ButtonBashers add olBaa

image: 20k2cl3Long term ET top team ButtonBashers today unveiled their latest recruitement to the public, as a new player in form of Finnish talent olBaa could be followed live on ETTV one hour ago in BB's ETMasters match against the just announced sYnck.Scythe squad.

Following mAus' step back from active gaming BB were forced to find a decent replacement. As of yet it seems they did the right decision with taking olBaa in, as he could impress with a solid performance against a strong sYnck.ET team tonight. Time will tell whether he can proof all critics wrong and show what he's made of at the Crossfire Challange 6 in may.

ButtonBashers captain Clown confirmed the latest addition to the team and gave me a short statement regarding the change.

Quote by bb/ClownWell, mAus decided he wants to focus on other things so we had to replace him with someone and that someone is olBaa! We are taking some risk, when we take a player that hasn't been on lan yet, but well, we will take that leap of faith together and see if we can fly!
too slow matias!!
like hes going to lan...
:DDD :DDDD Laik u know!
Quotewe will take that leap of faith together and see if we can fly!

I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky. Think about it every night and day. Spread my wings and fly away.
gl olba :>

gl hf :-D
no offence but bo wrote it in much better way :) nice prophet skills anyway
gl olbaa :)
the duck voice
GL meight! :)
Ooh I wanna touch the sky
I wanna fly so high
gl olbaa!
gl olba :)
maus was the keyplayer, olbaa will just be 'a player.'

Might be a good player, never really seen him play.. :EEEEEEEEEEEEE
BuLL has spoken!
BuLL has spoken!
gl kolba :)
olbaa played well but he wont replace maus
gl olbaama
maus -> olbaa is such a huge skilldrop
+ olbaa's potential @ lan ... khm...
cu @ lan fag :D
cu there sharmuta
No one can really fully replace maus i guess, but olbaa is still a good palyer

good luck
don't allow this to happen! CrozZ is available, kick olBaa after CC6!
Why not add CrozZ to eSrael? ;p
he still didn't get his new PC, anyway.. at least we got Athlon now :)
Good luck :)
thanks! about cc6, manager said no :~( he got the money to send us and all but he said now its too late to pay for all and its too complicated etc. bunch of crap :~( anyway, he said cc7 = 100% going.
Then you've to stick together as a team. I guess the next lan event will be of more importance and attractiveness anyway, as it hopefully will be the eSports Heaven event with more games and more prizemony.
ye but most of us will join the army in about 4-5months.. so we will be much less active.. maybe even fold..
on behalf of crossfire i give you our reaction

image: shocked
sergi, what r u doing!
Think he's drunk.
can't see olbaa fitting in there and hes not a key player like maus was, gl
gl olbaa ;)
New mAus.
OMG olBaa OMG !!
gl olbaaaaaaaaaa
unexpected gl
i dont see them doing well now, maus + xylos were head and shoulders above the rest, and that wasnt enough to win, now they have to do without 'jesus' as hes been replaced by olbaa... Not gna win cc6
now it's our chance \o>
they need another god !
Look who speaks! ..ciao zingaro ;)
gl OLBAA *cheer*
olba pwn man
awesome logo, really nice tbh!

the h2k logo looks like a reindeer.
olbaa+bb=4th place@LAN max
they wont perform that well now anymore with olbaa ... hes not that skilled like maus or xylos, so noway to win cc6 ...
though i wish GL
Have fun
olbaa is going to dodge you! xD
olBaa rolling nerds
you have seen the future? :D
btw dont dig out old threads!
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