ClanBase - PB & GV rule

image: zxpbb8

After the appointment of the new Game Superivsor & Cup/Ladder Supervisors which can be found here, we have promised to review our rules, listen to your feedback, suggestions and alas have decided to amend the most hot topic this year, yes, the use of PunkBuster & Game-Violation Streaming.

The Enemy Territory ClanBase Crew has decided the following:
  • Disabled for EuroCup
  • Disabled for NationsCup
  • Forced for OpenCup
  • Optional for Ladders
  • Disabled for servers streaming to GamesTV
  • Disabled for EuroCup
  • Disabled for NationsCup
  • Forced for OpenCup
  • Forced for Ladders

Which means that PunkBuster & GV Streaming will not be used for the NationsCup & EuroCup (therefore EC/NC Matches played on GamesTV Matchservers will not use PB or GV, PunkBuster will only be used unless both teams agree on it). Please keep in mind the following may change according to what anti-cheat will be used (if any). We have the right to force any anti-cheat.

In the OpenCup & Ladders Case, PunkBuster will always be used while GV-Streaming is only forced for the OpenCup (unless the server is streaming to GamesTV) therefore all GamesTV Servers can remove GV-Scripts & Streaming.

e: I would say leave it to the teams wether to play with or without punkbuster, if one team wants without and the others disagree, then always with. only if both teams agree to play without, play without.
Nice alot of PB disabled. Shame still for OC though. - But has to be really.
I dont trust any clans in lower leagues ...
Huh? No PB... are you serious?


Atleast use GameGuard or something... playing without anticheat is stupid. Sure PB lags but GameGuard has no footprint whatsoever.
Gameguard? Don't think that will work too well.

Antipro is almost ready. They're probably going to use that as soon as it gets out.

Let's just hope that's before the cups start...
I've seen too many XP farmers on BiO it's actually ridiculous, we need Gameguard more than ever imo.
Yeh meez gameguard.. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING :)
Since when is ET a Korean MMO? :o
Makes alot of sense... Replace PB with something else, otherwise all game hooks from 2003 till now will work perfectly, or almost.
nice but a little bit too late
Are you serious? :---D That's like the stupidest decision I've ever seen.

Rather disable it if both teams agree, that makes it more fair. And pb lag isn't THAT unbearable...
PB lag IS unbearable.
stop whining
MADS! sup m8.. are you still pwning the shit out of eyone?
Nope, don't have a team anymore :(
wow, woot happened? so u'r able to play some 3v3 now? too bad me and ipssik aren't that much on time as we were (damn job)
Get unemployed you stoner!!!
good point! :D

btw: is there any NL site where is possible to check appartments / houses or smtn for rent? Will move to ned in a year or two prolly if everything will be ok :]
for someone like me with 1.7mbit its almost unplayable
what has net connection to do with this?
i have 1.5mbit, so cut the whine
connection has nothing to do with that. i hv a 700kb inet by myself and tbh i dont really got pb lags
Now every finnish/polish guy is gonna sit on the couch and watch his humanized bot play nationcup for him....
yeah :PP couldnt use bot before because pb always kicked me :PP
Finally. PB-lag and pb-packetloss were the things that kept me from becomine new maus.. n1 can stop me now :D GGGGGGGG!
sNoOp just ejaculated.
sometimes dreams come true ;]
wie wahr, wie wahr, musste gerade kräftig lachen wie recht du doch hast butch0r :D
Nice! =)
I see Poland winning NC - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED xD
now need only nudges back :D
hahah :d dont think it'd change a whole lot if everyone took advantage of that :p
that is fucking ridicilous :D

Sounds like:
ye i raged cant stand morons such as kilerboi wanting to touch snoop dick...
Youve gotten urselves into one big pile of shit now xD

I can see the future:

150 clans applying for EC after massive skillboosting
Nationcup captains will have their whole country applying for the team

And because you can't take it you will change the rule back and EC dropouts and Nationcup skill will be lower then ever.

