ESL CF Country Championship Announced

image: eslcfcc
We are proud to announce that Crossfire and the Electronic Sports League partner up for an ESL hosted Country Championship. One of the most prestigious competitions within the Enemy Territory scene which will this time take place just after new year.

Last year's captains of nations such as Germany Germany, Croatia Croatia Switzerland Switzerland, United Kingdom Great Britain, Austria Austria,
Estonia Estonia, Poland Poland, Finland Finland, Netherlands Netherlands and many more have already confirmed their interest in this ESL CF event and we hope for many more countries to apply later on!

We will publish more information on this season and how to apply as captain on the 27th of December. This is the date when national captain applications will be opened for all countries.

The aim of the partnership between Crossfire and the ESL is to create a fair, new and proper ruleset together with the teams and players. This will be done once the captains are appointed. Stay tuned for more information within the next days!

In the meantime feel free to post ideas and comments or even prepare your captain application. We look forward to a great event with you all!

- ESL Newspost
what a fucking retarded name, country championship :D
global ESL name :) its CC man :p
its european championship or world?
Quoteapplies will be opened for all countries
applications, you mean?
sounds more like country potatoes
yeahh i wanna be a country champion!
nice one!
why is it a country championship? gay horseriders only?
swedish captain has not approved, there won't be any championship sry guys..
ESL and cf together? Hmmm...
if they use the cf site, it can work

esl admins are g00d
CF NC? I better get my pen out for some epic match reports! :D
We will, we will, rock you.
Nice ESL would be good to try and get as many nations as possible like australia, ukraine, and japan and put it in a group stage kinda thing like the world cup

Their internet means around 336 ping if i recall correctly, that's worse than the japanmans because the japanmans are nice guys on vent and hot.
solution for that USA server all players with 150 ping avarage :D
well i would not play on a US server so
wouldn't mind mercing for japan
why mentioning ukraine :D?

We played all the past nationscups without exception i think
last cb:nc was just a fail. would nice to see a great cup from esl & cf
gl esl eim : D
my aim is to bring ET into there. Just as we succeeded with the EMS (3rd season already). Long way to go though. A great season would bring us alot further for sure :p
I think no chance for that because 1st et is a free game !
I rate EMS and ENC quite similar. Just that ENC is a step higher :)
anyway gl and I knew it when you asked about me yesterday : PP
5on5 i hope
that means i can finally betray russia and play for germany?
humm3l too?
like hes good enough for ghermany
russia sees you and russia will never let u betray it!
calling KGB, beware faggot
you get a mic, i play for russia with you! DEAL?
even if you get a mic you wont talk ._.
fag u got me :/ i've almost caught zerender in my team
in soviet russia, germany betrays you!
Why you think that they will take you to team germany?
troll somewhere else
and who the fuck are you?
do it & then I am gomma come 2 h8m3's place & I ' ll force him 2 talk

just imagine : zerender , jago \ shitty + h8m3 with mic + 2 more Russians residents ( Joke & slaw for example) - we can finish in top 3 ,np 8)
Nice, will there be a 3o3 comp as well as well as 5o5/6o6?
And why is it United KingdomGreat Britain and not United Kingdom
do you rly need 3v3 worldcup ? what about 2v2 and 1v1

so no CB, no fuck ups..
waiting for sHAUN & Tranix
nigger plz !!!!!!!!!!!111
yes! finally
i hope there wont be any clan restrictions:0
masculine mans = team finland = insta win
ill apply for Team Poland Captain! im already well known captain in Poland so there shouldnt be a problem there ;p
no your not...


ssij pyte hitsu ;)
robisz mnie oficialna maskotka pytociagiem i insta win dla Polski :D
zobaczymy, pomyslimy ;)
Are you even scottish?
Serbia Lazio
Serbia alexL
Serbia Laguna
Serbia danL
Serbia drv4c

danL and laguNa xDDDD
CB NC starts tomorrow...
dude wat :/
now will be weird
we already announced it about 3 times, i don't understand why they would do this, it's going to clash :|
yea,i know homer said hes gonna give some infos about it after ec final,but it got fuked up
he said it's going to happen in next week, which is today :|

