
image: 914

Last night was supposed to be the grand final of the Clanbase Eurocup but as many random journals illuded to yesterday the final was not played, for those who dont know (I didnt until now) this is what happened:

Quote by Killerboy Francis & Homer had a radio shoutcast, and francis invited taZ and matias to shoutcast aswell apparently there was a misunderstanding (ecw thought it was a for pre-match only) only 1 could join the server due to insufficient slots and matias gave up (before the match started) and he quit without much problems but tazor kept on joining the server during the match and radio shoutcast connecting with voice changer and ruining it. After we kept on kicking him we got another CB admin Rayzed, and that solved the problem cos nobody could connect server was full so taz pasted the server ip & pw on #et-finland actually this happened before we got rayzed first he pasted the ip & pw then "grzesiek" connected with what we believe an rcon hacker. ETPro logs show he tried to crash it we kicked him from the server and rayzed joined, 5 minutes later everyone was kicked we dont know who it was for sure yet since we are waiting for the server console logs skooli and arni have all the details.

When will the match be next played? Potentially tonight, both sides were looking to play tonight however Germany snoop came down with a rare condition of nerdrage and deleted his entire profile and buddylist (serious stuff) and claimed he wont play again. One of the reasons for this was that ECW had defended radar for 9 minutes and started attacking well by taking the CP within 2 minutes so map 1 looked to headed their way.

Update The Clanbase Eurocup XX Final will now take place on Sunday night. On the same day that BA's Trade Union was shot down so were the scheduling problems for the EC Final. That has left many with the question of what lineup will roll out for ECW in the final?
Glad I didnt cast this :D Working on fixing my stuff, might be ready tonight! - btw what an awesome newspost title if I may say so myself.
i know u hate me :D:D (love me giving warning points bans deleting all my comments)

but im glad that the war got canceled cuz i wanted to hear you shoutcasting =[

so hope u can shoutcast tonight :D:D
skooli and arni do nott have all the details as it wasnt their server the match was played on.
anyway. DRAM0R.

Best community in the world :))))
Dont think snoop will ever play that EC final :P
youre serious? :(
I believe you but.. no ec and nc for snoop anymore forever? he probably said that while being in rage so he overreacted maybe though i can understand him?
just remember at the last nc, than u got the answer
replace snoop for azatej, np
snoop raged? wtf???
poor snoopie:(
i could play for him.
This is so embarrassing.

And why blaming snoop all the time btw?
Because he is nerdraging?
everyone else except snoop was ready to play it yesterday

his nerdrage was really weird :D why the fuck did he delete his buddylist?!?!?!
haha not really

I was already in a HoN game when I connected to IRC ;-;
nerdrage is not something you blame, its something you laugh at - like tourette's!
QuoteWhen will the match be next played? Potentially tonight, both sides were looking to play tonight however snoop came down with a rare condition of nerdrage and deleted his entire profile and buddylist (serious stuff) and claimed he wont play again. One of the reasons for this was that ECW had defended radar for 9 minutes and started attacking well by taking the CP within 2 minutes so map 1 looked to headed their way.

This is not really professional. You shouldn't use words like "nerdrage" and "stuff" in a main news.
lol, what else could u call it?
It's a fucking game site.
Yes, there is journal section.
Your point being?
You could be right but shut up was as much as I could be bothered to write!
His site, his rules
id have to agree with you on that sir i was gonna say the same thing when i read that
this bad community just doesnt want to accept them saxons :-(((
Snoop tantrums and destroys workshops and pulls levers causing flooding.
Just give ECWinners the CP and then vote a timelimit of 7minutes, problem solved
and same spawntime for us etc.. ;)
ssshhh dont tell the secrets !!
D:: You guys already found a excuse to play it over again D: big love for that :D.
rofl? we are not the ones missing one player
Did i say something about that?
well u didnt. but srsly do u think that east + west defence is hard to keep 6-7 mins?
Did i say that? :'d?? I just say what i said I dont mean shit with it
why are u saying we have excuses then oO
You have one.. Because you can also do what the guy said, give cp blalblalblalbla. Its not rlly a excuse but you know what i mean.
Anyway ofc you would win it you have kapaa ;).
Best title ever.
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD says enough about this game and its community
Quotesnoop came down with a rare condition of nerdrage and deleted his entire profile and buddylist

but it is doing wonders to his hits
give ecw 2-0 score and let them play the match again with other maps.
gg wp
the didn't win so they don't deserve 2 points
well, so i think they should start allies again with the 9 min time ^^
wont be played tonight. tomorrow or thursday hopefully :)
um... very unlikely.
If grzesiek is actually the one that did all this I propose to give him "atleast" a 1 year ban from CF, esl and CB. Behaviour like this is even worse than cheating to me.
Im not rly following any other game-scene but im pretty sure that u will find those retarded guys in other games aswell.
what a story :`|
Totally called it!

