Haiti Earthquake Appeal

Heaven Media is asking you to donate to the Haiti Earthquake Appeal.

A major earthquake struck Haiti on 12 January just ten miles from the capital city of Port-au-Prince.

As many as 200,000 people are believed to be dead, and it is still too early to know the full human cost of this tragedy.

We have set up a page for donations to Oxfam's efforts through JustGiving.com, a UK-based organisation which facilitates donations to a number of charities, and with a target of £500 set, secretly we'll be disappointed if we can't hit four-digits.

We believe that the decision to help should be an easy one, but in case you needed a little extra persuasion, here it is: Adam Godfrey, our very own Business Developement Manager at Heaven Media and of course the Reason Gaming manager/owner, has agreed that if we hit the £500, he will allow himself to be tied up at Multiplay's i39 event, for the community to chuck wet sponges at him!

Oh, and as an added incentive, if we can double our target, and hit £1,000... he'll do it wearing only his underwear. Who said that helping your fellow human beings couldn't have a second (albeit very minor) purpose?

Keep an eye out later in the week for another announcement to help spur on donations - we think we've got a real cracker in store for you.

No matter how much or how little you feel you can afford, do your part now, even the smallest of donations will help.
Donate now at http://www.justgiving.com/esports-for-haiti
If you like, why not reply in the comments below telling us that you donated and if you are feeling brave and want to shame the others, let us know what you donated ;)
I've given a tenner already via Oxfam. But shit's hard there. I'm in.

edit. Donated.
was saving my money for lan :(
Thats a good opportunity to dodge it then ! :)
im selling cheats to go lan =( gimme some mony
cos some ppl got money to give
Believe me, every donator doesn't give money just because they have it. I'm aware only people giving money away is because they have it, but that ain't the main reason.

People living in a few square meters, eating a little bit of bread and drinking water is the only liquid they see... If I would live there, I would be concerned and I would love it if other people (who have more money) would help me.

You should start watching those documentairys on tv about Haïti, I'm sure you would change your mind and not only think people could give money away just because they have money.
just shup up you miserable prick -_-
He is 100% right, why care? Earth is overpopulated anyway.
Then shoot yourself in the head and thus save the world.
Good counterargument. I think rationally. You think emotionally.
Thinking rationally is just thinking about yourself and being a nihilist towards anything else?
And isn't that the most important thing to do - care of yourself? Name 3 good reasons how donating to them would improve your life! ;X
What's the benefit of helping some1 who just had a car accident (and your passing by)
if it doesn't improve your life?? Imagine if your house is on fire. What's the point of some1 helping you if it doesn't 'improve' his life? Should be all just let each other die or rott like an apple because it doesn't benefit you?? Sjeezes get some intelligence.
Well, I'd completely understand that person carelessly walking by - in his place I wouldn't risk my life (or spend money in Haiti case) if I know that such action give you any profit ... That's just as donating to children with incurable diseases or those with down syndrome or similar "forever parasite organisms" - waste of money.

That's just life and the way things go :)
No, it's not just life. Why would you let some1 die when you can help him? (not necessarily helping with money but just giving him a hand)

I don't get it why you always want money to help some1? Is it really that hard to do it for free? Will you ask money if you help an old person cross the street? If your in a foreign country and you don't know the way, you wouldn't care if the locals would ask money? (ah well they don't benefit otherwise by not telling the way)

If you get a heart attack in a few years and you need immediate help, should people just pass by and let you die? Imagine if we act in every way in life like this... would be wonderful. By the way, not everyone wants 'not to get saved' when getting a heart attack.
Well, I understand that there are things (like willing to live and asking for any help to make it happen just few years longer), but (and I understand that no one is forcing to donate) I don't get it - in what way is it useful for "others" if you won't get any personal benefits out of that. Just to make yourself feel better? I rather put that money on my new TV purchase and watch Haiti earthquake news in HD (just an example) ... :)
watch Haiti earthquake news in HD

lol :D well, tho I agree with some your opinions, I atleast feel sorry for them ;)
Well, one point would be that through helping others, many people can feel good themselves and most of the people should feel, so its an argument even if you cant feel shit. Other is that, through helping others, you can also be helped one day, maybe someone you help save in Haiti, moves to your neighborhood and saves you one day, ull never know. And so on and so forth
Save yourself some time and give up; zivs has been banned several times for racism already.
ah didn't know that, no chance to change his mind then
your parents should be ashamed of you

egoistic pig
Bawwwww :)
my god, i so hope u get a chronic disease.
i would pay 100 euro easily to watch you get a car accident so i can watch you die
Your a good example of why the Human race can be so shitty.
Google altruism.
Well you are asking the wrong questions. The whole point about it is to care about others and not about yourself - thus asking in what ways it would improve MY life is irrelevant. (Altruism)

You have still the world view of a cave man. (Survival of the fittest) Congrats to that.

Pointless to discuss with a racist nazi anyway.....
Why do you even bother to try and change his opinion? It's a waste of time and energy.
sadly i have to disappoint you... word is an egoist
I bet you dont live just on water and bread while giving rest money for people who doesnt have that. why? your ancestors were cave men too, dont be ashamed of them! everyone wants him to "feel as good as possible" - you can reach that giving money to these people,ok,but still,its a selfishness. there is no real human, who would be really really altruistic. even altruism gives you some kind of "good feeling" - so in result you do it for yourself.

but dont think about me I think just about myself. I would sacriface myself for my country, or would risk my life trying to help with fire.
just ignore the fuck
I bet you wouldnt help your own mother if she fell down the stairs.
Thinking earth is overpopulated is rational!? You never heard of the moral rationalism? Perhaps you should go out of your room for once and view the world in a more moral perspective.
earth actually is overpopulated. earth cant handle so many humans, cuz of humans are idiots.
Earth isn't overpopulated. China and India and a few others are overpopulated, yes but not the rest.

