WolfPro Progress

News post by United Kingdom Chris

With the recent release of Wolfenstein many a player have been left somewhat disappointed with certain aspects of the game and would like to see changes made in order to put things right and also to make the suitable for competition use. As such Hannes, together with Syd and Chris have decided to launch WolfPro.

Together they have already changed the HUD of Wolfenstein so the information displayed is clearer to the player and easier to keep an eye on. Along with this map tweaks have already been implemented that should give FPS boosts to those with lesser hardware but to also de-clutter maps making easier to concentrate on the enemy. Additionally the personal wait time present in the game has been ditched and now a respawn system like that of ET /RTCW has taken its place.


  • Fixed Console spam caused by a null entity call on the flamethrower


  • Rebuilt the HUD from scratch basically.
  • Removed every component.
  • Added a Spawntimer to the HUD (under the Map time).
  • Added a Ready Up indicator in warmups.
  • Added a Fire Team to the HUD (this needs feedback).
  • Moved the Obituary List under the respawn timer and extended it to 6 Popups.
  • Moved the Chat List to the left down side, and extended it to 5 Popups.
  • Added a numeric HP display, aswell as a small bar.
  • Added a numeric Veil Power display, aswell as a small bar.
  • Added a numeric Grenade and Satchel / Health pack / Ammo pack display. If you run out of charge, a chargebar will be displayed until its full again.
  • Added a numeric Ammo display, aswell as a small bar. The bar will turn red on low ammo and on reloads.
  • Added a weapon indicator icon, it will turn red on low ammo and on reloads.
  • flipped the ammo symbol on the hud.


Please give us feedback on this topic here: [UPDATE]HUD Development. Feedback wanted

Scoreboard HUD
  • Removed the solid backgroundimage when ingame.
  • Lowered the black background opacity when ingame.


Gameplay changes

We are very careful when touching gameplay elements, yet there is few which is just not good for a solid MP game.

Spawn system
  • Removed the personal wait time.
  • The first spawn is random for both teams. This is because we dont want to have both teams spawning at the same time.
  • Bank spawns are fixed to 13 seconds on the allied side and 14 seconds on the axis side.
  • All other maps have a 15 seconds spawn for both teams.

Please give us feedback on this topic here: The Respawn System

Misc changes
  • Raised footstep sounds.
  • Lowered luger sound.
  • Removed Weapon Tracers.
  • Removed Weapon Muzzleflash.
  • Localized the hitsounds: You will be able to put any sound you want as your hitsounds. The server does not need to have those sounds or package.

Weapon Change

We are eager to help the community on the weapon part, but since this is the most sensitive part of the game, we DO requiere your feedback.
So if the changed weapons in this release do somehow not fit, let us know, else we cant change it.
  • MP40 spread when shooting from the hip was reduced to close to that of the ironsight.
  • Grenade velocity is now a bit higher again, not as high as in the unpatched retail game.

Interaction System
This was number one on our priority list, and i am glad that we could make the changes we wanted, even witouth the SDK.
  • Objectives always had to pick up, now you can just walk over them to pick them up.
  • Syringe, or magical whatever, can be bound to _weapon2 and you can basically walk over the map with it.
  • Pliers / Wrench can be bound to _weapon2 and you can basically walk over the map with it.


Graphical / Map Tweaks
  • Removed Postprocess from the HUDs.
  • Removed Dust from Maps.
  • Removed Fog from Maps.
  • Removed Effects from Maps.
  • Removed Flash from main Objectives, kept them on the weapons.
  • Removed leaf animations from trees.


Please give us feedback on this topic here: Map Tweaks - Feedback is welcome!

Will be kept updated as and when things change.

All feedback and information can be found on myhannes.info/

We are also available on IRC, #wolfpro at Quakenet.

nice to see you guys putting alot of work into this :) hope it will make the game better!
looks cool :)
note, this is slightly outdated!

an updated changelog can be found here: http://forums.myhannes.info/wbb/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=63
lol all this without the SDK
what is SDK?
software development kit for modding purposes
ye, rly nice!
u guys rock1
nice job
amazing :D
Great job, keep it up.
don´t be too careful by touching gameplay, but nice!
with the game being released less then a month, maybe we should give it some time to devellop its own gameplay? Strafing wasnt invented overnight, neither were proxy rushes in starcraft. Give it a month, allthough a few things can be fixed already:
mp40 vs mp43
kk, the problem is that I only want to play fast games, and if wolfeinstein/wolfpro will not be a little bit more like the older wolfenstein games i won´t buy and play it.

It´s no problem for me to stay at ET, ET is for free ;)

I don´t want ET 2 which is exactly the same with a better graphic, but I want the feeling the fast gameplay of ET gave to me. And at the moments wolfenstein gameplay is for me totally uninteresting like all the CoD titles, so I hoped wofpro will bring it back.

changes like this are the first steps which could make me happy :)
# Made crouch faster
# Brought back some kind of strafing

We will see :|
We are aware of this but we cant please everyone, we are currently trying to establish what does and doesn't work within Wolfenstein and are limited some what with the lack of an SDK in what we can change at this moment in time.
Question is, will you guys be able to help sort fps for people? or is that just down to the engine and game design?
Some of it is partly to do with the map design, more specifically how they textured the maps, however we can't change this without the map sources and for someone to make texturesheets, which are a collection of textures in a single larger texture that reduces the load on the renderer.

http://wiki.splashdamage.com/index.php/Batches / http://wiki.splashdamage.com/index.php/Batches#Texture_Sheets
Ty. I assume nobody would go to the trouble of re-texturing the maps anyway?
remove veil
nice work
nice work guys
looks promising
Remove the $$$ from hud
will you try to get strafe jumping back up?
Remove the big red arrows above enemy's heads
there's already a cvar for it for the server. g_showplayerarrows
fuck... first i didn't want to buy it, but now... fuck you guys, i love you!
-remove ironsight
-remove veil

after we can talk about a good mod
remove ironsight

bring back movement,trickjump,sprint-shoot,lean

maybe dropgun,it is better and faster way to cancel the panzer or grab a gun from ground
o forgot to say good job guys,appreciate all your works
god damn it and remove the fucking gay models,bring back cool models like RT/ET,plz
Impressive changes in such a short amount of time!
But pls don't listen to some of these fools who want to make the game into an ET clone....
looks nice
fucking nice
Some RTCW allies/axis skins would bring happy tears to my eyes
need more ss skins ;)
fuck the skins :|
Be more tolerant to sub cultures!
Erant: they are fixing your game ...
what about trickjumping are you going to fix something about that?
i love you.
ask in the forum i suppose ^^
is this downloadable yet or no? i just skimmed the post so sorry if it says its not.
but it def looks great. glad you removed the fog and all that bs
Sounds nice. Unfortunately the failshop I bought the game from (like 2 months ago) has still not been able to deliver my game. GJ
how's the netcode in this game?
as horrible as quake wars
wow this is some serious shit, keep up the good work
I think I'll wait another month. Good job though
Oh oh, and make it so that the normal tag color appears in the Obituary List and the Fireteam for those who are nostalgic! Green vs red reminds me of some games I don't want to mention here. Would bring bad luck.
Remove veil!!!!
nice work guys
The article I saw was interesting because of the presentation.
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