Aalborg is waiting!

Today one of Crossfire's finest members posted a email screendump from a conversation between him and one Gigantium's employees.

As seen almost everyone have started to think that this is a scam, but let me put it this way.
A half a year ago I had the vision to start a big ET LAN for the community, everything was in some sort of hurry that I didn't realize that people started to hate the idea that it was supposed to be BYOC.

I was out talking with almost every firms in Aalborg about supporting it with all different sorts of stuff, and finally I came across Matrix. I contacted them to see what it would cost to borrow it for a whole weekend for a LAN event, it ended up in almost 3500 € which was a pretty cheap price. The thing however was that the LAN venue was way to small, so I kinda had to put it on hold to find a better place. It was a really hard process as people started to loose the hope in it really coming to life one day, so I grouped up with some former staff members of The eXperience & SLAP to provide me with experience, we quickly managed to have the support from a place called UEG & Aalborg County that was offering us a decent amount of money to cover all the expensives. This was the deal. Therefore we never had some sort of sponsors as the people behind it was Aalborg itself to gather interest to the city.

After the reunion with the former experienced members I was put as a ET-chef to gather interest from the ET scene to the LAN. However this wasn't that easy, I quickly realised the hate toward ET and it's community from the former COD4 & CS Crew LAN members, so I always stayed in focus to be as positive as possible. Gigantium is a big place, and has different sort of departments, I was told that the deal with Gigantium was made regarding it being the host for the LAN and I was right away on writing some stuff about the LAN itself here on crossfire, where I promised that I will come up with a final annoucment about it on 1st of September, 2010.

University started and people started to from maybe 5-10 hours each week helping organizing the LAN to only 1-5 hours, I was however still working on getting all the details done as soon as possible. I managed to get arranged that afternoon trip to the city with the pubcrawl and club, and thought I might've had everything setteld regarding ET. However it turned out that Gigantium was misled by the dates where it was free, so we were offered a big LAN venue, with a small shop, sleeping hal, Internet connection and all the cables needed for about 10.000-12.000€. Some of the folks realised that the date was wrong and went to call me about it, but at that point it was already too late. I simply lost all the faith.

I started from the idea guy behind all to ending up as a simple ET organizor to now being the biggest idiot.

I am deeply sorry for all of this, I think I was just way to exicted about all of this.

Yes I am the one to blame but I am for sure not a scammer. When the moneysystem at BilletNET failed to respond to our deadline I was talking to Krosan about taking in the payments on his account as some sort of security to be 100% sure that nothing will happen to it and no one would get scammed. I hope Krosan can verify as this is true and was talked about 1-2 days before the offical annoucment.

All of this was never INTENDED as a scam, think about it.
Why would a scam people in a game I have played for almost 7 years?
Why would I scam people on a site where my IP ain't hidden?
Why would I scam people that I have played with ages?
Why would I scam on a site where most of them know my real identity?
Why would I scam when i post about 1 picture of myself each 2 weeks?

I have stepped down and won't be helping at all at this event, I however will still be playing this amazing beloved game with a deep sorrow of shyness & guilt. Already now I have been banned on almost every second mIRC channel.

Looks like times have changed, Kamz used to be the most hated now he's the most beloved I used to be a funny and chill guy that had too much passion for this game to now ending up as the most hated because of something I will regret for the rest of my gaming carrer.

Once again I'm sorry.

so when is this official... ?
I can however say that the RTCW rules & maps are going to be chosen by a special chosen judge council 1 month before the LAN.


need rules + maps before we decide to go tbh, not one month before
rules and maps 1 month before is normal as long as they dont come up with some crazy stuff which i doubt.
but knowing if its 5v5 or 6v6 in beforehand is essantial tho :)
me and TheoDor are going, 100%!
we need team
you joker :P:P:P
QuoteAdmins for ET?
The admins for ET will be some of the oldest one in the scene, so prepare to be amazed.

ronner, bulldog and maverick?
hahahahahahahahahhaah :DDD
let's hope Iceland won't strike again
QuoteWhy does an American organize an ET LAN in Denmark?
The organizers are the former AndThenSome owners. ATS was one of the worlds former most prestigious organizations having the worlds #11 best CS 1.6 and Europes #2 best Call of Duty 4 organization under their wings.

lol who thinks that adi is american?! :D

here's a question: why isn't there a website or a forum or anything similar where people can check infos?

edit: "Remember this event has been created to offer new and talented players and teams the opportunity to meet each other after years of sweet-talking via Internet."

you're a bit late with that, there have already been 7 crossfire lans
I'm wondering which CoD4 team they actually mean. If it was the old Fatgames team, who was at that point in time the best CoD4 team in the world, then I can't help but laugh.


AVI for rtcw-team + et-team
Nice, answers a lot of my questions :)
Oh you're the man who stole Adi's CF account!
no, he IS adi
hmmm something DOES NOT COMPUTE here!
nice, gl :)
expensive cigs are expensive
You guys better get all profit from beverages/food being sold.
If you pay both rent AND let them keep the income of the drinks/food you're crazy :|!

Believe me WZZRD didn't become any poorer after 3 days of CIC without CF paying rent!
kajab back for the admins is it? :D
you weird guy :)
Nice, looking into setting up a team for this :)
in fact, this news tells us... nothing? or almost
Nice ! cu there
omg i want muscles lyk dat

now steriods + 3 kilos dumbell
forget steriods, get rabies
QuoteThe only really new policy we will have are a policy about backstabbing. If we have clear proofs that a team has backstabbed a player and taken his/her money we will disband the team from the tournament with ONLY paying back the money to the player that was backstabbed (Highbot case).

(Y) good
"So see you in Aalborg, the city of the mighty vikings?"

"city of the mighty vikings" ...

...My ass!
starting to sound a lot more professional :P
this "backstab" rule is kinda funny though
QuoteAnti-cheater policy?
Our cheating policy will be the same one as on Crossfire. The only really new policy we will have are a policy about backstabbing. If we have clear proofs that a team has backstabbed a player and taken his/her money we will disband the team from the tournament with ONLY paying back the money to the player that was backstabbed (Highbot case).

dangerous move
Aalborg is waiting! We still have absolutely no proof this lan is real, but ensure our awesome news post will one day have a link in where it say's ''you got scammed nubs''.
Kiewan, how do you want them to give some sort of proofs? I mean really, I simply don't get you. Not even Crossfire had any sort of proofs for their first LAN. I just think it's funny that you keep on flaming this sort of shit, when you know deeply that you're wrong.
mali88 does have a point - what makes you believe in this anymore than you do for CPC1 or AEF ET #1?
I can't comment on that, since i wasn't paying attention to cf at that time.

You know that went such a lan is about to happen they would ATLEAST have a website and such, atm they have absolutely nothing that claims this lan is real.

Yes having a website doesn't say jack shit, but atleast it's something unlike these crap wall of text news topics.

Even the 1day cups have a website these days, while a big lan like this doesn't even have one says a lott.
Dear Kiewan, I hope you change your mind when we publish the official news-post. We have quite some stuff to show you people.

For now, we nor the event council think its the right time to launch our website. If you have any sort of questions please don't hesitate contacting us.
Man you're funny, no wonder everyone hates you. Let me guess, hard childhood? I thought so :).
why are you replying with both adi(mali88) and adi(proficio) account? :o

split Personality
QuoteIf we have clear proofs that a team has backstabbed a player and taken his/her money we will disband the team from the tournament with ONLY paying back the money to the player that was backstabbed (Highbot case).

nice :)

so no Aalborg lan for fat-shitnerd-thief-humm3L :)
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