Tuesday: UK vs Estonia

image: NC_EC_XIII

Tonight - CB NC XIII Semi Finals - UK vs Estonia

Shoutcast by United Kingdom TosspoT
After months of epic performances from the participating National teams, the ClanBase NationsCup is finally coming to a near end. This Tuesday, the United Kingdom United Kingdom will face Estonia Estonia in the semi-final. ET's legendary shoutcaster United Kingdom TosspoT will be returning for the rare occasion. The winner will go on to face Finland Finland in the Grand Final. The final stages are not the final stages without a bit of Crossfire drama - and there's plenty of it! Continue reading for all the latest gossip and to find out who's backstabbed who.
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
ET's "Most Hated" player, Kamz, was able to sneak behind enemy lines this season and finally land himself as the United Kingdom's team captain. After several attempts in previous seasons, the controversial player had a chance to transform his words into positive statistics - and he certainly has done so. Previous seasons saw the United Kingdom perform with unstable and unmotivated lineups. However, the tables have turned; the team have performed with a stable and motivated lineup throughout the current competition and have delivered the results to prove so. The return of the deadly combo razz and sqzz has proven beneficial for the team's matches. Furthermore, R0SS, sqzz and razz (from this season's lineup) are currently performing in the ClanBase EuropCup and EMS Qualifiers with United Kingdom Impact Gaming, who are also preparing for the upcoming Enemy Territory LANs in Belgium and Denmark. With such active lineup outside the ClanBase NationsCup, it's no wonder the team have reached the semi-final stages.

However, like all good things, they eventually come to an end - sometimes with devastating results. The recent backstab from razz towards Kamz's team United Kingdom colt 45 has resulted in hate and some unfinished business between the two United Kingdom players. Kamz has decided to hand over his captincy to R0SS for the remaining few matches this season. With razz refusing to play, Kamz quitting his team and TEKN0 away from activity, things have gone terribly pear shaped the United Kingdom team. It looks like that epic comeback has been thrown right outside the window! Can the United Kingdom cook something Jamie Oliver at the very last minute?

Statistics this Season
image: 298_width_spacer
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Portugal - 10th Febuary 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Slovenia - 11th Febuary 2010
image: flag_loss 4-0 loss against Germany - 23rd Febuary 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Canada - 9th March 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against France - 25th March 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Estonia - 30th March 2010
image: flag_loss 4-0 loss against Finland - 7th April 2010image: 298_width_spacer
Games Played: 7
Games Won: 5
Games Lost: 2
Winning Percentage: 71%
Statement from United Kingdom's Captain United Kingdom R0SS

QuoteWell after the win against Estonia in the Winner Bracket Semi Final we are again confident that we can take the win. However, I do expect a lot more of a game against Estonia this time round as we haven't been playing as much with EC and ESL currently underway. Also with Kamz leaving the team it leaves a little hole but one I am sure we can easily fill. Whatever the score, I can say that uk has performed amazing this time round and hasn't underachived like usual. Either 3rd or 2nd, I am proud to have played with this team. GL to Estonia.

Statement from United Kingdom's Previous Captain United Kingdom Kamz

QuoteWell everybody from the UK community knows that I wanted the captaincy for a few seasons now and wanted to take the UK far. Yeah I will take great pride in getting the UK a top 3 spot with a great win against Estonia in the Winner Bracket. But, after sqzz and razz backstabbing colt to join Impact, and the way R0SS acted after, I realised what I was actually captain of and why the UK has failed in ET, because they don't know the meaning of the word loyalty and I didn't want to be captain of such a team. I don't have a grudge against sqzz and razz or anything, I still talk and play with them.

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Estonia Estonia
Ironically, the Estonian team is quite the opposite to the United Kingdom team. Estonia have been performing with a rather unstable lineup throughout the ClanBase NationsCup XIII. Just last week, they scrapped up a team from IRC five minutes before their game against Poland. They even played with the Swedish player nordaN as a last resort. Of course, they were penalised by Killerboy on the spot, however they still went on to win the match setting an astonishing time of 1:02 on Adlernest. Arguably, they won the match by 6-0.

