Voting Time!

image: oiwy20
image: 347hh5e

With the sign ups for Captain applications closed, the time has now come to throw in your votes and make sure your favorite man can be the captain of your nation and bring glory in his name! But there's more to it then just the blind voting.... With renewal of the Clanbase ET Crew, we also decided to go a step further and take an interview with every aspiring captain so it will be easier for you as a voter to make your decision. We hope that with the featured questions and answers to them you, as a voter, will be able to make the best decision for yourself and your country with your vote.

The overview of the interviews with the aspiring captains can be found on the Crossfire Article section Here

We also want to remind the aspiring captains that the rules regarding the '3 players from 1 clan' has changed, we advise you to read them thoroughly to stay up to date and get yourself the best line up as possible. You can find more info regarding this rule Here
link of rules don't work
Strange, works for me.
now it does
Where do I go to vote? - Will there be a cf poll with us to vote which person we want captain for each country?
I think it will be done on CB site
(You will be able to vote once the captain application stage is over!)
i had the same problem while other dont, find the one u want to vote for here: and press he's nick, will work i think
lol I expected more signups from captains but some guys (who wants to be captain of thei nation) are just no sense to apply for being a nations captain.. but from my nation, Netherlands, lightning is absolutely the best catpain imo and Trixor's story is totally ego same as xperia's reason... new people should deserve a new chance ;)
bring it on
Thought this was for xfire polls.

Needs better title!
QuoteI get on well with every English player and will choose only the best. Starting lineup will consist of the solid English boys.

Fuck you Waki. It's Team UK.
gl loserboi & AL1
Some nice candidates for belgium.
Don't know who to pick out of these three

Belgium Anaconda (he has done it before)
Belgium Isen (very nice guy)
Belgium AL1 (why not go for a change)
If he would have signed up I would have voted him for sure!!!
But the question remains: Why didn't he sign up? :O
I don't participate in an electoral system.
Ye all those conformists are stupid!
If he had signed up, I would have..*
ryj palancie

snorfiets :)))) or loekino :))) both m8s :ppPPpPpPpppPP
ik wil JOU in team nederland
Russia jago for new stalin
Vote me, click here.
That video was epic thanks for making my mornign!
After seeing the NationsCup captain applications for team germany there is only one, who is eligible: Germany shmoe
so true, others are so ridiculous
Not really, KRESTi can easily compete and play with the team so it's an easy choice.
Elaborate please?
who could he replace from last years lineup?
Last year's lineup isn't playing is it?
no its not.
kresti wouldn't even be a choice for ET's paralympics.
weak flame :f
every fin nc guy is in KRP, so fin will get banned again yay
only couple of the 'nc guys' have played officials for KRP and even those were in ladders and im not sure if those count.
probably many of the coming NC team are in KRP but the "offi playing time" restriction might save fin !
who are any? (who are still playing?)
squall, olbaa, matias, sample, ensam
+ lepari, eh?
basically everyone who will be in the next nc team?
ye was asking cuz i dont know who are those people, but squall answered.
dont have any clue with who to vote :D
Did anyone apply for Ireland captain?
no i thought someone would flushje pm him and take it! :D
why done you? I cba
BelgiumAL1 it is
wedde da ge toch ni vote op me :d stabnerdje
keb al gevote op u, jannet
NetherlandsPHOTOSYNTHESIS , just to easy.
fuck sake why do some people even include themself
imo the team itself should pick his captain
Portugal Portugal have their own voting in
why no team Denmark ? ;/
gl everybodeh

Germany vele shmoe :-)
shmoe is the only one who will be able to do this.
voted for shmoe.
idan ata zairrrrrr met
make this sticky ffs
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