GOOOOOOODluck clownbase :D
like it's difficult choosing between a (lan-proofed) player which traveled through the ET Ranks and a no-name, private cheats always worked even with PB on, pub cheats are useless cos anyone can detect their bad humanised aim.
Brb laughing at your red nose :D
oh you didnt get the link to clownbase there, unexpected :<
atleast your not offended :P

but why this rule anyway? cause of the complaining from the top-players or because clanbse thinks this will improve the competative scene?
doesnt catch the wh tho
any opengl wallhack works with ET (iirc) but that doesn't matter, like chaplja was said, if you're gonna wallhack one time you are going to get caught (aka wallshoot) and it's difficult to hide that. (imo wallhack is much more easier to detect than humanised aim)

so demos from gtv will do (or maybe antipro will be out by that time)

i can even use another anti-cheat if i want, but let's see how it goes now
wallshot doesnt get you banned though so doesnt really matter if you know someone is wallhacking unless you can prove it. take unix for example.
what about radar wallhack?^^ players who are shown at the radar
system6 word nu zoiezo EC winner xD quali krijgen ze al voor stable zijn dan kan t nu alleen nog maar makkelijker worden :D
wat zit gij toch te whine kind, serieus.
zolang da tie niet liegt, mag tie toch zeggen wat hij wilt zeker :D
aja s6 zal ec winne om da er geen pb is? das geen leuge :)
Precies alsof wij cheaten :D
hij is jaloers :P
maar dan nog, valt ook niet op alsof wij daar eens even iedereen oprollen :p
ow, dat had ik niet gelezen, alleen dat eerste stukske :D
jammer dat de quali zonder pb was :((((
you mister are so rong, what about team turkey ? pb buste one player of them 2 seasons ago and also one of team french if im' not rong.
you're just giving ppl a free chanse to cheat. sure pb doens't detect private bots. but it will still scare some ppl away. Some ec players also get bord of the game sometime. like edit did, and now you just give thouse ppl a free chanse to cheat ... imo pb still scares alot of potensional cheaters away. good job!
You're talking crap, like anyone is going to take someone who's gone from zero to hero over some who's experienced and has made a name for himself....

As for the noname clans suddenly appearing in EC; not going to happen...
I think he has a point :-/

For example, blurred vision, gnajda, etc have played eurocup. More random polaks will follow.
And they all end up with a 10 yearban, np
after how many shit years of lagging you disable this shit?
a bit late imo
this is all snoop's fault. whiners, you can blame him
Shoud''ve done this at start of the OC/EC league. But nice.
Finally all the "high" players can stop whining too
well could be good, could be bad.
Now you better stress foxdie :-p
Any particular reason why antipro isn't used?
its not ready yet.
what's the point of posting new updates when its not even tested?
huh? what's the difference about disabling PB in EC and not in OC ? and if you delete it, what will replace it?

I also hate PB but we still need it when there ain't yet a 100% working replacement
Because its mostly the EC teams wanting to play without PB anywayz ( note : i said MOSTLY )
yeah I feel the same about it, it gives alot of irritating lags to players without a good pc (I have a nice pc now so I don't have any probs anymore with it except the windows7 kicks at cybergames) but let us be realistic. if you were in an EC team that was good but just not the top of all the EC teams. wouldn't you be attracted to start using a cheat so you can be a topplayer?
Like KillerBoi already pointed out ... playing with or without PB doesnt do much good recently anyway , most cheats just bypass PB and with the given lag its ridiculous to use PB at NC / EC level. But i see ur point :)

And just a hint : IF teams wanna play with PB on NC / EC level, they can surely do so :)
"IF teams wanna play with PB on NC / EC level, they can surely do so :) "

the cheaterteams won't do that so that's a stupid suggestion..

people will always be scared by PB, even if it sucks and doesn't find the private botters imo.if you delete the police, then people won't be scared anymore to commit wrong things
i wouldnt wanna kill someone even if i knew i wouldnt get caught
me neither, but there are bad people in this world. it's a crazy comparison but I think you understand what I mean :p
im pretty sure almost no ec player would cheat even if they had the perfect chance
would much rather have possibly few guys cheating at EC that wont even make it to the playoffs than play with weird lags all the time
look at that EC match on the frontpage, ensam&perfo already got busted in the past.. dunno about the other guys in that match..
anyone knows perfo is clean these days, same goes for busted masculines
That was perfo's brother i think you'll find. Same as it was meez's flatmate.
ye and gnajda's brother. gnajda sent him to get cigarettes and he went and bought a bot. unix also just has very high gamma. mize only wanted to quit the game.
Exactly! Finally someone on the same page.
yeah you know the deal
and you fooled us all by not quitting, twist of a century.
all cheat its the battle of etbot vs chapljabot
all top players cheat already, face it!
whats the point in keeping pb if ec players dont cheat? it's elite competition, so if someone is suspected of cheating, admins handle the case manually.
And what about fairplay in game ?