This Tuesday, Estonia will turn the tables whilst the United Kingdom kick theirs straight back to what seems like the middle ages. The team are pulling out all the bells and whistles, in terms of the Crossfire Intel Challenge winners Night and Reload. According to team captain al, the lineup will unleash Estonia's full wrath onto the unsuspecting United Kingdom team. The match should be a walk in the park for Estonia, in what seemed like a potentially close match last week.

Statistics this Season
image: 298_width_spacer
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Austria - 31st January 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Croatia - 15th Febuary 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against Czech Republic - 15th March 2010
image: flag_loss 4-0 loss against United Kingdom - 30th March 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against France - 15th April 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against Poland - 26th April 2010image: 298_width_spacer
Games Played: 6
Games Won: 5
Games Lost: 1
Winning Percentage: 83%
Statement from Estonia's Captain Estonia al

QuoteI think it's going to be a really tight game but I expect Estonia to win. We have our best lineup ready for this match and hopefully we can practice once or twice before the offical. If everything goes to plan I predict Estonia will win 4-0

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What are the teams playing for?
The winner will face Finland Finland in the Grand Final. The loser will finish in a respectable 3rd place.

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image: s_head

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United Kingdom United Kingdom

United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom Griim
United Kingdom TBA
image: s_news

Estonia Estonia

Estonia Night
Estonia reload
Estonia rAUL
Estonia frEeze
Estonia bff
image: s_border_short

Date: 4th May 2010 - Tuesday
Time: 21:00 WEST
Maps: TBA
League: image: etCB ET SW NationsCup XIII
image: game18574
image: s_foot
image: quadv_tosspot_tunein

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[*]ClanBase NationsCup XIII ET Schedule
[*]ClanBase NationsCup XIII ET Rankings
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Be sure to check out Crossfire over the next week for coverage on the NationsCup XIII ET league, the ClanBase EuroCup XXI league and the ESL Major Series VI Qualifiers league.
Everyone has permission to copy this post for their site. Lineups on GamesTV are wrong.
KAMZ did a great job!
Great job!
needs my statement...
Wow, yet again awesome work beg. Thanks :)
Please keep it up, it's always interesting to read your posts!
estonia should be removed..
great stuff!
nice to read :)
Nice work beg! Keep it up!
gl Jamie Oliver
so wait estonia can use a merc and then go into semis after, but when we used a merc we got kicked out and anim got a suspension? MAKES ALOT OF SENSE FOR FUCK SAKES.
In Europe we can!
Wasn't Anim using a guidspoofer? Of course it's ban worthy.
nope, no one used anything just used another players name like est did :P not that i care that there in still but its still stupid how they treat teams :P
Okey, I just heard rumors about it. Never mind then.
clownbase ...
This happens when guy who cant handle much power (Killerboy) becomes supervisor
Yeah I played versus Killerboy and their whole team was noclipping and using godmode and whatnot!

Pathetic hackers !
you used the merc for both maps, thus getting loss on both, our merc was discovered after 1st, so we only lost the 1st map, stop crying
so if you use aimbot only on one map you wont get banned? makes sense
Sure, i care about it really much
Yes using merc and cheating is very comparable :P:P
both are about breaking rules
so are murder and shoplifting
Exactly. Both get punished. Do you understand?
Yes but if you compare the punishments of them there is a huge difference..
But the point is that they both get punished.

The reason people are a tad annoyed at this is that CA got overly screwed where as EE look as though they got away with it.
Yea i get your point, but i thought CA used guidspoofers+got the same punishments as EST(per map merc played auto-lose) actually EST got lucky Killerboy discovered it quick
Quote by sHAUNnope, no one used anything just used another players name like est did :P not that i care that there in still but its still stupid how they treat teams :P

EE did get lucky you are right! But I think the punishment should still be the same because they are not sorry they did it, they are sorry they got caught. They would have carried on no problem otherwise.
they got punished by losing map via forfeit which one they won
I do, but You don't. Look at it from another angle and You'll actually see what I meant.
Your angle is too acute and blinded for me to care, I am looking at this astutely and in an unbiased way, unfortunately You cannot do the same.
Quotefor me to care

Says enough to end this conversation right here.
Though I still want to know what is it that makes my opinion biased. The fact that i'm estonian therefore I must support estonian team?
You understand!

