CB ET 3on3 Winter Hosted Cup Groups


image: 5txpfr

As we promised we will publish 3on3 Winter Hosted Cup 's groups. We had huge amount of signups (over 120) which we are really pleased. Unfortunately we needed to drop some teams out to make groups even or just because team had 2 or only 3 players on their roster. Teams who made it to groups please notice that groupmatches needs to be played on the first matchweek (22nd- 28th of february) since we have tight schedule. For playoffs/finals we still have 2 weeks. All unscheduled matches will be forced for saturday and sunday starting 19:00 cet. If you have any questions / comments you may contact Finland Bluman or Malta Killerboy and we try to help you as soon as possible.

Without further delays, we are proud to announce this season's Groups:

Division 1

image: s_head

Group A

Netherlands Accurate
Estonia Bossid
Spain Delinqüentes
Russia Nigger Behind Triggers
Finland RAAB

Group B

Belgium Nothing is Impossible
Finland Re+play
Malta rsorz
Estonia Squad.ee
Estonia Xplozion

Group C

Marseille avenue69
Finland Defix
Poland Independents
Finland Pallot
Croatia Wandering Star

Group D

Poland Blurred Vision
Poland 1stCav eSport Club
Europe freezed potetos
Germany Highbot
Europe nkNn

image: s_foot

Division 2

image: s_head

Group A

Germany Credibilis
Portugal eXotic Island
France FaMaS
Slovenia sWat Clan

Group B

France hFE multigAming
Estonia #leave2low
Europe roYality eSports
Finland thefinest

Group C

Europe alvi.et
Hungary Infinity skills
Germany logiX e.V.
France Super Mytho Crew

Group D

Estonia Lotte
Poland Mad Fighters x-Force
Europe PIGS
Poland Vae Victis

Group E

Europe Cornu
United Kingdom dEViATE
Europe Kinetics e.v
Israel Mindenhato

Group F

Belgium AntiClimax
Europe eYxas
Europe miAmi beach
United Kingdom Team Validius
image: s_foot

Division 3

image: s_head

Group A

Europe Smanetti BROS
Europe Kitchen Knife Conspiracy
Poland mAg.team
Europe Normality

Group B

Europe Crestfallen
Europe Detonation XL
France frogZ
Poland sKyrocket

Group C

Europe 3on3 #quaco
Finland Happy
Estonia Iratus.et
United Kingdom TenFour!

Group D

Europe (+.O) pinguus
Europe Catharsis Bullet Zealot
Portugal valkyrie
Germany starface

Group E

Europe aRachnids
Netherlands Charism.et
Europe CONFRONTO gaming
Finland Shaisse.Machine

Group F

Lithuania Blood-Signed
Poland Energy
Italy e$
Hungary Piranhas
image: s_foot

Division 4

image: s_head

Group A

Europe eXtazia
Spain Army of Three
Poland Fanatics.et
Poland neVerminds

Group B

Germany one4one funteam
Estonia bWORMZ
Italy team VagrantS
Netherlands Kabouterwesleycrew

Group C

Spain G-point.et
Spain Karma
Europe ofc ofc vent vent

Group D

Poland eXert
Finland Left Hand Solution
Europe retrostars - proplay
Europe Titanz

Group E

Europe Hangover
Finland huPo and ladies
Belgium IntensitY GamiNg
Germany no Teamplay

Group F

Poland 3er --
Finland juosten karkuun
Poland heartZ
Finland Team Silence
image: s_foot

Division 5

image: s_head

Group A

Finland #60acc.HK
Finland Bloodspawn
Europe Vital-Gaming
Belgium SaH

Group B

Poland Assasins
Finland ImmortalStorm
Sweden ORDER Gaming
Europe Sona

Group C

Israel Allah
Spain Carmen De Mairena Fans
Poland everybody kombinerki
Finland w0bble

Group D

Poland detox team
Germany Impuls Gaming e.V.
Finland Lambs
Netherlands MGR

Group E

Germany Die 5 Lustigen 4
Finland PussyHeADS
Poland Screamers
Poland uNholy

Group F

Italy Persone Di Un Certo Livello
Europe Sjaamaan in een Flesje
Europe snappers
Europe Systematic-Vision
image: s_foot

Teams can change between divisions if they find team that is willing to change spots.
shit groups
I mean like, image: game15566