Really damn annoying though - I went quite a long way out of my way to be able to watch+listen to the final. How anyone can think it's enjoyable to screw over 700+ people I have no idea.
nice predicition :D
take taz instead of snoop! :)
snoop the dwarf?

play it tonight come on
Quote rare condition of nerdrage

It's not rare.
so either give ECW a win on radar or let them attack with fulltime? :-S
that happens when u trust some ppl that are known to be kinda retarded
Well the problems is that SNOOP DIDNT TRUST ON ME!

I pasted IP because he didnt let me cast so FU SNOOP!
So snoop was right to not trust you!
I was joining to server couple times because francis said that "You are allowed to come again when they have played couple mins so MM already know ECW's respawn"

I came back when they were already start to playing but still NERD SUPER RAGE SNOOP THE GERMAN ANGRY NERD KICKED ME AGAIN!

So I wanted to ruin his EC-final and mission completed :PPPPPPP

So blame snoop! Because he didn't let me cast I pasted IP to #et-finland
<--- ban this gay please
because you got asshair hanging outside your trousers!!
omg you fu**ing asshole! boys like you must hang arround the street.



Gtfo -,-
omg, i am not crying about not seeing that match. I am crying because this was my matchserver you fucking asshole.
Go and die with you FIN friends
It would be best if you just stfu and gtfo
I still dont get why you havent recieved a 1year ban or longer on cb! 3 month ffs..

but thats like snoop, i heard he cryd @ cc6 when he lost so early
People also heard mAus cried after CC5. Neither of them is true, though.
ah, yet he is raging
Hmm from all these journals u made when u were still playing with them, it looked like there was something behind it and that you were actually a smart guy, but this just shows that you're kinda retarded :O

Why would you even do that, you played with them? :s
stfu already. fucking retard.
retarded kid
the only nerdrage that happened was yours, fag
Just give the first map to ECW and thats it or at least give them the CP and do a callvote to get the same time as before.

This r@ygoldfucker is their friend and they kinda their responsibility. They knew what was going on.
wtf rly? maybe give it to us?

do u think east + west defence is hard to keep 6-7 mins? :D

i think whole map will be played again
Okay if it ain't that hard whats wrong with starting from CP again?
spawn time is the biggest problem

different spawn time can change the result upside down.

well, it isnt THAT important in radar but still
Please be honest now.

You're friend Taz destroyed this years biggest online ET final there is, he's in your team on CB, ESL and all the big competition sites, he is used to hang out with you guys and you like him and all that.

Now tell me don't you see why you guys should held responsible for his behavior?
wtf rly, even if hes in our cbroster, he hasnt played any matches in 2 years.

do u rly think we wanted him ruin our ec-victory?
Im just saying. You should at least give the forfeit to ECW if you really want to be fair.
fair? :DD

i'll quit this conversation now
Thought so.
just be fair man... let snoop win EC man, he deserves it man... :S yesteday i bet snoop becouse he dont think man...
MM doesnt have anything to do with Taz.

It's not like they asked him to mess this match up.
:D i agree if this was supply, but on radar u have to attack over 2 spawntimes mostly, so it doesnt rly matter.

ECW should get cp & the time as it was at that point. Don't see the point of replaying the whole map for it.
same thing happend in some old mamut/idle game vs TLR or something,cant remember exact.Server crashed on suply and Mamut was given the flag and admin set up the time at 11 something.It would be stupid to make diferent decisions all the time for same situations
i remember it aswell, admin was Rhand.
twidi did same in tlr vs dignitas cadre cup game
Considering I never adminned a game from TLR (to my knowledge atleast) I doubt it.

As chmpp pointed out, you're confusing me with twidi.

Late reply, but Poland grzrzrzrzesiek linked to this newspost and I had nothing to do.
Quotedifferent spawn time can change the result upside down.

I agree with you, which is why I still wonder why after 5 years the issue of spawntimes hasn't been addressed, probably one of if not the biggest contributors to lotto in this game ;-;
They fixed that in Quakewars. Afaik.
Yep they enlarged the maps so that you had 1min30 walking/driving after the spawn, thus lessening the importance of spawntime since waiting 1min30 or 2min before getting in a fight is pretty much the same.
late post is late
if you knew how to play the game you where in fight after some seconds.
was just random flame :) from what I remember what I saw at CC4. Guys spawing, talking a buggy, 45 sec drive, getting backraped, limbo 20 sec, then 45 sec drive again ...
the husky isnt that fast. Take armadillo/hog those one are really fast, and icarus. And if you play maps like volcano and salvage, those are fast anyway. On Volcano there arent even vehicles, just some maps are too big.
And yet people whine why ET isn't hosted by major lan organisations. Try pulling something like this in a COD2 CS game and you probably would be banned for 1 year, but here tossy's site tossy's rules
Why not? It's been used in many professional sports.

Think of it like a tennis game, starts to rain = pause.
About spawntimes they can just zip it, another fail apology.
Hmm, why not? <_<
leave snoop alone!
I believe there was a nefarious conspiracy behind this all, just so TosspoT could cast the match!

