Epsilon with Enemy Territory team!

image: epsilon_header_logo

With the Belgium Antwerp eSports Festival on its way, and both EuroCup XXI and EMS underway, Epsilon eSports were eager to snatch up an Enemy Territory team and be once again represented in the Enemy Territory scene. Some of you may remember the name Epsilon from the Year of 2008, at the Netherlands Crossfire Challenge 5, with a great turn of performances, went onto winning the event. After CC5, Epsilon was just a name since the team went and moved to h2k - Gaming. Epsilon are now back with a bang and ready to make a name for its self once again in the Enemy Territory scene. Without further ado I present you with the new, sleek and fierce Epsilon side:

Finland ENSAM
Finland Sample
Finland Matias
Finland Lepari
Finland olBaa

United KingdomreAliZe_

With such an experienced team of players who have all had their share in winning events such as EuroCup, LAN’s and EMS, and the recent NationCup, this team is certainly one to look out for in the current online and upcoming offline events.

Epsilon.ET, formally known as Finland Fintastic 5 have one goal, one motive, and that is to be the best. The team is looking to win EuroCup, EMS and the Antwerp eSports Festival. With a comfortable position in the current EC and EMS group stages, their goal is somewhat getting closer and closer every time they play.

Below are a few statements from the player and management perspective:

Quote by olBaa
We are very happy to be part of such a nice organisation such as Epsilon-eSports. They gave us a deal which we couldn't refuse. With support from a versatile organisation like Epsilon, we can put 2 and 2 together and strive to achieve our goals. Yeah that's correct! You'll see a fully made Finnish line-up at the upcoming Antwerp Festival :)!

Quote by Lepari
After my little break from ET, I am once again full of motivation to play actively. I was delighted to hear that olBaa, Matias, Ensam and Sample trusted in me and believed that I still have the skills to play at high level, when they gave me the offer of joining Fintastic 5. It's a real privilege to play with such a talented bunch of guys like these, and I'm determined to show that I was worth the trust. Furthermore I'm grateful for Epsilon-gaming for taking our team as part of their magnificent organisation and I am positive we can bring a set of good results, and live up to the Epsilon banner!

Quote by Element – Manager of Epsilon
We are extremely pleased to announce our new Enemy Territory team to our growing family. With AeF in 2 months time we agreed it was the perfect opportunity and time to get a team who has experienced only victory. We believe that our newest team will represent Epsilon eSports in the very best manner in the upcoming Clanbase EuroCup, ESL Major Series and the huge upcoming Antwerp eSports Festival LAN. See you there!

Thanks for reading and we look forward to representing Epsilon in the near future!

You can support the team at:

www.Epsilon-eSports.org - Prosperity Through Precision
Finland Epsilon – eSports.ET
mIRC - #Epsilon
Good luck olBaaaa

Maybe add that banner here
i think that banner pretty much sucks:(
colours are nice
i have seen better
This one then! :D
403 - Forbidden

great 8D

ps. when do i get my hon shizzle =D
Check again!

Dno ^^
LULZ, f5 @ LAN? :O
gl ballbag and ralph x
nice :)
how do you do it realize srsly
just be a true cocksucker and you'll get where he does.
lol ensam
Oh dear, fintastic5 are attending...Rockit and idle, be afraid, be very afraid :DDDD
remember the last time an all fin lineup came to lan? it's not something to be scared about
didn't read the post, but nike what?
Awesome news
i liked old Epsilon much better, but have fun being @ podium at AEF
no quote from the man with all the wisdom (ensam)? gl nevertheless, owners
Should be a good LAN
Great to see you guys going to lan, gl
realize, you would be the manager wouldn't you ;D
gl guys

Nice to see more orgs becoming involved in ET.
great to see, cant wait to see u at aef x

GL !
Fintards at lan, no more being unhit. :XD
expecting an e-sport commercial from Nike now!
old news.
Nice organization, gl matias.
Gl Lepari, cu there :)
Fintastic 5 - History will be made.
What if fintastic 5 would not go to the lan?
n1ce, gl ngrs
gl and have fun at clan meetings :)
Do not believe :D

Congratz fintards, I'm looking forward to talking to you guys irl! :)

not fair
Agree, you deserve that support way more!
what makes you think they wanna chat with you?

I mean, after all you've said.
hehe blindi i don see you in lineup ? :D
After all I said? :D
hehe blindi i don see you in lineup ? :D
gl in EC ffs noob lowskill
good luck, hope you guys win =)
what does reAliZe_ have to do with anything
where is butchji?
I'll come to Antwerpen just to shake hands with you ensam.
Did Epsilon actually pay out at CC5? Just asking cause I can't remember.