Captain Signups open today (afternoon/night)
okay.. will teams that have 5 players in same 3on3 clan profile where they didn't play even one cb offi get kicked again?
If they never played a war after 5th october it doesn't matter, they have to have played in order to count, if they just had been only registered in the clan without playing they won't be kicked, so in this case they can play without any probs.
well we were registered in the clan and we didn't play for a long time for it, nobody of us even remembered that we were in it. and we got kicked by CB CHEF or smth :D

and cb ET admins didn't even try to explain the situation.
Then make both cups. I mean, maybe with 2 cups to play, the national teams could prac.
But with the CC7 coming in 3 month I don't see any of the cups as a good idea since the finals will take place when the clans need to prac the most.
Will there be US server support for chile(#1)/asia/australia? "fair play"
dont forget us ;D
Oops! edited for accuracy :p
Lookin forward to see a Team Australia : ))
what the hell? who said that, we said NC will start exactly after EC (i.e today) many times
is CB doing a 3on3 nationscup aswell or 5v5 only?
esl admins must have been living in a cave for the past month if they didnt take notice of the incoming cb nationscup.
Maybe they intend to offer something better.
well what they have done is pretty sneaky towards cb, when i first saw these news i thought that esl and cb agreed that this season of nc would be hosted by esl.
but seems they just announced their own nc without contacting cb and also including things in the news like.. "Last year's captains of nations such as..." blabla to try ppl to support esl in this matter :P
and if they really want to do this, they shouldnt start it at the same time as cb's
well they both want to get as many players as they can on their site/ think how many players a nc attracts+ ppl following+publicity...a good reason to be sneaky
ESL prolly cares as much about CB as every1 else. It's dead.
what nordan said
Maybe they intend to offer something better.
don't quite get why make it at the same time as cb nc
CF/ESL NC meets CB NC :-(

easy bash though :dDdDd
who cares ec and the esl thingie was running also on the same time
Nobody gives a shit about NC.
Nobody gives a shit about ESL.

My god.... I think they might have you on this one Killerboy!

Settle down children.
russia has more players than switzerland or austria, at least more known players ^^
saying that those teams confirmed their interest does not mean others cant participate
oh lol havent read it till the end, I CONFIRM THE INTEREST OF RUSSIA LOOL
need rules
gg@ESL work.
said a cb admin, jeez...
cb nc can suck a dick..
also most countries will end up playing both i think
lol et nationscup has been a trademark of clanbase's for along time now, how lame is it to steal their idea ... change the name ... and announce it one day before theirs .... nice
So when we did a nations cup on CF were we stealing their idea? Or when ESL do the ENC and put up five figure cash prizes and give it lan finals in eSports titles is that lame?
maybe it would be understandable if clanbase were not doing a nationscup but they're announcing it tomorrow.. i'm sure you would be angry or upset if clanbase did a lan a day before your cc7 annoucement and everybody went there instead or the community was divided between the two.
what exactly is won by announcing it one day earlier?
why would it affect teams picking which one to play?
Some people don't like clanbase, some appreciate what it's done for the community.. Hence, the divide.
most ET people seem to love CB but for what? just hosting competitions for them..
if there were no CB CF could easily do that as well or any other league
ESL however is doing something for esports and even putting prizes for online ET competitions
+ all the recent shitty things from CB its not hard for me to choose which one to support

divide is necessary in order to bring out this healthy competition and in the end the better host will stay
these 2 nc's can be both negative and positive for ET
I think both leagues have done alot for the community. I still think this is lame.
i appreciate many CB admins & staff that have done a great job, but the thing remains that CB is a shitty organization, unlike ESL
Clanbase has reacted in a mature and professional manner to this news:

[CB]Ana`GTV`PS3 • i guess ill have to try everything in my power to make your NC fail
[CB]Ana`GTV`PS3 • be it fucking up your casts on GTV
[CB]Ana`GTV`PS3 • or be it another way
What's the point of creating a war?

