Summer Cup + AEF Config changes

As many might have noticed, when ClanBase decided to host a Summer Cup for the community, in 2on2, 3on3 & 5on5 format, we decided to test new stuff, scripts, new maps, config changes, since it is Summer and some change is always nice, rather than the same boring stuff you play day in and day out for your whole ET "career". With AEF coming, the ET.Committee needed to test these changes in a cup with a large userbase, and with Summer Cup right before the lan, it was ideal to get feedback from it.

Changes proposed by the ClanBase Team include the following:

Config changes
  • Warmup countdown has been increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
  • b_simpleitems has been unlocked again (update will be released on sunday)

Mapscript changes
  • karsiah.script fix - the South documents are protected with a door which will be automatically opened after the allies secure the North documents
  • sw_oasis_te - a forward spawn for allies has been added. The flag in the middle bunker cannot be recaptured
  • caen - axis(attacking team) spawntime 20, allies(defending team) spawntime 30
    - once the gate is blown, is is not constructable anymore
    - after axis construct the command post, they can spawn inside the church
    - tank barrier has been removed
    - when the tank is escorted to it's final place, axis can spawn near the boat
    - landmines reduced from 4 to 3 on caen (sunday)

Changes proposed by the ET.Committee include the following:
  • rifle grenades have been increased from 3 to 4
  • Snipers have been reduced to 1, you can still have unlimited coverts. (to be released on sunday, unless the script keeps on giving problems)
  • Supply main rockjump has "theoretically" been removed, it's no longer possible to jump over it as of yet
  • Supply satchel bug to destroy the crane controls has been fixed
  • Nading from outside east to the inside of the "Upper defense" bug is now fixed

Quote by Statement from KrosanIn the run-up towards AEF, I put together a team of people that I deem to be skilled, experienced and full of ideas about the current state of ET. While browsing crossfire, you'll notice a lot of these people trying to give their opinion in various columns, polls and so forth. There has always been a missing link though between these ideas from the players, and the actual implementation done by leagues and tournaments. With this committee, AEF has a decent backing from the players-side. Based on their feedback, decisions will be made independently. But first of all the ideas coming from this think-tank need to be tested. The Summercup has always been a testing ground for new maps and slight changes. Eurocup and Opencup then either implement these changes or they don't, that depends on the evaluation of these changes after the Summercup. This will also affect AEF. The config changes will be either implemented or removed after they've been tested. In times where the 5on5 change is still fresh, we need to see if we can change our game to suit this new format. The config changes above have been chosen conscientiously to suit this format.

All GTV Admins and Server Admins can download the mapscripts and beta configs here. The final version will be released on sunday.

e: If the caen mapscript doesn't work, read the comment by Germanypascal here.
disable push script if its possible.
there is no push script
fine, so lets remove it all together. I used to push engineers planting and all but this infight pushing is almost as bad as prone used to be. It kills fights and turns them in some kind of lotto / samba. Or just change push so you can only push your teammates.
Just press F.
I agree with all of the changes proposed by CB and the "commitee" except disabling the main jump...
Noone ever really complained about it but suddenly it gets removed, I dont get it.. worst change ever
These are the arguments to remove it:

- The jump doesn't require skill anymore, and is therefore overused. The people who still want to use such a tactic and who actually can trickjump can use the cp-to-axis-door jump.

- Due to the excessive use of the jump, the inner defence is completely fucked. Yes you could change your tactic to protect this new access route, but it's now 5on5, making it even harder to defend all entry points, and the jump-and-camp (east tower) tactic can be considered just lame.

- The other jumps to get into the base (east & west) take more time, west even requires more than one person, and they can be better defended.

- We don't want to remove it because we can't do it, that's just silly if you see which players are actually voting for this change, it's merely a decision to avoid Supply inner defence to be broken by default. It would make the map more shit and it's probably the best custom map we've got.

Enough arguments to actually test it.
But your neverending whine probably is more rational.
Ive always accepted cb's decisions because i could always live with them, but this change makes me raging a bit honestly

for the last 6 years it was fine to use the jump but now we're in need to change it?

