[*EU*] ready to rumble!

image: eulogo

[*EU*] United Soldiers of Europe - pretty old brand, isn't it? I'm proud to announce that we have 2 teams at the moment. The one's roster didn't change much after Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 attendance. Two new recruits have quickly got in line with team's commands. Recent performance has promised well so we will try to ruffle other teams' temper. Yet, the newly formed team is turning a night into a day to be seen to advantage in upcoming season. With a group of remarkably talented players, we will do our best to perform well. Without further ado, I present you two EU squads:
  • Netherlands kris
  • Netherlands joshua
  • Sweden sAvage
  • Poland wssquad
  • Belgium Player

and a squad based on the team that represented us on CIC7:
  • Belgium Frauwe
  • Belgium P5Y
  • Belgium Rhand
  • Netherlands fritsie
  • Poland cisy

You will be able to meet us in Clanbase & ESL top online competitions and probably some lan events. We're a living legend of CB Stopwatch ladder with 119 wins and we're back to activity there as well. Since the first team is looking for an active backup(s), please don't hesitate to contact me and ask about details (you'll be needed to play on a certain days, details @ pm).

Quote by krisI'm very happy to be back to ET after almost 3 years of WoW and having found a bunch of cool people to play with again. Already knowing sAvage that I've played with in the past and after several pracs I think this team has a lot of potential to do well if we get our teamplay going, seeing it comes very much down to that in 5v5 we will prac hard to get that sorted. We are fully motivated for the upcoming cups and also hope to attend incoming lan events. Our main goal is of course to do well and have fun but also to be a stable team that doesn't fold after a few months. Cya on the battlefield :)

Quote by HomerI'm very satisfied that EU has now a team able to compete on high level. I strongly believe that after sorting out few details, we will be able to cause a lot of upsets for our opponents. I'm also happy about the guys that came back from CIC7, making 1st EU's lan attendance. Good luck for everyone!

Good luck!
This lineup looks cool but wssquad fucks it up with hes wallhack :(.
Kick him and take me!
wtf is player/wssquad doing there;D
# wssquad

Quotetalented players


randoms ololool
lol plz wtf is that wssquad shit? get some real skilled player!
nice knowing your own player's nationality Homer! Fritsie = Netherlands
Lolz, started BE flagrage and couldn't stop!:D
gl kris joshua Player svg
Good luck joshua and player!
Quotetalented players

QuotePoland wssquad

gl josh en player
no Finlandrepje no win
I hope that you fail in all upcoming cups/wars/LANs.
polak pride you take him even if he cheats?
I heard you were supposed to be in this team!
Took a break from gaming for now :-P
where is your reputation now dude :D
Couldve been in this team if I wanted ;)
Sorry, but I see a slight contradiction...

Recent Comments:

If you need a rifle I'm avi ;)
Couldve been in this team if I wanted ;)
Took a break from gaming for now :-P

The reason I took a break is that this team wasnt stable at all, and I didn't want to waste my time in ET playing something thats not serious ;)

Still open for some exceptional offers, thats why Ive said I took a small break and not like: I QUIT ET BB NOOBS.
Apparently we got stalibilised in the 1st day you were not avi :P
Not gona last.
gl joshua and player
not that amazing line-up tbh.
no Finlandrepje no win
lol i was talking with kris on public with some days ago :p
ha! so i guessed it right, were fun times in denmark =) fakenicking is bad mmkay :(
lololo clanhoppa :D
weird mix tbh, but gl!
How many original members left?
nice to see kris back :)

gl guys
nice to see spirea back


kris owner
nice lineup :>
gl wssquad
gl player , i really hope u guys do a nice new tag cause the old one is horrible
gl guys = )
gl fritsel!
wb kris :)

find a better team pl0x
kriiiis you are my favorite player!! loved watching you play in those NL NC matchs, esp that season where u guys beat germany (best NC ever)
fritsie is by far the best player of both squads. Combined with me, [*EU*] 2nd squad is about to surprise a few people =)
erm, kris? :S
wasn't player with the lio & co
good job Homer:)

add me to euclan cuz i was in it years ago with priit smokey and ross :(
gl player and joshua

nice you found a good team so fast player

is this that old nl nationcup team kris?
no nazty immi barbon sword ? :<
gl anyway !
kris & joshua pwnerss
going to AEF?
2nd squad is
how certain?
On a scale of 3 stars I'd give us 5 stars, that certain are we.