Besides, more and more people live in cities, we actually take less space in with more people compared to 20/30 years ago (and yes there is enough food).
didnt meant "space we are in" at all ^^
I meant water, electricity, pollution etc.
There is water enough (obviously). Fresh water is limited, yes, but its possible to transform sea/salt water into fresh water. It's just very expensive. For pollution, increased technology and investment in green policies will decrease pollution eg. we need more solar/wind energy and passive houses etc... Why do you think they wear mouthscars in China but not here? Electricity the same, green energy and passive houses, etc..
was talking about fresh water, obviously. which actually is limited and transforming "salt water" or "ice" into fresh water is very expensive as you said. where do we will take energy? surely not from wind or sun (atleast not from sun now, cuz of this technology sux - if you dont know, you should learn smth about it) - green policies.. dont think so. underdeveloped countries wont have any soon. and as long as we wont have "pure energy" (not in near future,more like in 50 years) we will make pollution too. more than earth can handle. how many animals already extincted just cuz of human race? we will use mouthscars too if we will continue like til now.
passive houses? yeah,only "good idea" out of what you said
Of course we won't rely on wind/solar for 100%. It's not 100% reliable and way too expensive (for now). That said there are new techniques in solar energy (parabolic dishes) and wind energy (wind maglev turbines) which create 100 or 1000 times more energy than conventional wind/solar energy. Let alone technology in 20 years we dont even know about now! For unreliability, that's why we need a huge hi-tech grid all over europe to minimise the risk of 'no wind'. In 30 years we will have fusion reactors which will supply endless & green energy. By the way, developing countries will (have to) follow the rich countries anyway and why wouldnt they? It will mostly be paid by rich countries probably.
Lets take it from back. Developing countries follows rich countries. They go in the same way as rich countries before, therefore they are polluting like rich ones before XX years. Yeah, MAYBE we will have that. MAYBE. And in 30 years.. thats time long enough to get pollution even worse. Hi-tech grid all over europe? Oh, what a cool solution! Lets build wind turbines everywhere,right? Dont you think it will change nature a little bit? In solar energy I dont trust, and you shouldnt either. Creating them makes a big pollution, so as long as sillicon will be used for making them, its useless "placebo". And still, even if we had solar and wind energy, it wont be enough to "feed" people all over the world with electricity.
Two more things to think about. At first, even "material" supplies arent infinite. At second, I said that earth is overpopulated and cant bear as many people as they are now. And now we are talking about future. Maybe in future we will have technologies to "supply" every human with whatever he wants and without any pollution. But we cant do that now.
Gtfo you fucking moron
I bet you're one of those people that hates religion too. Fuck you, man.
don't be so rude =:D^^
I'd rather donate the money to pensioners or something in my own country than to Haiti or Africa etc.. We have problems in our own country enough to donate millions of euros to some homos.
Ye, Finnish pensioners compared to them:

image: h37_21756565
:D Come on .. Finnish pensioners have worked hardly all their life and they deserve that. Why should THEY (in picture) get help more than those Finnish pensioners, those who still suffer the war consequences in Georgia, those in random African village and so on?

Once again - what will get from that Finland, if their population rather support country which will never be able to help them when they will need that, instead of keeping the money to build their own life better?
they worked hardly? wow, why give then money to them.

*facepalm about your comment, not about the languagebarrier tho*
no offence here, but like you see in the picture they still act like cavemen, you try to argue that hes stupid but not investing money in them, because its wrong to leave anyone half dead laying on the roadside. but on the other hand, why should we put nearly a billion euro into a country full of scum which even starts now to rob each other, in a situation where they should stay together and try to help each other.

its the human instinct and you cant change it by giving them medical aid or psychological support. they need to bite in the dust like we did back than when we started to envolve into an industrial nation, you cannot force them nor help them to get that far.

those billions will be invested in saving humans which will die anyways really soon due their starvation / thirst / other diseases.

for me its a total different story if i donate for children which got abused or for some sandniggers fighting even for the last TV when their house burned down.
Did you go to school? Or are you just incredibly stupid? If you didn't have ANY food and only infected sewer water to drink for five days, you would go mental too.

How do you even dare judge these people?
like anything changed compared to before? do you think anyone with a wheelchair bought by this money will make it through his life without the social system helping him out?
google colonialism pl0x
so surely we did bad things to them in the past by using them as slaves or just raiding their ressources. but that can not be undone by giving them money/education/whatever. jews were also haunted for hundreds of years and still i havent heard form jews stealing TV's from eachother or robbing each other when they are in a critical situation.

could also be that i missed some news or smth, since i dont really care about the gaza conflict

generally things in the past cant be undone. of course it cant be undone payed for giving them education. education is the key. but noone in the west rly wins if africa stopps being 3rd world.

actually jews got their country because of what you say. but either way - trying to compare colonialism to the social history of jews is nonsense.
stupidity of some people realy is too amazing...
so they dont cut each others hand of for stealing? so they dont rob other people? so they arent lead by the strongest?
image: maslow-pyramid

Maybe you can figure out my point by yourself. (Maybe)
dont waste your time explaining such trivial things to some retards.
thats just a response to the first point Iam refering to, which wasnt even meant serious.
It's no use, if people do not understand basic human values, you can't argue with them.

Well, at least 19th century utalitarianists would be glad to see their teechings are still alive and kicking :-S
I think belongings come before safety, you'd rather leave with others than stay behind alone.
Wow we reached a new level of retardation and stupidness. Can't believe it was possible to be this dumb. Unbelievable.
there are enough banking systems who speculate with millions of €/$ with our tax to benefit from, actually we are getting robbed, so why do you cry about people who want to help those people? go complain about the real criminals
to thats a reason for them to rob each other, makes sense.
Well it was just an example, but there are things wrong in my own country, so my money goes to my own country ( to pensioners, healthcare, WW2 veterans, who are living in terrible conditions etc..) :)
You're donating to several national organizations? Impressive.
examples dear neighbour :)
The amount you (or the finnish people) give to aid would probably increase the pension from 1000 euro to 1001 euro. Congratz, rather have a euro more instead of giving a bit of money to people who really need it cause they are starving from hunger and thurst. It seems that 1 euro means a lot to you. Poor you for not being able to afford (yea what exactly?) cause you have a euro less.