And ok, if all these highskillers want the change, why cant you guys just disable it in EC and stop changing things in lower leagues? because lots of people in lower leagues dont really have problems with it as far as i read comments today...

highskillers can change their rules in their league as much as they want but dont influence anyone else then please
So according to you any controversial proposal can never be tested because the general opinion is against it?
you can test it in your own cup or at least some smaller cup but not in the summercup where the whole community is playing.. you see the summercup as some "testcup", but Im pretty sure that especially lower leagues just see it like any cup else, opencup or whatever..

its like your abusing the summercup for your aef lan.. at least thats the impression that I get
The admins even see it as a testcup, and after all it's their right to decide what to do with it.
Sure it is, eventually its the admins who decide but its not really smart is it? I mean the community is the part who plays and so they should also take part in setting some rules.. forcing rules although the majority of the community is against it is just stupid.. but whatever, do whatever you want with your commitee but just let those leagues in rest that dont have any rights to influence rules anyway.. i
some things just dont have to be tested when you know they're bullshit anyway..just see how many people are against it because of the fact that this is a change by such a small group of people influencing the whole cup..

these troubles simply werent needed.

anyway, have a good day
official tournament is hardly a suitable sandbox for testing even if no one cares about cb these days
That was CB's decision, they see SC as a testing ground for EC & OC. I'm glad I've got this opportunity from them to test this stuff out, but if they didn't want it, then they could've denied it just as well.
Summercup has always been a testing ground ^^
but i dont remember them trying out such ridiculous ideas :D
THese changes are also for AEF? Cause it's abit late to still start changing stuff around so close the the LAN. Most teams have been praccing for a while now :)
It's not like we're adding new maps...
No but I can imagine less skilled teams having a tactic based on for example a panzer trying to give 1 or 2 full by doing that jump. So that a less skilled team can still break a supply defense with that jump.
I understand that as defending highskilled team, you dont want people hopping over the wall as it might get you fullspawn and lose the stage. But for a team playing a team that on paper is a higherskiled team then yourself, its a good way to really help your team.(This applies for lan only cause on EC lower teams wont play, but on AEF i imagine it might happen).
That has nothing to do with the timeframe towards AEF. But it's a decent argument against this change. That's what the purpose is of this test, it's getting a normal discussion going. But of course there's many raging nerds on crossfire who have to start spamming journals in all caps and shit like that.
Yea but thats Crossfire :P. I like the idea of a commitee, but you have to think about lesser skilled teams aswell. Get some captains from 3/4/5th leageu in to have their opinion aswell. Instead of just counting on the EC players to know everything the best :P
That would severely lower the influence that committee would have again... It's lose or lose with the general opinion here on crossfire.
No your just dumb and took out an important jump for a lot of players shouldn't change stuff like this unless your gonna ban the rest of the jumps logically
+ fucking 1
if it doesn't require skill, let's see your committee do it one by one, including you

omg the defense is fucked? better start removing all the other elements that can screw up a defense

other jumps take more time? east jump takes roughly 2-3 sec longer than main jump

yes, it does seem like you removed it because you can, leaving your mark
the jump doesnt require skill anymore? how's that? It didnt become any easier over the years. Actually only a small part of the 'skilled' players can do the jump 9/10. I'd like to see this et committee thing do it :)

The jump being used more is just a normal part of a growing skill level in the game which is normal as it comes with years, also its bs that it makes supply undefendable covering east is part of the defense.. players should just adapt to it.
it's hard for players that stick their eyes to the opening on the east and do not see anything else to see that someone jumped main, god forbid someone multitask in the game
bugs / exploits that seem "imbalanced" is what made starcraft the multi-million dollar esport it is today. starcraft players have overcome and found counters to way bigger "bugs" than main jump ever is/was in ET. nerfing and removing exploits that more skilled people can use is what killed gunz and is what's killing sc2

another thing you said was "everyone can do the jump". if everyone can do the jump, then what's the point in removing it? both teams can do it on attack. why remove dynamics?

this change doesn't really affect me, and infact, i don't even care about ET anymore, but it's changes like these that have killed games in the past (a bit of an exaggeration, but you get my point)

expecting your reply
Personally, I disagree because I think the fact that so many people can do the jump makes the supply depot defense far more interesting and dynamic. With the jump in it's tactically feasible to either hold an external outer def or go for an internal upper def. Without the jump, that balance swings back towards the outer def.