It's the Tossgate of our generation!
Weren't you outraged when kamz done this in rtcw? Now taz does it in ET and nothing is really said to him, he should be banned from crossfire along with that other polak that joined the server and tried to crash it.
Hes banned - so whats your point?
ok, only in the last few minutes i see.

when you getting the crossfire hoodies btw? :D
toss owes me one for finding something for him ha! Guess ill have to wait till closer to cic
if that's so, he should be pardoned by the next ET-president!!!!!
nice title stu. Think u can sum this up by nerds/kids/freaks/retards for the likes of snoop taz and random polak whose name i cant spell.
Oh boi oh boi look whose talking.
oh it's ec final, didn't even know it was going on
That's because you spend most of your day listening to Summoning and reading Lord of the rings. You're not cool.
mission accomplished
I watch Mega Man -animu
just when i thought et community couldn´t get more retarded...

Why not? taZor is in their roster on CB so its totally fair.

They should get punished since he's their responsibility. Start from CP again or forfeit the first match and give ECW the win.
If Francis invited him to shoutcast, it has nothing to do with MM.
why is taz not banned here?
why arent all obvious cheaters-accounts banned here?

apparently, the people in control just aren't zealous enough.
btw, why dont they used the hub for their cast? :o full slots -> go for the hub! :>


all in all i think its ok, if one shoutcaster joins the matchserver, but while casting with 4 guys, it really should be a better idea to join the hub!
The other part is isnt Francis an ex cheater called John? Why would you just welcome him back like that...
I dont know :o Never heard of that before (i am not that active/up to date anymore), but yeah, if its true he shouldnt be allowed to cast such big matches....

Besides that: would have pissed me off aswell (like snoop), if there are 1337 guys on the matchserver. Besides that i dont think that guys like Taz can behave, while being on the match serv (e.g. talking in global chat etc. etc.)

It was just a stupid idea of francis and i really dont understand, why noone stopped him/told him to join the hub.... would have prevented some flame and rage, e.g. by snoop
thats not the point, the point is that matias & taz are MM's buttbuddys.
yeah, that was also a prob....
so from now on i always want one of my teammates to spec for me & give comms!
I actually quite liked the 'casting by committee' approach in the pregame stuff, I think it could've worked quite well if the slots had been available and the casters not turned into 6-year-old morons and thrown a tantrum when a team quite legitimately refused to let players associated with their opponent spectate the match server.
But 4 guys doing a cast simultanously (<- wtf, is it written right? :D)!? I dont see the sense in it! Two casters on one stream are enough for all listeners imho.

You just proofed my statement, it was legitim to refuse them, so i really dont understand why noone (like the CB admins and sups/csups) thought a lil bit about it and stopped francis and this stupid idea. Everyone should have know, that matias and even more taz are related to MM, so it was clear imho, that it will end with flame from ECWs side.... Dunno, why the admins allowed that bullshit -.-
How are they related to our team?
dunno exactly, its just that almost everbody is associating them way more to MM then to ECW e.g.

but thats not my point, there just would have been other guys, francis could have invited and who would have been related to both teams equally. Thats all what i wanted to point out :> It was just a bad choose/taste/idea to invite matias (rly nothing against him) and taz (biggest retard ever imho)......
I hope you liked it!
I wanted to do it for my listeners because i think it is something "new" and original but i won't do it again... unfortunatly. I don't want to waste my time with some kids (nothing related to Homer & Matias).
Next time may I suggest you screen your guests more carefully and OK them with both teams beforehand? :D
I was wondering why people thinks i am a cheater now i understand...

My Yawn:

His Yawn:

I know it's confusing because he is french but you can see our guids are totally different, we don't live in the same city and i started ET 2.6b 2 years ago.

I hope it is clear now.

i knew it francis, you have been hiding it for too long! xD

<3 for the haters :D
It explains why i drive faster than you on ET!
more hax available at! where the low+ skill was created :DD
ET is snoops life, why oh why did it happen.
herr butchji incoming :]]
aza isntead snoop?
Snoop syrius bisnez!
hahah, honestly, snoop is like my favourite person on the intarwebs
just hand the gold to ECW, the fins were obv behind this
All the pracs we have played against you guys says the same, oh wait..
oh snap, them praccresults, forgot about them! :(
I knew you forgot something! Fix your computer and play tomorrow offi
Is that yes or no, im confused :l
PwNd in 3oN3 vs The SwedISh FIRe Powers hähäh
PwNd in 3oN3 vs The SwedISh FIRe Powers hähäh
QuoteAfter we kept on kicking him we got another CB admin Rayzed, and that solved the problem cos nobody could connect server was full so taz pasted the server ip & pw on #et-finland actually this happened before we got rayzed first he pasted the ip & pw then "grzesiek" connected with what we believe an rcon hacker.

