Rockit iTunes Voucher Winner!

As I'm sure most of you know, a couple of weeks ago, we announced our Team Kill Competition for a €25 iTunes voucher. Well, the decision has been made, and we are proud to announce the winner is...


Check out his awesome Panzerfaust TK on Radar:

To see the other videos, check out the newspost over on
image: rockit_shield_small
Once again congratulations to destiny, the voucher is on it's way to you!

Original Newspost
Destiny's Winner's Journal!
Thanks ;)
5man teamkill at lan from TEMR was better :P
nice! and gratz
bff panzer is still the best
OMG! Mine didn't even got mentioned :(

I demand a revote!
It was.. look carefully!
ah :D I should've won! :D
u would have won with a "random" riflenade 4 man teamkill.... Make it in scene and make it look like its real for awzum cash!
too bad that doesn't happen :p
all due respect for destiny but fims panzer was the epic of the epic...
fakevid won again \o/ ET is turning into CS?
it is not fake and I do believe it was wintercup or some other offi :-p
ss or did not happen
whats the song of this one?

imo ati or faky should have won!
Fims TK pf is better!
too bad only that few entrys were made
FimS wouldve won if he signed up :]
how do u remember fu :D
can't forget this sweet score my favourite jew :p
hahaah i remember to :p
je m'en bat les couilles renoi !
What does
It means "stfu, I'm human and can make mistakes too!" :D
wp mate

Idan is "best" panzer in ET history !
QuoteRemember that time you managed to kill your teammate at the most crucuial part in your match?

1st rush @ radar not that crucial imo.

and looks like a set-up vid to me, or he's just fucking stupid cause you see the guys run ifront of him well before he shoots the panzer.

not with 90 fov ;-)
So you're admitting you're actually just a fucking idiot? I mean, why use settings that dont allow you to see what you need to see to play the game properly?
90fov is the best, period.
If you cant see there are teammates infront of you, its quite obviously not.
its not really hepful having panzer on fov 110, the only thing i dont understand is why he crouches instead of jumping to shoot :D
no. you prefer it. it is not empirically better.
it was made long time ago before rockit announced this competison !
Doesnt change the fact that this was in no way "at a crucial moment"

Oh well. I didnt participate anyway so what do I care......
shit vid
faky should have doubt bout that
this is shit ... fims was waay better + on lan
damn nigger jews! :D <3 destiny
enjoy the voucher density!
That other radar panzer video was much better. :|
how did faky not win ?
poor one. have demo with frozz making 5 men teamkill on gayrush when shooting from bridge. Dated 2007!
i like dod :)
XDDDDDDDDDDD urwa&#322;!
that looks fake really but it's only for £25 if you scammed them then well played :D
wow gratz, pretty much shows how much of a joke this vid ''competition'' is...

for ones you think some profesional contest is announnced and then you see some sloppy vid with someone panzering 4 team mates, woaw totally worth it
the one fake video and you picked it as the winner amazing.
as already said he gave us the demo as well ;) so we were able to check it...
doesnt mean he didn't do it on purpose, what was he expecting to happen shooting a panzer behind your whole team
yay I'm in it!

And no this is not a setup, destiny was owning that game 3-32 nP!
sorry my good jew, but this looks kinda fake :SS Congrats if it's legit tho!
is not a fake ... i was one of his target ^^ and he finished the map with 3-32 :DDDDDDDDD
rofl that panzer :p best kamikaze <3
Was he trying to shoot true his teammate?
Was rly obvious he would hit a teammate
Looks like he messes up the cancel more than anything
why I'm not surprised?

should've recorded your laughter, destiny :D
boring and still i dunno whats a itunes voucher lol
wikipedia: A voucher is a bond which is worth a certain monetary value and which may be spent only for specific reasons or on specific goods.

other words for voucher: coupon, bonus, gift coupon ...
fake and gay
only one winner and thats fims!!

this panzer is pure bullshit
Realy laughed @ it!
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