Going enLANced

image: newpicpAfter reading other news section, you might have expected that 1 team will have non-european player in it's roster. I've got an honour to say - isn't it cute? But it's WRONG! Another team has picked a Canadian (even two!) to a five-man squad in order to come to Enschede. Working like a beaver guys wish to make a couple of surprises.The time to bring their lineup to light has come. Europe enLANced team consists of following players:
  • Germany Felix
  • Canada anim
  • Canada sHAUN
  • United Kingdom Scarzy
  • United Kingdom Panic

Germany Felix, enLANced's team leader stepping forward:
QuoteI am pleased to finally be able to play on a lan and especially with these guys. They are a lovely bunch of nerds with a nice mixture of skill and fun. We are doing pretty good in practice but we still got enough space to improve and get our performance on a good and stable level. For me, it is the first lan I am going to play on and I hope it will be a hell of a fun. I am also anxious to see the people I met at CC5 and CC6 again and finally see a faces of some online buddies.

Canada sHAUN had the following to add:
QuoteThis will be the first lan for most of the players on the team, but I think that we have a nice mix of teamplay and decent aim that we will be able to preform quite nice at the lan. It will also be nice for me coming all the way from Canada to see how the european players play and hopefully learn a thing or to from speccing some players like Night and mAus. But I think that we will do quite well with the team that we have and hopefully we will be able to make playoffs!

Please support those lads on #enhanced

Credits for jONTE for the banner.
anim, shaun and rockstAr you might aswell all board the same plane.
settle your differences there!
looking forward to meet anim!
anim LOL
you will lost every single match: P have fun there
european players are banned from combat arms ? : o
i have no idea i didin't play CA for more than year since i owned every 1v1 ladder
: )
when i want to connect, it just kicks me out with errorcode #xxxx, nad i read forums where ppl have got the same problem and they said, EU got banned
wow just wow thats weird
gl guys, nice banner
awesome, all great lads Scarzy & anim <3
gl panic m8
gl scarzy you nerd
np for low seeders
ramené leurs du karibou :D:D
anim on lan!!! :DDDD
some serious photoshop skills in this post :D gl :)
Nice to see canadians coming as well :)
Looks like this LAN will be really something else!
Good luck gang. make sure you come say hi to me! :D
if you gimme a beer:P
gl guys ! :-)
Good luck guys in Lan :)
gl panic bro.
gl panic, scarzy and brandon! :D
c ya there :)
gl best team ever <3 to bad i cant :(
That logo reminds me of Kingdom Hearts somehow. :D
gl panicm8
GL, nice to see some canadians on lan :)
If you made that logo smaller i'd put this front page
Deal. PS. Respond @ irc please:)
i want photographic evidence of shaun at lan.
this logo looks fucking awfull
really looking forward to meeting you guys :D awful lot of fun and im still sorry for the inconviniences i've caused :(
anim will deliver.

ps: no offence homer but some of your sentences are really bad.
gl Felix !
thx :)

and stop aliasing when i play against you :(
Frontnews xXDDDDDDDDdh haha
Gl Panic
gl Shaun/anim
gl anim and the rest
Panic <3 xD

Gl Ryan mate!
omg omg panic!

gl m8 :)
felix pwns all :))

lets get dinner
Good luck :]
QuoteAnother team has picked a Canadian (even two!) to a five-man squad in order to come to Enschede.

enhanced is canadian lolz, enhanced is shauns property! change that sentance
shaun is enhanced
homer needs to change that line
im the brain behind all of shauns actions
hes just my puppet
you wish :D
gl guys :)
gl brandon <3
Where's Tranny?

Anyway GL & HF.
Dont play much anymore, plus i cannot afford it, im not sure how anim can (10 dollars he lan dodges!)
I don't know how he can afford either, maybe he's planning on making an eurotrip after/before it? Seems like a waste to just come for the LAN.
Well he said he would go to quakecon every year, but that didnt happen...now in europe? i dunno haha.
Thanks, i know i do ;)
anim is actually german.
he's all fake.
gl anim bruv <33

gl anim, panfag
waste of money
cu there lover :D
gl scarzy<3
gl branimal and panic. expect massive skillboost @ lan :)
lol good luck shaun and brenda :) . Anim , you officially love ET with your heart xDDDDDDDDDDDD
FUCK YEAR. Scarzy gonna finger all you bums @ lan xoxo
gool duck shaun & scarzy
anim coming to europe!!! the hell i guess i have to come to the netherlands just because of that :D
gl shaun :)
Kisses to

shaun, anim, panic and felix <3 tranix!
Thats it, you leave me out. :(
well i didnt know you but everything is better now

gl scarzy! <3 tranix

wish i could be there with u :<
anim loves ET more than anyone else
nice lies felix, you played a 3on3 on cc5! :o
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