A new Overload

Today Overload's ET team is proud to announce their new lineup. The team added 2 new Belgians who will raise some eyebrows in the ET community.

After the vila case, Lio decided to have a serious conversation regarding their current status with the remaining overload members. Opinions were unanimous and hereby Overload decided with immediate effect to let go of Vila because of his blatant lies and zeto because of his haunted history. Replacements were quickly found however and the ET Team is proud to add Jere and dAv1d to their current roster.

The new lineup:
Belgium Lio
Belgium mAus
Belgium chry
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium Jere

Jere's statement:
QuoteI'm really glad to join this wonderful team. After I heard dAv1d was doing a comeback and chry told me there was an option of me joining the clan, I started thinking about leaving zeroE FiF. This felt like an odd opportunity to me, one I couln't refuse.
I'm kinda sad I had to backstab FiF to join overload. Everyone knows we've been friends for a few years now, but after CC6 things weren't really working out for FiF anymore in my opinion. The fact Worm already left before me, influenced my decision. I really hope FiF will keep on playing and I hope to see them at AEF, GL to them.

dAv1d's statement:
QuoteAfter being inactive for a while, I started to play more and more. The community looked interesting because a lot of good clans are active at the moment. This helped me to accept the challenge of playing on a decent level once again. When Chry asked me to join Overload, I said yes. Now with Jere, who's a great rifle, we have a very strong lineup ready to challenge the top teams. I'm really looking forward to play with these guys.

Chry's statement:
QuoteAfter the Vila case, we were obliged to find new players because Lio, mAus and me wanted to continue playing together. We took dAv1d as replacement for zeto because we know he has the experience and knowledge of a superb medic. Finding a good Belgian rifle is hard nowadays but surprisingly, Jere was willing to leave FiF for Overload. I know Jere is one of the better rifles in the scene at the moment so the choice was quickly made. We are very happy to see both on our side.
good luck and welcome back dav1d
gwan jere
GL powners :)

related gif
image: 23534871
I can watch it for hours :D
Indeed, for some reason u can stare at it for over a minute, strange shit
Team Belgium is ready ! :D
finally an overload lineup were i can say "these guys will never cheat".

and then you saw lio
haven t maus admited he cheated some time ago?
lio never cheated?
He said 'will never' that's the future dear Kiewan.
they already did, so its not the future. nice try tho
but not "these guys have never cheated"
gl ovr :)
taking jere in is the best thing you could do imo ;)
Nice lineup

Best of luck guys :)
goodluck! :]
this team looks stronger than the old one on paper

I feel sorry for the FiF guys they dont deserve it :|
Jere > vila

gl nice lu
ficking nice team! ;) cant wait to see them in action! And im sayin that the first time! hähä
Boss is too epic for this lu... he needs something like idle/epsilon to develop even more.
nice lineup, but wheres mesq now? :<
backstabbed by overload :p
hum i wanted to see mesq back in shape :<
i would like to see all the old pros back :)
Even Santa Claus would not be able to fullfil that :D
Santa Claus can do everythig !
lets pray together the finnish uQ-team comes back :p
mesq never was a pro:D
seems like i have another definition of a pro :)
mesq played in his good old times in the best clans on the top level, with best players. That counts for me to call him pro refering to those times ;) I wanna point out, i would like to see all those famous players back again active
+1 mesq was awesome !
well i have ti duffer. not against mesq in this case but there were a lot of people playing "against top clans" with "top people" "back then". and now that the allaround skilllevel increased i don't think you will see many of them comeback/rise again.

just out of curiosity: do you think d.sky would/could compete with idle these days? even if they got "in shape" it would still take them some time to catch up to a certain level.

this means i don't want to degrade oldschool players or whatever. it's just the difference between gameplay now and then. and the adaption to it. I also don't want to call those "old" guys unable or anything but even if redcross was good at that time f.e. you still can't compare him to a mAus or Anderson(rELOAD w.e.).

but on the other hand i would like to play all those people again :(

et changed so much in this time ..espacially if u compare it to the first 1-2 ecs with levelcfg, 30mins maps ect.
like u can see it when u listen to old u96d shoutcasts by tosspott where he is complaining about their selfkills before every respawn in defense (so they were pretty much the first team which did that massiv) and nowadays its normal.

i think lots of this oldschoolers could do quite well with some training but i doubt that the top10 players from old time would make it to top10 again.
i know ur right in this case, the skill has increased, but i mean it overall :)
you're saying it like mesq would be some real hard oldschool pro when infact its not that long ago when he still played

and what is this skilllevelboost you're talking about? idle still pwns with their eyes closed, overall aiming could be higher but overall skill has gone way down
gl Jere chry and dave
top-notch lineup, cu lan!

edit: thats not really backstabbing jere
kickass lineup ;)

good luck! :3
he'd better just clone himself a couple of times and start a team with his own clones.
gl Nice lineup
nice lineup
good luck chry, dAv1d and i guess jere aswell
gl, jere & mAus success is guaranteed!
jere pwnz
an all belgian line-up will always have my vote!!

good luck, let bygones be bygones and prove yourself!
pretty nice lineup, gl guys especially dAv1d & chry ;D

and for the FiF guys: gl and i hope u stay around!
we could make some restrictions in the leagues for them... like playing luger only or they have to win 4 maps or smth
jere finnaly u backstabbed someone
backstab is something else than just joining a better team after playing 3 years in same team.. seems like someone is getting influenced by a community
I think cloning him 9 times has to be the only decent solution for this problem.
Nice names together. Now the teamplay & they will rock.

