reason why NED gets back and FIN not :D

(I would've liked both in :<)
They know it's daft, but can't completely cave, Finland get the short straw ^^
all this shit is a fuckin joke -.-
I can't say i am suprised about CB making more stupid decisions..
i careeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Pretty rich considering how many journals you post about hair removal and fake tan products.
the barbie drug aint fake tan :)
aka melanotan
you nailed him, well done!

Good decision imo, the country where krone is coming from should be banned from all activities.
Emazing CB performance !
Now that really gave much information.

Should have kicked them all out or let them all back.
This decision is the worst they could have done.
teKoa saved Team NL with his iron fist
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GJ we banned him, we knew this would happen

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and he was still phunny

fuck off. can you at least you pretend you care about the game and the players instead of the hits on your back to the past site.

mundus, barti and co ... you know it aint aimed at you, so plz relay the message to your chief faggots

Quotehowever threatening to drop out of tournaments and stuff like that is not helpful to anyone and will not be regarded as a reason to apply rules or not.

right ... thats why you did a clownbase again: make a fubar decission, combo with another stupid decission, wait one week and recall the epic fail and even do a bad job at that. I got some nice lesson for you: admitting you are wrong doesnt make you weaker, it actually makes you more professional and stronger.

Your last comment is not only a joke, it is an assault on the average ET players intelligence. I know its the internet but do you really think we are this stupid? How about a fucking apology? Afaik its the players who make CB, not your stupid rules. You think you get sponsorship for running tournaments? I'm sorry, its us the players your sponsors want to reach.

yours truely,

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ps: it took them 4-5 days to come up with this decision? pathetic ... do they need a picture + a manual to understand what they should do?
i see EC quali replacement coming :D
Should the Netherlands & Finland be kicked from NC?

Yes, rules are rules.: 55.2%
No, change the rules!: 44.8%
the poll was made just after the cortana newspost. i doubt you'd get the same results if you asked the question like this:

Did Clanbase make a mistake by kicking NL and FI from nc?

[ ] yes
[ ] no

the current poll insinuates the first option is the rightious one / better one + polls on xfire allow any player to vote, even ppl who dont play competition activly or ppl who dont have a clue what is going on in this scene.
We need another poll then.
why do you need a poll? they were wrong, end of discussion. dont need a poll to see that ...
You wanted to speak for whole ET scene, why if most of the scene accept CB decisions ?
read teh fucking comments you twat
owned by polak xD xD. But i agree with overdrive!
where the fuck do i see people agreeing cb on this newspost?
The poll asked if, considering the Croatia decision, nl & fi should be removed. I don't think the result was unreasonable - given that people want to see fairness.
the poll was constructed as if they were exactly the same cases. plus emotion appeal - 'rules are rules' - in any other poll that wouldnt matter, but that sentence in this poll, which had the big meaning was not alright.
just make a new poll and we'll see fair results :)
I dont think anyone needs to make a poll about this in order to make up his mind.
[x] yes
[ ] no
Quotehowever threatening to drop out of tournaments and stuff like that is not helpful to anyone and will not be regarded as a reason to apply rules or not.

QuoteChiefs have all agreed unanimously that Croatia has indeed a more solid case for an exception

stop making a joke of yourself ... seriously
tbh I find it pretty good already that CB admits it. so hush!
so fucking true!
Not interested.
QuoteSo claiming the clan was a '3on3 clan' is not valid in this case.

Have Defix played any 6on6 match?? For me it seems as you just wanted to keep one team out to show that its you who is 'the man here', right?
Quotehowever threatening to drop out of tournaments and stuff like that is not helpful to anyone and will not be regarded as a reason to apply rules or not.

CB acting like ass is also not helpful to anyone.. And CB was the starter.
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so UK still in playoffs ? :)
:---D gj clowns and graz for ze becoming NC winners!

E: well, don't care tbh
no playoffs for jakazc? xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
if the supervisor dont quit their job at clanbase, then they are in the same boot as the chiefs for running a retarded league.
Cmon people, it's the thing we were all watching throughout the years. Every organisation has the dillema - if a community for once makes the pressure on organisation to change it's 'souvereign' decision and it works, it will happen again and again. I think there's some value in that dillema, it is not clearly fake problem. Therefore I wouldn't be that sure if the statement that 'admitting you are wrong isn't making you weaker' is fully right.

So that, ClanBase is extremely stubborn in their policy - they make a big deal out of simple reversing the wrong decision - its all required (from their perspective) for 'saving the face'/'honorable retreat' (hope you know what i mean). That's why it had to take time AND that's also why they couldn't 100% fulfill communities demands AND that's also why they had to say that it's them who feels offended (while it's obviously the other way around and they should apologize).
and again you ruin the game.n1,congratz.
I dont know exactly but if CB wants to remove team , team needs to have 2 red cards ( atleast it says in rules :D).

If players are not on roster or they are not allowed to play then team gets yellow card, so if finland played 2 matches they should get red card (2× yellow).