Like unfairbuster. For guys who just need to win by lame forfeits.
Excuse me, but its fun to announce changes, but this doesnt affect most of the ET players. This seems to change something for the top teams, but nothing for the others? Just because of 10% of the ET players are known u give in to their demands while u leave the majority suffering under this curse called PB? If people really want to cheat, the'll just download new cracked bots.

Just wait with pushing through changes till antipro.. if it ever gets released.
Due to the fact that the situation doesnt change for the 90%, we can do a favor to the 10%, cant we? I guess it's quite human to be "jealous"...
no we cant do a favor... rules are made for everyone
just like i wanted!
great :)

now just needs antipro
thx for killing our game

cb staff is really a joke

how can these kids kill our game so easily, this is really a stupid decision :(

thx kids
it's not like you'll ever play EC or NC :)
and what?

Do you think i cant give my opinion just because i'm low?
you can surely give it, but none will care.
thx mr egoboy
Didnt intend to sound ego, but Cant see why this would kill et & why you would post such a comment when it, most likely, wont affect you.
only nations & euro cup will be played without pb, and most of the players playing there are known and you can trust them that they will not cheat, the others are only stupid, but i think its better to play without pb and have fun (with 1 or 2 guys who will use the chance and will cheat) instead of having a not really funny cup where everyone is whining because they lag thanks to pb....

and its only like this until antipro is ready and et will get an anti cheat tool without lagging ;)
we can trust them ? you mean like perfo 2 years ago.....
Whoever plays with cheats on EC/NC level won't care about PB being on or off, as private bots are not detected by it.
thats not the point. what did admins do that you are saying they killed the game, huh? turning off pb? doesnt affect you anyways. so whats your problem?
that doesnt affect my game idd, and pb doesnt affect it anyway cause im playing under linux. but i think that building a wall to separate players is not a good idea. why ec players would have different rules? is their game most important that our? and seeing random cheaters in ec is not a good news for me. rules should be more hard for high level players than for lows, just because they are on the top and have to be an exemple for all the low players dreaming to be at their place. (if you can understand my poor english ... sorry my english lessons are really far from me)
those ec players who cheated before this change would still keep on cheating. those who didnt, well why would this be a reason for them to start? not to mention that when you start playing with cheats, you are very easy to get noticed. why make barrier? because oc is just way too big to be controlled without pb.

I find this to be one of the best decisions CB has done for a long time. in fact, I cant remember any single changes from top of my head that would be more influential when ruling out some of the config changes.
hum maybe you re right, i heard your points and have to think about it.

but : "not to mention that when you start playing with cheats, you are very easy to get noticed"

or not. A newbie starting to play with cheat is easily recognizable, but an experienced player can start to cheat and none will see anything. Someone who already has the move, the brain and a decent aim will just get a liitle more skill, just the little stuff needed to go in higher level.
yes but you're going to be unexperienced with the cheat. wallhack is very hard to hide successfully. humanized aimbot is different though that would still raise suspicions when you start aiming a lot better than what you used to (though this as well might be case for many as the pb lags are gone). nevertheless, if u want to cheat, you can cheat whether there is punkbuster not. I dont see a reason for legit players to suffer the lags caused by punkbuster.
actually lack of pb lags wont suffer someones aiming skillz... it will just made it more constant, because u wont lose a gunfight because of lag...
actually it does. there are some players (most of them in fact) that cause you have lag when they appear in your pov. so whenever youre moving around and not seeing anyone, you are not experiencing lag, except for the constant one provided by pb. when you face a player, you experience inconstant lag generated by pb which in some cases drastically affect your aim (lots of factors on this one).
i have to agree with you :-)
by saying that it doesnt affect you i meant that you are not playing in EC. its like you whined that they turned off pb in cod4. i believe the guy under me told you the reasons why there wont be cheaters in ec anyways - pb wasnt the obstacle to cheat anyways, who wishes to cheat, will do that with or without pb. and ec is far more watched, so there aint any chance for suspisious person to be missed or forgot.

and yes, ec is different than oc. skill and number of teams/players participating in the cup overall. prestige also.

i only wonder why it took them so long to actually do this (well i know - donex :p).