What a sentence :D
ET is alive :D
retard award 2009 goes to Germany snoop aka angry little german
Heard the story now. I dont get the point why everybody is trying to blame snoop ôO. All the admins and "important" people who manage the match-stuff should be flamed. Really.
They wont get flamed because nobody cares about them. It's much better to flame a known player that owns you ingame. :))
stop defending him.
I see the facts.
and one of those is that snoop totally raged again over a 6 year old game wich he takes way to serious like its his living
he said it himself
why does everybody think i raged about this? i took it as a reason to stop with et which i wanted to do for some weeks now cuz i didnt enjoy it anymore. only kept playing cuz of the competitons. but since the competitions obviously fail i was like "ok bb" and deleted my profile since i always wanted to do that when i stop.
Why do you care? His behavior doesn't really affect anyone else. His team doesn't hate him for not playing and they will play with Aza vs MM. Also sNoOp meant with "serious" obviously playing in a clan. vila & all those guys laughing at him for taking it too serious took the game just as serious.

(Also: game age doesn't have anything to do with taking it serious or not (e.g. CounterStrike 10 years & StarCraft 11 years))
german rage
You should write news from an objective and neutral point of view though.
Actually, i enjoy reading news like this. I dont mind the title, neither do i mind the teasing of snoop by calling nerdrage. I dont see why it should be unbiased. I prefer reading one of Fuzz' newsposts over any 'serious' newspost.
Well, personal opinions have nothing to do with news. imagine the CNN channel calling Hillary Clinton a loser bitch during the main news only cause the reporter thinks that way.
He could surely express his personal thoughts in a journal / column - they are made for that.
Thats the thing. xf is new media. People watch news / coverage which coincide with their own beliefs and views on the world. Like I see myself as a progressive liberal, as such I read newspapers and websites which have the same beliefs. You could go ahead and try to be all unbiased etc but I doubt you'll sell your product. These days you need fear, hate or hope to sell your product. Unbiased aint in it.
Yes that seems to be the current situation. Anyway, dont you think youre a little exaggerting? :P
I was just referring to "nerdrage" and this sarcastic "serious stuff".
Its obvious he is trolling. At least thats how I read it.
honline only ftw

edit: i support snoop in deleting his profile. It is the only way to express the rage built up. I had to do the same and haven't regretted it a single day!
Why are people flaming snoop? If there's anyone to flame, it's my fanboy who's behind this. After all, he went to such great lengths to be able to see me play.

Not that I'll play now, or anything.
Yes, I gave the ip & pw to Hype :)
i thought you had lifetime ban on xf?
I wish I knew, it'd make browsing crossfire a lot easier.
Parent is quiet fast for me
made my day. :D
will you stop lickin' his ass?
fail snoop is writing a comment, lol
why is everybody whining about people making snoop responsible for the chaos ?

There is none.
lol no? they are laughing at his rage
i thouth it was at taz's face
they arent, just more that his reaction is pathetic
yeah you got my point, still everybody is whing about snoop getting blamed, which didnt happen.
When watching ETTV I got kinda frustrated by the fact snoop was the only one who thought it might be a little bit weird that 2 members of the opponent would get a shoutcaster lvl in an EuroCup final...

Maybe backup, maybe manager, but what the fuck?!

They probably wouldnt have told anything to their Finnish mates, but that doesn't matter at all, it's just smth that shouldnt even be considered. There are enough people who can help shoutcasters in such a match.

This match can't really be played again, cause both teams can find arguments to cancel a rematch. And the admins kinda showed yesterday that they weren't able to handle such a game.
match will be played + for those who don't know about this rule we can apply:

Quote# If the server crashes during a match, the map will be restarted only if the crash occurred less than 1 minute after the start, or during the 1st round for round-based games. In all other cases the remaining time (rounded to the closest minute and with a minimum of 2 minutes) or rounds will be played, after which the scores will be added to determine the map win.
oke, that's clear, but if you don't have 2 teams, that rule is kinda worthless...
simple forfeit then
why shouldn't we have 2 teams? Afaik MM wanted to play and so did ECW, only snoop wasn't online, now he is, don't know if they agreed yet, dialer is talking to snoop. let's hope for the best.
you cant really expect me to play this game after your fuckup can you? x)
kid :)

u r taking gaming way too srsly

btw why did u remove your entire buddylist, how did it help?
im not taking it too serious. i just dont wanna play because i told the admins from the first minute on it will happen like it did and they didnt care. Dont really see the point why i would finish their cup now and why i would satisfy all these friendly guys here by leting them watch the game.

and i deleted my profile (not only buddylist, yeye!) because i always said i ll delete it when i stop playing et. and ye i will stop because there simply is no point in investing time in smth that will have such an outcome.
nevertheless what happened

if you really don't give a fuck about it anymore, why deleting buddy? ask some admin to disable or ban your profile. But I don't think you will stop gaming (et) anyway, see ya in some weeks back online... if it would be that easy for you, you wouldn't even reply to comments in here anymore

either GTFO and leave the place

or cut the whine and play for fun...
i still write here because all the comments are just too funny and stupid to not react on them. simply cant miss to get in all these stupid conversations x)
i wish i had the power to argue with you!
even tosspot has and hes rather simple minded
i know how you feel, i witnessed an almost immaculate CP rush by your team yesterday and the game was at its climax, and suddenly i got kicked, i raged like hell, but i didn't decide to not ref anymore, i guess you know how it feels to have been making sure the whole eurocup goes well during these months, all that preparation, coverage, etc and at the final 100metres you sink in the port, it's fucked up, and remember it's not all about you, dialer already told me you won't play, but i hope you know that decision will affect your team more than it will affect you, i saw ECW play like a team yesterday, and it was the first time i believed you did have a good chance of winning the final.
seems like you dont know how i feel since im neutral atm. the reason im not gna play the game is that i told you this will happen and you didnt react. believe me, is isnt by far the only time admins failed like this and still think you are right. now it even seems like you wanna blame me for this which is somehow ...erm... pathetic.

