CIC7 Tournaments Full!

Tonight saw the closing of signups for CIC7 with a real flurry of last minute ET action to take the team count to its highest ever! 34 ET teams have either paid or have contacted to say they will have paid by Wednesday. 34 is an unfortunate amount as we tried to stop at 32 when we received two last payment proofs - we will limit the tournament to 32 teams, on the assumption that two teams will fold/not pay. If that doesnt happen then two groups will have 5 teams. After this point all teams that have contacted us after the deadline, or without proof will be put onto a waiting list - apologies that we could not seat everyone however we were caught unaware by the last minute rush! Unfortunately a number of teams ignored the statement regarding payment, payment proof or requested an extension and we cant facilitate them until after we have more space in the tournament.

ET Teamlist[/b]]
  • rockit
  • YoYoTech
  • Blight Gaming
  • european elite
  • pstarz dNan
  • polagz
  • ePROX
  • AoW
  • reVeal
  • Phantoms
  • Plug & Pown
  • dESIRE
  • Nothing is Impossible
  • inteRaction
  • Infinitus Gaming
  • Boondocks
  • Lost Soldiers
  • EU United Soldiers
  • Team Even More Randoms
  • enLANced
  • Normality
  • Validus
  • nOu
  • Trial and error
  • aGu
  • eXcess eSports / energy-WAVE
  • oceans6
  • Fama$
  • FiF
  • Section 9
  • nkNn - angelDust
  • perception
  • plasa

ET Waiting List[/u]]
  • valkyrie
  • team lightning
  • vae victis
  • Les treize
  • VIP Gaming
  • eesti-veri
  • nove lamy masters

Anyone not on this list did not provide either a request for an extended deadline or a payment in time and will be put into a waiting list.

The Call of Duty 4 tournament will have its final slots announced tomorrow when we can see who has paid for what. We've been well contacted by a number of teams and have been reading all the various forum comments and will be making our final 48 team list tomorrow, it doesnt look like we'll need the random draw as I think we'll be over subscribed with paid teams as it is. The full update will come tomorrow.

We put a limit onto both tournaments because we're going to be having 80 teams in total across the two tournaments and in the interests of making sure we're not biting off more than we can chew we had to put a block on.
- ePROX i guess
- as in remove? :o why!
pm irc #velerion
Ok, I love you all and I want to give everyone a hug at LAN.

See you there.
We will say hi and shake hands.
kiss and make up?
You'd be suprised if someone came up to you and gave you a hug but if you really want to it can be arranged.
you're right :(
wish i could come to hug your skinny ass xDDD
lu's pls
awesome, can't wait to meet people! I'll be the tall and slim guy with the recently operated jaw!
Nice and now made Braundorf out and delivery in!
Going to be amazing. 80 Teams is unbelieveable !

Great Job ET Guys on the late surge of payments!

Going to be interesting seeing who gets in and who doesn't 2moro.

Crossfire Summer event please!!! Promise to get 50 teams
You've done a good job, respect from my side :)
Thank you :)
Didn't see that one coming.
cu there :)
victis dodging,
Fucking expected, cancer nerds pronouncing that they will come
now ban zerohour!
9000+ damage in 2on2 is normal, get skill noob!
look again :D
Anyone really thought that Poland victis will attend? :d
dunno SnaCki looked serious about coming.
news na owned nie moze klamac :D
fuckin amazin! :D
Amazing, dunno why people say ET is dead!
Good luck all teams!
If you compare it to 2007 it is :( but it's not dead, just dying slowly (dying as in less players/clans are playing it)
Well, it's just that the higher skilled players, can't be asked with it (dropping out cc7, nc etc.) letting new comers come through I guess
higher skilled players can be arsed with cc7... i imagine that quite a few in fact are not playing nc so that they can focus on the lan instead
more lan teams than ever
Yes offline it is increasing, online it is decreasing though, i've been spending hours of manual work on making a huge report of ET CB Matches from 2007-2009 which i will hopefully post soon :P
you must consider that CB online activity isn't conclusive!
But i'm pretty sure you have. To me the LAN's getting bigger merely signifies that the community is in fact getting smaller, and therefor tighter, thus more ppl being motivated to go to LAN to meet the ppl they've known for so long.
Yep i have considered this, the main reason i made this research is to try to find out the trends (there are certain months were year by year et is always active) but it seems like it is always decreasing everyear, and i would like to find out why, and in order to do so it was necessary to start by finding where the problem is first :P
aye, good initiative imo. Hard to research, does take a lot of time! :)
But tbh, i don't see what you could do now to increase ET activity :<
Sure initiatives can be taken that would increase either activity or player base (and with that activity), but to my experience most such initiatives only create short term boosts.

Only real way to get a long term increased activity and a wider playerbase is to get some mainstream large community/games sites to promote ET, (such as tek-9 etc). And ofc have an exhaustive installer (aimed @ etpro, we don't need etpub palyors!) with all comp maps etc! (i know this exists but it might require some updating!)

