Announcing CB ET 5v5 Nationscup XIII Captains !

image: 34e7xxw

ClanBase ET NationsCup 5v5

The time has come, the voting stage has closed so it's time to announce the Captains for the Enemy Territory NationsCup XIII 5v5.

You can find the entire captainlist here: CB NC ET 5v5 XIII Captains

Remember that this list is not a list of the participating Nations !
Qualifiers + Groups will be announced later this week !

Also as a reminder, captains where selected based on:
• Support from the management, clans and top players (own nation).
• Background and ability to create the best team to represent the country.

I would also like to remind the chosen team captains to contact their national team managers. You MUST be added to your national clan account!

Good luck to all the Teams and Captains involved !
Germany shmoe will deliver
obvious.. did look at it for a minute when I posted it but coldnt find the reason for it to look strange :D
Hey busted cheater! How r ya!?
nothing much. Rolling nerds mostly
Wel well well
I don't think you are the one that should talk about it. :)
I guess I am.
i still don't understand why people think malczik was ever hacking. he was never suspicious and the avis were mostly shit if you look at them from a neutral way.
didnt he even admit that he cheated?
he were always shit tho :D
Not really :P!
+1 played vs him, he isn't even obvious

The times I played vs him he was just an annoying crybaby.
will you stop rehearsing the same sentences over and over again ? :OOOOOOOOO
most loved o:
democracy at its finest!
whine at its finest!
omg anaconda omg
All good captains, dunno who Germanyschmode is though
Too bad NetherlandsEnigma!
Forgot Brazil, Ireland and Columbia btw!
5v5 & NC is just no tbh - ESL do the right thing and make CC 6on6
I don't get it why they do it 5v5, NC is meant for entertainment mainly (at least thats what I thought) and 6v6 is far more entertaining than 5v5
schmoe?? :DD
fuck you. I'M TEH CAPTAIN. Good night twist!
nigga stole my pocals
LithuaniaUmek will deliver
Netherlandslightning will deliver
netherlands could do fine aswell,

and maybe germany, if some powners are active again
Denmark Adi gratz!
Quote al- on 17/01/10, 01:49:08

rAUL , frEeze , mcleod , fredd , bff will be the main lineup of Eesti. Cya at the battlefield :)

And for the Night / reload fans - I cldn't get em :(
mcleod ?!
lol whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
mcleod lol :D:D?
how can you not add modus?

and ok hope is good, but there are way better players in the NL scene
hmmm strange, I consider modus as one of the best dutch players
I never really understood the point of 5vs5 NC. I can understand why for an event like CIC7 it can be better (in some aspects, not all) but surely there's enough players from each country to allow for a 6vs6 format?

Ah well, good luck with the competition, hopefully hype doesn't act like a gigantic penis.
they obviously want sponsors for NC teams ...
It becomes even more ridiculous when speaking about nations. clanbase thinking of numbers and not entertainment, sad days for ET.

Expecting a lot of "upsets" this season. Not because any teams are suddenly more skilled but because I doubt the higher skilled players in the "higher skilled nations" want to play 5v5 in something like NC which is completely useless. People already don't prac/aren't motivated for it so this isn't going to help at all.
don't agree

5v5 = more fun imo, quite a lot of actif players actually agree with me

the people who aren't even giving it a real shot are the ones complaining the most (hi meez)
5on5 with no changes to rifle & medic hp mechanics is just bad. don't need to "give it a shot" to know that

something different is indeed always more fun than the norm, but it doesn't make it better than the norm, 8v8 baserace is recognized by some as "more fun" but it is simply not competitively viable

fix those broken mechanics and it might be alright tbh
When it still was 6o6 format then the ppl whining the most were ppl who couldn't handle the spammy playstyle so well. Most of the cases...
ppl weren't even asked weather they want to play 5o5 or 6o6, it was basicly forced since tosspot said lan will be 5o5. now, ppl attending the lan event will play 5o5 anyways since they have no other option and ppl who actually want to paly 6o6 have to play 5o5 or play vs lower skilled teams. So it's a win-win situation for 5o5 supporters.
6o6 is how it was in rtcw. it was so in ET since ages though here the power of spammy weapons was reduced a lot and now it seems like an athlete who has become a handicap.