and my decicion will affect my team? guess your decicions already affected it more than any of my decicions could ever do ;)
i'm not blaming you, we don't even know how the rcon got leaked. ClanBase had 0 access (i.e: didn't know ref or rcon pw). It could be that taz's leak had nothing to do with it, the rcon might have been guessed or bruteforced.
well ye it probably had nothing to do with taz...

and obviously you arent one of the guys who try to start a riot against me so people dont recognize your supidity
do you even realize that all of this couldve been avoided if you admins wouldve for once done something usefull instead of just "beeing" there

you really planned to let taz and matias "shoutcast" that match? you dont think do you? You just delayed it and delayed it and it got to the point ip's got leaked but you cant just blame one retard you gave access to come there. You fucking idiots fucked EC final like that and funny thing is i dont think you even care, you just want to find the actual guilty for the server crash when infact you are the ones who should be to blame.
i did not know about Matias and Taz thing, i only found out while listening to the cast, i was at the fucking hospital watching my grandma die and you are fucking whining about me not caring enough.
Sorry for hear about that :-(
anyway better to delete this comment from cf..
Sorry for hear about that :-((
she's on a better place now
she's not dead yet, doctors don't know how, but it was her 3rd heartattack and she's still alive.
wow that's great:) i wish her the best
off now nn
Ironically her last wish was to watch Snoop play EC final.
there was a time when having a ref on server meant something, they used to help and warn opponents if they were annoying, spaming and similar stuff, nowadays they only sit on server and spectate(and write moronic comments) and later talk about how they are "CB admins"
so the talk about some 'one key rcon hacking thing' isn't real?
Leaked, hacked w/e. The point is kicker got a knowledge about pass which wasn't hard..
there's a lot difference still if the guy really needed to know the rcon or just used some strange hack where you just need the server ip and pw

if such hack exists (like the one journal today that got removed where the guy confessed to it), basically anyone could hae done it. But otherwise only a few ppl knew the rcon

btw, do you have any 'inside info' if that guy was just getting attention or if he really did it?
i know rcon stealer exist, (know someone who HAD it) it basicly call a vote with some strange meaning and he gets rcon :(
What a fucking serious asslick that was, ahah :D.
what does that mean for ecw-mm match? they will start at the 2nd round with 9 or 7 minutes? Sry, my english skills are rather low :s
That actually makes sense...
No seriously, haven't looked at it from that side!
hmm ok, thanks then.

It was actually the first thing that came up in my mind. I wouldn't even consider to play with 2 shoutcasters of the opponent, how honest they might and prolly will be...

Let ECW play with Aza if Snoop doesnt want to play, cause I'm bored :D
That would be fun :D
But I doubt that will happen :P

Nevertheless, all this e-drama is getting pretty ridiculous.
"2 members of opponent"

excuse me but.. WHAT? I only play sometimes mixes and cod4 with them.. it's not like I share my all secrets with them
That's not rellevant, you are pretty close to them and you can't really say you'r not. Therefore you just shouldnt be shoutcasting, not in a ec final.
Ehm, what is the 'fairest', best way to deal with this?

Too completely replay it seems not to be an option, trying to recreate the situation as best as possible seems to be discarded, so that leaves not playing it? Or what? Situation is fucked up but it's better to play it over than not to play it all right?

And if taz and the Poland faggot don't get permabanned or at least banned for a fucking long time for pulling of shit like this I think both CF & CB lost the credibility they had.
taz already has 3 month ban on cf and 3 (edit) months ban on cb
I hope he rots in e-hell.
This community is hilarious. Everyone else would ban and blame the saddest internet heroes (grzsieekeiksdisi guy and taz) but the admin of this page cares about the reaction of the victim which is highly irrelevant. (ofc it's funny but you don't need to take this opportunity to celebrate your grudge against snoop, Toss ;o)

