Intel Motherboards to be won!

image: mobologoThe Intel Motherboard department have given us 10 motherboards to give away as prizes for the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7. The motherboards are brand spanking new gaming specification and work naturally with the latest Intel Core Family of processors. The prizes will be split between the first place teams in Call of Duty 4 and Enemy Teritory.

Enemy Teritory - 5 x Intel DP55KG Desktop Boards (RRP $220)
Call of Duty 4 - 5 x Intel DP55SB Desktop Boards (RRP $215)

Both motherboards are enthusiast class with plenty of overclocking capabilities and features such as built in bluetooth and of course SLi & Crossfire support. For overclocking support the board provides software support and adds a back to bios button to prevent bios resetting when going overboard with your overclocking!

On top of that, we will be announcing the details for the Quake Live tournament with the processors provided by the motherboard team. There will also be a number of other prizes provided by Intel to be won at the event for competitors and spectators!

:: About Intel Motherboards
Nice job TosspoT.
nice one
nice I need a new computer :)
no cpu prizes?
Awesome. This event is beginning to shape up!
and were supposed to buy the i7 next to it our selfs??
no, sell that motherboards and get $$$ ;-D
sounds like the best option yeah
ungrateful bastard
why???? id love to win that mobo, but what am i supposed to do with it? ill have to buy a 500 euro processor with it otherwise its not working..
depends whether the socket of the motherboard will be LGA1336 (i7 only) or LGA1156 (i3, i5 and i7).
nice :-/
Nice motherboard.

QuoteFor overclocking support the board provides software support

This part sucks though. Software overclocking is just unstable and annoying if you ask me. Nothing more annoying than buying a new pc and seeing its multipliers locked at x6.0 Good luck finding the right bios settings to turn off that shit :)
I think you misunderstand it.
Software o/c is there to test the OC capabilities of your proc without altering the bios so you can always reboot when too high. And once you've settled for some settings you only have to enter it in da bios and then everything is alright.

Only retards use soft as everyday OC solution. (Except for GFX OC ofc)
I see. Thanks for the info :)
Although there is still the possibility to modify the BIOS of the VGA via a tool like Riva Tuner to change the voltage and core clock (also memory and shader) frequency permanently. Despite of this possibility looking better than doing that via specific software, I'm still using Vtuner for overclocking my VGA.
The software overclocking is a bit more user/noob friendly - if you're a real overclocker its something you do primarily in the bios
He makes it sounds infinitely more difficult though and it's not. There's usually like an option that says "Overclock by 5%" which you can change in increments of 5%. :D
I have an Asus PQ5-PRO and you need to turn off some obvious features like Speedstep and some even more obvious variables like C1E and TM Function. It took me half an hour to remove all the unwanted overclock software and find out which bios settings to change to unlock the multipliers to run at full speed.
30 minutes to overclock a PC sounds pretty good to me!
I didnt overclock, just locked the multiplier at x9.5.
Surely it wouldn't take you that much longer after that stage?! :o
I didnt overclock this rig yet. It ran ET and some older games mostly on an old GT8600. Bought a GT260 for Wolfenstein (lulz) and I can play games like BF2beta perfectly. Will prolly overclock in half a year or so when my pc is 1,5 year old, its still doing fine atm :p

But seriously, give me one clear variable with an obvious name to turn off that energy saving Speedstep and other such features. Calling it C1E and having it interact with two more variables with even more mysterious names is just .... annoying? Ofcourse im talking about an ASUS board here. I would prolly prefer MSI over Intel if I wanted to spend money on an expensive mobo.
Hmm, Asus boards where always ok for me.
You get those crossfire hoodies yet??
When did you all of a sudden get so savvy?
safe to say I have had help on these comments :P
well done!
Does the Malaysian Edition get any :)

hf playing with the new motherboards from March 7!
Well done tosspot, nice to see your working hard for the community!
reserved for Germany Lost Soldiers
ok, now we have to win :ddddddddd
Nice work TosspoT !
Thx to Intel aswell.
None for QuakeLive? ^_^
On top of that, we will be announcing the details for the Quake Live tournament with the processors provided by the motherboard team

