ET Seeding cup reminder

image: ciec
Seedingcup signups close January 23rd 23:59 CET

If your Crossfire Clanname differs from the one you use in the ESL make sure
to pm Germany eiM to be sure to be added to the seeding cup!

On strong community request the admin staff decided to patch the given system to a more LAN appropriate system. Read on for the changes:

- Signups extended until 23rd January 23:59 CET - Signup now
- Only CIC7 signed teams allowed (signups close then) - Signup now

The rest of the system stays (groupstage + playoffs) as there will be less teams in the actual seeding cup, we have enough time to still run both stages.

We are sorry for the inconveniences and hope to spawn a great tournament with even better matches for another epic Crossfire LAN event by the community for the community!

Previous announcement newspost
good decision =)
Great idea, looks like a great tournament, cant wait !
Thx for your contributions :)
What - flaws in the community can actually help? But ye, np was glad to help
good job
thanks for listening
- Signups extended until 23rd January 23:59 CET

My Birthday! :D
see what you are doing!
making ESL newsposts interesting? :D
What twidi said, this I like!
wtf gay troll ban
Need moah Lan teams for ET :o
Good job.

LAN is all caps btw, it's an acronym for Local Area Network : )
Acronyms don't need to be all caps :p
Give me an example of one which isn't :)

Oh snap.
Bit of a slow reply eh?
sorry i don't refresh hardcore :<

It wasn't that it just took me that long to think of
Still waiting for teams like bb, mamut and MASCULINE_MANS!!! etc.
BB will be there, dont worry m8 :)

MM wont

mamut i dunno
mamut will also play, not sure if they play as mamut, but the guys of them will play most likely.
mamut dont play will play :)
well this wouldn't stop teams who arent going to CiC7 of just doing a fake signup and not pay to still be able to play this cup right .. ?
better fakin signups for lan than faking identity at lan
why r u hatin??? :(
cuz its pinksoessuper
you have to pay by 23rd of january so if you haven't paid by then you won't be allowed to play the cup I'd say (or at least prove you paid, screenshot or so)
Ahh ok ! sounds reasonable
eiM if you have ze powahs, could you please remove eron from antiClimax, i think they are dead and we can't sign up "one of your players is already competing in this cup with another team"
so remove eron from your team if he is the problem? If he plays for you he can just leave the other team?
i solved problem ;)

Am I the only one who thinks this Seeding tournament makes no sense? How can there be a seeding tournament for CIC7 when the signups are not even closed. The payments are not up to date.

Are you just going to filter out the teams that will not attend CIC7.

It makes no sense in holding the seeding tournament before the actuall LAN signups are closed.
Signups close 24th :p
I heard that ET had been given a longer signup time. I think I read something about 8th of February? If they ET payments close on the 24th then I hope todays update of the payments will reveal more ET teams.
Don't think it's extended (yet). As far as the seeding tournament goes, any teams that sign up after the first deadline just get a bad seeding, their own fault.
First deadline? If I'm correct a deadline is a deadline. There is no 2nd deadline.
Ye but previous lans also had extended signups afaik.
stop being a retard and concentrate on ur cod4 tournament - cos for once u have more than 20 teams attending so i think u need to concentrate on that schedule etc. and leave et to those that have ran the tournament before. COD4 got an extended deadline because it reached the minimum signups, et usually gets an extended deadlin as new teams are merged etc. Also there isnt as many big orgs backing et teams so money isnt as easy to come by.
I have no doubt in the ET admins at CIC7. I've been working with them for some time and we always find ways that suits us all.

As to your remark about the first time having 20+ teams. We only once had less than 20 Teams. CPC1, CPC2, CDC4, CIC7 all have more than 20 teams.

It appears you like to look smart throwing "facts" at people which have no backing at all. Such a mess.

See you at CIC7. :)
CDC3 had 24 teams if i remember well
I don't think COD had a CDC3. I might be mistaken though. Didn't the whole CDC3 get canceled?
I playes et at cdc 3 :p there were 24 teams!!
die praat over cod :D
Aaaahhh :D foutje :p
all i ever read from u is constant shit talking of et. Whether it be the amount of signups, the deadlines the money the teams all u do is talk negatively about it. Im basically saying concentrate on ur own tournament cos last time u got what 10 teams? Leave et to et players/admins u dont see us comment on the amount of teams or deadlines in cod4. Its the only offline competitions us et players get, if it wasnt for et - u wouldnt have a cod4 tournament of this proportion.
Look Ross I suggest you do some research before raging a guy who has the upmost respect for ET and it's scene. We were only speaking earlier about how wrong the comment you made above was. Unlike most other scenes the CoD scene actually respects the smaller scenes and take note of the fantastic things they do. Be it quakecon for you guys or UKESA for TF2 it shows what can be done with very little.
i have no issue with the cod community, i play the game regularly myself. I think you personally have done a great job in getting the most out of the cod teams and players. I also think its great that cod will be running alongside et at another lan, seeing as cod is 1 of the better games the watch and play at lans. It will help give et some spotlight too. Credit to the cod teams for bouncing back after a hard time the past few months with a period of inactivity. The previous comment has or was not meant to insult the cod community at all. I have a distinct lack of respect for kleineman from the first comment i read from him in the crossfire irc channel, disrespecting et and its players by saying he felt that there shouldnt even be a tournament due to the low number of signups (on the 1st week of january). May i add that et has rarely dissapointed in terms of teams and signups given that it isnt a hugely funded game in terms of orgs backing it. May i also add that most cod players that have actually played there have added what a great experience it has been in terms of the competition but most importantly the social factor given that there is regular banter and a chilled out astmosphere. I find it disrespectful that he is constantly digging at et, because if there wasnt an et tournament with its "small scene"there definately wouldnt have been a cod tournament and all the teams would still be in a period of inactivity. This lan has given life to the cod cmmunity and im glad and so should u, the cod community and kleineman. It has gone from that silly comment about there shouldnt be an et tournament to little negative comments here and there and im sick of reading them. He has hardly any involvement or none at all in the et tournament and if he has only got negative things to stay, he should stick to commenting and running the cod tournament. I can see u jumping in and defending him, but my issue was with him and not the cod community. You say cod respects et and its community, well then ur defending a guy that does the total opposite.
i just don't get one thing, im pretty sure more then half the teams that are(wanted to go) going dislike 5v5, why is none boycotting it? any moron knows 5v5 doesn't work in ET
boycumming ?
hopefully better than last seedingcup
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