This way you make this whole stuff look like a boyish prank and the guys who dislike crashing servers or whatever are the "nerds" who care about such stuff. (Kamz vs TosspoT not long ago?)
taz is banned and was banned very quickly, I dont know who the other person is but if someone provides me a profile I'll ban him too. There is no double standards here.
Ban hammer is on fire ! ;D
Oh, I saw taz still posting here. Other guy is "grzesiek" as in your news post.
The moment he posted he was banned, I'll admit to being slower off the mark with the banning than usual but I was on the phone for most of the time whilst writing the post/reading the comments.
That account was already banned! (though now his 2nd account is also banned)
Yes well done. Still it's more about the content of this news. Only judging about any behavior of any people involved you give is about snoop... the other part of the news is written like a report.
Well I do agree that it could have been written more professionally, but seeing as nobody from CB or the teams chose to write anything until I pm'd Killerboy this afternoon - I wrote something!
still snoops reaction is a little pathetic dont you think
not at all. I can understand him quite well.
grzesiek is already banned by ESL
Well its hard to do now and then, since moderators (like me) can only deal out warning points, which means the ban periods aren't that long :<
The real victims in all of this are the people he removed from his buddylist. They didnt do anything!
Funny how foolish he will look if he comes back to play
just as foolish as you retards start playing again after your cheating incident
they prooved themselves enough on lan, nothing for u to worry about
one can prove himself on lan a million times but one needs to prove only once that he's an absolute idiot
They'r nice guys, you haven't meat them in real life, I have, so I know what I'm saying - they'r not idiots.

And on the ET side of life; who fucking cares lol, like I said, they are nice guys and they proved to me they can perform on LAN aswell. You can't change my opinion.
in the same way that no one can change your opinion about them no one can also change mine, it's not about if they're skilled or not, it's about their act, I'll always see them as idiots and I can't get why people that are supposed to be "nice guys" in rl can't stay like that over the internet
Ok I appreciate your opinion. Let's stop here :)
Hoe zit da met da teamke vriend want ik hoor dat jij al iets anders hebt ? :D
Playing again? Those 2 EC matches ? :D
This comment is full of win.
CB failed imo they should have strict measures to prevent this

especially when this shit was going on the day before (bb v zzz)


it doesnt happen in other games for a reason

and snoop wants the profile hits maybe?

we can move forward easily if ecw replace snoop with azatek or sth

Yes, cb could prevent from getting rcon. Please....
"snoop came down with a rare condition of nerdrage and deleted his entire profile and buddylist (serious stuff) and claimed he wont play again."

Angry German kid award winner !!!
Well quite understandable that snoop is pissed off, who the fuck would not be when those fucktards like that ruins the final and it has to be rescheduled. Especially if it's going pretty well for his team. I would be pretty mad myself.

Tbh. bad work of admins or who the fuck organized the match...
If you ask me, I think the shoutoutcasters has to speak with the match admin so all those things are done and ready for the match, and not 1 hour before some random tards wanna shoutcast aswell...Really bad job by the admins tbh.
"I think the shoutoutcasters has to speak with the match admin" - The shoutcaster was the match admin, Homer
Well that is correct, but that caused more troubles then there already were - and why the fuck they even wanted to let that taz and matias shoutcast aswell? There was enough shoutcasters already..* But I still wanna keep my point that Taz and Matias was not set as shoutcaster before the game, at least I did not notice that at gtv? So why should they suddenly start shoutcasting (Or whatever the idea ever was...) if it was not planned?
Look etc. my edit on my previous comment.
I dont know the actual answer to your question, it has nothing to do with me - I can only agree with you that it shouldnt have happened.
Well I was not expecting that either :P But I'm glad that you agree :>
no offsense snoop, but don't you think you are driving yourself a little too crazy? This game is about having fun, not about some "serious" EC :\



good luck with real life, cya
I'm not really into "fucking" myself, my regrets!

Anyways, I surely get your point, but as I said before, this game is mainly played to be some fun-moment, atleast thats the way I see it.

What I want to say, enjoy the game, enjoy your lans, enjoy the friends you have made, etc... And you should care less about those retards ruining a single match.
as you can see 90% of the people here are retards and the fuck you was directed to them.
I agree on that, but you will never ever play with any of those retards. I mostly play with friends I met online, and isn't that what you do? Just a bunch of cool guys I enjoy playing with on a sunday evening. I don't give a damn about any retard here tho :o)
well you cant really compare that to what i did for the past 5 years i think since i ve been more serious and i dont enjoy playing with anyone if the opponent and everything else sux. (which was the case in almost all cases during the last 2 years)
Why dont playing this one last match? :o I mean, just allow one CB ref, send the shoutcasters to the hub, dont allow double casts - just casters which are professional enough - take a beer and relaxx :> nothing against you, but you know the old german thingy: Zum ärgern gehören immer zwei, lass dich halt net ärgern bzw shice auf die ganzen assis und mach dein ding (ec gewinnen und dabei spass habn).

btw: i do understand you, that it was CBs fault and i know that the feeling of being one last mistake too much is very strong, but just ask yourself one question: wouldnt you maybe regret it in a few weeks to have not played this final? :o answer is up to you, but i hope you will play this last match, because allthough i never rly liked you, i enjoyed it everytime to spec you and learn something from you :>
Yeah, cb and rcon on gtv server are very connected to each other...
Taken serious?? You take gaming as a serious thing ? It's just to waste time & have fun with friends lolz... Even I always got that

Get a life lol
if you didnt take it serious you wouldnt have played in a team, wouldnt have made tactics, wouldnt played tournaments and wouldnt have gone to lans. and you cant tell me you invested hundrets of hours into that because you never took it serious idiot.
90% of the time I played with Belgian players who are also RL friends..