We won ESL 2nd div, we wen't top 20 at ladder ( which we didnt played that active ) and delinq & nbt are almost the same teams

but hi
not here, delinq is 3 spantards this cup and nbt me&nugis
what tukis said,im gonna play this cup with Gengis,Radifz and Zwei
so 1st div skilled right?
well,we are usually playing pracs against highskilled opponents and doing it well,so we will see ^^
than again we have prob never lost to you :D
lotte going to roll 2nd div
dlinquentes and nbt in 1st :D??

oh god ... thefinest with Res the cheater
1stCav definitely deserves a spot @ premier.
ye just saw they were devilry
nah they dont they just paid enough ;)
gg freezed potatoes

fejs lamus juz nie omieszkal sie zapisac!

oh, once again - nice admins :===============D
moze wreszcie cos wygramy xd
hi independents, be careful for rematches :-)))))
klaar om in te pakken groep A
What the fuck... Why did you put Benelux (see, not that difficult to put the correct flag there) Kitchen Knife Conspiracy in Division 3 when we gave ourselves rating 2, whilst Sweden Order Gayming gave themselves a rating of 5 but find themselves in Division 5?

These divisions are worse than OC ffs.
Admin is a fucking idiot and a cheater (atleast he's loving and playing with every cheater) what did you expect? If I would have known bluman was admin of this shit I wouldn't even have said that I was avi to play.

If we don't get placed in last division realy fast I'm not going to play at all!
I'm gonna fix it mate, don't cry! ;-D
But order has to play against us, so they are pretty much fucked... Consider yourself lucky being in other div than we.
Why, easy 4-0 for us :x
Some teams are not good enough for 1st div tbh.
TSG could roll but due some facts i cant play for a bit.
Can i know who`s in 1stCav gaming for now?
and trust me, alvi do not deserve for 2nd div, its waste of slot.

anyway, good luck for all teams.
thanks, gl with alvi but imo u wont handle :)
i am not worried about the fact we will get pwned, because I play it very rarely and for fun. I hope we can win at least one match, tho. Thanks anyway.
tbh its vodkateam once again with new power ;]
I guess you're in?
top secret golden pokal lu:D
thefinest already have devix so no tsg
still had CLAIMAXz, and could find decent 3rd (had a lot of offers).

GL devix my kaveris!

Quotecould find decent 3rd (had a lot of offers).

not good as devix of course. :P
i wish best of luck for all finns, including cheaters and retards

make finland proud of you!
hevimes and stuff
cheater leading :<
gr0ss with Kinetics?
rating 8 ---> last division :(
yeah overrating is cool. Last 3on3 u played was 07 and u lost the games np
rating 2 yet league 3

explain mister
rating doesent really matter it just helps a bit. Defix rated themselves with 1 and check their spot :)
rating 2, unknowns in the team and no officials in 2+ years. => 3rd league

Defix is not that good as before as i know.
(played against them 2 times last month)
ye defix is 5th div worthy sorry
congratz you made the worst groups ever, and this wasn't easy
nowadays nobody cares for history, its sad.
we got times where we need to make choices: warp or play with NO PB configs, its also sad.
start playing well or do not expect anything, its age of newschoolers.
Credibilis & Infinity skills 2nd div? nice joke :D
Credibilis sucks, Infinity is (/was?) decent.
i see you don't have a clue :P
Infinity played good on grush as i remember.
both of them would have deserved a prem spot...
Not really, Credibilis play shit, but its my opinion.
re+play and squad.ee same group again... i think we have played enough vs each other :D
blame randomizer ;_;
and 3 estonians clans in 1 group :P but nevertheless good job, only thing is that i think hFE should be in 1st division(not only cause monkey is my teammate) :P
i understand that there will be mad people asking why i did these groups so fucked up and hardest part was to form premier since i had around 30 teams to choose from and in the end i just needed to check how they performed lately/check ladder ranks and such. Ofc if team feels like they have been fucked in the arse they can try to find team to swap with
i don't think anyone is gonna swap from prem to lower :D
ull never know. Maybe there are teams that ppl mentioned above that "suck" and doesent deserve spot so they might change to lower due they will get "rolled" on premi
voisit vastata ircis ja kertoo et miks me jouduttii johki 2 divarii ku tuol on jotai iha vitu tonnei premis

lue RAAB, nbh, delinq
credibilis and logix in 2nd??
pallot first division! Unexpected! XD
unexpected? we were at first on ESL aswell and we were rolling teams izi but then admins came and banned soossi even when they had no proofs that it was him afterall :)
Altsi banned also, and more to come.
why should i care about altsi? he isnt even in my team but the thing is that u dont have any proof that soossi was playing :D
doesn't change the fact that your team had a cheater does it.
idd :D