(np with your english tbh :). cheers! )
How is it killing your game?
he's going to play NC actually
don't you know BalloO, from French nation clan ?
so for oc players its still a choice between playing on a second rate ettv server without pb or playing with laggy but ineffective pb settings on a private server, nice
jap, sounds good enough for me :D
no pbguid checking in EC and NC
thats the best thing
Matching IP from server logs <-> CB (after match)
"i browse with a proxy usually!!"
it's possible to even match the ip with the pbguid he used and link it to CB :P
im on your freak site like 1/month maximum.... for dynamic ip's thats gonna be hard to match isn't it? mine is static but im not a child of question either...
nostradamus moment: you're either going to get forced to back down over this so many times it wont be worth it, or, enforce it 100% of the time even on 'weak' evidence and our cheaterloving community will be raging

plebiscite or plebiscide
the only chance to rescue CB.
Next NC will be one full of surprises, that's for sure!

Just hope Anti Pro won't take too long because playing without any anti cheat is just asking for problems
Stop fucking whining.

PB is shit and lags people in EC/NC who are clean.

And it should be forced on in OC because that's mainly where you get the random 100 headshot pwners.

Good choice. Hope to see anticheat soon though.
so OC players cant aim well nowdays? because i really fail to spot any sense in your post
Have you even experienced PB lag?
yes, thats why i dont understand CB decision to give opportunity to play, wo lags, to minority of players, while rest have to suffer it
In general, OC players can't compete with EC players.

If it comes down to a case where this is happening, it is most likely due to them cheating.
just lol... u know but EC players arnt omnipotent guys, the best that could this game got from the community... its normal that new teams are getting better...

good example is FiF/YoYo who kinda poped up from nowhere, winning or at least taking maps from enemies that were considered much stronger... if some1 got similar opinion to yours they would be banned before they reached peak of their skills [cc6]...

same case with single players... for how long mAus or butchji were considered as cheaters... Yet, mAus got his chance in TLR, and he could show his skills @ lan... But what if some fucktard banned him because of some stupid avi?

We have to trust in other players, they have right to be better...
Na, that was all along time ago. These days it's not the same. Most random pwners are cheaters.
nope, most of them are still clean players, just noone trust them
Great job, like pb is going to stop anyone from hacking. The hacks pb would stop, are fucking obvious so np.
this seems to have split the ET community

golly gosh indeed
class society, the "high" and the "low" ones. is it any good? waiting for a column :)
great : )
rivatuner fuck yeah
Well... PB lags, to my mind, it's just an urban legend!

(Oh wait... I'm low, so I've to go post this comment on "", isn't it?)
no you don't ;) i also think it's some urban legend cause even my shit pc can handle et with 125fps stable and pb on
cb == mob
This newspost is full of bitter OC players.
Quote by perfoSutriple bogier boy
u were oc player too :XD
But OC was at a higher level than EC that season!
ego detected.
need new poll.

imo good decision
does it mean rivatuner is allowed?
there is no way to prove you using it except you play obvious and shoot through bushes/trees. same goes for wallhacks and other sorts of hacks :-X
finally the official statement:

"we know ET is flooded with hacks and we cant do anything about it. we know now that any player could have hacked for years. still we will make OC players lag even though they are not any less 'known'/trust worthy than the random EC/NC players these days that ET has to come up with to pretend there is still something to it. So we simply dont do anything about ETs worst plague and pretend its only the common folk cheating."

dream on killernoob.

cheaters won.
and i hope that this decision does only mean that you trust EC/NC players to pay for their hacks rather than the OC players who ofc use a public, already busted hack.
lol srsly, what a ungrateful nerd

killerboy exposed more lists then anyone else back in the years as long as i remember right.

He got a great sense, abit arrogant but who's asking you.. he's making his job

Killerboy: atlist push chplja to use the existing version of anti-pro, it will make a part of the job i guess and it will give chplja more motviation to finish it
killerboy suspects every single one of cheating so a hit isnt that special tbh. and yeah, his lists and all were kinda cool even though only 3 known players got busted all those years. this isnt about killerboys busting thing this is about the fact that even CB officials say: ET is unprotected when it comes to hacks.
and even more this is about a "leadership" (speaking of ET this doesnt mean much, i know) that makes a decision without thinking twice, this is legendary... dumb.
youre dissing him for not disabling pb for oc, yet you say "only 3 known busted", sort of contradicting.
what do the 3 people he busted by list have to do with pb? not much id say and i didnt "diss" him for (not) disableing pb but for the fact that they do make a distinction OC <-> EC/NC.
Chaplja makes cheats again now. Stopped working on antipro a long time ago.
Winner of next NC/EC:
- Nexus
- Palehook
- Crushr
- etx
- WnX