Although me not caring about a biased opinion, and then in the next sentence saying I am looking at the subject astutely and unbiased way, does not mean that the conversation should end there. You shouldn't nitpick through what people say, and read what you want to read, take the whole test into the equation and then give a conclusion.

Many thanks.
not crying at all, but when we get kicked out last season and our captain gets a suspension it doesnt make much sense in the rules.
its hard to belive ^^

edit. didnt know u were busted and banned on CB xD other nation mercs, ex cheaters - rly nice team u have there :D
Where's the sense in this? Who gives a shit when or how the rules were broken, its about the fact they DID break the rules..regardless of the outcome of the game.
yes and we got punished, we lost the map, so stop telling me that we played on unpunished..
Losing a map is your idea of a punishment? the rules speak of a "severe punishment".
Remember, you broke 2, if not more rules.

If it wasnt for KB turning PB on you would've used nordan for the rest of the match too, and nobody would have known.
You never had any intention of letting anyone know you used a merc.

Like I said, regardless of the outcome, the rules have to be obeyed at any time by any given player.

Learn to face the consequences of your actions instead of trying to play it off like its nothing.
You'll learn that some day...when you grow up.
QuoteWho gives a shit when or how the rules were broken, its about the fact they DID break the rules

Who gives a shit when or how they were punished, its about the fact they DID get punished
Losing a map isnt really a punishment..unless your ego is big enough to think you'll never ever lose a map.
ye indeed, i think we should make more of a fuzz about this tbh, this is ridicolous asslicking. can someone please make a journal or a newspost or anything, cuz i rly dont understand why ca, get kicked out the tournament + 2 players banned, and ee goes trough cuz night and reload are in the team.
Winer Bracket Final

Good job once again :p
mad news report
well just like i predicted final ee-fin :D:D:D
where's Estoniasubbi? :-(
I wonder why the rules are published for tournaments like OC/EC or NC in Clowbase, if are not respected by the teams and especially by the organizers?? Bunch of idiots.
ooohh old good cb....5years same shit :D Nothing can suprise me from CB.
Nice post !
really nice read..

good job!
is nordan playing this war to? just to know who to bet on??
ahah nice one Nocti :)

mabye they will be able get whole estonian squad this time^^
haha nice one :))), almost peed my pants :PPP
For ur information I wanted to ask one polish player to play with us so there would be one polish player in final, but now I think I won't do so
ow just ask around :)

seems rules dont matter anyways, so just ask whoever u want :)

all allowed for u guys :)
Oh thanks, will do :)
sound like u would be aut form all ur good jokes ;(
only first map
nationscup ?
finland<3 image: 940
omg TosspoT omg
gl both teams, should be a good game but kamz, you cant just stop because you dont like being backstabbed, and if you still talk and play with them why stop for the UK team... im not really bothered, was just wondering :P
ET is more than just a game, I always knew it.
ET isnt just a game. Its a way of life :). Some people bin playing this game actively for 10 years.
R0SS just seems to be such a fucking prick, you obviously don't have alot of friends in the real world.
you shouldn't comment if you dont know the real story
he cant comment cuz he doesnt know the real story? :P? u make sense? yes? no? free world? everyone can comment yes? so why cant he comment? cuz he doesnt know real story? what? i can comment if i want? lol? you cant stop me lol? plz? i dont knwo real story but i still comment? lol? try to stop me :P
He can comment, but he doesn't know the full story calling R0SS a prick so it's best to keep his mouth shut
shame the uk got so complicated after getting this far, but gl to you guys anyway, and good job to kamz for taking it as far as you did
no azimiz no win.
United Kingdom TBA = Scotland Jinosta :pP:PpP
well, estonia pulled off a win with a mix team and no practice, so let's hope the uk can do the same. hats off to kamz who got us this far, and good luck to the rest of the guys.
wondering why night and reload are still playing for their nation, smells like irony
Gl nordan
easy for uk's best player -> Griim <3