I know that the Swedish ETQW team atleast had some Nike wear on at CC4 :-d
Afaik, the former ET team also had the nike clothes; not more tho.
they didnt promise us financial support and we knew before
realize :D? did we just got trolled?
realize is our manager, just to let u know

like eVo in impact-gaming u know
He'd be a good replacement for Sample tbh.
hey sexy boy :P
reAliZe removed you as a buddy!
Sent by Crossfire on Monday 24th May 2010, 01:23
reAliZe has removed you from his buddylist !
wtf, that must have been my little sister !!! :<
you mean hes gonna keep changing lineup till you decide he can play with you?
don't be such a dumbass
just joking mate. Tho I never spoke with you, you seem like a nice guy.
yea just like that
shhh, my secret plan :<
have fun guys :)
gl hf =)

gl guys
gl in the lan !
you're one to speak.
nice =) hf matias and lepari <3333
i hope that idle.ee is going to prac much more so they can bash epsilon fucking hard on aef :s

PLZ Night~San do it for me : <
nobody can beat idle.ee onlan, pure skill :)
realize best player in that lineup
Should be interesting.
Somehow i don't believe this thing :D why in the hell NIKE would sponsor some nerds?
whats so weird about it? for example mYm is sponsored by puma, mousesports by reebok
im sure adidas is also sponsoring some team
well, i understand if they sponsored some sports and stuff, but they got nothing to do with computers i guess? : DD
esport is also some kind of competition, just look at its name e-sport, players need to wear something so why not help other kind of sport? + most of the players are young, best promotion for such companies
So what are u trying to say? enemy territory is some kind of sport? or some other computer game? wtf man : D, u can't be serious
im trying to say et or some other computer game is competitive so it can be seen as other kind of sport. sport = competition. would u consider chees as sport? i bet no, but it is.

still i think its more about my 2nd argument, promotion @ young society
well, i don't consider that but no matter what u say, i don' understand it :)
adidas was sponsor of SK-Gaming and is sponsor in ESL NC
Because they pay like a couple of cheeseburgers worth of € and get their brand name a decent amount of publicity

They dont give a fuck if they are promoted by nerds, homos, niggers or whatever kind of people
I got an epsilon-nike jacket!
lol, same here @.@
you're so cool mate
olympus delivers!?
well, thats a shame.
it's embarrassing
Can you explain it please and stop those one-liners?
showing that you are playing some computer game much or beign good in some game = embarrassing. so If you play games and you show it in clothes = nerd = embarrassing. get it what im trying to say =DD?
Ah you shouldn't have written that. I thought you people have a more deep thinking and would come up with something extremely embarrassing but you just think that:

Black Jacket + Nike Emblem + "Epsilon" printed on it

Some normal guy would recognize "Epsilon" as a unification of people who play computer games competitively and thus think "Wow, what a shit nerd. How can he wear that. =DDD"

I hope you just realized the unlikeliness of your embarrassment-assumption.
I hope you understood also that I wrote what he meant for you
what metsuri said

GL :)
who were in the succesful epsilon crossfirelan team back then? abort dialer butchji etc right? did you actually get any support back then? :P

would be nice to see fintastic5 play at a lan though! gl!
Wasn't expecting this. GL.
Nice :) cu lan!
cu there with rizzle fuz and hao
dan_94 is still dead I'm afraid :(
onnee pojat!
onnea matkaan. ! :D
no team can beat idle/dignitas on lan :p anyway gl
I'll believe it when I see it.
gl this is good news for et
GL Lepari, olBaa! <3
Serious homos.
good news, gl guys
25:05[00:19:07] * ENSAM is now known as Epsilon`ENSJAM
gl nerds :D
You wish gl to yourself ?
can't see him on lineup?!
sarcasm I hope ?
rich going BIG :D
so you are there waterboy or what?
image: frimage: beEpsilon ??


Epsilon eSports were eager to snatch up an Enemy Territory team and be once again represented in the Enemy Territory scene.

3rd time guys and it was very very very long time ago. (freeeeeeeeeeeeek)
the old one was epsylon
pour "une" lettre x)
Basically, everything you just said made absolutely no sense
not my fault if you didn't known epsylon the french/be/sw team in the pass
Epsilon / Epsylon

Doesn't look the same does it?
it does "olo" :)

freek > finland

Typical French

freek pwn them so easily :(
this one is a frog failure.
Im not mad :<
pds needs u to make some .avi, go back to ur old job :p
c'toi la failure
Nice olbaa, that you can put 2 and 2 together for once.. cu @ antwerp!
gl guys
gL [eu] Lepari
Haha, thanks, oldcschool <3

