t&e get Infused

image: Infused_logo

With the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 right around the proverbial corner, today Team Infused welcomes yet another new game into their organisation as they prepare themselves for a large showing on the grounds of the WZZRD Gaming Centre in Enschede, Holland this coming March.

Joining their ranks will be the Enemy Territory team formerly known as trial&error, a side who have only recently completed their CIC7 line-up, but have been consistently showing strong, promising performances throughout their existence, and after extended talks with Lewis Hanlon, it became clear that both the team and ourselves at infused share a common goal, and we hope our management and support can aid their performance under the Team Infused banner.

Team Infused would like to proudly present their new Enemy Territory team:

United Kingdom Richard 'crumbs' Wright
United Kingdom Simon 'dictator' Thomas
Netherlands Harald 'Hope' Helder
United Kingdom Lewis 'MerlinatoR' Hanlon
Netherlands Wouter 'stib' Vogelzang

The team boasts LAN Veterans, with most this being their 5th or 6th event.

Team Infused Manager, Timmy, had the following to say about the recent capture of the trial&error side:

Quote by Infused|Timmy, Team Infused ManagerI'm happy to announce a new team to Infused previously under the name of trial&error, who will now be representing us in the field of Enemy Territory.

This teams first LAN under the infused name will be at Crossfire Intel Challenge 7, I wish the team all my best and I am looking forward to working with them for the foreseeable future.

Team member MerlinatoR also had this to say about his team joining Infused:

Quote by Infused|MerlinatoRWe are very happy to have joined such an up and coming UK MGC, it's great to be apart of something where you can see steps actually being taken in gaming and we will do our best to help boost Infused reputation in ET.

I would like to give a special thanks to Timmy for putting up with me on IRC and making this happen also twrs and the other managers for the work they have, are and will be putting into the team its greatly appreciated.

Web: www.team-infused.com
IRC: #Infused
gl crumbs :o)
Gl Dictator, Merl, Hope and Stib
gl guys, cya there :)
Good luck!
gl crumbs
gl guys !
Nice :)

Best of luck crumbs
Deserved! Good job & good luck, especially to my homeboiiii crumblesticks! <3
Best of luck to you, especially to Merlin
ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahhahahaha gl :D xD
gl twrs <3
stop faking a slovenian, kkthxbye
gl stib <3
top 5? :D:D:
gl mans ;)
goodluck stibbert
nice, gl stibby
gl hope and crumbs !
Nice linup! GL stib merlinator :)
abort not going? :(
good stuff
good luck crumbs mate
GL Crumbs/Stib/Dic/
Good luck!
good luck mates!!!
nice move for both parties
GL dic/stib/merl
nice team! GL all
gl dic, crmbs and merl :D
logo is awesome =D
gl crumbs!!! <3
gl diccie
GL, think you gonna need it.. :)
GL nice team :)
gl stib, my biggest fanboy ever
gl wouter
gl stib x)
hf crumbs
WOW GREAT! gl RTCW owners and co.
GL lads!
gl guys!!
sounds like rtcw school xD
great stuff & gl !
gl, promising team!
good luck :)
gl TAG|Hope!
gl crmbs, dic and Merl
GL boys ;-D!
Good luck stib & dictator :-)

Just wondering why stib is there since he sucks at english :PPP
you must be thinking of a different stib ;)
intern joke :(
gl crmbs dic merl & stib :)

good choice from infused
gl stib
gl twrs :)
wouter wouter
Good luck
nice logo.
GL Stibblestip <3 love you <3 XxxxxxxxX
Good luck guys
GL Boys. do me proud :)
crumbs will deliver!
still expect him to backstib
Welcome lads, I look forward to getting to know you when I get proper internet access again.
Was wondering where you were mate :). I hope all is well and you get net access back soon!
i like the logo
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