"we play with cheaters but we shouldnt been banned cuz u dont have proof who it was"

kinda ridiculous to have admins like that in the cups :D
^_^ classical.
we are first at ESL in 2nd div and won against delinQ 2 times in a row.And we're in the 2nd div...

stop rating by esl you fucked everything up with that...
wtf are you doing in div 2? :D Well atleast this time i wont face you! :D
;* well don't ask me
You should check out "frogz" in my group (div 3 group b) Look at those players, WHY ARE THEY IN DIV 3????????
dude atleast 1 team in my group is cheating
dude, atleast 1 team of my group concists out of EC/NC players... I rather have the cheating one tbh (since you can bust them) :D
luuletko oikeesti että offidemon perusteella banniminen vaatii jotain ip-matcheja vai onko tää jotain mahtavaa trollia?
kai ny kannattaa varmistaa se et pelaaja oli se keneksi häntä luullaan.
varmistaa miten ja miksi? eiköhän se nick ihan riitä tunnistukseen jos kyseessä on offi
no guidi ois iha ok tarkistaa. Voisinha mäki vetää sun nickil offeis eikä mua silti suksi luultas.. no jotku vaa on yksinkertasii
totta kai luultais jos oisit mun klaanin lineupissa.
no sovitaa sitte nii
pathetic groups, cb is dying because of picking most bullshit random inet heros who dont know a fuck about teams, or for how long they are playing together - deciding on when they last played a offi in cb is hilarious - like cb is the only true desination for all 3on3 players.

as long as u get ur influence in admin scene u can keep going with your cheater team Bluman, no pb is like a lotto win for you guys - or do u rly believe every1 accususes ur team just 4 fun? and oh yeah and get urself on highest division, thats the reason u have become admin to boost urself more, no1 gives a fuck if u come far on esl or not, since u dont care about other teams 2.

when u want to do ur job on a decent level - not just for attentionwhoring and ego boosting start looking against who the teams have played, and against who they won or lost, maybe also take a closer look on what former decisions some teams played,
not to mention who the players are, and on what teams they also have played in the past - which means also looking in which devisions they have played on 5n5 and 6n6 cups hosted by cb and/or esl. but u dont d it, since it would take to much time and your aim is just to set up your team on an equal level to the top teams

srsly gtfo mongol, this is just another reason to boycott this bs
+1 zum ersten mal stimm ich dir zu :)
this is a hosted cup, like those cc-tourney.com cups anyone can host, CB HOSTED cups are different from CB OPENCUPS, hosted cups can be hosted by anyone, i am just helping him to enter scores and tell him how to create roster groups and to help him in other functions.
run your own cup instead of dropping complaints :-)
keine zeit für solche spielchen :/ (bei mir würden teams wie pallot gar nicht spielen :] )
you are always complaining and flaming. If you don't like it don't play it.
remember this is a HOSTED cup not a CB cup :>>
roYality eSports needs a group swap at 2nd div!
or we're avi to fill into the 1st div
@ 3rd div

oh noes :(
thefinest wants to swap from 2nd -> 1st, contact devix me or Res at #thefinest

ridicilous... delinq in premier? Bluman was prolly drunk / on drugs when making the groups.
magico and gengis willroll premier
Thats why they were never able to get flag at sd or tank in grush against us =P
1)We have never played against you with this lineup

