AEF Website Launched

The official Antwerp eSports Festival website is now live!

With the new site some new details have surfaced! Also make sure to read more to see what you have to do if you want this LAN to become as successful as it can ever be!

image: aefSet to take place from the 30th of July 2010 until the 1st of August 2010, the Antwerp eSports Festival promises to be one of the most competitive events the Benelux has ever seen. With competitions taking place in Counter-Strike Source, Call of Duty 4 and Enemy Territory, the best of the best in the gaming industry are expected to travel down to Antwerp to compete. With a maximum combined prize purse of €27,500 it also promises to be one of the largest prize purses ever handed out in the Benelux.

We are launching the website to give all the teams and players the information they need to arrange their travel and accomodation to attend the event. If you have any further questions concerning the Antwerp eSports Festival, don't hesitate to contact us as we are here to help. Also check out our Facebook fan page and make sure you follow us on Twitter to catch the latest updates.

- Prize Purse -image: s_foot
The prize purse of this event works with triggers. There is a minimum guaranteed amount and as the amount of teams entered (and paid) increases, so does the prize money.

16 teams - €3.000
24 teams - €4.500
32 teams - €6.000
48 teams - €7.500

- Entry into the event -image: s_foot
The entry will work on a first come, first serve basis which means that the teams who pay their entry fee the first will be guaranteed entrance to the event. The price for a team ticket for the Antwerp eSports Festival (5 players + 1 manager) for the Enemy Territory competition will be set at €300 and is non-refundable. The signups will open shortly so make sure you have everything sorted when they do!

- When to pay -image: s_foot
Team tickets will go on sale Wednesday the 26th of May 2010 at 19:00 CET. Tickets can be paid for by bank transfer or PAYPAL (extra charges might apply) and will be done on a first come first serve policy meaning those who pay first are guaranteed a slot in the tournament.

- How to ensure ET's success -image: s_foot
Right now we are calculating our entire event with a minimum of slots for all competitions. This means that once the payments will open up only 16 slots per game will be made available! This means that the first 16 Call of Duty 4, Enemy Territory or Counter-Strike Source teams to pay their entry fee are guaranteed a slot in the tournament.

We will then look at how fast each tournament fills up and depending on this more slots will be gradually opened up for each tournament, starting with the tournament that filled up the quickest (obviously!).

Because we are currently working with a limited amount of tournament PC's (we are trying to get as many as possible) and space available this could mean that if your community is not fast enough it could be stuck with "only" 16 slots where other tournaments could be bumped up to 48 slots!

As and when the slots are increased, the prize money for that tournament will increase according to the triggers listed on the competition page of each tournament
- so it is in the best interest of the entire community to make sure those slots fill quickly. By doing it this way we are guaranteeing that the limited amount of tournament PC's and space available have the best possible use and that the communities who are more receptive of the event are rewarded with more slots and bigger prize purses!

- What YOU have to do -image: s_foot
As you've read in the above paragraph, it's extremely important you're here with your money on a paypal account Wednesday in two weeks. We have to battle it out against CoD4 and CS:S for the most slots in the tournament. So that means the ball's in your court now. We've brought this LAN to you, now it's up to you to get your act together. Even if you can't find enough players, you can still already sign your team up and pay. When all slots are gone it won't be possible to attend this LAN anymore. So that means when you paid for your team ticket, and in the end it turns out you can't attend anymore, you can still pass on the ticket to another team. Keep in mind though that tickets are non-refundable. And after all, paying earlier is a lot cheaper in regards to travel costs and accommodation!

I'm counting on you personally to act on this. You've always wanted more LAN's and ET to become bigger, well here's your chance. Don't wait to find players, don't think there will be spots left a couple days after the opening, because there probably won't and you'll be sadly disappointed. This LAN has the biggest potential prizepool since Quakecon, so don't miss out!

I'll be keeping the team-list in the forum updated with an extra golden star for each team that is ready to pay! Keep track of which teams take the responsibility and get their act ready right there!
AEF Forum Topic
First view, first comment.