I personally don't have much against 5o5 but i'd still play 6o6 since 5o5 reminds me of 3o3 which every idiot can play who has lean button, can aim and where he doesn't have to think almost at all to succeed.

Sorry for the bad english
totally agree with you.

Is just that lan event that fucked a system that was correct.
If there are so many active and top players moaning, is cause it was never asked but forced, why? cause 6on6 was always more popular than 5on5 and killerboy and his crew knew this.

They can force it ignoring flame in each 5on5 event posted, in the end we all loose until they understand it.

A 5on5 NC just looses all interest and motivation for players and viewers.
What's there to agree with? I said I didn't understand why the format was different for NC.

If the reason is because the powers at be feel 5vs5 is simply better (In terms of quality) then that would at least be a reason. I fear however, it's to go along with every other competition and the general consensus that 5vs5 makes it easier to run a competition in general logistic and infrastructure aspects.

I ain't necessarily bashing on the 5vs5 format, I just don't understand the need/reasoning for it here!
what's the point to split the community to two sides? ET isnt that kind of game when you go to search for a prac then you find it instantly. 5vs5 NC is better for teams that train for CIC7, easier to get oppos.
I'll keep an eye out on IRC then to see all these NC teams looking for pracs! ;D

Personally, having one competition that would be the 6vs6 format to me at least, could have kept things varied/interesting for everyone involved.

Won't spoil the competition of course, just always loved the 6vs6 NC format! Hopefully, this will be just as good.
im pretty sure that almost every NC team will find a warmup game before their offi.. and im also sure that some countries will prac a few times per week.
the point is who made these decisions without polling the entire community? From what I've seen most are against 5 on 5 and I mean the players, not the rest of the community who should be equally important anyway.
I gave it a shot. Quality of life decreased.

Seriously, 6on6 is better.
Heh, my words.
no chance for ee ? :(
Get mulja!
If mcleod is not oldschool then i don't know ..
grats shmoesn! :-)
if you guys prac you have a good chance at winning, i've played together with everyone in that team except you and I have to say that they are all amazing players
k so i will kick him and replace with sinnu, would that make us top 5 team ?
I am eager to see shmoe's lineup! :-)
this really is a tough one believe me :x
I do but on your application you said that you already have a lineup in mind or something like that - so move move! :-)
well i am still in the specing of some guys. not finished yet.
how long do you have time for getting your team ready?
lol that page is about 3 years old :D
I feel offended.
am I allowed to sponsor team-estonia with cottage cheese and tuna?
Yes, and some woodensticks if you got some.
We won it last time..
Sleeperz to win NC again !
squall, ensam, olbaa, sample, matias

lepari or gtfo!
lepari ofr gtfo
low+ max :o
why on earth would you replace freeze? he's the best aimer in this random lineup which al posted :D
(01:51:47) (@diSko^al) lol risee
(01:51:53) (@diSko^al) Karrde thinks i'm serious
(01:51:53) (@diSko^al) =DD
nice calling allan a random, nice eesti-friend spoted!
but for real :D 'mcleod' and 'fredd' won't play, but neither will euruz night reload =]
I won't play for estonia as well, you should mention that!
Sorry to disappoint my fanbase.. private issues ={
lol ? Nice saying it here, we were really hoping for you man :\. But gl anyway, hope everything will sort out and you can return to poland.
5on5 sux
bonne chance punkk :]
thanks bro... gl to cic7 :P
Qualifiers + Groups will be announced later this week !??????? TODAY? :D
GL Austria DonMatthias
expecting a spree of lineup news posts soon =O)

gl Belgium Anaconda, hope you can get a nice team together
LiCiD wouldn't even get into my netherlands team c team
Good luck everyone!
man fuck off with the 5o5 format

gl hYpe :)
Is the 6on6-format after successful 7 years dead?
no, its just the 3rd or 4th run to get 5on5 public

