Bremen b3 released

image: bremen_b3After Latvia Clowns' column "How to make Bremen better." and the strong community support of the idea Australia Dersaidin sent Germany me a bit outdated mapsource of beta2 and I started my work.

The map has been played in all kinds of competition for years. That is the reason why there is not much change needed to improve it and adapt it for the new 5on5 format. Only few changes were made and are supposed to improve gameplay at the last two changes.

  • moved truck barrier
  • wooden barrier constructable (indestructible)
  • barred parts of office windows
  • truckicon for axis
  • lampmodel fix
  • corrected maplocation of bremen

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!! Beta3 Hotfix !!
(fixes truckicon & shadererror)
Any feedback is appreciated in this newspost or in #et.mapping on IRC. A final release will be done once the gameplay is found good.

This map will be featured in the upcoming Clanbase & ESL spring seasons, so make sure to grab it. Serveradmins should already upload it to their servers.

Due to the bit outdated mapsource I had to readd many details and models and also readd various changes from beta1. So if you find anything major missing or wrong, please let me know.

Known bugs:
  • truckicon still broken due to a bug which was fixed in a mapscript after b2 release - fixed script out later today
If you want to test it feel free to use the YCN-Hosting matchserver of the ESL:; password bremen

(reset the match to see wooden barrier not-built)
got kicked from the server by vote. Just joined, did nothing^^
Nice work, wp :)
Great job
nice, looking forward to play it!
Wasn't United Kingdom Chris also going to work on it?
got more important work to do nowadays!
Ahaha, tell me more :o
wth :o 10 seconds to reply, not too bad!

it involves cooking me coffee, cant tell more as of now!
You live together? ;p
no, but we plan moving to australia in the next months so we can all spend some quality time with syd...
Starting a games company? Gl!
Nah, we joining Circus, had enough of gaming related ventures.

Hannes = Clown
Syd = Trapeze artist
Me = Human Cannon
This IS an official release. :D

My thanks to eiM for updating the map, and Clown and the community for their continued interest/feedback. <3
thx for allowing this to happen :)
Nice effort! Now replace frostbite with this for LAN :-)

Btw. Why didnt you add a truck icon for allies? And you could've fixed the transmitter icon ;p And why is the wooden barrier indestructable? Wasn't the whole idea to make it destructable for allies (with covy) to make the map more dynamic?
the truckicon completely disappears once stolen. thats a bug I didnt know from b2 actually which seems to have been fixed in mapscripts. Atleast from my plays with clown we found it being indestructible keeps the old way of playing just with the option of axis chosing either way (build or not)
oh i would have assumed it would be destructible still :O

btw i have an idea for improving the wooden wall if you do another version :D
(about 16 seconds of work)
+1 wooden wall should be destructible, change the wooden wall construction model, this one suck :D remplace it with a "normal" model like for barrier.

Why the axis door next to gates is not open when allies break the gates?

Edit: Allies now can plant the first barrier with the windows :/
wait you want to play braundorf?
hell no, we've got adler
yeah braun out adler in is a more pressing issue
Getting frost & braun replaced by adler & bremen would be ideal, all clans with common sense would agree on this. I havent seen frostbite work in 5v5 yet at all...

but agree :-)
Good job.:)
Looks slightly better. First stage is ballz though... if one of the 3 ways in were blocked it might be holdable for more than 2 minutes.
indestructible fence makes ZERO sense.
and planting barrier in the doorway should not be possible
you can plant barrier @ upstairs windows too :/

1. u can stuck on truckbarrier
2. mines disappear if u build wooden barrier
3. barred window looks ugly, just remove it
4. truckicon completely disappears once stolen
5. u can plant truck barrier from under the office
6. u can't destroy wooden barrier, thats not et
1. ye...
2. welcome to ET
4. old b2 bug worked in tests
5. welcome to ET. no way to limit that. You could plant at alot worse spots before
6. to be decided
5. shrink the trigger? o.o
there is no trigger for a constructible (for the constructed part which you destroy again)

if there is, name me :D
is the problem that you can blow it up with dyna from silly positions?
laber net mit welcome to et du nerd :D
hi crusher, this is et - et, welcome crusher
omg pls komm du nich an, da muss nen anderer boden hin damit man einfach keine minen planten kann
crush3r has removed you from his buddylist !


welcome to et! :D
wer mag dich schon :)
du warst leider noch nie auf meiner buddy liste, sorry :D
axis door closed @ maingate after destroying?
ok an indestructible wooden barrier makes absolutly no sense at all.
either axis build it, then it requires one engicharge, or u dont and you wont have any disadvantage at all.

the truck still is bugged.
there are no constructionsounds and i think there totally should be if someone sneaks through and constructs it without axis noticing...

everything else is okay, but not necessary and doesnt change a lot in the map
oooooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
wp clown!
Shouldn't the wooden door near axis be destroyable with a satchel/dynamite?
Should be destroyable with satchel. Truck needs construction sounds. Maybe make the axis garage door (near truck barrier 2) dynamitable? Opens the game abit more
bremen_b4 pls
You still need to fix the wall @ 2nd spawn
Truck needs construction sounds.
It's a pity some of changes are just silly,

wooden barrier constructable (indestructible) - pointless?

large box in room below allied cp spawn
the wooden barrier should be destroyable

the rest looks good, gj
the whole map is ugly and it sucks (it's not your fault!) thx for trying to make it better though! but.. need adlernest !
jeh like andlernest is not ugly, always feels like playing in a big box :p
adlernest is beautiful.
adlernest_final is so nice tbfh but they didn't get permission from desaiden :<
u can plant truck barrier in office window : /
Good job eiM.
you still cant see the truck on the map <.<

E: overwork barred windows (nice idea, but ugly)
make wooden barrier destroyable with dyna (stachel would be too powerfull)
nice effort but the map sucks and always will(not your fault)
the wooden windows are kinda crap... you can hide to much as axis

1. you can plant dynamite almost everywhere near the barrier, that really sucks. make it more detailed
2. that wooden barrier makes absolutely no sense, if you can't even destroy it afterwards?! :_D

need b4
1) impossible
2) false
2) its not for allies, its for axis. clown described it perfectly in his column.
"corrected maplocation of bremen"

biggest improvment in this version
remove the old b3 and just link the new hotfixpk3?

will have a look on it tomorrow ;)
hope this will be used on lan, hate frostbite.
bremen is good as it is :)
barring windows might be a good idea indeed
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