Make sure to keep me up-to-date if your team is ready to pay!
Get a topic for teams searching players / players searching teams!
I don't know any of the people I'm going to lan with, this payment-stuff might become a huge fail :'D
my parents kinda blocked my own bank account since I heavily abused it in Ghent / Enschede ^^
13th view, 3rd comment.


image: fry-eyes
more pc's = more costs
You're a douche if thats the way you think things work - Though I've nothing to do with AEF, I can tell you a nice golden rule.... LANs cost money!!!
how would i know its not like i set up networks or calculate electricity costs for dedicated servers every day
or do i?
image: fry-eyes
If your question is an open admission that you dont know what you're talking about on this subject, why have you chosen to question the revenue model? Why have you chosen to take a negative view?
I would assume that a LAN's costs aren't only the electricity and networking.
red carpet for dave
i didnt say that
or did i?
image: fry-eyes
u an idiot :D
you are not willstarm8, stop
Obviously, when you make a lan you want to go away without profit, and somehow pay for the computers, electricity, water, rent, workers, etc.
without profit? or with?
was being sarcastic since he asked a stupid question.
ok my sarcastic master
Teams got no excuses if you're giving them 2 weeks to get stuff onto paypal. ET's destiny is in its own hands once again
Need somebody to pay for us, promise top 3 spot. (otherwise we'll give dave as payback)
I got your back =)
suVi at lan

I want to believe
before the euruz & suVi whine comes up, i never said that they'd be part of the lanteam :P
I want to believe

suvi's parents would let him go if I'd be his babysitter,i'm sure
i can do that
a non-social LAN right..
It's social, just less annoying for the top players, and more professional. There will still be a big bar at the spectator's area, with screens showing the ongoing games. You just won't be able to sit behind your idols. But this type of LAN has a lot more benefits than you think. It's also a stepping stone to more LAN's and more exposure for ET, as the crossfire LAN's are less exposed outside of the crossfire community. But less social? A bit, but certainly not much ;)
if i cant sit behind my saiko idols i wont come:)
If you're their manager you can enter the player room too, but you gotta be a real manager :p
im their manager:)
tbh i agree with you about the profesional part but I prefer a LAN like one of the CCseries:)
i hope you realise pretty much _everyone_ is going to abuse that right?
As long as they act as managers and can be kept responsible for the team, then there's no problem. However, if a manager gets remarks or documents and the team doesn't know that then the entire team will be held responsible for that. No excuses.
Quotea manager gets remarks or documents and the team doesn't know

? o.O
If there are schedule changes for example, then we'll talk to the manager (if there is one) who will have the responsibility of making sure the team is where it has to be at the right time. Just one example where the manager does matter. Now if your manager is a random who doesn't listen, then that's your problem, not mine.
and.... if you don't have a manager? :e
then the team will be addressed directly :)
Pro teams? So i can't attend with my team? : o
I've been with a COD4 shit noob team to AEF (first instalment), and it was amazing. So for less skilled teams it surely is a must-do too ;)
Yea its like, main reason to attend is to meet some of my e-buddies and for the fun. Actually how long do you expect that there are spots left for the ET-scene? :p
Well 16 spots are guaranteed, but I expect us to get 32 teams. We've got a whole spectator area, so you'll surely spend a lot more time with your friends while they're not playing :)
great news
looks good,too bad its in middle of summer, gl with it
gonna fail
Another lan I can dodge.
you can dodge only a lan you are willing to attend you know ;)
make it in an interesting country and ill come
Iraq is quite interesting.
Antwerp is a great city dude :P
Quote- Price Purse -
Can the manager play also, if needed ?
why are you asking this ? :DD
Just in case when the substitute is necessary (5th player got sick etc)