It will fail like the previous runs ;)
yeah lets hope :P
dvk3 :PPPP
we need an irc channel and to publicise this fucking lame 5 v 5 format! Lets boycott the shite!
a lot of joke captains right there :D
Seems like CB is taking a chance with some new captains, eager to see how it will turn out. :)
Team Germany shmoe, who?
für lost soldiers reichts, opfer xD
Buddylist (Add Buddy, Ignore, Send PM)
sYnop Offline
freezy Offline
shmoe Offline

ja ich weiß schon, dass die alle besser sind als dein team.
Team Ukraine malczik 1254227 TBA

Hopefully we dont get kicked out this time.

Good luck Lightning :D
gz ensam!
rifleman !!!! :D
Good luck Lightening & Horek ... ;D
ireland is lacking skill, i remember playing them after they searched low+, while they should have searched low tbh
Ireland Couldnt be more true in fairness, but still Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland
omg United Kingdom HYPE OMG
GL Spain tooo
shmoe, fuck yeah!
he will deliver, stop complainin fags
32 teams will play? so 3 quali matches + 29 invited nations?
Germany shmoe, fuck yeah!
he will deliver, stop complainin fags
hyyype :D
i think more like lightning tekoa azatej modus ati and some1 els
Why the hell can't we keep the 6v6-format online.... i understand it for lan, but ONLINE...
HEIL shmoe !
jij cc7 toergenoot!
pas op voor zijn handtastelijkheden
5o5 for nationscup .......
5on5 is bettah!

and i think there will be more teams when its 5on5 :&
Moritz! :-)
where can I find results with number of votes for every candidate?
blitzz is avi, take him!
gz moe :-*
cb admin as cap :o I guess that's allowed anyway.
Would like to have seen waki as cap though

ensam will deliver
Ive been NC cup sup and BE captain before ... i dont see a reason for u to bring that up ?

else enlighten me :)
It's just always a bit odd if a cup admin is playing even as a captain. Killerboy surely got a reputation organizing opencup things in order to benefit his team, and also adacore organized some things in polar times some ECs back. But don't worry, I'm sure you won't do anything like that :)
Good luck and congratz for getting elected !
have i done anything that you are thinking this at NC X ? when i was cup sup and team captain ?

I guess not :P
did I say that you have?

but apparently you feel offended because you don't let go that easily, so either you really did something or want to give extra good image of yourself for random reason and surely continuing this doesn't help the latter
not at all, found it weird that you even stated that in ur first post, i was curious
It's just always a bit odd if a cup admin is playing even as a captain. Killerboy surely got a reputation organizing opencup things in order to benefit his team, and also adacore organized some things in polar times some ECs back. But don't worry, I'm sure you won't do anything like that :)
Good luck and congratz for getting elected !
It's difference here: i guess ana won't play for team BE :) in the cases you named before is a different sittuation if im correct, tho he could only do smth about groups in this cup, which ofcourse will be prevented by other CB cup ADMINS :)
adacore didn't play himself either, and still he organized times of some games in pretty unfair way few ECs back but who cares anymore, it's done and gone
sore loser =)
sore cheater =)
looolz n1 hiap :) ilu
Zottelkopf! :-)
Wow, ET is definately dead.
thanks :)
then why apply for captain..
roxor is a good driving teacher.
good that it is 5on5

else turkey wouldnt be able to get a full lu :D
tanq cant really play...its like 50:50
Romania will deliver
No fun without Ireland ;<, we were gonna win this time.
good on ya suvi and hype...shame its a 5 on 5 lame assed format...
succes lightning:)
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