You can't compare some luxury problems to having no food or water.

like this money is gonna save them on the long run? if you invest your money in people which have worked their whole past or even lost parts of their body for their own country its worse than giving it to some people which are robbing each other?
with that logic you should donate all your money to different places in the world :D cmon if you donate 200e to Haiti why not donate another 200e to starving people in africa.. And your 200e doesnt really make a difference since there are hundreds of millions of people who need aid in the world. Geez.
If everyone would donate a few euro a person it would be more than enough to rebuild the whole country. It wont make a difference to us while 200 euro would make a difference:) You don't have to save the world you know:) If everyone helped a little bit, lots of stuff would change like it happened at the countries hit by the tsunami. Besides, if we would let Haiti like this, they would all emigrate to USA/Europe so we would have even more problems. Now at least when the country is rebuild most of them can work etc... so its good for us too. That's why we couldn't leave Eastern Europe in the situation it was after the cold war. Anyway, this was my last comment:)
why do they have so many children then when they cannot earn for living?
they are addicted to sex... those animals..
you are animal too. we all are still just animals. but how can have sex when they dont have what to eat? doesnt make sense
try to live without sex, then ull understand ...
is this a serious question?
High mortality rate implies high natality rate. Help them, educate them and the high mortality wiill go down but natality needs a while to adjust. Europe had this phase to, ironnicaly around the time they started colonizing and exploit colonies.
Oh yea lets support criminals! Finnish retards
Are you a fuckin retard or what? :D
I agree. Highti five.
QuoteEarth is overpopulated anyway.

QuoteI think rationally.

Throwing out a random sound bite is thinking rationally now?
the world is overpopulated, but still, sympathy for those who have lost wouldn't go amiss
How is it overpopulated?
poor you if you dont get it.
Because Al Gore or whoever said something like that in your local paper doesn't make it true. Explain it, how are we overpopulated?
It's called utalitarianism: i.e. the set ideology composed for bussinessmen, financers during the industrial revolution to escape moral responsibility.
Did you reply to the wrong person? Your reply doesn't relate to what I said.
I agree with you, but why should I send this to the fuckwits around here :-(

read it as a cynic remark =(
Ah, my bad. I had a poor night's sleep. :P
So if your in a car accident and your seriously injured we should let you rott till you die because the world is already populated enough? What an awesome world this would be with people like you.
how can you actually compare helping someone who still got the possibility to change his life in a good way and some nearly dying africans? that makes no sense?
Some1 who had a serious car accident can be (nearly) dying too while most haitians (note: they arent african) are (for now) in good health. Haitians didn't chose to get struck by an eartquake while it is (sometimes) your fault if your involved in a car accident.

Anyway, I hope you do get my point which is more important than criticizing just a random example.
the mere fact that you pinpoint haiti on a map in africa just says it all my friend. you dont have a clue and you think yourself clever for arguing the way you are when really you are just another retard with a caveman, 24/7 hours a day in your room sense of being.
I do hope you dont actually stand behind the things you are claiming here, but you are merely getting off on the fact you are making people respond to your crap (which in itself is already rather disturbing).
i just used africans to generalize this kind of people, furthermore i dont know in which way my geographical knowledge is related to expressing my very own opinion
you can state your opinion, and i can state my own using the argument that your obviously limited intelligence is related to the fact that you are being a retard about this and keep on coming up with some senseless ridiculous statements.

and no, you werent, you thought it was in africa. dont worry though, you are just as clueless as a large percentage of the american population who cant even pinpoint france on a map
once again, since you dont get it, in which way is geography actually related to my intelligence? i would like to hear some actual arguments why i should be stupid or mentally challenged because of that opinion, instead of your random flame :(

btw i just say "africans" to all black people, dunno been used to that for ages and i dont see a wrong aspects as long as i dont call them niggers
ye, africans made boats and went to live on another island and named it haiti
it's a matter of general knowledge which unfortunately shines in absence in your case

would love to keep on discussing like this forever but it's rather useless because you obviously have an entirely different look on things and i cba to hear any more :{
+1 i dont get these retards
just shup up you miserable prick -_-
just send Chuck Norris there he will save every1
What would you if your country crashed down in an Earthquake and you didn't receive any medical treatment due to your country being in a shit financial situation because of the disaster?

You'd be fucked.
we don't have earthquakes in finland
had some in kuusamo like 10 years ago.
the next blizzard will come for sure, yo
I would rob the drugstore & steal some food and go hide, I would be fine, dont care about the others :(((
haiti was in shit financial situation before the earthquake.

just stating!
You don't have to care and I'm pretty sure Seanza doesn't care either. But doing good to someone is never a bad idea especially if your life will not be affected in any way about it.
So far most intelligent post in 2010, congratulations.
Wrong target.
Cmon like that money would help them? If you really want to help go build something dont donate money. Like they could do anything with ur money. And yes i dont care about retards being bashed. Too many nigras already
It's not like people walk up to them & hand them cash lol. The money is being used to rebuild their lives, give them better medical treatment than they'd get if there was no money & also help them in general.
"go build something"

:DDDD good one.
Remember the money give in 2004 towards the victime of the tsunami? Everything is rebuild, people are happy again and all cities look much better now than before. Imagine how it would look today if nobody donated at that moment... And how much did it us cost? A miserable few euros a person? Can't you miss that to rebuild a whole country? Do these 2 euro mean so much to you? What would you do with it? Buy a beer? Instead you could donate and rebuild a whole country if most people would do.
I donated nothing back then, and everything turned out fine.