I talked to eiM and everything was under control, but essah starting pmming us on irc with "are you really going to challenge CF ESL NC?" "Do you really think you can beat us?" and making 2 Journals with "CB NC is going to fail" etc don't think that's quite mature and professional from a CF Admin / ESL-CF NC Admin, atleast we didn't paste irc logs, especially since they are prohibited. It was just flame bait, and it caught ana.

Try to understand the fact we have been months working on NC and announced it and 1 day before you announce another NC.

If you want a statement I can give you one:

"We are pretty much aware of ESL's existence, and we don't really see them as a competitor to us."

We are not declaring war, and I appreciate the offer from GermanyeiM.

Good luck with your cup.
now that EC drama is over u bring us this image: popcorn
You're asking me why create a war when your admin has threatened to fuckup the cup?

I'm not creating a war I dont work for ESL, but err if Ana's words werent creating a war then what is?
We all know he would never fuck up your Cup, i don't know who he was talking to on IRC, he also said the following so he definitely was not serious, or just was pissed at the guy at irc.

[02:03:57] [@[CB]Ana`GTV`PS3] i guess we just run our NC
[02:04:00] [@[CB]Ana`GTV`PS3] and see what happens
He was talking to eim
ahh ok, seems like a rare case nerdrage :p
Quote me with "Do you really think you can beat us" and I apologize. For the rest, there nothing wrong with. That's simply bullshit. There's no need for "war" indeed, also it aint no option that both NC's will be running. Cooperation is the only way out, Ana has just decided not to follow the easiest way. And the way he has chosen is unacceptable. I agreed in working together with some of you CB guys, not under the CB flag though (due to the bad reputation), if you want logs...
We agree that co-operation would be the best solution, but ESL want it hosted on their site and CB wanted to host it on their site, CF doesn't have the functions necessary to do so afaik. So there's the big problem.

and Ana didn't choose the easiest way, believe me the easiest way would have been to just accept the offer and ignore CB NC due to past season and whine and flame we always get from some ppl.
Is it the big CB admins behind or your wish to host it on CB site ? Everybody knows it'd be more succesfull & accepted @ ESL. A clash would mean one of you is fucked, thats a big risk for you guys.
I asked the Chiefs, they said they want it on CB's site (else there will be no point?) also i still think CB site is a bit more user friendly than ESL according to the users but that is just opinion.
I get the point, but working together should better than having nothing. It's not about using the website though. Thats just a little aspect CB could be favoured for, lets face the reality though.
The ESL site is total crap, nobody wants it hosted there :(
aint hard tbh, if u need help, u can always ask :)
at least esl admins are not are not as retarded as most cb admins / their decisions. their are always exceptions ofc, a few cb admins are kinda okay and prolly not all esl admins are superawesome, but in general: esl > cb anyday.
Quotesuccessful & accepted


stop boosting your stupid ESL ego
stop boosting your stupid ESL ego
would prefer ESL site tbh if there wouldnt be those Nag Screens and all that commercial stuff!!!

"Oh yeah, lets host it on ESL site... BUT EVERYONE NEED PREMIUM TO PLAY !"
noone needs premium to play obviously :)
if they want more prizemoney, that will come up.
The advert screen popping up while accessing the page sucks, though.
sorry cant see ;D
And there's another thing... While being on the EU ET section you cant access the EMS which is - in my opinion - crap. I mean the EMS is part of the international ET section, isn't it? How can people not knowing the ESL page find EMS matches and tournament trees? Nobody expects to find it at 'Special'...
agree. fixing asap
What I wonder is, are you really happy with working for ClanBase? What can they give you or the community? I mean all the other gaming scene's (TF2, AA, DoDs, the CoD4 elite, etc) switched with almost complete admin teams over to ESL two years ago because of the CB downfall and lack of support as well as weird decisions and opinions of the chiefs. What do you believe can CB do good for your game/community except for offering a ten year old page? The time is over where CB was sponsored by INTEL.