Goodluck Netlogplayer 'mAus' & Friends!
nolifers will at least have something to spec on ETTV then =DD
gl jere en deef
and don't give up @ fif :-)
gl Jere :)
BTW, expect a super-awesome-journal of Gero, with the 'when you see it, you'll shit bricks' thing I made some months ago :D
Nice post fiki
mesqi wasnt pretty usefull in that game :)
lol met jere was da nooit gebeurd ze =)
gl hf chry <3
gl pro belgian lu =)
jere stabbin fif :x
gl david & jere
mja die lu is echt beestig ze
gl guys
nah deze is beter :P,

Though for me this isn't the real overload anymore, only one original member left :<
you still alive? you gonna be at AEF? im most probably only there for the beer'n'stuff since im "too low for eev" :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( atleast according to lowille....

might have a better chat this time i really was confused when you started to talk to me at cc7 :DDDDD <3
:D if i go i prolly won't go with any team aswell so... we ll see:)
not with rockit? Oo :XD

well hope to see you there anyway :D
I know way too many people here right now
That I didn’t know last year, who the fuck are y’all?
I swear feels like the last few nights I've been everywhere and back
but I just can't remember it all, what am i doin, what am i doin, oh
yeah thats right im doin me, im doin me, im doin me and thats exactly
what ima do till its over tills over and its far from over..LOAd
Gl Jeroen ! I guess this means goodbye ET :p.
Need Overload filter
gl guys, nice lineup !
overload news spree
gl jere, ik kan begrijpe waarom je het gedaan hebt, wel beetje jammer voor fif.
and gl fif hoop dat jullie same blijve!
nono, there was another lineup with 2 new players. That doesnt count :)
Naise team , gl jere and chry!
fuck yeah dAv1d p00nage incoming...

on the other hand: have u noticed that older be players are pretty nice, while mates of lio are fags?
why Mesq left ?
hf jongens
gl cherry jere :D
needs more mesq
looks better, good decision to kick zeto.

gl guys! ..especially dav1d :)
what a line up :D fanboy <3
where is mesq?

jere, you are very friendly.. always...!

but to backstab your mates just to paly with mAus :P:PP:PP:PP:P:P:P:PP:P
helden! :D
this was fantastic news to come back to from work, the lulz are epic :DDDD
gl Jere!
Forgive the ignorance but what did vila do? :o

Also, good luck! <3 Jere
mesq : [

gl dAv1d :)
gl jere!
could someone update me about the Vila stuff? Think I live in a barrell
gl mates <3
gl hf, nice team now :-D
Wow, nice lineup over there goodluck lio, david, maus, chry and jereee!
its easier to say gl all
Just noticed that when I finished the comment rofl. :PP
why didnt u recruit him for snb lan team :$%/%/§%($
because there is no snb lan team!
which sucks

considering the rate at which the prizepool is increasing we could have made quite the profit... :\
no to what? having lio? :(

we'll take good care of him! :)
hohoho :)))))
so we can have lio? i don't get it
gl rukkers :D
why chry??? he sux like a donkey ...
he became quite good honesty, thought hes the weakest link aswell, but things changed obviously. chry > lio
i just played him in a 3o3 ...

hes med max...
then either you or him used some external program : )
3on3 and 5on5 are really comparable!
i didnt know that, thanks for the info :)

his aim sux and hes playin like hes braindead in a 3o3..
yip funny to see him talking about braindead actions :_D
i guess hes still cheating HAA i mean playing with Kr3y
you should had asked lazio, because he is the best rifle.
like anyone rly cares
gl jere & cherry, good to see you back too david! gl mate :-)
what happened to zeto ?!?
died in a carcrash
r.i.p zet0!!

wtf happened to vila :o
Vila was to nice to play with, they gave them away!
gl manne :D
goodluck gasten, bestest lineup ooit imo :P
why is everyone backstabbing lately : /

a bit dissapointed in jere
dAv1d.. Love to watch him playing. lu needs mesq : <
just ban them for playing with cheaters in team. an obvious thing was that zeto and vila ain't clean.
why team is not banned for playing with cheaters? lol
good luck guys =)

hi david =]
cheaters = BEL !
Oh the irony :DDD
Nice Lineup
GL dAv1d :)
OMG what a line-up!!! :o
Gl & HF pwners <3
amazing team!!! GL gays
<3 jere <3 chry
gL den davids!
looks like a top 3 team if they can get into shape in time for lan
goe bezig lio :)
danke :))))))))
Quote03:37… ovr-Kevin: other offer
03:37… ovr-Kevin: i can play you 1v3
03:37… Evilynn: pls
03:37… ovr-Kevin: and download the etbot from vila's ftp (think it's still on there from when we used it )
03:37… ovr-Kevin: :'D
03:37… Evilynn: may I quote that?
03:37… ovr-Kevin: euhm
03:37… ovr-Kevin: vila will kill me
03:37… Evilynn: how often does vila visit my cf-profile?
03:37… ovr-Kevin: :D
03:37… ovr-Kevin: sure you can quote it
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