Crossfire Allstar Team

image: qconxfire
With the Crossfire appeal still ongoing, preperations are underway to fly the flag for Europe! Not since 2002 has an American team won the Wolfenstein series tournament at Quakecon, and just because time and money are against us, dosent mean we will be beaten this year! With prizemoney on the line it is our duty to return home champions of the "Nvidia Championships".

The time has come to get the team prepared and for the event! In order to do so we must select our allstars, to do this there will be a partial voting system for the Crossfire users. There is a great amount of popularity politics involved within every thing online and so a 100% vote will cause issues, so Crossfire Admins will select 3 players for the team and will then offer a vote. A separate double vote for the remaining two players to complete the five man allstar lineup.
Should xfires first choice engineer be unavailable, the engineer role will go to the public vote also.

This thread is designed to open up the field to your opinions for who should be up for the public vote. The two invite positions will cover one field op and one medic. The vote on the remaining two players who will be generally medics.
The vote will go live on MONDAY with the announcement of the two invitations and the votes going live on the site.

Crossfire has been informed that the Estonian teams from last year were able to get their visa within 1 week and thus we will be offering the oppourtunity for them to compete in the vote.

The floor is open! Please make your recommendations and to players being listed please indicate if you are unavailable.

Quakecon....Who goes, You decide!

This is based on the pressumption (and conversation) that idle are attempting to attend Quakecon themselves.
100 euros to anybody who replies to this comment
give me my 100€!
was looking for some shit on CF and found this post and your comment :)

i need money for xmas, please i don't give? :(
keep it, and merry christmas :)
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