As you might see I don't criticise the work of the admin team, I just don't get why you do not choose to help your game the best way you can...
I like the idea, gives u opportunity to play 2nd nc if u accidentally fail on one or get bashed by admins
QuoteI like the idea, gives u opportunity to play 2nd nc if u accidentally fail on one or get bashed by admins

It's "bashed by CB admins"
ywy OMG Finaly hope now they create a rule for high pingers :DDDDD
I prefer ESL over CB, but maybe thats because I'm german :(
[ger]du machst wieder mit? :O) [/ger]
yeah, same for me
New poll: Nationscup or Country championship.
Its like voting "yes" or "yeah"..
That doesn't make sense, unless one person can play in both.
QuoteNew poll: Nationscup or Country championship.

referring to this.

Wheres the sense ?
Why not? Afraid of the outcome?

Let's not try to cover up the fact that your intention is to go to war with Clanbase. It is far too coincidental to announce this a day before the nationscup annoucement.

the amount of crap you've been posting in this news has reached maximum dude, be aware from now on.
You represent ESL don't you? By "your", I am referring to the entity rather than the individual.

Simple-minded people won't understand that, be aware from now on.

QuoteDo you really think you can beat us?
stop whining you idiot, really :/
You hurt my feelings BIG TIME :<

But then I looked at your crossfire pic and lOl'd
he ain't part of the Electronic Sports League if you think that
i dont care, just lemme play :-PPPPPPPP
yeah cos Lightning or Ati will let you rifle :o)
Guys, it's almost Christmas! Show some love, I know you all have good hearts inside you.
No seriously, if CB start a war against ESL or the other way around, then that might jeopardize the ET community as a whole. And we don't want that do we? We all love ET and that unites us, regardless which company we work for.
clownbase is gonna get rolled.
that chick has hairy legs,oh wait..
This just in:

Quoteprestigeus (sic)


learn2troll :<

nobody reacts to anything u post
There will be no ISR team this season!
jaja sure man
other random jew will become the captain and lead his lagging bunch of buddies to success
Stop writing bullshit, Israel ^jESUS is ready to pwn.
Israeldrj3w wanted to apply or get a team.
he can keep wanting lol, not deserved to be in the national team.. rather let ISR don't play then let this guys do, the lineup he wants is something like:


etc.. (cb banned guys)

and players such as ranje superjew massion etc.. the ones i played with last season, wont agree to play with him or any of his friends.. so it will either be low team or none at all..
low team sounds good

like every israel team has been..
fu :D is it 5on5 or 6on6?

turkey is interested too
come to a compromise clanbase & esl!

run 2 nationscup np!!

maybe it will give players like me a chance to participate in one :/:/:/


Imo postpone CF/ESL till the summer. Or make it a low+ only cup. I would volunteer to be teamcaptain then :D
2 skilled for canada

<3 stacy
ESL championship sounds better than cb-nc for us.
coz cb-nc is worlccup for europeans.
its written in rule.
#1 in the hood G!
Team Congo will win!
lols, pwnd
1 of these hosts should turn his tournament into 3v3 format with 2-3 teams per country
humm if esl would fix their fucking site i would support them
if cb would fix their admins + rules (+all exceptions) i would support them

thus.. let it just be crossfire NC, best flamers only!
site aint hard ...

if u need help, contact an admin

it all begins with selecting the game tbh :D
Belgium not interested?