If you play football with your friends , you make positions where everyone will play but therefor are you a serious team trying to compete for CL???

I don't think so.. Get a grip
don't worry vila, we have all been there.
serious is not same thing as professional

every single ET team is serious if they're playing officials, some more some less
serious for me = not playing public only. im very sorry i dont use the same definitions you use.
I forgive you
your life must have a lot of content.
now by not playing et anymore for 2 hours, 3 days a week the whole content of my life is taken. too bad.
lol marry xmas then
An rcon stealer is just a little program ignoring the ";" in a callvote. So did grezsiek call a vote?

I remember this bug has been in a journal here, explaining the whole stuff. Besides, ain't it fixed with those latest lua updates? Or is there another bug found for rconstealing? o.O
he paused the game but i cant recall any votes
Got no clue what happened so o.O I don't really feel like putting any effort in ET these days so ^_^
yesterday i bet on snoop becous he don't think.

today i cannot bet on snoop because real life has not gtvbooky..
Didnt expect anything else from Taz.

The casters and refs should have talked with ecw BEFORE the match and get their ok to use 2 new casters that are definately connected to their opponent.
I wonder if ECW would have cared if only Matias was supposed to make the cast.
they would have, because there was only a place for 1 player to join.
snoop is my HERO
Quotesnoop came down with a rare condition of nerdrage

thx tosspot this comment made me laugh :P
Dear Crossfire, where is all ze fun ? :-(
And snoop no need to quit, everybody knows that cb is shit, just dont play their competitions anymore :-)
it was GTV shit u moron
dont be mad that some gtv admin banned you off the private channel + kicked you off the crew.
i dont care about that , its should BE SOME GTV ADMIN WHO GIVED HIM IP + PW
stop talking crap if you dont know anything and get your own business.
i talk so much if i want and what i want :o
Why did you apply for CB supervisor if its shit then?:)
to make it better ?
you are an exception btw.
I remember the times when you were licking donex's ass @ cb admins IRC channel :<.
It should be played again on a different map, as playing radar again when tactics have been shown/times already set is unfair

Taz is the retard here, what kid rages so much after not being able to shoutcast that they spam the ip all over irc? He is the sort of human being the holocaust should have targeted

im not a massive fan of snoop either, but i can see why he is pissed off, but not why he deleted his profile etc :D

i was supporting MM, but now gl ECW!
"tactics have been shown"

QuoteENSJAM: 5 hours of cp attack training didnt go waste :P

we dont want another 5 hours training on each stage now, do we?! :D
damn that jacket is tight son, ya'meaan?
when hype did this it was the end of the world, now some other cunt does it and they blame a player for not wanting to play.

believe it or not you cant make him play, but you could of made sure a situation like this wouldnt come upon us.

your all a bunch of cunts, good night x
Lets not pretend you were around back then mav.
dont rly need to be around "back then" to know hype did the exact same thing and you held a grudge for him since, now your blaming snoop for something taz did?
Can you read? WHere is blame being attributed to snoop? I mocked snoop for acting like an idiot that is all. Those responsible have already been punished by CF/CB/ESL.
your right, i layed out my sentence wrong.
i meant that most people are blaming snoop for what taz did.
p.s is hype allowed to come lan?
dont be silly!
worth a pop ey stu
did you mock all the other 10000 players who stopped or only me? :O and i dont really get what deleting my profile has to do with being stupid cuz i saw like 100 players who deleted all their stuff after they quitted but prolly im an exception again, cool x)
I mocked the one who gives everyone so much shit, you give it so now you can take it.
i give shit? explain that pls. its not my fault the ec final got fucked up. and its weird, first people want me to quit and vote me player you hope will quit and now when it happens i see them flaming about it. weird weird x)

btw, i didnt do ANYTHING wrong and im not responsible for the actions of two retards and and yet im the only one whos being made responsible for this crap. how sad you all are...^^
Nobody has made you responsible, those responsible have already been banned. People are laughing at you that is all
no, only retards like you do that, wouldnt rly decribe that as "people".

*edit* eventho i still didnt realise whats funny about me quitting the game which hasnt, tbh, not too much to do with this ec shit. and if you now say it has smth to do with how i acted i must prove you wrong since i havnt said anything and still all the flame started. and it started only because fuckfaces like you wrote some bullshit ;)
i wonder who's not retarded for you...
people who act normal.
Act normal pls :S:S
unfortunately im one of the very few normal people on this website.
So you can give abuse here, but you cant take it when people laugh at your nerdrage...
quitting a pc game is nerdrage for you... oh come on how the fuck are you able to write stuff like this without laughing at yourself?
I always delete my buddylist when I decide to quit playing a game.
Will you two kids break it up please? :p
but but but :(
i deleted my buddylist, my profile picture, my journals, my forum threads and deleted myself from all clans. would have deleted my comments too if it wouldnt take me a week or two. so shut the fuck up about this buddylist thingy pls. and the reason why i deleted my buddylist was not to break with these people. just wanted to have my profile empty cuz i saw many players who did that when they quitted and i thought it was cool h3h3h3
can't you just admit you overreacted?
i simply CAN NOT see the point where i overreacted wtf is wrong with you people @_@