At first place any team shouldnt be banned from cup like this , basicly CB "violated" their rules again :o)
well, all broke the same rule, why keep finland out? :o
clownbase ... did it again!
Clown for chief imo xD
I have an idea: get rid of the rule! :D
I understand it wasn't the best decision in the first place but at least stick by it. Then you revert half the decision but not the entire thing.

Jesus fuck you guys are shit admins.
hah, u didn't get in playoffs anyway !
well imo it's good they've made a decision - just feel sorry for the finnish
Fail to see good admins here
yeah, best possible decision, go go CB !!!
what do you mean? how could it possibly go more wrong than that?

ps. is ikea open on sundays?
guess not. (about ikea) ..i was last sunday in Italy but it wasn't open.. :/
that was sarcasm :(

[ikea Espoo] Aukioloajat:
Ma-pe 10-21
La 9-18
Noutovarasto (Lautamiehentie 3) on avoinna vielä noin puoli tuntia tavaratalon sulkemisajan jälkeen.[/ikea]
kinda bad sarcasm when it couldnt possibly realistically be any worse decision than that!

[ikea] jää reissu tekemättä ::( [/ikea]
the three exclamation marks(!) tried to emphasize the sarcasm :(
LUUULLUUUUUUU ^&^&!^#$&^31763!&#^&!#
image: b77q071c6pq244r8a
Had your glass of LOYALTY yet today btw?
We don't have orange juice atm :<
GJ GUYS !!! :D:d
QuoteThat’s what we’ve all been waiting for – the essence of gaming! The most important cup is just about to start.

ye i see.
clowntichello ?
Good bye Squall !
Rules are rules.
So it should be all out or all in, because they all broke the rule actually.

But it doesn't surprise me that DutchBase decides in favour of NL.
"The Chiefs" - k
Stop flaming if you can't face facts.
it is sad to see that finland isn't allowed to play this nc anymore :<
Reikkeri will never win nc now... good call by admins
so croatia still needs to play 2 matches? :p gl with your shedule.

atleast the drama keeps the game alive =)
my god they did it again
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so ridiculous
was the right thing to reinstate croatia

too bad as to Finland, for it was the only team that maybe would have beaten Germany ...
E:btw need one of meez' anime picture for this
This is the result when hairy motherfuckers got the power
toxic quit clanbase a long time ago.
would have meant toxic if i have used a word " the mother of all motherfuckers"
hahahahaahah :D:D:D
sucks to be finland
Since when is 3on3 connected with 6on6? Well, yes I know, CB Cups are CB Cups, but still... doesn't make any sense!
"The Chiefs" :P
brb laughing

guess who's back bitches
Why fi. is whineing?
Its clear rules and it really dosent matter is the clan active or anything. Finlands team "leader" should be responsible for checking and beeing in contact with players.
say what what?
in teh butt!
no1 cares
mystic would never have let this happen
biibuuuuuy Squall, chmpp and you dont even own online anymore :XD
omg what to say.. clownbase : /
shit rule. Just let the best players play. Its nations cup so obviously the best players should play for their nation. WOW MASSIVE FACEPALM
Canada is back in action!!!!

oh wait. SNNNNNNNAP!
why so serious? just put fin back in too, nobody really cares
Should have reinstated all or none

GJ for adding CRO looking forward for our game this thoursday

poor FIN :-[
stupid jew
LOL ----> CB :D
No teams should have been reallowed.

As Game Supervisor for ETQW (in before flame), it was my job to handle the request for exceptions for ETQW's NC. One team were granted the exception, and another team wasn't.

The team that wasn't accepted was Team Slovenia (yes, Jaka's team) and the reason being that the majority (if not, all) of the players playing for this country in ETQW would be from Now, if the decision was solely down to me, I would have accepted them in as only Darkman & Jaka were active in ETQW for mamut & the other players had never played a match in the history of ClanBase for (with the exception of miso I believe).

However, the CoC (yes I know what it looks like, I make jokes about it all the time) do their best to make their rules & stick by them. This is in every game that ClanBase hosts. Rules are there to keep order therefore it is totally expected that people dislike them. Hell, there are some rules that I dislike but hey, we have to abide by rules.

I have no dealings with the ET section of ClanBase but this situation has really turned into a big mess that was not needed. The teams should not have been reinstated, imo since they broke rules.

Good luck to everyone still in the ET NC, 1st team to not get removed will be placed as gold winner ;o)
And now they reinstated two teams and one team not .. makes absolutely no sense and is basically a breaking of rules again.
Yeah, like I said... this is a mess.
"wasn't requested properly" Are they fucking royalty whom you should first bow then kiss their hands and give some present and finally ask for the thing, VERY HUMBLY.
shit rule. Just let the best players play. Its nations cup so obviously the best players should play for their nation. WOW MASSIVE FACEPALM
so did holland get let back in or what stupid admins cant just just say ...: out or ....: in
so who goes through in group D?

Quotehere is the statement of the Chiefs:

what is CB? some sort of indian tribe ? :X
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

shut up hacker
Bring my boy lepari back,damn it
This turnaround shows how CB is impressionable and weak.
The Chiefs don't define special clans on CB. So claiming the clan was a '3on3 clan' is not valid in this case.

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