Is there a reason to believe that my help is needed now?
Luckily not everyone thinks like you otherwise it wouldn't turn out to be fine.
stupidity of some people realy is too amazing...
belgium is sending army man

and as i pay taxes i already chipped in
JustGiving.com isn't a random site : )
I don't see why the "esports" community has to be different.. just donate through the red cross (or the likes) in your own country.
however all the donates are welcome of course, hope they actually transfer all the money rather than keeping some percentage to themselves.. (that eventually.. is up to them)
That's actually correct.
Maybe so. But it's functionality is the bit that matters. Not how it looks. IMO.
It costs billions.
The allies didn't care much for the Jews to be honest, saving them from death was rather a coincidence.
What's the point?
What is it with fellow European pricks on crossfire? Lol, I'd bet you wouldn't even have the guts to call a black person a "nigger" irl and I'd be the first to laugh at what would happen to you if you did.
Why bother with him? He would not even come out of his room, let alone insult anyone.
another earthquake will hit and shaft them all again = wasted money. Build them mud huts and nP
You have to have that element of trust. Thankfully, I'm not in a situation where I cannot trust anyone.
anybody who making fun about it is a retard.
indeed, agree with you. if I had any money, I'd donate too. :/
that is not true and you know it.
I might be a retard since I laughed at some pictures made about the incident but atleast Im not acting like a hypocrite in some gaming-site. It's sad that people there are suffering but I can't feel anything for them.
Indeed, it's really not fair. At least wait for the dust to settle.
Your a bad man meezington.
Have you thought about fuel costs to travel to there?

Have you thought about how medical care ISN'T FREE? Have you thought about how medical staff, police, helicopter pilots, plane pilots, everybody involved in looking after these people & getting supplies to them, are paid? These people are working, you might find some are volunteering but the majority of them are working and have their own families to provide for.

Have you thought about the families who have lost loved ones and have no money to pay for their funerals?

Have you thought about the costs of food?

Have you even thought about any of this?

Just another kid who takes their world & situation for granted. GG.
dont think there will be many funerals im afraid..
I think he has thought about it, he just doesn't care. Apathy is a cruel wrench.
Read the rest of what I said.

Also, do you realise how much fuel costs for aeroplanes / helicopters etc?

No, didn't think so : )
OMG THE FUELL ITS LIKE 5 DOLLARS hahaha, man you'r awsome. <3 thanks mate
i guess you dont pay insurance either. why pay for someone elses medical problems.
paying for insurance is rational, because while atm your money goes to other ppl, in the future your children will pay for you!
depends on the system :D
hes talking about social system similar to Polish one...
i commented your post, not his.
im just saying, there are different social systems (eg. less "children paying for you", more "you pay for yoruself").

oh and btw, the problem with children paying for their parents is that there are no children actually :D
yup all this shit gonna crush :<
crash you mean :D

edit: naah, they'll eventually push the reform through and our pension when we retire will be saved (i hope :d)
i was fucked up after philosophy trash talk i studied for like 4 hours :<
helping a nation in need is not rational? i doubt you'd be thinking like that if a disaster of such magnitude would happen in your country.
can they repay for help? no, so fuck them

evolution eliminates the weakest ones
Yet again, you fail

Evolution is by no means an indicator for a moral stance. Even die-hard atheists such as Dawkins (and Darwin btw) clearly state that it is a natural process, but not something men should take as an argument in creating moral stances.
since when earthquake is not natural process?

logic says to you make settlements in safe areas... where you cant get flooded, there wont be an earthquake etc...

Being stupid as haitians make them first to exterminate..
Irrelevant and wrong.

I never disputed the fact that some places are not built for human life. But your logic is so grotesque and astonishing it baffles my mind. Oh yes, we all choose to live where we want. And Oh yes, immigration is not being blocked by the countries that have better conditions. And Oh of course, You would let those people move in in your house where there are no earthquakes right?
they had like 10k years to move out... staying there is fact of being stupid... ergo - let them die, we dont need genes of stupid ppl
Stop using the word rational as if it is a condition for truth. Please, take philosophy classes or whatever, read a book I don't care; but claiming that something is 'rational' is a statement that plays on to emotions i.e.: you should agree because the concept is marked positive (if you don't understand this, read some language philosophy, de Saussure, Derrida, whatever,...).

Let alone of course that we all have the same understanding of what is "rational"
your comments is irrational
try to escape your philosophemic world, please
try to use words i can find out in vocabulary
presuppositions that constitute value around a language component
youre getting trolling to easy, its not even fun
What your doing != trolling. If your trolling, you are incredibly shit at it.
donate via your site to charity?


There is a big line between flaming, gaming controversy and real world people suffering, people (black, white yellow or whatever)
This post shouldn't have comments allowed, to read shit of racist motherfuckers like you.

Words from a white.
No way I'm gonna help anybody.

As soon as Finland gets a powerful earthquake I might start caring.
And you're a racist, immature prick. Your mother must be so proud.
No, I'm not going to donate my money this way.
We already know you "donate" it in other ways.
rofl :D laughed at this one :P
So taxes are useless?
some nerd site wanting some publicity by sending there 1000e, no thanks.

feel sorry for the people there

e: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27pgO-9RBUc&feature=related
Quoteeven the smallest of donations will help.

