EC Qualifiers are getting speedy - Speedlink vs 1stCav

Poland 1stCav, a lineup formed just after CiC7, had a good start in this season's EC qualifiers. After a 3-1 against their polish rivals diversus they will be able to participate in EC XXI. They are surely trying to challenge the presumably best polish team, Fear Factory X-Fi ?

It's the second offi under the name of Germany Team-SPEEDLINK for the former AoW guys. Their first qualifier was closer than expected. In the end they could win their decider quite comfortably against e-Wave. Considered as the best german team at the moment, the team is going for their best placement they could ever reach in an Eurocup.

One can expect a close match between Team-SPEEDLINK and 1stCav. A deciding map is not unlikely, so prepare for an interesting battle for Poule 4 !

image: s_headimage: s_news
Germany Team-SPEEDLINK

Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany kReSti
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany sTOWNAGE
image: s_news
Poland 1stCav

Poland Boski
Poland voiler
Poland errol
Poland miks
Poland Dolar
image: game17770
Clanbase Matchlink - Team-SL Homepageimage: s_foot

Speedlink talked to EuroCup Co-Supervisor Poland Homer. He started his thoughts about the match shortly:
QuoteIn my opinion that game should bring a lot of emotions for it's viewers. We will see 2 stable teams which haven't changed their lineups much or even not at all. I expect a decider in that game- both teams should secure a win on their home maps. Who will win a decider? Hard to say - depends on the day I think. I would give 4-2 to 1stCav - their latest official scores looked better although, as I said, I won't be surprised by any score in this game.

Team statements:
Quote"We havent pracced last week and prolly wont pracc till our offi due to some personal problems so it will be hard for us to win but i hope we will see tight game and after all 1stCav will be able to win this."

QuoteIn the last week we really pracced a lot. 10 Games in the night is nothing special for us so i would say that we are in kinda good shape. Eventhough we are not that stable with our perfomance yet. My prediction for the game is a clear 4:0 for us if i take the latest prac results against comparable enemy as a pattern."
izi for 1stcav
1stCav should take this. Hoping for the unexpected though!
10 games a night :D
Masculine Herrs
Du Vaterlandsverräter kannst von mir aus Mitgefühl/Solidarität für die anderen 131 Opfer zeigen,aber zeig dich bloß nicht mit der Flagge von dem Kaczynski-Typen,der nannte uns schließlich immernoch Nazis! -_____-'
du weißt das zerender nicht deutsch ist oder?
jap,aber auch kein pole :>
also es interessiert dich wirklich das er kasachstan verrät?
Nein,schlimm ist,dass er die Polenflagge nimmt...
Alter, was du für ein Opfer bist. Ich lache dich einfach mal so aus : D
Du kannst Deutsch? :P
Natürlich! Ein Deutsches Gymnasium lohnt sich eben mal ; )
Spoko. Rozumiem tylko troche; polsku. :)
ich hab sie gestern schon geändert :D
gl 1stCav
I support duKe !
Germany Speedlink ftw

They added reAz btw
cuz you destroyed aces!
kReSt not KreSt !!!!!!
izi for aow
gl voiler synu
gl sl :>
10 games a night?
You play half maps? :DD::D
hope 1stcav will take it.

EDIT: but your tags are ugly. change them! then i can become oficial fanboy :o
worst title ever
gl miks & boski <3
easy for speedlink !
alot will depend on blade his damage dealing, still I think miks & co can take this one :P
so ure playing 5h a day? fuck yeah
id presume that a team that came 3rd on crossfire lan is the best polish team but what do i know? ;)
You don't know anything.
but you're the worst panzer ever! :D
no, nonix is the worst panzer ever
lol im the best :D
please :p you suck hard!
errol will decide!
should be izi for speedlink they are pretty stable team tbh
Due to the tragedy in poland, we may not play this on Sunday. Either the game will be played on Monday or Speedlink wins by forfeit.

It's not certain yet, depends on how 1stCav feels.
we didnt make any official statement yet so please dont write such a thing
Its not offending or anything. Just making people who want to spec it aware that it might not be played. we are also waiting for you.
duke is gay
shut it down
1stcav is cool
you lookin' good girl
go go go get em girl
go go go hit em girl
go go go go go go you shut it down
quite comfortably my ass, we set a time of 4:49 on grush.
but you still lost ;€
yeah but you didn't comfortably win!
except of grush it was pretty clear imo
we shuda won,we had like 5min remaining @ supply to get controls,but w/e u were better on the night wp
I thought is gonna play. :(
How wrote the team and player description on the SL-Page? Please try again :(

+ gl @ EC
will be fixed soon :)
4-2 for duke and co
easy for duKe_ and bl4d3 !

Oh heres some swiss asslicking song ::D
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