i didnt flame, i didnt do anything. i just dont have a reason to play et anymore since 6on6 is dead with the end of ec and i dont wanna play 5on5.
I just think its strange you dont want to play the final anymore, it just looks weird for outstanders tbh, but i get your point now, had the same when i quit games before (like giving away accounts and shit)

forget what i said, it was basicly based on the flame of the community towards ya
i dont play it anymore because i told the admin it will come like this and they didnt do anything. why would i waste my time to finish their cup and entertain all these haters? seriously even if i really wanted to play it i already wouldnt do it just for the reason that people who flame me here would spec me and might be entertained :D
then why do you keep coming back here and entertaining the haters?
simply cant resist to comment all this bullshit. i mean, ive seen soooo much crap on this site over all the years but flaming somebody who is not responsible for the problem in any way just to blame somebody is taking it to a whole next level. i mean, you cant really be THAT stupid to really think its my fault the ec final got fucked. so the only reason why you started this riot against me is that you know people hate me and would flame me so the fact that the admins fucked it up wouldnt be mentioned anymore.
you cant be that stupid to think anyone is blaming you, people are laughing at you why cant you understand that?
there is no reason to laugh about me in that case x)
nerdrage is not a laughing matter!!
Nerdrage. Your only argument.
Well its the only thing that was funny :(
well ok, actually they have since most of them believe your "nerdrage" story. would prolly find it funny too if somebody did that.
And there we have our conclusion, thank you for this debate.
cant you please think of the innocent victims who you severed from your buddylist and the effect that is having on their lives?
btw since when is the plural of "life" = "lives" ? my teacher told me the same :)
dunno been that way since I was a boy!
The only thing you are doing wrong here is reply to all these retards. Crossfire is a community where everyone is flamed no matter what they do.

Players and admins busting other guys are flamed by the cheater lovers or the cheaters themselfes, mappers are flamed for creating new maps even without being tested.
Just watch what happened with antipro, foxdie got pissed by a community of retards.

So no anti-pro and Killerbot forcing everyone to play that shit 5on5, is a good moment to quit ET, they are killing it anyway.
i kinda agree with what he did, and i don't see in what it's overreaction tbh.
plus he'd have deleted his buddylist/profile 2 days before the match you would never have linked that to his /quit to the game.
tosspot you just became one of us :D
I've always been a flamer but Ive had to tone it down :(
crossfire news:
tosspot revealed
so your not going cic7? :o)
hopefully not
'hopefully' - You do have a choice in the matter!
stop destroying him or he might start to cry :(
stfu about sNoop can't u guys do normal ? If he wants to stop playing he needs to do it. U dont need to start whining about nerdraging or that hes crying its is hes descission just do normal.
idd, let's hope for it
nice faking me
nerdrage :::D
Final of EuroCup XX this year or what?
ECW is crying only because they had good start and they know they most likely wouldn't do so well again and i bet there isn't a rule that says u can not spread match server ip which was given to taz since he was allowed to shoutcast. He might of have accudentally pasted it into wrong channel, prove i'm wrong!
And if ur gna say he confessed then take vila case, i can say whatever i want and later still say "oops, it was a nice joke"
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
face it, ppl to blame here are admins, once again.
every year they come up with some cool new stuff that gets attention
Admins should share some of the blame on this, knowing that taz might spread the ip/pw was not toally unbelievable
nobody noticed I was using a Billy Madison quote :(

and about his reply:

QuoteECW is crying only because they had good start and they know they most likely wouldn't do so well again.

CB rules say they can begin from the exact stage/position again.

Quoteand i bet there isn't a rule that says u can not spread match server ip which was given to taz since he was allowed to shoutcast.

ofc there is ... else Finlandtaz got banned 30 minutes after & i didn't know taz was going to shoutcast, i thought he was on the radio to do an interview like last time on francis radio, i don't know if homer knew, if he knew them you can put the blame on us.
It was agreed that there'll be an interview with Matias and Taz. When they came 20 mins late, Francis said they can shoutcast as well ;o
Nah, I'm just pissed because I had to quit a game of HoN early for the final.

Pretty annoying.
Thats MS PAINT! Nice art
that pic is made in paint anyway? imo
its paint ... god sometimes you amaze me
shit, how could I ever miss that?!
klingt so als hätte er eier. :-)
dickes plus für sn00b blol.
Oh oh expectation from the fanboys to see snoop's reaction. Thats the important thing! he quits ET and deletes his profile. Big news ffs.

And the final was fucked but no one cares!

Like many of you said, a community of retards.
Pb constant lags, Antipro dead project, a final match is ruined, 5on5 instead of 6on6... I cant believe anyone leaves ET these days.
You should know that 11 players also got kicked from that server and only you are crying like a mongol isnt it pathetic?
It looks like you think only about yourself. But maybe your team needs you, maybe they give a fuck? Even If it was cb fautl do a favour your team and JUST play this match without acting like a stupid kid

You said u have been taking this game so serious, thats why i dont believe u wont play this match
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