Looking forward to reading that report tho! Will wield some interesting results i guess! Keep it up :)
When I win lottery (which will be soon) I will host big ET LAN with lots of prizemoney => ET will become really active again. We don't need no Tek-9 n stuff :-)
That was nerdy :D.
Nice i'll be there! (PS. reserve some moniez for me plox, cuz i'm poor and i need!)
How much you gonna win btw? Tien miljoen miljard?
You had to make huge review to find it out?
I wanted exact numbers
Hm, it will be helpful argument in my fights against those fags who say that ET as alive as it was 2-3 years ago!
It's like every active team goes to the Netherlands.
ET is dead scueeze me? et is dead?
do it next time in summer and ill play :D

will prolly come only to spec
and lose at poker
ive trained a lot ! :)

lets see if you remember me this time :D
tooooo bad
Kick ass!
We need line ups Tosspot, can you add them
who are team lightning?
you, zerender, lightning, snoop, ?
just some random shit team i suppose
i heard they got some ragequitting midget in that team.
it's not funny anymore
i kneu, but im just being a troll atm.
omg forgot to signup AGAIN :(
it's ok, admins like u :) extend deadline ;)
Portugal team WhT not coming, wow, what a big surprise.

e: seems we won't meet after all reAvr :-)
like they would ever come :D
et = dead
Teams + Lineups:
  • nkNn angelDust]
    Netherlands loazis
    Belgium YuNo
    Netherlands illumise
    Belgium crook
    Belgium chizz6l

  • Nothing is Impossible]
    Belgium Flocky
    Netherlands NoHead
    Belgium fostruM
    France smirzz
    Germany TBA

  • Oceans 6]
    Belgium rasloV
    Belgium dAv1d
    Belgium GR1m
    Belgium KARRE
    Belgium Kevin

  • myRevenge]
    Netherlands ins
    Netherlands 0V1E
    Belgium siL
    Netherlands Jo0f
    Netherlands vANQ

  • Plug & Pown]
    Belgium uNDEAd
    Belgium AL1
    Belgium Gifted
    Netherlands xPERiA
    Netherlands Lun4t1C

    Belgium Krosan
    Netherlands Ironic
    Netherlands kOEKJE
    Netherlands Tw1zt
    Belgium deepZ

  • inteRaction]
    Czech Republic denton
    Czech Republic derek
    Czech Republic greenclon
    Czech Republic hyper
    Czech Republic neo

  • Nove Lamy Masters]
    Czech Republic malfoy
    Czech Republic etnic
    Czech Republic charli3
    Czech Republic Prokinek
    Czech Republic HuuHuu
    Czech Republic frAgger

  • aGu]
    Germany malaki
    Germany hirdhor
    Germany cokeser
    Germany lagg3r
    Austria hal

  • Art of Wolfenstein]
    Germany Bl4d3
    Germany zabija
    Germany kReSti
    Germany stownage
    Germany FLoPJEHZ

  • ePROX]
    Turkey FiREBALL
    Russia humM3L
    Germany criatura
    Germany TBA
    Poland TBA

  • energy-WAVE]
    Germany gr0ss
    Germany t1mma3
    Germany stRay
    Canada rockstAr
    United States of America pAuZ

  • Lost Soldiers]
    Germany DanLango
    Germany kwiQ
    Germany bitch
    Germany mKs
    Germany hcke

  • reVeal]
    Germany eiM
    Germany draqii
    Germany murDa
    Netherlands h3r0!n
    United Kingdom Smurftang

  • VIP Gaming]
    Netherlands Trixor
    Netherlands Eddo
    Netherlands SQuid
    Netherlands Zeno
    Belgium pHILLE

  • enLANced]
    Canada shaun
    Germany Felix
    United Kingdom Scarzy
    United Kingdom panic
    Europe TBA

  • European Elite]
    Germany s1LENT
    Denmark frizer
    Denmark squash
    Denmark fiskEn
    Denmark bamZe

  • Les Treize]
    Belgium Graecos
    Belgium Odd
    Belgium Zaki
    France Dodgers
    France Mumut

  • Normality]
    United Kingdom Ethr
    Netherlands adeto
    Malta Killerboy
    Germany eujen
    Belgium eron

  • Phantoms]
    Spain Gengis
    Belgium Player
    Estonia EURUZ
    United Kingdom TEKN0
    Belgium chry

  • Rockit]
    Latvia Clown
    Belgium mAus
    Spain Winghaven
    Europe TBA
    Europe TBA

  • Section 9]
    United Kingdom herbal
    Netherlands Sa7z
    Netherlands Ronner
    United Kingdom eVo
    United Kingdom munchies

  • Team Even More Randoms]
    Belgium Anaconda
    Belgium Notorious
    Netherlands Kiim
    Germany FimS
    Germany Gungy

  • *EU* United Soldiers of Europe]
    Belgium Frauwe
    Belgium nAzty
    Germany Ss-A-P
    Poland cisy
    France sword

