Crossfire Intel ESL Challenge *update*

image: ciec
As announced in an earlier newspost Crossfire and the ESL team up for Crossfire Intel ESL Challenge -- the official seeding tournament for Crossfire Intel Challenge 7.

The seedings that result from this competition will be used to create the poules and groups for the upcoming offline event. Every attending team that wishes to be seeded must play in this tournament.

In order to get the best possible seedings, and to give every team the chance to play as many matches as possible, a special tournament system will be used.

We will start with a Groupstage with 8 groups of 4-6 teams (depends upon signups).
ALL teams will then play a single elimination playoff stage as a 1 day cup. The date for the playoff cup will be announced once the signup numbers are known. Teams that finish 1st in their group will form one 8-slot playoff bracket, with 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. placed teams similarly forming their own 8-slot playoff brackets. In the end there will be 4-6 of these 1 day cups at a time (again, depending on signups) with 3 rounds played per cup.

While this is the seeding tournament for Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 we still allow EVERY team to sign up. Teams already signed up for CIC7, though, have their spot guaranteed.

image: new_messageSignup Nowimage: new_message_inv



image: spacer5on5
Free for ALL -
Until 9th January 23:59
To be announced
max. 48 teams
January - 21st February

Your adminteam for this cup will be as follows:
Germany Sn4kE, Germany eiM, Spain M1st3r, Belgium Notorious, Romania FoaMeA, Germany essAh, Belgium Krosan, Netherlands h3ll

After consultation with the admin staff we decided that only the first round of the playoffs will influence the seedings (poules). This in order to keep the influence of availabilty as low as possible regarding the lan seeding. The cups will though still be finished to find the winners of this competition!

- CIEC Signup
- ESL Newspost
- CIEC Static Information Page
- ESL EU ET Mainpage
fuck off with these 1 day cups already, people have other life than ET too
QuoteALL teams will then play a single elimination playoff stage as a 1 day cup

They can't really make seedings for cic7 if 50% players of the team are mercs :D, atleast I have other stuff to do so I can't be playing 5 hours in a row
So ur claiming that there is a life beyond ET ?
no, im claiming that you have a dick up your ass
gonna beat u up at lan
It's 1 time you have to do that... 1 Sunday...
yea intel 1 day cup every sunday and now this.. I always get home from my a-football prac at 20+ cet and cant play before it
This last one day cup for the seeding will be in mid February, so there's a big break between the onedaycups and that playoff of this cup! I hope you can make an exception for that sunday, cause seedings are important for your lan performance...
Isn't CiC7 just playing games 2 days in a row?. 1 sunday should be nothing.
I understand though.
saturday 1.30 am yes you got alot other things to do
american football pracs 3 times a week
gym 2-3 times a week (not on the same days as af pracs)
school 5 times a week + going 2 times per week to extra school in the evening
and other stuff like this month gotta work in the post for 3 weeks to get some money

doesn't leave 5 hours for ET per day, only can play it in the evenings.
why don't you just stop playing then if you have that much things to do? no one obliges you to keep on playing..
I think the point is that every player in ET is not a nerd who can play 5 hours a day nonstop. I doubt Matias is only one who cant fill that requirement.
was being sarcastic tho if you didn't really notice it, but yes you are right, I think about it the same way..
but if the admins decide to do it like this, then I guess there is no other way, as whining won't bring us a solution at all, which is what Matias does :-)
5 hours is far from what you need to do :)
I think the point is that most people don't WANT to play ET for 5 hours a day.

Fuck, 5 hours a week would already suck.
ye I rly do care about your amazing life
seems like you care since you are replying my comment
yes makes alot of sense
CLEVER and STRONG, the perfect human-being
then don't play it?
yea prob can't play it
there will be rules in place to get things like this sorted, no worries.

Also it are only 3 matches. So a schedule around 19cet 20cet 21cet should be no problem.
Furthermore there is a delayweek planned and if we dont have any delays your first match could just be played in the week before the cup = problem fixxed
Jezzz someone sure likes ET.
Just don't play then :s
seems like you all missed the point
I just don't care about whining pro's , they're doing it all by themself
ESL, making shit simple.
my team is offline only. sorry.
Just do a one day Intel cup..
We already did 4...
but one-day cup is better then groupstage and then bracket

try more one-day cups pls thx
what's with all these 1-day cups if I may ask? atleast I'd rather play 1 game on 3 days during the week than 3 games on 1 day
only yyt does that 1!
the reason is the short time :) We want to give all teams a fair chance to play a few matches and not only one round in a playoff bracket. Therefore the 5 week groupstage. Due to that we lack in time to have a normal playoff stage and decided for a 3round playoff bracket to define the exact seeding spot within your range.
A seeding tourney shouldn't be a 1-day cup :S
And a single-elim bracket :D

Yeah, looks like seeding will be decided on luck ;D
there is a groupstage with atleast 5 matches in before... its only to define the very last spots obviously
QuoteWe will start with a Groupstage with 8 groups of 4-6 teams (depends upon signups).
ALL teams will then play a single elimination playoff stage as a 1 day cup.

What's the groupstage for? Deciding the one day cup seedings? ";D"
if you read on you will notice it are 4-6 seperate cups
I've already read that stuff. I only asked what the groupstage is for if there will be a 1 day cup anyway.
you dont get the system then. The groups define which teams play in which 1day cup as there is more then one.
If I got the system, would I be asking questions? Wow...
if you are still stating that it is one 1day cup while I already replied
Quoteif you read on you will notice it are 4-6 seperate cups

I think so yes.
So you think I'd be asking questions if I understood?

