Thursday: Speedlink vs. OVERLOAd

image: CB_EC_XXI

It could be the comeback of the year. OVERLOAd dominated tMoe who finished 3rd at CiC7 in their first match in EC XXI. Can Speedlink stop ‘Team-mAus’ or will it be a walk in the park for the belgians ? Find out tonight !
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The belgians, formerly known as Team-EDiT are back. After the big fail in the last Clanbase EuroCup they are trying to get their reputation as one of the best ET teams back. Some have already forgotten the scandal one and a half year ago and thats probably the best way as one can say it was a . mistake. The addition of chry seem to make them stronger than before. After a successful lan with Rockit, mAus is in good shape and thats a big factor if you want to win versus OVERLOAd. If you can stop mAus, you can beat them. If not, enjoy your ride to hell.
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The best german team at the moment is slowly getting in shape. The first offis didnt went as good as they expected, but the last game vs Frogz showed that one must not forget Speedlink if you think about the EuroCup playoffs. Bl4d3 and kReSti, who finished 4th with Team Germany in the current NationsCup, duKe_, an oldschool player with huge experience and good gamesense, FLoPJEHZ, who can easily be considered as one of the most constant rifles in the game, and last but not least, sTOWNAGE, the allrounder and teamplayer, seem to have found out how to play successful together and are surely willing to prove themselves.

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Germany Team-SPEEDLINK

Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany kReSti
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany sTOWNAGE
image: s_news
Belgium OVERLOAd

Belgium mAus
Belgium lio
Belgium vila
Belgium zeto
Belgium chry

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Clanbase Matchlink - Team-SL Homepageimage: s_foot

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Speedlink talked to Crossfire’s new coverage god United Kingdom Beggin about the match tonight:
Quote The new Germany SPEEDLINK team hasn't had the opportunity to shine yet. Not because they can't, but simply because they haven't had a single demanding match. The team doesn't have the same star players as their opposition tonight, however that doesn't mean the German players can be underestimated. The lineup consists of players with previous LAN and EuroCup experience which will prove useful for tonight's game. Furthermore, the team have had the added benefit of participating with a similar lineup in the ClanBase NationsCup and took an unexpected 4-2 win against Team Poland.

On the other hand, we have the Belgian superstar team Belgium OVERLOAd who have delivered fantastic results for their organisation online as well as at LAN. The lineup has seen the recent addition of Belgium chry who proved his worthiness of such a demanding team during their dominating performance against Poland tMoe. Just like SPEEDLINK, OVERLOAd are participating in the Clanbase NationsCup with a familiar lineup which will certainly aid them in tonight's game.

Both teams are currently active in several leagues and have produced some terrific results. OVERLOAd does have the added benefit of playing together for several years, however a long break from the scene may call it a day for the Belgians with the new German team raging to snatch their glory. Tonight's game will arguably be Team Germany against Team Belgium with the added motivation of participating in ET's most reputable online league. If you like close and intense matches down to the last minute, make sure you tune in for tonight's game. The match starts 1 hour before the highlight game with Europe TAG vs United Kingdom Team Dignitas, so there's plenty of time to catch both matches in their full triumph.

Final result? Expect the unexpected!

Team statements:
Quote"Still to come."

Quote" Well, overload is just about mAus. So our objective is just to gib him. And we are fucking good in gibbin :lol)D
LOL @ speed link statement
needs more owzo
no gl for busted tards
QuoteThe new SPEEDLINK team hasn't had the opportunity to shine yet. Not because they can't, but simply because they haven't had a single demanding match.

colt 45 vs SPEEDLINK [4:2]
1stCav vs SPEEDLINK [4:0]

Hate to shit on your parade but SPEEDLINK lost their two most challenging games.
even lost vs noBrain ;p
Hate to shit on your parade but SPEEDLINK lost their two most challenging games.
actually overload is much more than mAus only, but you'll see that soon enough
At least this match was a one man show.
actually it wasnt, but I guess you'll never see that
I was waiting to get so super smart reply, love you too.

Just go watch the match again and see how many times maus saved the team.
You just don't see how overload creates the perfect situation for mAus to play the way he does...

Exactly the same with Night in idle, he's an amazing player, but the way he saves the game, is only possible because he's got that team behind him
Ah, so 4 ppl in fulls is a perfect situation. Now i see why i will be low- forever.
:DD gl ovr
Why are you putting white squares and white lines in your posts?
to distract you from his subtle nazi propaganda written between the lines
gl duke, kresti and stownage!
just wanted to show the most actual photo of himself i suppose
Only Duke_ is worthy enough for this kind of attention!
QuoteThe belgians, formerly known as Team-EDiT are back. After the big fail in the last Clanbase EuroCup they are trying to get their reputation as one of the best ET teams back.

QuoteThe best german team at the moment is slowly getting in shape. The first offis didnt went as good as they expected, but the last game vs Frogz showed that one must not forget Speedlink if you think about the EuroCup playoffs.

yeah i suppose hes a speedlink newsposter
but is under heave pressure from sponsor they got enough things to worry besides the flames in here so stfu haters you are just jelaous because you actually played this shitgame for 23849283490 years and never got a contract and they got it just because they are german.
stupid nerds.
this news is very much written from an obj. pov.
we got no pressure from any sponsor.
nice try but dont talk about things that aint your business mate
ach ge bitte^^
ge biiiiiitteeeeeeeeeee
nigga pls
net alles immer so ernst nehmen :D
dann schreib nicht son scheiss, aber egal jetz
man da kommt doch jeder drauf dass das nur troll ist wenn man allein schon den text liest XD...obvious troll, ever heard of it?
egal sorry wollt keinen beleidigen bin Daumen Hoch für Team-Speedlick..äh link (:
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