Gream Team, Great Decision

and which of those cheats didnt work while we had pb?
atm i think that eth, crushr, wnx are detected and some version of Nexus,etx semi-detected (all have dirty pbss) dunno about palehook (its priv bot)
anyway looking forward for antipro
most of public cheats got its priv version...
priv isnt public ...
if we dont use any anticheat - typical player (cheater) can easily googling for aimbots/wh/... and without any problems (and money too) use it
all those pathetic and ridiculous pricks saying "ET will die now", omg
Interesting. I look forward to seeing what this will look like once the results are seen, it's too early to go one way or another at the moment.
imo this is very good for et but disable it for OC too plz
Played some matches without PB already, it was great actually.
Love to hit PL with low-computers(not in a sexual way)
:o lol!

this is the biggest bullshit i ever heard of! Its not that you are finally ruining this game, you are just weak in defending this game from cheats!

Execuses like "Privat hacks are even with PB undetectable" are kinda weak and it CANT be a solution, to give up chasing cheaters. Thats like giving up anti-doping tests in sports, just because there are some meds/dops you cant figure out with todays technology.....

Why havent you waited for AntiPro to come out?....

Welcome to all the fkn gnajdas out there, have fun playing EC and NC! And plz, i see it come, plz dont reply to me, that the most of the EC/NC will consist of clean players (due to some captains doing a good job) - that doesnt count! You are telling me, that the PB laggs destroying this game and making it unfair? Oh yeah, every single cheater makes it ever more unfair!

This is just a fkn bunch of bullshit! With things like this, you are ruining this game for me as a fan. I doubt, that i could enjoy watching a EC/NC match while knowing that theres no way to know if someone is cheating or not.
pb just doesnt cut it. people cheat if they want to, not because we have punkbuster or not.

hopefully antipro changes things, but for now, pb is only downside for legit players.
as i read ur comment:

people cheat if they want to

means pb wont catch them after all????? wtf is that

pb is still more accurate then nothing imo
its fact, surely some 'noobs' get busted once in a while, but if you are tiny bit smarter, u know how to not get caught.
The sporting analogy could be a good one… but you’ve to follow it through – were these dope tests not only undetectable, but they reduced the athletes performance by 10% - do we think they’d still be used?
Cos PB reduces every player's performance with 10%?

It's just some bullshit made up to cover the fact that you sucked during a particular game. And everybody just jumped on the bandwagon because it's so easy to blame something instead of looking for the fault at yourself.

Sure, PB gives an occasional lagspike but so what? Lagspikes occur in every game. People should just stop being such babies.
Seriously mate, it's no excuse. With punkbuster and vent open, I get and average fps rate of 25-50 and constant freezes, with punkbuster disabled it's playable again. Killing vent also helps abit, but since it takes less cpu than PunkbusterB it doesnt help alot. Test it yourself, go to a game on a pb server, and play while looking at punkbusterb in taskmanager. Ive only started to bitch about fps myself after that big update where they introduced punkbuster a and b. Granted my pc isnt topnotch, but it used to run 100fps stable with a few exceptions. Occassional lagspike? How about 250-500ping and back every second fight, Even a stable 250ping is easier to play with :D

I used to pub all the time, now i don't even bother anymore, no fun in trying to aim for a guy with 15fps (more people, pb goes craaaazy). Any1 that ever played with me knows that I'm pretty good at this game and that I usually don't even need excuses.
you should play no-pb jaymod pubs like me :D
lol, great solution ;D
What about all the talents playing in the OC? Who have the potential to play in NC/EC.
nice step but you should allow that the OC players too,i dont even get why only EC&NC are allowed to play without PB.?!????

so EC&NC players can play lagfree and the others got fucked because they are not "known" or whatever?

i mean if some1 rly wants to cheat he can even cheat with pb, so where is the prob to allow OC players to play without PB?

*wanna hv a answer plx* - myguess "OC is to random and we will hv a lot of messages in our inbox cuz of cheaters*

uhm? :D

anyway waiting for antipro
should be so that both teams may agree not to use pb - for OC that is.
Stay strong monsieur KB.