Unless Homer doesn't give us LAN support ofcourse...
What are the stars when Homer doesn't? :)
lol nice backstabbing KKC for these noobs...!!!!
KKC gaat naar Enschede, niet naar Antwerpen.
Dus KKC * in de AEF lijst mag 100% zeker weg?
nee hun folden toch voordat die lan begin
your logo confuses me :(
joshua aka santje?
GL and HF kris
nice to see you back kris :)
ja best :)
well done :)
gl kris, nice to see you back on the scene!
nice to see kris back :')
gl !
omg kris omg

gl kris m8 <3
gl joshua
The only reason this is mainnews worthy is cause kris is in the lineup, if it wasn't for him this wouldn't even be journal worthy
gl player ;)
QuoteI'm very satisfied that EU has now a team able to compete on high level.

I agree, getting rid of United KingdomstKz was the best thing ever!
kris :O

gl homer, savage and the old fif squad!
thx m8 :) to bad you didn't came to cic7 :(
gl Helmonder! pwner <3
omg kris omg
lol @ wss tho :D
ben jij ironic (roc)? :P (fritsie)
Kende jou vlag nog... Fritsie zat bij ons in Team-Helmond (Fritsie, Bigsmoke, Hellgast, Smuggler, Seizure, Flavour, Raver)
gl guys <3
hohoho kris GL ! and rest too ofc
gl kris! :------------)
nice to see annother oldschooler back, GL!
wssquad is useless to this team only playing for stats. gl joshua player
gj Homer
KRIS =)))
gl joshua & savage :-)
nice job homer, mate.
hehe, stiekem jaloers ja? xD
gl frits en frauwe <3
thx foxy <3 waar hang jij tegewoordig uit?
nog altijd beetje cless mercen.. bevalt wel zo eigenlijk :D gl kerel!!
id be surprised to see that new team last longer than 4 weeks. GL to player though <3 and hopefully it does last for u homer x
wssquad, rofl.... im disappointed
rhand was on cic7?!?

gl to you guys :>
no, i replaced France sword who was at LAN :-)
lol Rhand at lan lol
Looks so random lol :-P

GL guys :)
gl player
GL Fritsie :D
gl joshua :*
awesome :)

gl kris & savage
gl ladys
How will you differentiate both squads ?
we are clearly the EU PRO squad
and they will be the EU NEWBIE squad xDDD
the blind panzer pr0 squad you mean :D
hahaha lol f1 for that!
nice lineup but 2 weex maks
I so hope for you guys you arent going to lan with Netherlands Kris
why's that? i went to lan with kris and had a really good time both gaming wise and fun wise

but i guess you prolly know better from extensive past experience
gl kris =)

But cmon guys... [*EU*] United Soldiers of Europe.........

change the fucking name, no1 will take u serious this way lol

But nice add4u Homer =)
BUT...it's been like that for ages, not going to change it now imo :D
Well iirc United Kingdom SoF was Soldiers of Fortune in the first place, but u cant take ur opponent serious when they'r called Soldiers of Fortune, so they changed it into just SoF. If i remember correctly though =)
I believe they were still Soldiers of Fortune but simply stopped writing that instead of SoF
hmm ok, I remember someone getting angry back then when I said the whole name ;D

yeah I could be wrong but thats what I'd assume !
maybe they like being seen as underdog!! :D
kbegrijp het wel hoor, met al die goeie biersoorten hier in BE xD
hij wil stiekem echt onze papa zijn xD
hmm, liever nie, khem niet direct een papacomplex xD
welcome back kris and goodluck
good luck Netherlandskris =)
GL Sletjes! <33
kris, the legend has returned

gl Player
Interesting lineup gl Player =)
nice team, gl guys !
hf fritsie
GL Santa & Rhand.
GL Kris (you'll need it - still a bit rusty) ;]
HF joshua pwnerrrrr<3
oh my fucking god... wb kris
gl, but wssquad :S
nice team
Nice seeing Kris back in ET :) GL to you guys
gl cisy !
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