RTCW: Pressure on 118

image: abc
image: 33yqg7m

The last semifinal of the Late Xmas Cup is between United Kingdom118 and EuropeNo Pressure. The winner goes on to the final against Europechaos, the loser is up against EuropeRewind for the 3rd place.

As in every match 118 are going into this as huge favorite. However their last match against SwedenKiH was as close as never before. Additionally crumbs and merlinator are heading to cc7 and play et most of their time so No Pressure could be in a better shape.

EuropeNo Pressure


United Kingdomcrumbs
United Kingdommerlinator
United Kingdomsharky
United Kingdomnecrostix

image: game15697

QuoteIt depends how well nP's players are playing imo. If Kris and Mirage are having a good day, nP has a good chance. If not, I think 118 will probably win it, but nP might win 1 map.

Quote118 prolly gonna be a bit rusty as they havent been praccing at all. And in the other corner we got nP and theyve been praccing a bit lately so... going to be exciting to see if theyve managed to get their pieces together. Id say that a lot is depending on the maps they play. Hopefully some nice ones! Anyway exciting match incoming which can go either way. My moneys on... ;)

QuoteI'd say 118 takes the win with 4-0 as they will play with their strongest lineup. Their teamplay is just superior to any other team in rtcw. If leonneke plays it might be 4-2 though. It would amaze me if nP would win.

[center]Groups - Brackets - Demos - #rtcw-cup[/center]
mystic :)
loller fanboy alert!
GL HF both :)!
Just to add, the game is either at 20cet or 21cet, not quite decided yet.
omfg Finlandmystic omfg
hf crumbs :D
mystic !?

main news for sure.
Early Xmas RTCWCup
so you think its christmass already?
Better keep this hidden from sharky, hes gonna trow the match after finding out loser gets to play rewind!
everyone seems to have our number, but indeed we aren't pracced - the prac we have done has gone well though and we will just see how it goes =)

gl hf all
Gl ankel & Kris!
Will mystic return to ET? AFAIK rockit need 2 players ;)
Why should he do so? Afaik he only played (more or less) the last RTCW cups :/
gl crumbs, leon.
np for nP!

hf raping those nuubies jauhis 8)
gl hf folks! :)
good luck jauhis
gl mirage kris jhs juhaa 2d crumbs merl sharky :)
Damn, I felt we deserved it. Well next time we take it! Very well played 118 and gg's!
you deserved both rounds on ice, I think we deserved both on beach so going to a decider was fair, we both seemed to do alright so could have gone either way.
good game!
Too bad I couldn't participate, sounds like it was a good match. I was actually pumped to play for once and then my graphics card broke down 30 secs after I join the server. Wtf.

Good games all, and thanks to twister for organizing.
Shooting 1/10
Attacks 5/10
Defences 2/10
Chaos 10/10
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