gl boondocks =)
YouTube channel is just a link to YouTube
Need interview with boondocks pwners : D
It's not just Baggies who's on photo duty btw ; )
let him add as many names as possible whoever is doing it!
ET brackets?
Would be nice to have some brackets or something.
Play-offs tomorrow?
i need a tournament tree
Is there some sort of live coverage of this event, or is it like last event ? , or am i simply expecting to much ?
ET stream lags to hell where as the CoD4 one is fine, nice.
CIC7 day two is up folks
Latest News
01.25 CET
Past midnight: Battle of the losers
While most teams still playing in the ET winners bracket have (hopefully) found their way to a suitable bed there are still some interesting matches to follow for the late night ET addict. With both teams perhaps underperforming during their group matches, Overload versus S'Agapa should be one of them. Tomorrow we will return with coverage from the Enemy Territory and Call of Duty grand finals.
As we did on the previous event we did it this time: starzi is running around with our cam to make most of the players attending unforgettable.
Check out our YouTube-Channel
The master of our official photos will be Baggiez. He'll save you the drunken and forgotten souls from our online nerds into the gallery.
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Previous news teaser
9.30 CET
10.30 CET
18.03 CET
01.25 CET
Good Morning, Enschede!
The new day brings you the one and only killerboy into your seat: Starzi went on the road to catch up with him and and bring you the probably most anticipated video of the whole event: Watch it
QuadV up with Infused versus fnatic
QuadV is up and running after different issues yesterday their stream is up live and you can tune in to listen to Quadv's Deman casting fnatic facing Infused. View livestream
CoD and ET on QuadV
Call of Duty and Enemy Territory is recently up on the stream. ET with YoYoTech facing rockit, YYT is meant to do the surprise when u listened to numerous opinions in QuadV's Prediction topic.
Other than that the tournament is up and running, keep up 2 date with twitter:
Past midnight: Battle of the losers
While most teams still playing in the ET winners bracket have (hopefully) found their way to a suitable bed there are still some interesting matches to follow for the late night ET addict. With both teams perhaps underperforming during their group matches, Overload versus S'Agapa should be one of them. Tomorrow we will return with coverage from the Enemy Territory and Call of Duty grand finals.