Call of Duty to Become Pay to Play

Activision says you should "expect" paid-for online models such as those in World of Warcraft to make the transition to other games, including Call of Duty.

Activision Blizzard CFO, Thomas Tippl said the following during yesterday's BMO Capital Markets Conference:
QuoteWhile WoW's model is difficult to replicate, players should expect new monetization models for its other games soon.

It's definitely an aspiration that we see potential in, particularly as we look at different business models to monetize the online gameplay. There's good knowledge exchange happening between the Blizzard folks and our online guys.

We have great experience also on Call of Duty with the success we had on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. A lot of that knowledge is getting actually built into the Battle.Net platform and the design of that.

I think it's been mutually beneficial, and you should expect us to test and ultimately launch additional online monetization models of some of some of our biggest franchises like Call of Duty.

According to the Activision CFO, there is a demand from its core fanbase to pay for additional services.
QuoteOur gamers are telling us there's lots of services and innovation they would like to see that they're not getting yet. From what we see so far, additional content, as well as all the services Blizzard is offering, is that there is demand from the core gamers to pay up for that.

A supposed leaked online survey from June possibly hints at what Tippl is driving at. The survey centered around the idea of a monthly service that gives subscribers additional multiplayer and gameplay enhancements for future Call of Duty titles.

QuoteOur gamers are telling us there's lots of services and innovation they would like to see that they're not getting yet. From what we see so far, additional content, as well as all the services Blizzard is offering, is that there is demand from the core gamers to pay up for that.

Like dedicated servers?
Hehe the IWNET system was the start of this money-sucking ordeal, so I highly doubt they will just drop that!
thx and add it to the newspost
you cant post a newspost without a source
wont believe ya shit on the internet otherwise
u got a point, but that site didn't list a source either!
they probably got it from another page that didn't list a source!
nice friday 13th joke
QuoteWe have great experience also on Call of Duty with the success we had on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network...

Didnt mentioned pc coz they know they failed.

QuoteThere's good knowledge exchange happening between the Blizzard folks and our online guys

Stop these guys from meeting each other...
ye lets pay to play with 100ping but sure,features like mouse controlling and ingame text chat a worth a monthly payment
Rip competitive gaming. Gj!
depends how they do it.

if they have a monthly subscription to actually play the game then i can see competitve gaming dieing but if they release extra content (which helps keep players playing a game) and charge for that and host dedicated servers themselves and let people rent them (like the quakelive model) then i can see it working.

Either way, the games industry needs a new business model especially in regards to online play and competitive play.
this just keeps getting better & better
Infinity Ward/Activision just keeps getting more and more retarded. It's like this is some big experiment just to see how much they can milk people before they stop giving them their money.
Everything is about the almighty dollar unfortunately. Expect game manufactures to start running their own leagues next. (pay to play of course)
so if i want a console and demo-function in a game i gotta pay for it nowadays?

great times...
So the money that used to be spent on dedicated servers which funds the fair competitive industry of game hosting where no one company owns the majority of the market share, will now go on to a monopoly owned by activision (and/or associated companies) who set their own price which no doubt will be set to make some ones wallet much much bigger. Capitalism at its best eh
ET is not dead :D
it is!, rtcw is alive
rtcw is dead, wolfenstein is alive!
yeah, great.. PS3 version launched with a brickload of bugs. PS3 users couldn't even ffing connect to the mplayer servers.
First there was a bug with the trophies, then IW released a patch, and then nothing worked anymore :D
PS3 users can now only play from tomorrow the soonest ^^
fucking shit game

Like they don't make enough money already !
If this will be introduced I'm gonna play Windows minesweeper instead -_-
I want to slap that evil looking bastard Bobby Kotick in the face.
I sure hope activision doesn't rape DiabloIII too much otherwise I will be forced to start my own war on terror vs activision.
It could work, but they'd have to release 5 new mp maps, a new single player level, new game modes and mini-competitions (with prizes) per month to do it. I don't think they can work fast enough.
I wish I could use that tactical nuke of theirs on them
LFG Iraq5
If I buy I a game, I expect to be able to play it from then on, unless there's a need for infrastructure support (e.g. MMORPG's need to have servers running to connect everybody, and to pay designers to have new content added so they keep the game interesting). I'd be willing to pay for a dedicated server, but I'm not going to be paying a monthly fee just to play an FPS anytime soon.

They'll be plenty of people that will at first, but I think you'll see people leaving after a few months for FPS games that don't have a monthly fee. We'll see.
Great idea! Activision is awesome!
yay, and sending ingame letters and picking them up from mailboxes next to every bigger building :D
awesome idea.... so ppl: play quakelive or enemy territory or whatever, or stay @ cod4... there you don't have to pay for playin... awesome idea activision
Just because WoW attracts a ton of no-life nerds who end up dying on their computer seats anyway doesn't mean that CoD will have anywhere near the same amount of success, unless the game suddenly becomes a no-skill grinding festival (at which point it won't even be CoD...)
Activision Blizzard goes jewish.

image: jew-bwa-ha-ha
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