Public cheats are ridiculous (seriously go load one up they’re terrible) – you’d notice within 2 seconds of speccing them – private humanised shit is already undetected – end game being…?:)

Personally this feels like a brilliant ploy by Killerboy to finally put the cheat producers out of business… take away their customer base, push them under then bring back PB – noice!
I'm pretty sure it's a good decision because els the cheatbusters would not have done this. :D
You shouldnt remove pb without a proper other anticheat tool to replace it.
Looks good but I would change 1 thing:
Quote PunkBuster will only be used unless both teams agree on it

I would say it's better to use PB when 1 of the 2 teams wants it. If you have to play some team with suspicious players, you rather want to play it with PB but if the other team really cheat, they will never accept to play with PB.
Play with TJ config
Just for curiousity why to delete PB? And furthermore I would like to ask what is PB lag? I have played with 3dif comps and never had any lag based on pb. Those who whine about it are either shit or try to get excuse while getting owned.

Don't really care about decision.
I think a lot of people who blame "PB lag" actually have other problems, like packet loss or CPU spikes unrelated to PB. ^^
Same! But it is easy to whine about PB cause you can't really do nothing for it !
ofcourse, PunkbusterB taking up to 35% cpu speed has nothing to do with it....
in my case there is a big difference between lag without pb and with pb. With pb on the ping jumps up to 100, fps drops to 40 and the screen just sort of freezes every second.
When pb is turned off it all magically dissapears besides the lag caused by my stupid brother that is :D
Yeah I know that cause many guys blame PB, but what is that PB lag based on? I did lag 3 and half years cause of crappy comp but still didn't had any lag based on pb. So basically how we can be sure about that lag is related to pb and not for your system specs?
pb on: all these things occur(got worse over last months)
pb off: none if this things occur
conclusion: pb causes the lag
Like I said, pb takes up to 35% cpu speed on my comp. So ET 45-55% + 30% + ventrillo => cpu in trouble and massive lagouts and fps drops occur. Believe me, I've tested it. Got no lags and I play really well on no-pb servers or antipro servers.
Not a good decision in my honest opinion
this community is fucked up pretty much. you play with pb, you whine, you play without, you whine. just stop it. rather worry about how many teams are actually playing the game at the very own moment, you can barely find a normal skilled pracc (especially in last 2 weeks). only few are teams playing, and i can already see fins,ecw, zzz and others dropping after EC...

and yea, playing with/without has its pros and cons. but pb didnt really evolve in anything better and it obviously cant get any better, it's useful just to prevent pub cheats, the good ones pb will never actually i dont really mind playing with or without it. GV was one one big FAIL, and that should be disabled without any thoughts.
TosspoT: I didnt see the incident but I am sure it was a red card - frozz is often right
you've been waiting to use that quote how long? :D
Not that long! Besides, I havent been writing anything useful for quite some time:(
I think people are pissed more because of the separation to the ones that are more and ones that are less important
And maybe because a part of our lovely game is own by teenagers?

But also we should remember that most of players whine about pb cause it isn't able to catch cheaters. And not about lag thingy
One of the reasons alot of people actually quit this game is because PB made it so damn laggy. Has nothing to do with the general tendency to whine and all I can say is that you obviously never played with 20-40 fps and constant jumps in ur ping to 500 which gets worse infight. Believe me it's really demotivating and the only reason I'm still playing this game is because some clans are playing without pb these days, making it possible for me to actually play with my friends without lagging out every fight.
Why u think GV is one big fail? ( I agree with u )
because it didnt get us anything good to keep it in et, but more important, game lagged like hell when that was on
Killerboy is only game supervisor for a few days and he already made the biggest mistake in the history of clanbase ET admins, apart from the one that made him admin ofcourse.
lol @ all the OC players whining

maybe get some skill and u can play ET without PB then? D:

instead of whining why EC players don't have to play with pb and u do.. it's simple .. OC is full of random hackers '-'
i'm waiting for the first comments after some games without pb...

where's the logic here, let's disable PB for EC players and leave lag for OC, who cares about lower divisions. if we disabled PB for them, they would all start hacking obviously with public cheats like nexus and nobody will be able to recognize it
OC will turn into a cheatfest, simple as that
i smell a comeback of team edit with there hack on again!
*brb, dl`ing cheats for NC*
what nellie and frozz said.

stop whining, pb only detects pub cheats.
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