gl dave!
QuoteWe have our best lineup ready for this match

Estonia Night
Sweden merc
Germany merc
Czech Republic merc
Belgium merc
Well this is going to be fun, when I signed up last week I had no idea about nordan, no idea about the uk problems, I just signed up cause the QuadV schedule was empty....

Now theres all this drama, hurray! :D Guess I'll start early to talk about it all!
Oh come on, you knew there would be some sort of drama ;)
I'm certainly not complaining :D
hell yeah, your going to have a field day with this one
so when the cast starting?
UK lineup is stronger now. Need tekno or rahul to rifle, then its good. gl
u rifle :}
hehe, would be too much!
put me in coach
good job beggin. good luck to the UK lads, especially sqzz razz n griim!
et merc avi! xD
R0SS is gonna get rolled :|
nice edit, faggot - i hope ur playing so we might actually have a challenge this time. Plus i can dominate u like usual.

nice trying to get us banned so you could avoid getting rolled X:D
i never get rolled, but are u actually playing gay boy - i guess u are cos they fear getting dominated again. Go back to bf2 u noob...
ofc im playing, i cannot miss this opportunity

dont need antistrats for u, not like ur any decent ! Will be funny to beat u AGAIN - cu on tues, u better get praccing.

+ u dont have keyplayer kamz
idd, kamz got you this far, you'll lose vs Estonia
you merc avi for tonight ?
you'll loose fat prick

wtf ur such an arrogant prick :/
wow ud think ppl would realise that i was joking, jesus.
i hope you were :x you sounded so fucking arrogant :(
me and reload are good "friends" i wouldnt class myself anywhere near as good as him, was just friendly banter.
ok forget my comments then!

you trolled me
Ross uber arrogant ;x
So when are you gonna play?
bash em EE's!
2 minutes of silence for the victims at WW2 in the netherlands at 8:00 pm :o
almost forgot that!
merc avi
trr omage need homod ära ! gl
uK will take it. go sqzz, ross, razz

dave will deliver! <3 :)) hf raul :)
hater,hater,hater : D
aw i forgot the mighty one :XD hf dude :D
Get United Kingdom Sheep to play! That's Impact Gaming + Griim
Would be a miracle if UK would win this one without United Kingdom Kamz or United Kingdom Tekno (as rifle).

And if I recall it right, United Kingdom Griim got dropped out of the lineup a while ago because he was the weakest link in defences :_D

anyway, gl sqzz & razz
define weakest link
he plays with you (and more the problem, suVi)
so many weakest links, even Ati random rifle! seems like they all keep coming from baserace.et....... so you're weakest link too!
That's prolly because your the leader of the team
:D good point baseracem8 enigma :P
Every team has the weakest link, not that hard to understand oO
your point being?
so so weak
weakest link deif!!!
I know how it feels, it's ok :)
so kanker, so weak.. so noshed.
haha, weakest link lololol
Great job, United Kingdom Kamz. I think you proved many opinions about yourself wrong in this Nationscup. I as a normal lowbob respect the decision you made and thank you for making this NC pretty exciting :)

and United Kingdom R0SS, hf getting rolled by estonia
- Tosspot + owzo
+ Tosspot + owzo

as a DUAL Shoutcast (like a commentator + co-commentator) = Double the fun!
first time I agree you
but they got to cooperate. I remember when Poland sokl and Poland casted Polish NC Capitan election event and Poland sokl totally dominated despero :/


Commentator + inteligent player/expert > all
no kamz no win
When's the cast starting?
omg Night omg
w3st AND ross?

no wonder u lost!
w3st was the man
was my first game in 2 monthss at tht level, gis a rest gentss:PPP
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