Should be allowed imo.
are you planning not to show up?
Havent said anything about showing up in the first place :)
and no surprise there ;)
And why is that ?
cos you would realise how shit you are without your lag :D!
maybe he is lagging but he is so hittable ! !
Said a lagger :D
so why are you going?
luigi in the scene don't forget about me, I got your back and I'm dressed in green
- Price Purse -
Confirmed, Bus Drivers are going to get sic LAN frags
Lineup will be ceres, bdmatt, bdbliss, lolanimlol and non other than the legend of sic frags, Dator
Anim and I will sell our bikes to sponsor the trip. Git ready fugs!
What about me faggot? I fucking live in Antwerp!
yea but u suck :(
You can be our manager and pretend that you give a shit when we lose everything :)
looks promising but I doubt ET has any chances against CS:S or CoD4, gl anyway.
nice event, having doubts about the signups tho!
I'll be there even if its just to annoy everyone
Cu CIC8 :/
In the middle of the holidays.. hmm :E
kom chillen bij mij en milk :-)
ben op vakantie dan... Sorry!!!
i assume every team can have one or two 'managers' aka groupies with them?
good joke :pPpPPP
should I delay my stay in Belgium? I want CPM in there, you ghays!
sucks that it's in the middle of holiday season tbh :P wonder how many teams will have their complete lineup.
kinda hard to play with 4 people, so I assume all teams will have their team complete during the LAN
Humans have two legs.
For god sake I hope you have a third one man
Gorrilas walk on their knuckles so all the body weight doesn't go on their hands.
how about ants>?
Like all insects, ants have six legs. Each leg has three joints. The legs of the ant are very strong so they can run very quickly. If a man could run as fast for his size as an ant can, he could run as fast as a racehorse. Ants can lift 20 times their own body weight. An ant brain has about 250 000 brain cells. A human brain has 10,000 million so a colony of 40,000 ants has collectively the same size brain as a human.
Het aantal hersencellen van een mens wordt geschat op 700 miljard.
impressed about your general knowledge of random animals and insects!
you made a funniez :>
+1 going on holiday with my pals on the 26th july for 2 weeks :(
Needs a QL tourney :P
too bad ive to miss that one...
Hoping to rage this one // overload first team there !
bottom of the A looks like a really cool hat
great job :<
nice, fif will signup first day normally
gungy sponsors np
Lets hope we'll get that 48 teams up! :) so teams / players, better to start making comebacks and make it happen! :P
better get fintards to come lan!
Will do my best.
I doubt there will be more than 24 teams
well, if this tourney wont get enough teams, im sure after that it's already time to stop doing lans for ET :)
ye, let's put it in holidays!!

not everyone is going when it's like 30 degrees:D
2days out of ur holidays is not gonna hurt you, or does it?

people are always just finding an excuse just not to go.
24-32 should be doable, but with these signups we'll maybe be too late for 32 =(
I wouldnt mind going, hop on the eurostar with starzi from st pancreas international no long ting!
cu there ;p
see u there :)
(5 players + 1 manager)

What if the manager is a player do you get a discount then? :)
No, 300€ with or without a manager :P
was worth to try :)
I actually think I might go, if I get a team :( :S
Will there be ETTV coverage for the LAN?
gtv is waiting for constructive informations by an ET game admin
will be nice :)
could you move the lan to the netherlands, I dont want to be seen in belgium :<
you'll be happy to drink good beer :)
drink alleen volle melk
plus een.

extra pc's = duurder, maar zoveel duurder?
can there be more than 48 teams?
I would think it's possible, but that would depend on interest and other games failing, CoD4 won't fail, CSS who knows! :)
I just heard that there will only be 5 mbit upstream at the location meaning probably no ettv live casts :(
how will the coverage look like?
is crossfire going to get its own interviews, videos, photos, etc. from someone in the community or is aef going to take care of this?
Quote If you are media and are doing coverage for an eSports website or coming down to cover the event from local or national media you can obtain a media pass by contacting either Steven or Sam. You can find their contact details in the contact section of this website. Your personal media pass will give you access to a stable internet connection (upon availability), access to the stage and tournament area (upon admin guidance) and a place to sit down and work away from the crowds.
heb je een slimme bui vandaag?
ahahaha succes boy <3
ik wist niet dat jij hersentjes had

You've got no idea about expenses, for 16 extra pc's it could go up to 4000€ iirc. We're not planning to get rich on this tbh. Just look at cic7 for example, there the same structure was used and nobody explained.
Can't make that information public, and that's totally understandable imho.
cu at lan :D
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