too bad, beltardos would roll
those are just the teams that we asked beforehand. Any other can join for sure
Who did you ask from Great Britain?
Shows how up to date you are then. He doesn't even play anymore. Let alone the fact that most probably nobody wants him as captain since he screwed up twice already.
if you only want to complain about me then go ahead but its reasonable enough to ask the captain of last year. I can not ask all highskillers of a nation ;)
So by getting last year's captains approval, you make the assumption that the country is available to play in this cup? Even if that won't be the captain? Not much logic in that although I understand you just wanted to put some big countries down as security ;>
He does play
i have nothing against hentai - but hes been at uni for 4 months - wasnt the best person to ask :p
I've followed a straight line to avoid this disucssion. I didnt say anything else than that I asked last years captains. No reason to complain about me trying to push the news with countrynames :<
u took it the wrong way :p. I think its good that u contacted previous captains, however in the uk scene hentai would not rly be up to date with what was happening.
Griim for captain !
* make it 5v5
* sort it out with CB :D
* delete the clan-rule
* make sure you pick the right captains
Jere for Belgium team captain! (h)
insinueert gij daar iets :D
Its unfortunate that this seems to clash with Clanbase's plans but we have already offered them quite an influence by joining our staff and helping to get ONE great season up. Yet it seems they do not want it to happen. In the end admins should aid the sake of the game and not their league.
They can say the same, why aren't you guys joining CB NC? Just want to see it from both sides. :D Anyway 2 cups = too much =(
since at ESL we have perspective to evolve to something bigger.

We have achieved just that from getting our seasonal leagues up to the Major Series with prizemoney and as we are doing good we can look into a bright future here.

For national contests e.g. there is the European Nations Championship with up to 17.000 prizemoney in this season. An aim to go for right?

At CB we won't become anything bigger, but just have one season after another and decreasing signup numbers until we see this game dead.
fair enough :-)
Ok sounds right. I guess it's up to the community to pick one of the 2 cups as I don't see you guys making it up again :)
we need a poll
but let only the teams participating vote then. cos i'm sure most teams (unlike random users who just vote cb cos they are used to it and it has always been like that) will prefer esl for the sake of et and for what they offer.
Want to make one on CB Hosted Cup? You will have all the powers of a Cup Supervisor by doing it...
I've already explained my reasons for not willing to do so more than once in IRC query. You've yourself stated that there aint gonna be prizes or big sponsor support for ET in CB in a realistic future. Not saying we will have this in this first season of ours.
Still, ESL is fucked up and asking inactive players to be captains is kinda idiotic. Just that you will have team and wont fail.
That's a very arrogant respons. Clanbase Nationscup was there first. If you want to make it fair you guys would join their staff. Postpone your cup till the summer or something.
He stated the reasons didn't he?
even with those reasons, it's gay to do it at the same time as Clanbase
Who cares if CB was first with NC for ET, ESL has more to offer for our community, if we want a brighter future we should move over to them!

And for the CB admins, please join the ESL crew for the sake of ET, in long terms CB is not able to continue a healthy competition due to the lack of prizemoney. (wich for some players is more motivating than pocals) With ESL we might get some proper support and I'm glad that CF and ESL have teamed up to create a better competition and the CB ET crew belongs in that team aswel.

We as an unsupported community by the media should stand up for our game and make the right decisions!
If i see the irc logs then have fun sleeping in the same hotelroom with ana at lan :)
EthiopiaEthiopians ready to own!
doomed to fail
lol, Clanbase starting tomorrow and ESL announcing a nationscup too.
I hope all teams will play on Clanbase as usual. They can play ESL nationscup matches for warmup. ESL is just as bad as their website, lolz.
Don't want to start bitching but have a look at the comments of users regarding CB's VIP offer:

Quote by bmg4everloolololol premium on such a cheap page, so confusing, totally behind the times and such a unalluring offer for the active players...

Quote by NicoThe page is just... blatant. A design wouldn't cost the world.

Quote by frizzoA new page would make such a huge difference...