[x] will help
[ ] will help significantly
just did it today in school
today em, tommorow u.
Already donated money to the Irish Red Cross, but good luck with this!
you already donated to one place so you cant donate to another, ok mr. helper :)

change next two stouts of your's to food, water and medicines for haitians <3
FU, redcross isn't even allowed to build a help camp, so let them take care of it themselves!
Whose going to donate money to me if I lost my job? Maybe Haiti will send me some free rum and coconuts to help me get by?
right, compare being unemployed to being about to die
No food or house I would die!
UK at least has shelters/free food for homeless people.. just like most developed contriies have

wtf will u do when youre entire infrastructure collapses ?

go to work?
Rob some rich people or get on a ship to a rich country!
your government would help you. there is a thing called welfare...
They are not helping anybody but themselves and immigriants and thats a fact.
immigrate then
I want to go down under but im going to spend a month or more out there on holiday before I commit to moving.
Unless I can come live with you?
u'd be better off down under =)
Helping them is fine, but helping them through fishy organisations isn't

I'll put my money on redcross or some missionary thing
Oxfam are a famous UK-based charity who do great work, and JustGiving is an organisation that facilitates fund-raising for 100s of charities (and Oxfam endorse them as a way of giving money)

We could have created our own paypal account to take payments on, but that could well have scared off anyone who didn't trust us to pass it on.
If i donate, can i get a job @ heaven media?
and what's in it for you?
or this is your share of doing the goods for haiti?
This is just myself and a few colleagues who wanted to use crossfire/tek9/cadred to ask people to help donate :)
I wanna join the true eesti zone :)
mama was supposed to handle me an invite, but apparently he failed
got your invite!
thx :)

I even go to est so often atm, that I can easily wear this flag :D
that's the right spirit =)
why are you in estonia so often though?
my gf lives there :P
ah okay =)
how far is it from your place? and aren't there any language-problems?
well, I live in Helsinki, so est isn't far from here :D
and even if we understand each other pretty well also when talking in own our languages (est and fin are kinda close to each other), we usually talk english :)
Just can't care less of them.
Well, that's a surprise. Don't even think about trotting out your usual racist claptrap here.
Not going to - just saying that I can't care less of them ;)
Stepping on dodgy ground imo :)
Are you looking for attention or something?
Already donated, but nice newspost (if the organization is trustworthy that is).
And to those saying it's useless to give money, you're either just egoist or just a conservative libertarian; which actually is the same.
In most cases aid given consists actually of loans given to those countries. This obviously means they have to pay it back (on a very low interest rate).

400 Million euro of aid sounds good in the media but actually its just a loan.

haiti going to payback ONE BILLION EUROS?

are you fucking retarded? do you think they will be EVER capable of giving away a that huge amout of money when their financial situation was fucked up like hell even before the earthquake?

you just driving me crazy with your brainfucked charity.
Do you even know how the economy and the financial sector works? The USA has a public debt of 14 trillion $, let alone another 53 trillion $ liabilities in medicare and medicaid. Do you think they are gonna pay that all back? You must be an idiot if you think so. Of course they wont (even a rich country like the USA cant pay that back) and it's not needed too. They are only gonna pay the interest on that debt every year (which is already close to 300 billion $) and renew those loans when they are expired. That's how it works.
Every country has loads of debt, it doesn't mean they are bankrupt. And that loan given to Haiti is one of between 0 and 1% interest (probably a 0,25% loan)which is one of those very low interest loans like the IMF gives to poor countries. When there is a disaster ofc they dont have to pay the first few years, it's only a long term loan.

And stop replying if your only gonna reply with some stupid bullcrap without an ounce of thought behind it, fucking moron.
you argue by saying its jsut a loan taht it wont help them that much and now you brag about that they just have to pay the intrests?

seriously dude, learn2argument

Quote This obviously means they have to pay it back

Dude, you don't know what your talking about.

Where did I say that it wouldn't help them? I only said it's not just a cheque of 1 billion 'free' money given to them, it's a loan. Of course it will help them. They get 1 billion where they barely (if at all) have to pay interest on and so they can use that money without financially destroying their own country (instead of high interest loans like usual).

QuoteThis obviously means they have to pay it back

I only said this because IN THEORY they get 1 billion dollar extra debt (its a loan right) so IN THEORY they have to pay it back but everyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that IN PRACTICE they wont pay that back, certainly not a pisspoor country like Haiti.

And stop replying to me, your insulting my intelligence. This was my last comment btw, not gonna constantly reply to some idiot spouting some bullcrap.
dsky*redcross ?
roisto redcross
lol asking kids,students for money :(

that's yust sad
Say what you say, but the earthquake might be the best thing what has ever happened to Haiti.

Haiti has been one of the most corrupted countries in the world, but after this disaster they might have a chance to start over from scratch and get rid of all the corruption that is rooted there and allow the people a better future, with the help of other nations of course.
I can't really support the idea that the death of insane amounts of people is a good thing in any way whatsoever.
Well, the earthquake has already happened and lots of people have died, so it doesn't matter do you support the idea or not.

My point being was that maybe there are some positive aspects in this tragedy and maybe they finally can get rid of the corruption rates, if everything goes well and the help of other nations actually show some results, which it usually doesn't.
r u retarded? In a chaos country there would be even more corruption now!
And btw, think about other people. they lost EVERYTHING!
I hope you have really donated lots and lots of money to the victims of Haiti because I cannot think of any self-respecting human being who would not feel like a total hypocrite after stating comment like you just did.
i dont really get what u find wrong in my statement, but in my eyes u seem to be the same retard like mind. And i dont care about ur next posts
Yeah, what a great comeback.

So It is totally forbidden to even think of anything positive this earthquake can cause i.e Getting finally rid of the corruption which has been one of the highest in the world ?

Mind stated he is not going to donate money and he pretty much alright hates n*ggers.
I stated that this earthquake might have something positive aspects on it.

Guess that makes me a 'retard', still cannot follow your absurd logic.
Most of the corruption stems from the government; I doubt Mr. President sitting in his nice $200 million house is giving a shit about his peoples right now, nor is he feeling the effects of this tragedy in the slightest so how is that going to change the way the nation is run?
the cons(losing over 70.000 citizens) far outweigh the pros bro.
don't be stupid and turn this into a universalistic idea.. what happened there was immensly tragic and it won't help develop this country, it actually destroyed it.

If you can't get that you are ignorant.
We gave 1/5 of our commission for December in work.

bb £91.50 :(

I wouldn't mind giving a little, but not that much... jesus
the idea is if this were to happen in the region you live in you would appreciate the help aswell. and since there country is not as rich as most of ours they can use the help or smth... :>
already donated somewhere else
Wont donate since I dont have money, I suffer more than they do, so donate $$$ to me thanks.
will donate somewhere else
Not donating, but good luck :)
Why would other people give a shit about you when your in a car accident? Why would we give a shit if you need help when your in a burning house? Why would any1 give a shit when you get a heart attack on a street?