2)Wonder how can you be so high ego if your accounts are like 18months old and you have been banned 12 of those months for cheating(twice),and you are also playing with another excheater which ban expired just some days ago...
Simply because we are better than you =D
well, they do deserve this spot, since they are actually good.
As you remember from the games we played against eachother, dont you think we deserve the spot?? Dunno if you guys ever played against us when Res was in the line-up =P
je, but who would u replace ? btw who are in avenue69 ?
NiggersBehindTriggers for example, no hatez tukis & nugis <3

also we have beaten HighBot too many times before, i just dont think they are good in 3on3 atleast anymore =/
3 EESTI clans in premier group b :D
KKC 3rd division? we rated ourself a 2, CB admins fail again.
bluman is a cb admin? lol
miami in second division

image: facepalm
hf with knife man, what weapon am i supposed to use in div 3 then? :D
Luckily my 2 teammates ain't that good (they haven't played for 1 or 2 years or so :D) So I wont be that bored I hope :(
yeah i soo that frogZ will be really hard enemy
Ye rofl, awesome gonna play EC/NC only players in div 3... woohoo :D
thougt killerboy doesn't like cheaters, what about bluman mister cheaterhater?
why is thefinnest in second devision? weren't they the winner of the last ladders 2on2?
seriously starface in 3rd division :DDDDDDDD
we would compete easily in first devision u morons :DDDDDD
Division 5 group F LOL really????

Thanks Gary <333
Netherlands Detonation XL gonna roll :D
hey blum8 what about cbz in 3rd division ? :'(
i thought u started to play clean so i gave u fair oppos :)
thank you mate :( i see that you're still in 1st , so it means you're still cheating ?
yep just need to boost a bit since soossi is nolonger with us ;_;
i'm sure you'll be better than he was :PP
Seriously, why is frogz in div 3?
avi for this cup
Avenue and Wandering in 1st and thefinest in 2nd league? :D
ik maak je af gek
ah forgot about esl xD yea we have won some leagues too but havent bothered to open ESL site for 1 year.(didnt like the maps, station and etc) But won pretty much every offi/pracc vs those guys
yea i know and i agree that u belong to 1st div but what are u gonna do :/
well not saying we should be, just saying we are better than delinq & niggers for example.

I m kind of happy with 2nd div anyways, would love to play vs squad & co becouse have had such good games vs them in the past :)
dunno about that bcuz delinq/nbt have pretty strong lineups now

just saying my opinion
well i hope they do so they can compete atleast a bit in 1st div.
Actually accurate always been good I guess you don't have a clue, they are owning at the ladder and are searching every day for an 3on3 offi ( I see joshua spaming!) so I think accurate deserved the premier

tbh your team isn't the best team out here that you can say why aren't "we" at the premier.
accurate have been always too scared to play vs us too -.- thats why i dont have a clue i guess

e: ah i see they have had a decent succes in 3on3
well we have been rank 3, came 2nd at 2div etcetc + delinq will own you with their line up atm (magico gengis (dude?))

you have 2 CB-banned players in your line up anyway so prolly thats why some of the teams dont wanna play vs you
well what u said about delinq would be kind of a miracle, and i would be suprised if u can win a map in 1st div, gl tho :)
Well, neither one of us is hacking so, whats the big deal?
Squad.ee would rape u easily now with main lineup.
and whats your lineup?
Mmh 2nd div get rdy thefinest is coming! :D

Would have enjoyed 1st more, but u cant always get what u want :)
My team is set on 3rd league ....We would like to play on lower plz ..
Bluman,just one week to play 4 matches? :/
GermanylogiX should definatly in division 1

its not because they are failing in 5v5 atm, that they should be in 2nd, fisken fryzer and silent used to win vs fucking reload night and drago, how the fuck are they in 2nd

, replace them with Pallot, without mr obvious soossi they will fail anyway
Why is Bluman an admin? :D
I asked the same thing :(
it's his cup?
And? Its Bluman...
I agree, but it's his cup and I guess it would make sense he's the admin, just like any other cctourney cup
True, but as this one is CB hosted (and therefore supported) and Killerboy is admin with him, it just surprises me.
pigs played 3 times in ESL Fall 3x3 premier division and reached 2 times playoffs and now 2nd league.

atleast EDIT OUR NAME , WE ARENT "B"igs.

and 2nd league is stronger than premier so np.

and frogz in 3rd league , its interesting how you rated them.
I was wondering about that one aswell, their team consists out of EC/NC players... :x speaking about frogz ofc.

well frogz played well in ETPROLEAGUE.

vs best 3v3 teams. / desu,mamut,RAAB etc
You can switch with charism!! oh wait we play 3rd division :DDD
gotta love those brackets
np you can play vs decent teams there.
Dont think 2nd league is stronger than first : O
huge fail again X:D
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