Just to show there are different views as well...
I'm not saying CB is great, but for the sake of the community they shouldn't have put both leagues up against each other.
And to burst your ESL bubble, their page is hardly set up for international use. And it's full of bugs and far from user friendly. Worst thing is that if you ask an admin or an administrator to fix stuff they respond with answers like: "wait till next season and make a new account".
There's no ESL bubble, I stated the same things between their comments to show them there are other opinions...
We'll just end up with 2 shit cups now :-)
QuoteLast year's captains of nations such as Germany, Croatia Switzerland, Great Britain, Austria,
Estonia, Poland, Finland, Netherlands and many more have already confirmed their interest in this ESL CF event..

euh ?!
Estonia Night was my contact atleast
Night was not the captain of the previous crossfire NC :P
according to the Clanbase NationsCup XII news on he was
ye, the thing is this isnt CB NC, this is CF & ESL. (emer1ca was the captain of the previous Crossfire NC)

ps. im just nagging around, np : D
but estonia failed without night in cf nc !
Ye but still :D
I don't think they contacted gmx either
I've asked Croatia suVi to ask in Croatia cortana back then which pretty much were all active Croatia Croatian's, which he did.
that's incorrect, the last part with the flag
true didnt mean it like that and I guess you know it xD
very cool banner design
Why won't you cooperate ?
Belgium ijsje for captain :P
im not bothered about both leagues hosting a comp. However i think they should both agree to make it 5v5 - makes it alot easier to prac against other teams not just nations. Everone is preparing for lan, hardly any1 plays 6v6 anymore. If i had to choose 1 over the other though i would choose esl. Their comps offer money and even games like cod4 have moved over from cb to esl in most comps. Also from last seasons ec - we have our loser bracket semi final vs tag and there was no admin online at the start time, our game was delayed for 20mins until an admin gave us an ip, then the server they gave us 1 player had 180 ping and they didnt wana know about it :(. We also lost - but i didnt do a snoop about it !
What's the point in praccing 5v5 without your cc7 team :(
if there are more teams playing 5on5 then the possibility to get a 5on5 is much higher. so it doesnt matter if you are playing with your cic7 team or with a mixteam, cuz you will probably get a war
i hope 6o6 :o
double nations cups my chances to get on a team are inproving!
It's funny to see how some people are angry with ESL while almost everyone were whining @ CB in the last NC season (which was really fucked up by CB admins if you remember). Now they still will pick CB instead of ESL, hilarious. It's not like you have to play in CB, ESL gives you alternative. If you think that CB pokals are more prestigious that ESL ones then you're wrong - whole world don't give a shit about both of them :D.
In case of there is no possibility to work together, Clanbase should show balls by canceling 'their nc'. ESL seems to be more professional and the site is even better than clanbase', if you get used to it.

To put it in a nutshell, CB had more than enough chances, but the previous cups were average at most. CB's ego and self-image is much higher than their real performance. Arguments like 'It was always like that, so CB is ET's real cup hoster' are bullshit and counterproductive. ET needs new pushs.

There is no reason, why CB can claim to be the real hoster of a nationscup.
Same could be said about last EuroCup and this EuroCup, change of supervisors and ideas improved it.
Quotethe site is even better than clanbase', if you get used to it.

no, it's not, the site is horrible, when you run something you need simplicity and fast nav, esl site is just too....crap
If you would be used to the ESL site and would need to get in touch with clanbase, you would hate clanbase aswell. It's better and simplier than it's reputation.
disagree, I'm using cb and esl for about the same time and I dislike esl much more, on cb site everything is within one or 2 clicks

Just save that link and all is within a click or 2 aswell.
it starts by selecting your game, and then its easy ...
I Clicked on "Game" but ET is not there, now what.
because its not added on ur list of games :(

if its selected as your game, u need to go to Mygames, then you will see: Eneme Territory. click on that and then you find everything off ET

If u havent added it, u need to go to Action and then select ET (if u havent got the game selected as Mygames)
Let nations sign only for CB or ESL then when both site has a winner make a final between them !! CB VS ESL

