CIEC Recapitulation

image: ciec

The Crossfire & ESL Intel Seeding tournament has drawn to a close. Yesterday we witnessed the playoffs where all competing teams fought for a more beneficial position inside their respective playoff tree. With this system we were able to obtain a complete seeding of all teams, be it high or less high skilled. But we also took the opportunity with this tournament to send out a message to all players that wish to compete on a Crossfire LAN that all participating teams get a decent chance at playing a considerate amount of matches, even if you're only going for fun, instead of having to drop out after two or three games. Another reason for this tournament was to get teams active to raise the skillbar for CIC7 in order to get the most competitive LAN possible. With amazing performances on ETTV yesterday, we can conclude we're on the right way to achieve this.

Top Seeds

1. United States of America Blight
2. Europe Rockit
3. United Kingdom YYT
4. Poland tMoe
5. Estonia nOu way!
5. Netherlands pstarZ dNan
5. Poland Perception
5. Benelux Plug & Pown
High Seeds

9. Benelux myRevenge FIF
10. Germany AoW
11. Europe Phantoms
12. France dESIRE
13. Belgium nkNn - angeldust
13. Belgium Nothing is impossible
13. Germany HB
13. France Famas
Mid Seeds

17. Netherlands Boondocks
18. Czech Republic inteRaction
19. Germany energy-WAVE
20. Greece plasa
21. United Kingdom Infinitus Gaming
21. United Kingdom Infused
21. Germany reVeal
21. Germany aGu
Low Seeds

25. Germany
26. Germany Lost Soldiers
27. Belgium oceans6
27. Europe enLANced
29. Europe Normality
29. United Kingdom Validus
29. Europe EU United Soldiers
29. Europe section9
33. Benelux WCTNCTCPI
33. Europe TEMR

The biggest upset came from the Polish side Poland Perception. With having an infamous collection of ex-cheaters, they managed to turn some heads by winning their group without losing one single map, while being pre-seeded as a mid-team. They couldn't continue this winning streak in the playoffs where they faced Europe Rockit, but nevertheless this performance is at least interesting, as they will most likely be judged on their LAN achievements in Enschede. This goes for all teams though, it will be interesting to see which teams can live up to their online seed. Expect a nice "online-only?" review of the teams after CIC7!

Also Germany put up a rather strange performance, as they were seeded amongst the high seeds (and almost got a top seed), but only ended fourth in their group. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the playoffs of the fourth division were a walk in the park for them, but nevertheless they only were able to obtain seed 25 (as that is the highest possible seed for division four).

Others on the other hand did just what people would expect from them. United States of America Blight took home the best seed as they won the final against Europe Rockit. Perhaps Rockit were underperforming, or perhaps it was Finland squall that added the magic ingredient, but whatever may be, I think we can all agree the best two teams were in the finals. And not to forget, on the entire opposite end of the seeding, we can rest assured, Benelux WCTNCTCPI and Europe TEMR did exactly what they predicted, lose all matches and get lowest seed. If it weren't for them some serious team could get last spot, and we wouldn't want that now, would we?
Cya all @ Enschede!!!!
QuoteWCTNCTCPI and TEMR did exactly what they predicted, lose all matches and get lowest seed
I expect you to win atleast one map at lan, or if you have to play vs TEMR to win it! :P
That will be the biggest crossfire derby ever!
ofc we want a serious team in last spot =(
you know what will happen on lan right?

image: bgx3svtz2tbcwy80v
perception is shit
Can I has more shit quality?
I agree BoonDocks really rocked yesterday
we shud of won, but displayed the worst goldrush defence ever :D
Yeah we were totally on top of our form?! Whole game was pretty ridiculous, though 4:23 is indeed even worse than 6:03 or whatever it was :)
cu @ enschede :p
Cu there mates!
cu guys :)
Belgiumo6 will fail, they have online-only Kevin
we can rest assured, WCTNCTCPI and TEMR did exactly what they predicted, lose all matches and get lowest seed.

fuckers :(
thought so too.
"The biggest upset came from the Polish side Perception. With having an infamous collection of ex-cheaters, they managed to turn..."

continue this sentence please
720 and bam three headshots?
Please walk in the park for logix! We almost had them on the deceider :(
Ye but they won it entirely, while losing everything in their group
they beat us in groupstage :XD
OH WOW . even the admins dont know the results of their own cup.. wtf

won against enlanced and lost undeserved vs. FiF ( 30 secs remaining)
What do you expect... would you remember all 50 matches? I just look at the end results. Try adminning a 34 team cup in 4 weeks yourself some day and see if you're just as cocky as you are now.
Im not cocky, just dont like ppl writing the wrong scores without knowing them for sure, i like your work and i like the way u do it, so keep it up. :)

And once again : Yes we kinda fucked up thr group stage which still doesnt mean that we cant compete with the high seeded teams. We know that we can since we playd these teams, same goes for the mid seeds ofc.
One group will get us as a LOW seed team which will result once again in a group like we had , namely consisting of 3 "good" teams...
Our group was by far the best group compared to the other ones.

other groups had 4 teams and 2 of them were weaker ones.
our group had 5 good teams :PPPPP

doesnt skarzee play for enlanced????
how can they be low seed???
cause he blows
im sorry but we are before oceans6 :|
we had forfeit ..
suerte enlanced ^^
lost soldiers without bomi................ and boondocks in mid make me lol (:
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