Having said that, I guess this might help some teams (like mine) where the medics spend 5s every spawn on the jump and (whether they make it or not) leave the engineers alone to die :D

You may be too newschool to remember, but back in the first couple of years of ET, the upper controls defence was standard. Then Parodia / u96d led the way in making a lower def standard. Now it's starting to change back, and you want to stop it?
Yeah I do remember that tbh. This proposal can still be undone though if there are good arguments against it like yours. It's just being tested (although one could argue that a change like this doesn't need testing because it's just a yes or no), because top players thought it was a good idea. It doesn't mean it's going to be forever like this (although it could if it does get accepted), but the point is to get the discussion going. And you can't deny there's been a lot of whine about this jump lately.
So who are these so called top players?
evo is 1 of them apparently
top player.. evo....
Quote- The jump doesn't require skill anymore, and is therefore overused. The people who still want to use such a tactic and who actually can trickjump can use the cp-to-axis-door jump

May we see u guys doing the jump? I can happily provide a ettv server so the community gets to see how u guys jump over it.

QuoteDue to the excessive use of the jump, the inner defence is completely fucked. Yes you could change your tactic to protect this new access route, but it's now 5on5, making it even harder to defend all entry points, and the jump-and-camp (east tower) tactic can be considered just lame

I've never had any problems to defend east while ppl jumped over in 5on5, all i need to do is adjust my east defense littlebit for it. And hey, EVERYONE CAN DO IT.

Quote- The other jumps to get into the base (east & west) take more time, west even requires more than one person, and they can be better defended.

Actually couple seconds doesnt change shit, those other jumps "fucks up" defense aswell.

Quote We don't want to remove it because we can't do it, that's just silly if you see which players are actually voting for this change, it's merely a decision to avoid Supply inner defence to be broken by default. It would make the map more shit and it's probably the best custom map we've got

This is exacly why it is removed. I dont know anyone from the commettees who can do this jump. This just proves that they cant adjust their defense for it.

QuoteEnough arguments to actually test it.
But your neverending whine probably is more rational.

Silly arguments u used here.

"Everyone can do it"

Fact is that everyone cant do it, including myself.
those are not arguments to test it, those are signs of weakness

and yeah, if it requires no skill then I want to see ET.committee doing it more than 70 percent of times

and seriously, there's nothing to TEST here, you blocked a trickjump :D what the are you thinking seriously, the map is fine as it is already, how about we block every trickjump on oasis or radar? fucking hell think a bit, one thing is putting GOOD ideas on testing, but this is pure bullshit, you basically blocked the jump because 10 idiots whined about it cause they can't do it / can't defend it
It came to my attention that you leaked the password for this channel.
actually one anonymous person leaked the password to me and I simply pasted it in the ec priv channel - so the person who really leaked it isn't me
:/ Why did you even spread it then :(
the existence of a channel like that was just too funny to be true so I couldn't resist :/
You think it's funny?

No respect whatsoever...
Yeah, it's definitely funny to see a channel named like that with those people in it, it's completely ridiculous, ET.committee? Seriously what the fuck? :D If you want to do such a thing at least make it public and pick the RIGHT people and actually do something smart like the rifle grenade / satchel bug fix you made

And yes, this is exactly why the ET.committee is a big joke -> a quote from R0SS who replied here

Quotei dont see the whine about the supply jump. It is so easy to do that any nobob lowskilled strafer can jump it now. If the ppl complaining are so skilled at doing the jump compared to the et.committee then why dont you do the jump from small wall down over west, or east jump. Its a ridiculous jump that ruins defences, thank god its removed.

1.) It isn't so easy because you wouldn't need killerboy to 'test' the jump because you got all those great "high" skilled players from the ET.committee

2.) Even if it is easy, SO WHAT LOL? Doesn't mean a jack shit if it's easy or not, it's there and that's all it matters, you need to adjust your defense to the jump just like you adjust your defense to the west boost jump, it's as simple as that

+ following that logic we can remove every jump which is easy starting off from oasis walljump followed by numerous radar jumps such as side/fake/west jump - if its easy, why don't we remove it???????????? most retarded logic ever

3.) The other jumps are NOT the subject here therefore are irrelevant, changing the subject doesn't help

4.) Ruins defenses.... this is ET, a single well timed nade can 'ruin' your defense... if you can't protect yourself against the jump then either your defense is flawed or the enemy played their part good... and speaking of RUINING things, what about the usual fucked up spawn time allies get? this is where the word 'ruins' comes in, it RUINS attack, gives axis an advantage and makes it even harder to attack

I don't have anything personally against ross, but as long as you have people with opinions like this, the ET.committee will be a joke because people in it make no sense
Does it require any skill to enter trough the main entrance? no.

Let's just see it as 'another entrance'. Another thing to defend, another thing to watch.
A lot of fullholds happen @ supply. So why not keep this jump as an extra thing to watch?
Also, most complaints about supply is that it is not exciting. Why then do we remove the unexpected attacks which gives us sensation?

e: ask me for that commitee.
Never seen such a bullshit.