Get it?

For a miserable 2 euro a person a whole country can get rebuild (just like in the countries hit by the tsunami). Do these 2 euro mean so much to you? Drinking a beer less while you saves lots of lives and help rebuild a country. Now what's worth more? Hard one.
I think he thinks the other way around. If everyone is willing to give 2 euros, why should he? 10000x2euros isnt much more than 9999x2euros for example. And if you don't care about this whole matter, just don't donate. If you do, then you're free to give whatever you want...
The problem is that when everyone thinks like this there wouldn't be anyone who would sent money to these countries. Thinking like: Oh, 2 more euro's wouldn't help a thing because most people already think like this.
Not everybody thinks like that, so there's nothing for Haiti (and 2004 the tsunami) to worry about.

Same with throwing things on the street (empty cans, chewinggum etc). If everyone does that, the world will become a disaster very soon, but not everyone does.
thought we had wsd-ers for that :o
wsd? (?schoonmaakdienst oid? :D)
wsd is een sociale dienst hier... staan zeg maar de plantsoenen te schoffelen en dat soort dingen :D
Not donating, Americans are invading.
i would give 5-10 eu if it wouldnt be so complicated with the E-money-paypal-stuff

im even afraid to buy something from ebay :(

but if a friend of me would donate then id give him my 5 eu at school for example...
Best way to describe the feeling I had after watching those pictures...
this is scary:/
Of all the horrific photos on there - Photo 37 - the only time you'd see a British, American, Dutch or Finnish child like that is clamoring for the latest Xbox or Harry Potter novel - the desperation evokes strange feelings.

Not much to be said on the comments - invoke some self discipline people.
they are plundering their own country now

dont feel like donating to such people
id like to, bbut if i see a pic of all those haitians robbing every electronica store at the frontpage of my newspaper, id say they dont need my help
Don't be an idiot please...
Why are you covering your eyes from what the people there are doing? :XD
another one...
why i found it rather disturbing that the whole streets were filled with broken 'etalages' and ppl having smth in their hands..
Do you really think people value electronics and whatever they robbed in Haiti now? They don't have food nor water. Think about it...
i think no matter what happens, no earthquake is a reason to go robbing everything you can see, they know theyre gna get support, every freaking country gets support after a 'natuurramp' no reason to go stealing
God you are a narrow minded person. So you don't wanna give support cause a few rob stores? Over a hundred thousand people died and more will follow because of diseases. They don't have food, no water, no electricity, no homes. But no, you see the people who rob stores. Stores that nobody cares about cause everyone is starving to death. And yes, they will get support, but you can't stay alive without anything to eat or drink for two weeks.

Some people here on crossfire think they know something about how the world goes, but actually they don't know shit. Try to listen to different opinions and then maybe, just maybe, express your nuanced opinion instead of making yourself look like a complete idiot and an asshole.
no im not narrow minded, and it werent a few either, but that money is also going now to those fags who thought it was nescesary to do that, no thanks
Just shut the fuck up retard.
ban him please.
for you, anything!
am i anoying you poor german?
if you were annoying id simply ignore you, but youre one dumb motherfucker.
well you were ignoring me anyway :D doubt the last part tho.
im usally pretty nice, and helpfull for others, i just think its fun to annoy you, tho i do like alot of the spam you produce, some are a little to much "look-at-me-im-trolling-for-5y-now" :)
instead of getting agressive you could also continue, go ahead and convince me, im not saying i would never give to charity, no i aksually do. but i just find this a little ridicolous and yes ofcourse they need help but theyre getting it, and theyre just asking if i personally wna give, and those pictures in my newspaper dont really wna make me give...
I'd like to convince you but you're not reading what I wrote. There are so many people here that think they're right. But actually they're just disgusting.

Your money might not do much but if everyone acts like that we don't got shit for support.

And the fact that you don't wanna give money cause of the violence, the plundering and robbing, shows you're narrow minded. You don't see further than the picture on the newspaper. If you would've been in Haiti you'd realize how much these people need your support. The violence is a result of no support.
People are starving on the street, of course they will fight to survive, that's a human reaction. Our money can be used for first aid, but also for rebuilding a government, which is now non-existant. Half of the government employees are dead and the police system is completely disfigured. It will cost a shitload of money to rebuild the whole country. Now if you want to leave those people to their fate, then go ahead. Just know that you're an insensitive prick.
mwha i know ure right anyway, i just hate that they do that, im just saying that you cant forget that theyre doing that too, and that was my intention with my first post, i know you cant 'punish' the rest of them by not giving anything
Edit: I don't blame them for plundering. If the same would happen to you, you'd probably do the same. And these people lost family members, their homes, don't got anything to eat or drink, ... It makes it a lot easier to rob an empty store of which the owner is probably dead anyway.
i dont think its right to justify that, i do think youre right on the rest and it should not stop giving money, but no, i wouldnt do the same ;]
Good that you see it's actually useful to send money :)
But honestly, we can't judge those people.
i think thats one little point we wont agree on :D thanks for the discussion, im off to play some nfs
lol jack hahaha, i missed u =D
he chemokuuurtje heb je een nieuwe prive vent of zit je met je hand in je broek alleen te surfen :D ouwe traktordief
And use the bones as building material for new infrastructure? GENIOUS
we use the bones to stick them into african woman
just one problem... how about the vegans?
What the fuck is a vegan
i think he meant vegetarian
vegetarian i might had some incorrect word.. english isnt rly that good when i use it..
prefer giving via red cross instead of through channels like this, soz
There are people smashing eachothers heads for stuff from Electronic stores there. First let them get real and then I might donate...
Already donated to UNICEF, getting paid tomorrow so sending another tenner to https://www.donate.bt.com/dec_form_haiti.html if I had more I'd give but all I can spare!

