CoD Community shows its size

image: cic-header

The Call of Duty community have responded to yesterdays indecision regarding no Modern Warfare 2 tournament at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 with a show of defiance towards their preferred title, Modern Warfare 1. The game which has a very successful history at the challenge series may well be making return after a whopping 30 teams confirmed both interest and finances to attend the event and a further 15 teams declaring just interest.

You can see the full list of teams interested in attending on this TEK9 thread. Hats off to Vanner for compiling that list and mobilising the community and as a result of that when we open up the payments for ET later this week, we will also open up CoD payments on the triggered prize system mentioned in that post.

Secondly and the reason why this is filtered as Crossfire rather than CoD is that TEK9 hero Jetset has written a mammoth guide for teams planning on attending the Crossfire Challenge. In this guide here you can see a monumental guide for all forms of travel and accommodation in the local area which will certainly help your travel plans for CIC7.
Tek-9 site is totally fucked up for me at work :<
Somehow the site doesn't load in firefox and in IE it's some mega css fuckup.

Well done though, looking forward to meet up with dignitas & reason :)
delete cookies, and try again :p
looks like it will get crowded :D
Great to hear... stack & double stack those log cabins :D
Big kudos to the maker of that guide
That guide is nice =P
Hopefully one of several slaps in the face of IW to come. Nice work :)
cool now u can remove et aswell
You used to be a happy go lucky italian, now after 'mamagate' you've gotten bitter and twisted in your old age.
actually since ive played with Latvia fuzz he stole my soul :(
lets face it latvia isnt the most exciting place in the world!
You'd be amazed the things you can do with a bridge and a dog...
that's lithuania
latvia, lithuania, north korea ... who gives a fuck. all the same trash
looooooooooooool, are you pretending to be american ;0
Can't wait the payments to open, after speaking to a fair amount of teams on the confirmed list they are just waiting for payment date :)
Nice stuff you did on tek-9!
is there gonna be enough space for everyone?
Team name: Malta Project EVERSIO Lineup: metju gas mike matli pk

hope they will attend so i won't be alone flying from malta
does killboy get all scared on the plane ?! :D

@ Maltese airport no

but at german airport i have this phobia i will get lost if i don't find anyone who's going to enschede :D
haha! I've never actually been in another country on my own before so i'd probably be the same :P
depends which german airport.. bremen for example is small and easy... good train connection and easy way to netherlands ^^
just follow the thin pimple-faced guy with glasses...
hopefully too many cod teams won't show up
because the venue ain't too big so it'll easily get crowded like hell and it's the one and only event for ET so it would suck if the size of ET tournament would be limited due to huge amount of CoD4 teams

I don't mean it like "CoD fucking sucks and so do all the guys who play it", though. I like the game and have been playing it pretty much, even considered starting to play it seriously over ET at the time it came out. Also at the first crossfire LAN (cpc1) I had great time with the CoD players aswell, but on the events after that CoD guys have been pretty separate as atleast all the top teams only show up for the games and then leave the venue when they're done with playing their own games

I guess that it has mostly to do with the differences between our scenes. ET players gather at the event from all over the Europe mostly just to have fun and good times with other players hanging around the venue, playing poker and drinking together. CoD players have their big multigaming organizations to present and to them the event is just one out of many and they go there to success which requires them to spent time making tactics and discussing their gameplay at the hotel room and not being allowed to drink too much as they have to sleep well to be fresh and prepared for the games early in the morning. Okey, maybe I exaggerated a bit and not all the CoD teams act that professionally, but that's pretty much how I see it

I can fully understand why CoD4 is included though and crossfire LANs wouldn't be the same without the CoD series. I'd also imagine that with only ET in the game list it would be almost impossible to find any sponsors for the events so I guess we need to thank CoD players for keeping these events alive aswell :)

I just hope that TosspoT will find a good balance within the size of ET and CoD4 tournaments
Good news, lets just hope they all follow through and actually pay to attend.
is the et tournament open for all teams btw? or will there be qualifiers?
The page isn't redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
Yeh tek9's had a lot of problems with this, try a different browser or deleting your cookies. They're still in a transition period from the old site.
Damn, all eyes off ET and all casts back to cod4 :(
finally i can embarrass all of them cod4 noobs. 1 man clutch player avi
Quote bobert234
1 day ago
+0 thumbs
Team name: infinitus eSports / iQPAD
Lineup: StuwOw Andehh ptR bRian kONING

1 day ago
+0 thumbs
If that lineup attends I will eat a Qpad CT mousemat live on QuadV

looking forward to this LAN
need ketchup?!
never been to a cc but if Im not mistaken then there use to be some party but was it just like "home style" or out clubbing?
Hope there will be enough beds left in the hotels...

Dont want to sleep in a cabin.
book some hotel room as early as you can.
You'll be too stoned again to recognize anyone bro.
my name is not satz!
Wouldn't want to brawl with satz :[
nope, that would be the same as hitting a wall with spikes and covered by aids!
Better watch out image: smiley
I will shake your hand and tell you I love you, no matter how hard you'll try.
cu there :)

A good show once again from the cod community!
Toxic is coming just for you
i just wanna touch you guys x
We'll supply everyone with bodyguards ofc.
lets not beat around the bush here stu, you announced this lan because of me!
gosh i miss cc6 =)
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and what about the ET community who mainly want to play 6vs6 :E
gl to reason & dignitas
follow the railroad!
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