  • dESIRE]
    France Bruceh
    France Sinus
    France kARn4J
    France Rizkk
    France FEk

  • FaMaS]
    France An7ho
    France AKRAXx
    France Riggs
    France DooZ
    France quAke

  • S'agapo Plasa]
    Greece Playmate
    Austria Scorch
    Netherlands Mott4
    Germany krucio
    Austria DonMatthias

  • Boondocks]
    Netherlands PaRra
    Netherlands overschie
    Netherlands juA
    Netherlands sHaKy
    Netherlands eagerr

  • pstarZ dNan]
    Netherlands joop
    Netherlands hayaa
    Netherlands modus
    Netherlands Ati_
    Netherlands spho

  • PolagZ]
    Poland edain
    Poland Krein
    Poland naga
    Poland Frag'Stealer
    Poland numeric

  • Valkyrie]
    Portugal krypto
    Portugal nomearod
    Portugal WhT
    Portugal reAvr
    Portugal Sexclick

  • Infinitus eSports]
    United Kingdom Potty
    Wales Owzo
    United Kingdom unblind
    United Kingdom rAzbo
    Poland n00n

  • Team Validus]
    United Kingdom reAliZe_
    United Kingdom DeMeNtEd
    United Kingdom Pigeon
    United Kingdom Jinosta
    Poland voiler

  • Team YoYoTech]
    Belgium Jere
    Belgium Worm
    Malta toxic
    United Kingdom R0SS
    Finland twidi

  • Trial & Error]
    United Kingdom crumbs
    United Kingdom MerlinatoR
    United Kingdom dictator
    Netherlands stib
    Europe TBA

  • Blight Gaming]
    Sweden feruS
    Estonia Night
    Estonia bulldozer
    Germany drago
    Finland Matias
If i have missing teams, incorrect lineups or extra clans or anything give me the lineup and i'll add them

change excess into energy-WAVE
i wonder who they are, thats why i ask:P
you have to be really bored
remove Scatman from nothing impossible
trial & error has revo as 5th, euruz is dodging afaik. xylos/wiadro with rockit.
Estonia eesti veri
Italy mama France douille Netherlands hope Belgium overdrive Germany carlito

waiting list only though
you found someone :D nice gl but im not sure over really wants to play :P
he asked me to pm krosan to put them on the wating list, so i guess he does!
yea well i guess if he's around anyway why not play :D
Scatman @ eprox afaik
team lightning?
ET prizepool ?
Maybe you should try to response on IRC / CF instead of randomly removing Denmark VIP-Gaming out of signups and waiting list ;s
vae victis

you can wait forever:D
awesome, wonder how they will organise the tournament. 8 groups of 4 teams, but then? double elimination for 1st teams only would be ok, but if you lose one game in groupstage the tourna could be over. making a double elimination for 1st and 2nd teams isnt realisable. any other solutions I forgot maybe? :o
you don't have to worry jere, they organized this quite some times now..
okay, now go to bed!
they organised it for less teams, now I'm curious what they will do

and im not going to bed, gotta revise 2 more chapters =( tomorrow last exam, wish me gl!
I think they'll find a way to make sure everyone gets to play enough games :)
they should try to idd, but its really difficult with so many teams imo

a double bracket at 'winners' and a single bracket at 'losers' should do fine but then you cant have that much 'winners'
The teams who are in the list should all come if they dont they should not get there money back because the other teams cant go....
nice.. cu there! ,'-)
weren't you supposed to have too few signups :D
credit to the et and cod4 community. Should be a great event, cu there.
Holy Sh*t :D
Hope team Lightning gets in and doesn't overdrive a red traffic light so they wont get stopped by some midas policemen who only wants some money or maybe their car engine is too weak but than they can watch a clown at the roadside but if they get in they can risee and shine!
medixza turned out to be really hard to build in :(
waste your time moar:P
:DDD was waiting for some randoms to ready up
we got a replacement for you:P
nice who is it? :D
nice! :) gl and see you there :D
Hope none of them get struck by lightning and have to abort their plans to snoop the pracserver for tactics, if that happened they'd probably have to zerender before lan even began!

before LAN even beggin ;D
nice! and still mgc's not interested??
appearantly and sadly not really :(
Why should they be? Because of one nice fun LAN event?
7000e fun lan event idd
Quote by CF5000 Euro Prize Purse (2500, 1500, 1000)

So please, 2500e for the winner is much but it's still nothing compared to other games' LANs.

Oh and it looks like the teams paid more than they can win so it's "fun lan" for sure!
there are 10 teams more than was supposed. so it makes 10x ~~200e more
Going to be a nice Lan :D
good luck getting this thing organised ada, toss and cash :D
gonna be a nightmare
I'm already stabbing my eyes out in frustration with the scheduling...
Somehow I don't think that will positively influence the whole thing.
gl adacore, remeber last year, when you was bussy :p , lets see what this time brings :p
let come the ET Waiting List teams too plux :)

expecting fail lan
too much team for tight shedule => FAIL
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