AEF - YCN Partnership

Antwerp eSports Festival partner YCN Hosting will be giving away free servers and voice comms to all attending teams.

image: AeS

YCN Hosting is offering every team that signs up to the Antwerp eSports Festival, presented by ASUS and Microsoft, a free Game Server (COD4, CSS or ET) as well as a Voice Server (Ventrilo, Mumble or Teamspeak3). We want to give all teams the opportunity to practice for the upcoming Antwerp eSports Festival to the best of their abilities. Any claimed service will be accessible as soon as you make your payment for the event and will remain online until the 1st of August.

The following services will be available to any team that wishes to claim them:

ONE of the following Game Servers:
  • 10 Slot Passworded Call of Duty 4 Server
  • 11 Slot Passworded Counter Strike: Source Server (With Source TV support)
  • 12 Slot Passworded Enemy Territory Server (With ETTV support)
    (Our Control Panel)
and ONE of the following Voice Servers:
  • 10 Slot Ventrilo Server
  • 10 Slot Teamspeak3 Server
  • 20 Slot Mumble Server
    (We strongly recommend Mumble servers, however all 3 types of voice servers will be available at the Antwerp eSports Festival)

To claim these servers simply tick the YCN Hosting checkbox during the registration. Once your team has fully paid the entrance fee your details will be forwarded to YCN Hosting and we will contact you regarding setting up your services.

image: 468x60
very nice :P
Nice =)
very nice
YCN are always very generous and keep on doing that. The best hosting company for sure :)
could you in theory get a cod4 server if you signed up for et and vice versa?

also it's pretty good that you're promoting mumble although i'm not sure why you'd strongly recommend it :o
i just c/p this from the website, though i've seen some video on youtube where it compares mumble v ventrilo v ts2 and mumble has the less lag, downside is that mumble + ET was causing some 'video driver hack' kicks, dunno if it's resolved now tbh.
Mumble has MUCH less delay, and it's free. Downside is that the interface sucks monkeyballs.
Although this isnt what the promotion was intended for, it will be allowed, you can claim any mix of services as indicated in the post
but only one:)
W.O.G have server yez?
Nice ill get my own server!
like you will come :D
you going cu @ lan?
youve got to part with your 300e first nubster :D
yee no probs secret team incoming
kb noob
nice work :-)
nice job :D
oh men nice
'and will remain online until the 1st of August.'
for how long?
'and will remain online until the 1st of August.'
oh, read over that
wa had ge nu verwacht? ze gaan niet gwn servers gratis weggeven voor de lol hoor :p het is zalige gedaan om reclame te maken voor hun servers!
het zou ook fijn zijn als de postbode een briefje van 500€ in men postbus steekt, toch?
YCN for the winnnnnn! once again showing why theyre number one server providers around!
By reading your comment I assume BiO is hosted by YCN ? :D

but eyjohn and starzi are just top lads as well, so bit of both really :P
Natuurlijk wel, als ik een briefje van 500 euro vind ga ik daar in ieder geval geen server van kopen :XD
nee jij koopt er andere game related stuff voor, stupid.
okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee frenkyleiijpezorzeirezior
gungy do it!
nicely done ycn :D

England, and you're in Belgium ^^
im in flanders goddamnit !!
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