We're also doing a charity gig soon, few bands play, people bake cakes etc, have done it for plenty of causes in the past and raised a good few hundred ££

Unless someone wants to donate me a return ticket so I can go out there and take some pictures + help \o/
sweden donating half of their public treasury, great profit
The harder you try to fight the nature's course, the more bodies you will get. Just let it go...
Don't forget about Africa guys, they have no school and water.
I heard there are some clans in africa which can afford to buy bots. Is this true?
Doubt it, they have no electric. Their crops don't grow.
Retarded donation events. So a fucking disaster hits some 3rd world country. People give their money and feel good. Next week they forget about the other millions of people that are starving in other countries. Pointless shit.
People don't give money to feel good about themselves, it's a concept called sacrifice.

Even if the donation is driven by egoistic motives, in what way is it retarded if it benefits those in need?
From that moment I consider it being donated by egoistic motives when you announce it publicly.
I figured people could look at it that way, but the reason I chose to post was in fact because I was hoping to set some form of example. Apparently that's not obvious though.
How do you know that some of us don't donate frequently to other charities who help the people that some of us apparently "forget" about?
There are too many good charities. If I have to give them all some euro's a month I'd better win the lottery soon... I chose not to give at all, because the charities are all the same.
Yeah, a lot of people think in that sense. I used to aswell, tbh. I'd rather spend the £35 I donated in total on helping these poor people than spending it on myself when I have so many luxuries already.
Just because you do doesn't mean everyone is as retarded as you.
They struck a deal with the devil...
i don't see how donating money is going to help those in mass graves
If someone needs to explain to you what money can do to help a country after an earthquake there's something wrong with you.
so they're gonna build each one a nice tombstone, is that it?
yea that's it. The language barrier strikes again.
seriously though, tell me how donating money is going to help the dead people?
need haitian flag in news Haiti
Donated to oxfam instead of you guys, but a useful post, probably wouldn't have done anything otherwise.
i will be always ony our side Marko :)
miNd hkrep daisy zivs Bluman - You guys are sick, seriously.
Psychopaths have no feeling of empathy, well guess what?

offtopic : I hope thats not you in your profile pic :\
hahaha less job to me now
i support mind

EDIT: So many morons @ crossfire... humankind is really sad...

we gonna extinct because of mercy :X
Sorry but nowadays every time there is a tragedy every site on the internet sets up a "donation". If you want to give real help, donate directly to the Red Cross
lepari objective run
e: im just wondering what he is gonna do with that bloc of A4 papers
Shit config, all the players look black.
oh yes you played rtcw?
they're all fops
haha koning
As bad as I feel laughing, that's fucking quality =)
some decent humor finally
I am not a heartless person and I'm saddened by any natural disaster, but giving money to "help" Hatians doesn't sit well with me. When you just give somebody money without knowing what it's going towards you're likely not helping anything. Would you loan your buddy $50 without asking him what he needs it for?
If my buddy's house was just destroyed and a few of his family members died and food was hard to come by in his area for some reason I sure as fucking hell wouldn't ask him what he needed 50 dollars for if he asked me to give him some.
i smiled :). but you only proved his comparison is wrong.
He has a point though; I think what he's really getting at is the corruptness of the governments in developing countries. People donate millions of USD per year to African nations yet poverty, disease, famine etc. are still rampant in that continent. Why? Quite simply, the government runs off with a huge chunk of that money and keeps it for personal use with no regard whatsoever to their citizens.
Kristofferrson you make a good point, I guess disaster relief is a bit different than general "give these people who don't contribute anything to the world food so they can continue not giving back." However, I still hate big charities and would be much more inclined to give if there were some provision to educate these people and help that country and her people to financial independence, which in my opinion would be much more valuable to them than food and water for a few months. Teach them modern cultivation techniques, donate farm equipment, semi-trucks, road building equipment, and the like to help give them a better standard of living.

I've heard some ultra-liberals argue that those people shouldn't be forced to conform to "western" culture. I argue that beggars can't be choosers. You can maintain your own culture while being modern... look at Dubai.
that's a very solid agrument which, if you wouldn't have given it, I would have given myself
You can't prove that, and honestly, your conspiracy theories are quite funny.
regarding conspiracy "theories"

for instance:

AIDS medicines that are bought for Africa cost 1$ to make , but africa pays 40$

take a wild guess which country produces the meds and make a huge profit ?

it starts with a U and rhymes with "essay"
That doesn't mean this money goes to corporate companies...
no, little elves make the medicines and all the money goes to santa (anagram for satan **WINK WINK** )
Oh yes I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about food and water by independent charity organizations, but apparently it's about elves.
I was referring to your debunc of conspiracy theories concerning Africa... hence the elves
I'm talking about organizations such as the red cross, and you're talking about companies that make medicines in the US. There's a big difference.
you : conspiracy theories are laughable

me : comspiracy theories are feasible

yes, there are good organisations, but some conpsiracy theories are founded in truth

nemesis said that i.e. donations to Africa are not efficient because corporations make money of of it

form your post I read you said that's a conspiracy theory

and then i had to reply that is not true

You're right, I forgot about the whole free shipping deal that goes along with AIDS medication.
Well, can you find proof that African governments are actually putting any effort into trying to eradicate disease, provide proper education for its citizens, and relinquish starvation/poverty at all?