Lol, please stop trolling.
I expected more from u m8
Expect the unexpected!
what will happen to teams that'll sign up but will stab and not come to lan? ! ban 10 years?
they are forced to come. Tosspot will send horde of flying dragons to burn ur house so u have to go
ok seems like a nice and fair rule
just remove them from the seeding list and you still have a good seeding? easy as

also there is no way to only let the payed teams play as there are only two yet ;)

And it should be quite obvious that some teams will not come to lan while others are probably still deciding
agree with above comments about seeding should not be based on a one day cup with 50% mercs and single elimination.

there is a groupstage with atleast 5 matches in before... its only to define the very last spots obviously
only noobs whine :S
Yeah like sol :P
WTF this is BULLSHIT. I don't know why but screw you guys.
So angry right now.
And I don't understand why the seedings are ALL decided by a 1 day cup. WTF???
who said it you idiot!!!!!!!!! u cant understand that they are unbelievably fucking angry
I think it's a good system, a single elimination bracket means teams can't make mistakes, and they should play accordingly. Should make both the matches and the coverage more exciting.

Then again, I'm a spectator, for the players this system might not be that preferable.
Why the hate? One day cups are awesome to spec :p
Can we make sure that team who obviously NOT going to lan are not allowed to sign up then if this is how its going to be?
will be the decision of the above listed admin squad
Just make sure the teams who have all be caught hacking before who still cheat but are waiting to be busted are not allowed!
I understand on making a tournament that results in seeds being made. However i think a 1-daycup is a bad idea. If u want to seed teams a 1-day cup is not a true reflection on all the teams - players might not be able to play, fuckups, mercs, off day etc. I dont know why we dont just keep running the intel cups and use the seeds from there. E.G. Team with most wins/highest finish etc ranked 1 so on. At least combine it with smth else so u get a fair reflection. Also a lan team getting beat by a non lan team is ridiculous. How is that fair on the team going getting beat by a less than clean team. How will u seed them then?
The PC Director has spoken...

ex pc-director. Im just a genuine et player now !
Sorry to hear that :(
Was kinda my decision. No point in representing YYT in et and competing against them as an org with celsus.
You're a PC Director at heart!
true! Who knows, maybe i might do it again 1 day.
Tough job. Someone's gotta do it!
only those who are strong minded. Probably why i gave up
I have nothing cool to say so here is a random picture of a sambuca shot:

image: sambuca4
its only on fire when its in my mouth !
That's what she said.
;DDDDD made my minute!
Now you're contradicting yourself. First you say 1daycups are filled with fuckups, mercs, off days etc. Well then why would you seed teams based on multiple 1daycups? You'd certainly not get a better seeding than we have now.
Because if u base it on 10 1-day cups its better than 1. Surely in 1 of those 1 day cups ur gonna have a full lineup and a good shot at a higher placing. What happens if on the date of this seeding cup 2 of YYT players cant play and we finish 3rd in our group etc. My logic is it would be best to combine all the 1-day cups together rather than just using 1 on a random day. If u take Mamut for example, they have finished 1st 1st 2nd(forfeit) i think. They would be ranked 1. Then BB would be ranked 2nd. Then us. Then tag. So on - think thats a decent reflection on teams signed up so far.
Well first read the newspost before jumping to conclusions. We will have a FIVE-WEEK groupstage. That's enough time to prove you're worthy of that 1st place in your group. Seedings for the groups are based on the 4 1daycups, so mamut, YYT, BB & TAG are all seeded in the top poule, which means they won't be put together in the same group.
The group stage is like I said five weeks without a 1daycup system, which means you can plan your matches yourself, and fit it to your own availability. At the end of the groupstage you'll have a perfect skill-based result of firsts, seconds, thirds, ... This is normally already enough for a CiC7 seeding.
If there are 6 groups, we have 6 firsts. These 6 are seeded 1 to 6. These 6 will battle it out in a 1daycup, just like the seconds will do that for themselves too. In the 1dacup playoff, we decide who is seeded which specific spot in 1 to 6. Now if you're using a merc and fuck up that 1daycup due to unavailability, then you're still seeded 6 (in the worst case).
So what happens if a non lan team beats us in the group. They go to the top 6 and we play in the 2nd 6's. Ok we get promoted after the tournament - but we are seeded 6th then. Were we could have beat teams ranked above 6 and finished higher, but because of an online only team we miss our chance.
The thing I dont understand is non-lan teams being in the seeding tournament ;/

Theres plenty of other things those teams can play in.
It's a possibility, their choice. When they don't sign up for CiC7, we just remove them from the seedings and the teams below them make a promotion.
you cant yet know which teams are lan-teams :)
which will result in unfair seedings which will result in a unfair lan. The tourney is flawed, sorry.
ye agree.. I think this will be canceled as ESL NC was too
let me add this, u ungrateful prick.
add more logos to the banner.....................
Why dont you make a one-week cup? Will result in a more fair seeding I believe.
Your call though.

Let me remind you all that administrating cups next to their normal days life is also not easy!
They have like 5 weeks groupstage? Cant u read?
Yes I can read, but why dont they spread the play-offs also?
its not that long to the lan anymore you know
Thats true. Well I'm sure youll do anything you can. We as community just got to accept it. But still this can be a point of learning for any nest tournament.
last seeding cups were completely 1day cups :) So I think there is a big improvemnt done already. Though only few recognize this.
Well, they'll always find something to complain about. Keep up the good work though :)
gl Notorious <3
thx :) <3 ill need it ;)
no gl for me? :<
avi for this cup pm me! :<
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