Official Announcement: AoW goes SPEEDLINK

image: x3y2h1

When looking on the calendar, you see its April 5th 2010. It's not April 1st and its no April fool. Many of you might have thought that its a joke that Team-AoW joins TEAM-SPEEDLINK. But all of them are proven wrong. Just 3 days later, Germany TEAM-SPEEDLINK announced it officially on their website. With the announcement we've finally a big german organisation in the ET community.

The factory team of SPEEDLINK has picked up Art of Wolfenstein and a lot of you wondered why. The core of AoW is playing together for years now. They've attended the last two Crossfire LAN's and finished better than everybody expected before the lans. Their passion for the game and their activity is unique.

TEAM-SPEEDLINK consists the two german national players Bl4d3 and kReSti, who have proven their skill in the currently running NationsCup and all previous Cups they attended, including the CC5 and CiC7. FLoPJEHZ and sTOWNAGE are part of AoW for years now. AoW wouldn't be as strong as they are nowadays without them. The newest addition is duKe_, who is known in his time in re-play zZz, Team-Germany and Team-Helix in his short period of playing Wolfenstein.

The lineup looks as follows:

Lineup Germany TEAM-SPEEDLINK:
  • Germany Tim 'duKe_' O.
  • Germany Daniel 'Bl4d3' S.
  • Germany Stefan "FLoPJEHZ' P.
  • Germany Thomas 'kReSti' M.
  • Germany Simon 'sTOWNAGE' K.

  • Germany Marvin 'reAz' H.

Germany kuraigu will join them in order to be the link between management and the team. He's known for his time in Team-Germany when they won several gold medals in the NationsCups.

Statements of Team-SPEEDLINK & duKe_][/b]

TEAM-SPEEDLINK's CEO Germany Rene had the following to say:

QuoteNo, it wasnt an April Fool. Many of you might ask yourself "why thell does Speedlink pick up an ET Team ?". Well, its pretty simple. Enemy Territory is not just a versatile and diversified game. No, it has everything a good FPS-Game needs. The community is bigger than most people think. In the near future, SPEEDLINK will also start a project which will be very helpful for the community. We are proud that we were able to engage the best german ET team and are looking forward to a bright future.

Germany duKe_ just added:

QuoteWe are very proud to be one of the first german ET teams to work with a team like Team-Speedlink. Speedlink|Rene gave us this exceptional chance, which is unique in Enemy Territory. With a high dosage of activity and conation, we will pracc daily, to reach our pinned up objectives. Our current lineup was able to render good performances. Our abound teamplay, our gamesense, and even our "Real-Life"-friendships helped us to have good results yet. After a short starting-phase, the brand new Lineup of AoW was able to achieve some good results in the ESL Major Series.We can't wait to start the battle under the name of SPEEDLINK. We'll do everything we can do in order to represent SPEEDLINK in the way they deserve it. Offcial News
anyone who thought it was an april fool has an IQ < 50

good luck SpeedLink, you'll rock ze ET scene! :P

np :)
ye thanks fixed :)
good team, good luck lads
gl & hf
why did u open this if u /care ..... retards.....
to say to stop spam that useless news
nice news for u duke and kuraigu - grats !
duke helix pwner
best of luck to krest blade and flop! <3
duke is not known for playing @ helix :d. Rather zZz-replay and for example the old real roYality
duke raising the avarage age of the team ;)
sarcasm ? :)
dunno how old the others are but just like to tell duke hes old

i misread
true, i'm like ten years older than the others :)
not this shit again
wantz match pl9x
Good luck yermans
Gl. Seems pretty decent team.
duke seems to be special, he already played a game that hasn't been out yet(doubt there's any plans for it actually)
gl stownage
duke_ will pwn!
Pointless repeating :/
but now they add reaz xD
a month later.
i c wat u did there 8D
they wont get anywhere near stable at least LU related, too much rl and sal working in shifts fucks the pracc times big time
sal is backup anyway :_)
still i hardly doubt a team with kai in their main LU will ever get anywhere near stable 8D
And who are you?
If u dont know why the Team wasnt stable u better stfu :)
So kenn ich dich ja gar nicht, hase!
Nervt halt,ständig so nen Schwachsinn zu lesen. Vorallem von Leuten,die es mal 0 beurteilen können.
so schlimm isser nicht, wenn er wirklich will und so ist der auch wohl da :-)
diese ganz tele sache und so hat sich nur so eingebürgert, genauso wie der "ruf" das er nicht da ist.
have to take all the blame from ohzor4
he was actually one of the most active plus stable guys in the lu.
we would have suprised tbh but we had hard times to get the players for the pracc.
oki, got wrong sources than, soz :-<
kein ding :-*
kai, as in kai from big gaming?
ohzor4 :-)
fnatic will pick up an et team my 23cents
gl krest and blade :-D
reaz :*
gl ammoman!

come battlefield sometime :(
still hope its an aprils fool gl though ":D"
Good luck :-))
hä chaoz und konsorten haben doch auch schon mal bei speedlink gespielt oder irre ich mich?
naja wayne.back to topic: voll die boons. da müssen wir demnächst mal wieder ein mix starten.
5on5, dann 5 minuten für 2 maps. bäm.
Quote by eLcpumu was the weakest link in beta
ETQW :-)
:D i know what you mean
gl sTOWNAGE :).
cool ich hab nen freund der bei speedlink spielt

und der wäre?
kresti,stowni und du

ich bin dein freund?
ah ok=)
hi freund :D
:D hört sich voll schwul an tbh

aber gl ;)
haha ;D danke
Du hast damit angefangen, nicht er : p
hahahaha best german et team xD
did u know some better then tell me pls
Good Luck, schweine. may the feederz be with you
P.S do not visit prison that often, thanks
gl reaz :*
hahaha reaz :dd
groß/kleinschreibung und zahlen im namen ist 2004 und wird nichtmal mehr vom killerklan-erzgebirge genutzt.
bitte ändern
2004? wo warst du 99? :o
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

als Klanführer des Killerklan-Erzgebirge 1999 e.V. muss und will ich die hier aufgeführten Gerüchte widerlegen. Unser Klan wird weiterhin die oben genannten Qualitätsmerkmale in unseren Nicks und Klantags verwenden.

Es verbleibt mit freundlichen Grüßen,

-=[KK-E]=- w3rw0Lfv4Mp1_R
Klanführer und MSN-Gruppenkanalorganisator
:DDDd naise naise
image: n279842624351_1081

Lieber Herr Dragobert,

ich bitte Sie in Zukunft nicht mehr 'instant' mit Antworten auf Ihre Kommentare hier zu rechnen, da ich geschäftlich verhindert bin.

Nun wurde eine Möglichkeit zu einer traditionellen Briefkonversation, durch zwei frevelhafte Eindringlinge über mir, unterbunden.

Im Verbleib auf eine rasche Antwort,


image: unterschrift-wagner
F. J. Wagner
hahahaha auch grade gelesen den shit
war auch sofort im gästebuch am start
mir war schon übel, als die homepage 6m nach rechts gefahren ist.

von Bernd, 07.04.2010, 17:42 Das sind die Perversen die dauernd "Fussbilder" haben wollen. Sagt denen mal die Meinung.

Sagt denen mal die Meinung.
Good Luck AoWler
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