Here's a few words to back up my beliefs: http://www.cfr.org/publication/19984/
Haiti doesn't have a government anymore.
Although i completly disagree with alot of the anti -giving comments on here, its not too difficult to figure out that more donations go missing than should.
QuoteIf you like, why not reply in the comments below telling us that you donated and if you are feeling brave and want to shame the others, let us know what you donated ;)

the moment i read the headline and saw the 200+ posts i was sure this is not going to end well.

it's like trying to stop 4chan discriminate gay black people or something if you think that there won't be any retarded comments here.
the media is spamming us with "dontate pls" but now that heaven media is asking i will ofc do it....

faggots, this is a serious biz so dont abuse it for advertisement.
Nice initiative but I don't donate money to Oxfam after their behaviour in Belgium for the past few years. Nor do I have any faith left in big charities after the Tsunami-disaster in 2004 when millions of charity money "dissapeared".
Either donate or dont but dont make fun of real people sufering and make retarded comments like "they dont need my help" , it just showes how sad and low as a person you really are
it seems you not even read one of the post against the donation
yes your reasoning not to help people becouse they will die anyway is too retarded to comment even
I'm currently saving to do volounteer work in iran for 6 months so any money i have goes towards that. Would love to donate though, dred to think what some peopel are going through out there.
yeah ask people who download stuff for free everyday for money, i think we all know were tight bastards with no hearts
Yeah, completely heartless not to give money to a massive companies with a net worth of millions
wanted to say, that these two things (downloading for free and donating) are two totaly different things
oh right i see, still internet nerds dont care about anyone but themselves!
oh right i see, still internet nerds dont understand other people!
its not phrased that well, and don't ask me how, i'm not having one of these 20 reply disscussions on how im right and how your right
Before I even donate a penny I want to be granted that all the aid-organisation are looking further then Port-au-Prince..geesh Haiti is bigger then the capital.
i already donated 200 euros, but i wish they get used in the right way lol
donate another 200e for me, I need food :( + need to pay the rent.
Forgot drugs.
i dont like u
i'm sure he's heartbroken :(
Dont need money for drugs, they'r free for me :) thanks to filands 1337 system.
Yeah, the first thing I'd do after drinking sewer water for five days - go and loot football equipment and any other very meaningful stuff for surviving! :D
i personally cant really stand your nazism but i gotta agree in every post you made in this journal so far
Nice attentionwhoring.

I guess you succeeded with this controversial statement to piss people off though, because it do make me feel even more ashamed of how ignorant and stupid the human race can be.

No one would force you to donate money to these people, it would most likely be a drop in the ocean in comparison to what a state can provide. However, saying that you don't give a shit about these people and with that implying they might as well suffer just shows your lack of intelligence.

Most of us humans got a characteristic known as empathy. Guess you missed that out growing up.
Funny that people can actually try and flame stuff like this. Sorry excuses for human beings.
Donating to oxfam fair trade every month

good idea though, those ppl really need all the help they can get
You are a fucking idiot.
who donates for me? no one does...
ye cuz u are a homeless, starving person living off welfare
I'm from East Germany, fuck off :D
Fast one late at night sol.
Because maybe someday you need help perhaps mr. moron?
I donated 20 euros already - I'll prolly go donate some more tomorrow tbh
Its realy sad to see people sitting infront of their computer flaming those who dont even got a home. Its realy sad tbh. And im not even gonna start to reply to all the retarded comments here since it will take forever to do that, and even if i do it seams that they just think about themselfs and dont care a shit about how others actually have it.

e: done my donation.
not donating, if you are not counting my thoughts that go out to those people that is...

but seriously, how is it that so many Finnish people are retarded? Is it the cold? Oh my some of the comments in this thread just make me stare at my screen in amazement. although it is rather satisfying to see the relation between lack of caring for people who lost their entire lifes, mothers losing their husband and children who are all crushed by 20tons of concrete leaving them entirely alone in the middle of fucking hell and the obvious absense of any sort of intelligence, mostly translated into not really being able to speak any other language than their own properly and coming around with the most retarded statements and arguments one could possibly dream of.

Right, time to go to bed! goodnight!
just like the tsunami that hit indonesia/india/thailand/etc my taxes will go towards some kind of relief effort.

though i do wonder if that tsunami had hit australia, would have above countries done all they could to help us out?
Your country probably has enough funds to support itself through 10 tsunamis :P
we are actually in a great deal of deficit


Already gave money but to a Swedish organisation.
You dont have a soul.
Feel sorry for those guys. wish u all the best.

you got my money.

cheers. Pearl
you got to pay for the good weather !
No thanks. I have better things to spend my money on, like tobacco and games.
I haven't actually read the newspost yet.
I only know it's about donating because of the big shiny letters. At least half of the people that say they'll donate won't do it, anyway.
You actually buy games? That's so 2001...
Only if I can't play multiplayer otherwise! And even then I try to scam someone with my Quake 4 CD key I've used to get at least 5 steam accounts before spending money.
wut happened to haiti? link pls
holy shit hee
last time i donated was with the tsunami disaster. then they didnt know what to do with the money and a large percentage of the money went into the pockets of organisations... not fucking way that i am giving money again. they have had their chance. the only way i would want to help is by going up there but my study wont let me.
A big part wasn't used for first aid. It remained in the organization to be used for later development of the country.

But if you wanna believe the people that tell this shit to you, then go ahead.
Reading all your comments in this newspost I expect you to spend all your money on Haiti and then run to the bank as fast as you can to get a loan for the same use; Haiti...

How much did you donate? Just curious...
150 €

Not that much but I also do a monthly payment now with 10 € a month.
150€ is a lot, at least for me. :) and for them I bet it is a lot as well!
The amount of money doesn't matter, it's the effort of sacrifice that counts.
fck the school of athens, this is were shit is going down
We did it people, we reached a new level of retardation. The stupidity of certain individuals here is just unreal.
nice topic
+1357339 i fucking love u man :DD
Let's make a team with the stars of ET & people could play against them for 1 € ? :P
I mean players like mystic, raveneye, darkie, morty, ....
if you are serious then delete your crossfire acc forever please :)
best newstopic of 2010, hands down!
The comments in this tread shows the downsides of some people spending all their life in front of the computer.
oh.. what the hell.. i can pray for em.. god helps.
There is still adminning on this site? :D

fillin ya inbox
wanted to donate, but got some error, fix that and I'll happily donate the smallest amount, since I have not much myself.
Donated £30, its a shame the world is so corrupted by money, there shouldn't be costs with humans suffering like this.
+1 inbox
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