dunno if you were referring to the motherboards or processors subject.
Ye, no motherboards just the processors he already mentioned. =)
ohhh :p are the specs of the processors listed somewhere?
– 1st Place Intel Core i7 975 (RRP $1000) 2nd Place - Intel Core i7 870 (RRP $600)
Go 4 it! :-))
But but it's LCD! :DD
Kommst dur zur LAN, um QL zu spielen? (oder auch ET, bin nicht so mit den aktuellen lineups vertraut :-P)
Weiß noch nicht - da kann man sich doch spontan entscheiden für QL? Hab kein ET team.
Also ich habe dich noch nie Quake spielen sehen. Hoffentlich wirst du an dem Turnier teilnehmen, dann kann ich dir nämlich zuschauen : - )
Kannst mir ja auch mal irgendwann online zuschauen. ;O "butchjiii" QL account
online kann man dich aber nicht anschnuppern
u can play with us on saturday because i am pretty sure that we will kill nonix during groupstage :D
just a curious question, whats wrong with lcd, i know its 60hz and crt is 120hz, but i never seee the difference, cuz the lcd its qualy is better?? or is it just a placebo effect for you
I guess he said LCD cause they were playing with CRT @ CC5 and other teams had to play with LCD
I said LCD because I aim a lot worse with LCD.
why? why would you, whats the difference?
Technically CRT has no response time and as you said a lot more Hz. Also the one at the LAN is widescreen and I personally hate such high resolutions as 1440 980. (I play 640 480 at Quake and 800 600 in ET - playing with this 4:3 format on the widescreen format is fucked up and you are thus forced to play with the native resolution)
ukay, thanks
Ich will jetzt nichts falsches sagen, aber wenn du r_mode 4 in ET benutzt, dann spielst du mit 800x600 ; )
Yo, wusste net mehr so genau.
640x480 q3 & 800x600 et bestest $

haven't played QL before but considered praccing it for a month for cc7 ;e
I've never played with LCD, but what's your problem with it?
When I switched from a LCD to a CRT I instantly started to aim much better on long distance due to no input lag and no response time!

125 FPS:

CRT outputlag = 1/125 + 0 ms display response time = 8 ms delay
TFT outputlag = 1/125 + 1/125 + 16 ms display response time + 50 ms inputlag = 82 ms delay

76 FPS:

CRT outputlag = 1/76 + 0 ms display response time = 14 ms delay
TFT outputlag = 1/76 + 1/76 + 16 ms display response time + 50 ms inputlag = 94 ms delay
hmm, then that's why my aim is better than mAus' with a 21" CRT :)
no problem ; )
''16ms'' wow what a great screen that you were using.
you are damn stupid if you think that 2 ms response time is true, mostly it is even more than 16 ms on fucking gaming monitors, so don't fuck around telling me marketing bullshit (2 ms is gray to gray)

e: how dare you stalk me if your facts come from random adds you saw on the TV? first go learn some things about monitors and then discuss about those things you don't have a clue of yet. it pisses me off when people which are not really into IT nor into hardware believe that they know so much about computers, the way they work etc. but in reality don't have a clue about all that what they are trying to argue on. think about what your knowledge is based upon please and don't make a fool out of yourself.

arguing on the internet = win
Your calculations are biased because these days a good 2ms would have an actual of ~8-10ms with an input lag of let's say a maximum of 20 resulting in a worst total of 30ms delay compared to your 8 on an crt. Good luck to all the crt fanboys out there but I would rather be looking at a decent lcd than get eye cancer.
I'm of the opinion that you're values are lesser than they are in reality , and besides you still have to add twice 8 ms which makes 16 ms in total, so 30 ms + 16 ms = 46 ms

And what the fuck makes you think that my eyes will hurt due to using a CRT? I'm using the PC for above 6 hours a day and my eyes don't hurt at all even after heavy usage (18 hours) : x All my friends have LCD monitors, and looking onto them is what I would describe as eye cancer opposed to looking onto my CRT.
LCD gives eye cancer, not a CRT lol :x
you never saw a good LCD then imo lol
dw maus got that in the bag so no need to care.
heahadheahohoahoe no
you gotta win both ET and QL, to get a working rig :)
image: dx58so_lg

those would be much better ; )
Is the QL thing just for players of other games?
my logic is telling me: not at all
i guess if you tell yourself that youre a player of other games it hurts less when you realize how much you suck at quake rofl
True, it's not as if people know who people are or anything, why would they
" The Quakelive Community Duel Challenge is reserved for Crossfire site users and will pit your favourite Crossfire ‘characters’ against one another for top notch Intel prizes. Signup details will be released in January for this tournament"
Fantastic news! Great Job Stuart & Crossfire.
obviously its nice to see more prizes but those mbs arent really THAT good :p
winner of the pokerevent should get one

vanhis would be a hard nut to crack ; )
thought he doesnt come?

well...i have only one aim.


:D last time they kicked me out :'(
Well if you heard he isn't coming than he probably isn't, I've just thought of Vanhaomena as soon as I heard the word 'Poker'. And if he really would participate in this event, he surely would be quite a nut for you to crack, if you'd succeed to crack such a nut of course ; )
He is by far the best pokerplayer on this website i guess. Im still learing to play poker ( playing it for 3 years only and havent gained so much experience yet ). But yes, i d agree with you with tha point
Enemy Teritory

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