I suggested that we take the blue-orange-whitecolouring of the good old eu tag but somehow my clanmates weren't too excited :l
Best of luck to you guys :)
very nice team, good luck guys
they will rage like online youll see nurtss
Spot the odd one out :D GL finns + element!
realize is amazing
Fantastic 5 is a better name!

nice, gl :)
gl guys! don't think that you need it tho :)
lan winners
gl "team mates"
good guys, nice team
SKILLDROP INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
How nice!
gl guys, hf lepari =)
lan without f5 wouldnt be a lan
gl richy <3
nice, gl at lan!
olbaas statement is so not written by him :D
It is;o 2/3 of it is written by me!
gl olbaa :)
well atleast give him credit for going before you did :P
gl finnish drunkards!
Gl boiz :)
who the hell is realize or smth?
sample & lan
gl olbaa
omg masculine mans will be on lan omfg !! 30 acc max mans !
-,,- 2 from masculine_mans -,,-
It's not masculine mans :) try again.
The two most obvious ones from M_M, better?
QuotereAliZe removed you as a buddy! Crossfire 24 May 10, 01:13

oh naiiin, no more buddy's with pyramid head :<
Oh sorry I forgot, when getting busted for some bimbot or whatever > getting banned > unbanned > suddenly high skilled. Completely normal.
Either one was highskilled with bimbot before and is still highskilled (bimboting) or one was actually highskill before bimbot and where would highskill disappear regardless of times playing with cheats/getting busted? So both cases are actually normal and I didnt quite get what you're aiming for with your comment.
are you serious? :D
If Mind's "sudden skillboost" is a 10 on scale 0-100, yours was 99. Seriously two matches, one week between them, in the first you're like a pubber not knowing the map, in the second you solo Identical down 1on5 with your "new motherboard". So it's simply ironic from you to talk about "becoming suddenly highskilled" in a negative way (nothing wrong with learning how to play imo)
You guys simply dont get it do you? Playing on goldrush with 20-40 FPS is what? Almost impossible, then receiving a new motherboard (since my old one was broken) I could use my own graphic card and CPU etc again I gained 125 stable.
Regardless, whining about ENSAM's and Sample's skillboost (I haven't noticed one and I believe I have more history with them than you) makes no sense, especially when you yourself made a very noticeable improvement in your game
Was I talking about Mind? No.

Edit: More history? You know Mind from 2.55 aswell? You played in the same clan as him @ 2.55 as I did?
Thanks for correcting me, I seriously didn't consider the possibility of anyone saying that ENSAM or Sample have made a skillboost. Both have been pretty damn good since the ~second/third year of their careers
Only speaking from my own experience with them, the match you brought up where I "solo'd" Identical I did not found them very good no, and when I was playing against them with dNan or 0E whatever you wanna call us and they totally raped us, yes ofcourse do I raise me eyebrows then.
Maybe they got new motherboards.
All you can think off now? You cant deny that both of them have not been busted before, even when they played "competitive" they got busted. So why so suprised that I think they cheat?
Please prove it with demos or some other evidence of cheating after their publiccheat bans, instead of relying on some odd skillboost arguments (which you present without stats, even)

I promise never to play with them again if you can prove it btw (because then they lied to me in every match)
If it would've been that easy it would've been done way earlier.
Disregard that, you don't even have to prove, just show SOME reason to "think that they cheat"

I understand that you haven't heard our vent/IRL discussions about how competitive cheating is fucking ridiculous, and that ET is such a great game that contributing to its ruin would be simply wrong. I personally have no reason to think that they cheat. Show me some, let me know something that I don't already know

BTW I have a lot of demos where I spec either of them when I'm in Limbo (or they are specable by WolfCam I guess?). If you want to bust either of them (would be the most high profile bust in ages) I'll give you all the help. I don't want to play with cheaters (and be lied directly to the face) either
I cant, and neither can you prove your thoughts about me.

Quotecompetitive cheating is fucking ridiculous, and that ET is such a great game that contributing to its ruin would be simply wrong.

Could not agree more.
WTF? I don't even consider the possibility that you'd cheat, so what's there to prove? lol.
My bad, misunderstood you then.
Oh oh domi... :P
Iemand moet toch wat flamen! =(
cu on LAN

oh wait
mad rifle marko
realize getting trolled hard by fintards
nice lineup!!!
well i can see pretty strong lineup :) ...i wish good luck Matti! ...and all others ;) ..NO FIN NO WIN !
There is only one real epsylon/epsilon and that was back in the very first days of ET. They raped the scene so hard. I still can remember Ch4d, ShaQ, Mika, Freek but i forgot about the rest. Can someone help me out?

ps1: olBaa removed you as a buddy >:(
ps2: C u At AEF noobies
The team back then was called epsylon, simple as.
Ensam & Sample @ lan

i wan to believe
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