+I hope its not 6v6 because that would kill et :-)
How about a 5on5 with CB ET Team vs ESL ET Team, winner decides which goes on xD
come on irc noob
Think the only reason why CB are complaining is because they know ESL will probably do it better
no. It's the fact that they had to team up with Crossfire just to "challenge" CB NC...
Still would mostly be better
ofcourse it is, but we can't team up with CFESL NC cos there is nothing for us (CB), it would be a CF+ESL Cup with CB Admins helping without CB getting anything back. Only solution would be CF Hosting it and esl+cb admins helping with stuff, just like CIC7. (We were never contacted about this NC btw, they only offered it today)
02:00 AM is not yesterday :D
whatever :p
Regular cf readers will know I've supported cb all the time, but after last seasons desaster in cb NC they probably dont deserve else. still this comes along with a very bitter taste as I think there is more of personal reasons behind this to get cb out of ET.

Don't see why else cf has to support this, cause they don't probably add more than the button on the banner.

in my eyes esl was contra-productive quite a few times in the past (eg 5on5 when they tried to lure all the 6on6 activity into esl), let's see where this leads us.
yeah, we all know that you supported cb all the time
ah, I forgot to put the sarcasm smiley behind that line :p
dont forget the smileys dude!
what did they do wrong?
Or simply play both? People played with clans 2 leagues in the same time, we can do the same with NC. Just dont fight lolz, nerdrage
(and both should have same format, atleast!)

But, there are 2 facts to mention. ClanBase is simply not good enough anymore, although I still prefer it over ESL, just liked to play more on it,while ESL seems to be more professional, although their moves really do look lame sometimes, especially when they are trying to "steal" players on purpose, which shouldnt really be the case. But, I think you should somehow corporate together...Fight wont do any good to any of leagues and especially not to players.
It will always be a competition between CB and ESL. Guess the reason! ;)
esl site is pretty simple. just like cb. cant see it being the point for either of sides^^
w3st for captain!
the name isn't really the best idea of yours, eiM .. COUNTRY cup?
ESL ET World Champion Ship might be usable.

to the CB lovers. they've screwed ET NC .. i doubt killerboy can fix this
and if i were him i wouldn't fix crap other incompetent jerks fucked up!

5on5 without rifle, 6on6 with rifle.. easy!
its the global ESL name for cups alike these which are not part of the ENC =)
make it 5on5 and sort things out with CB.. atleast I'd rather have just one nations cup running at the same time
cool, but what is crossfire doing in this partnership? just for the lulZ at the banner and name or are there any prizes, finals at lan or something like that? just want to know more! :-)

i love esl's site if there wouldn't be that much nag screen's and advertisement, and actually in the past years it became much better as it's reputation. and the esl tool that automatically adds matchscreens etc. is also kinda nice(been beta tester) :D.
coverage is a big point. Some of the most capable guys of our community are in the crossfire staff and will be a great help for all admin jobs. More will be published on time.

And they say ET is dead.
ESL made ET to be alive once again! :D
Total Slots: 1,195
Viewer Peak: 792

and they say ET is dead XD
QuoteLast year's captains of nations such as Germany, Croatia Switzerland, Great Britain, Austria,
Estonia, Poland, Finland, Netherlands and many more have already confirmed their interest in this ESL CF event..

want to play for Switzerland :'(
in case there is other 4 from you country :(
and I think they're better than me :)
Country Championship. So you'll allow the UK to split into it's respective countries? (Please say yes)
That's an awful idea :<

Each time will be shit.
lul esl country championship :o
athough i don't give a fuck who is gonna host the cup it is so obvious that ESL is more successful than clanbase. just take a look at the prize money and lan events (i'm talking about major games such as cs ofc). the chance of getting something big in ET is very low tho ESL can make it come true more easily. i never understood why etplayers hate that league that much.
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