This jump is still as hard as it was couple years ago. If its so easy and overused (haven't noticed that), team should include this in their tactics (it's same way as main/east/west).

Yes, it's breaking defence line, but that's the point, right? Supply will become even more 'fullholdable', no fun at all.

Actually, east jump is much easier and faster, plus alot of people use script to jump it, which is pathetic (if any jump should be disabled, it must be the one from behind the stone)

I think you should take a closer look at votes, which are clearly saying over half of community WANTS the jump to be allowed.

Enough is said.
the ET.Committee will always stay bullshit
they shouldn't have given this commitee a name, but tbfh this 'commitee' has always existed, it just never had a name before, was never looked upon as anything official. Why are we playing without xp? Cause teams like idle were in favour of it as they knew it would make the game better. would the general ET community have ever accepted a noXP config unless it was shoved down their throat? I dont think so. It has happened shitloads of time that admins have asked a limited group of top players on their oppinion about maps / formats / etc and based their decissions on that.

cry all you want, this is just business as usual. I prefer this over crossfire community polls any day. Dont get me wrong, we all want to flame krosan, I'd die to find a good reason to get the flaming going but this aint it.
well, nothing against the changes at all, but there is one point i honestly do not understand:

why the ET.Committee has to test their changes during the summercup? -.- Host a special pre-AEF cup or something else, but do not touch our summercup, when noone asked you to help out!

this is just another example how the so called experts ruining a whole cup, while the base-community has still nothing to say (all this things could have been handled via votes etc.)
indeed, most of the people being in the commitee arent even playing in the summercup, thats just so ridiculous..
Oh cry more madi, "your summercup" is ruined due to these changes? What about the random maps then? Or what about the SE playoffs? God you're such a drama-queen.

And if it wasn't for the "so called experts", you'd have no cups whatsoever, no ET, no nothing. Good riddance.
my summercup isnt ruined because i wont play in it :)

ok, tbh the word "ruined" is a lil bit too hard, but what i meant was: The summercup should be a cup for the whole community, which means that the community should vote via polls e.g. if the are things to test out etc. etc.

i just dont get it, why the summercup is used to test(!) this new stuff for AEF! Does it mean that this years summercup is like a rabbit in a lab, just to make the AEF better?

Do the (lower skilled) community really need to pay this price, just to make the AEF lan better (for the pros)?
So you're proposing that the community should vote whether a config change can be tested or not? What's next, the community voting whether the community can vote whether an admin can propose a config change to be tested in his own cup? You see where I'm going with this? It's a CB cup, they can do whatever they want with it if they deem it interesting enough for the sake of ET & their other cups.
its crossfire, voting for stuff makes the most retarded option win :P
b_simpleitems has been unlocked again (update will be released on sunday)

ET is saved now:)
what is it anyway? :p
simpleitems man
thanks for answering my question <33333333333
on maps like radar the guns sometimes dissapear in the ground. You can still pick them up but you cant see them. Simpleitems changes the ammopacks and guns that lie on the ground to icons, so you can see them no matter what.
lovely because no one of us use it :D!
That's exactly our point ..

Supply rockjump has "theoretically" been removed, it's no longer possible to jump over it as of yet

Which one ?

Nading from outside east to the inside of the "Upper defense" bug is now fixed

those over axis doors is still possible i think
image: 2v0zlar
image: 12649pu
image: 10f3ml1
image: v8da85

hope this helps
Thanks !
Too bad this jump from CP to Axis base is disable now :[
on the first screen, for smth like 1 month, i could see that red lines, i was like wtf is that.

but i still not understand that pic, we can shoot inside @up with a nade?? wat
map caen
set g_userTimeLimit 15
setl g_useralliedrespawntime 30
setl g_useraxisrespawntime 20
setl team_maxMines 4
mapscripthash 863650731A7EF5990C00A915B5CC801E301704EE

fix it plx
me like :)

Nice job tbh, I for one appreciate the effort you put into keeping the game alive.
QuoteSnipers have been reduced to 1,


medics should be limited to 1 aswell or none of them
only fopz and engis plox
wtf is this change about, 1st its already fucking stupid you removed it. Now you should remove all jumps + backjump for cranes since thats actually the say it requires no skill, I know enough people that cant do it....

No more jumping for u hayaa ! :P
the key difference is the time investment/vulnerability

when jumping from cp to main you're far more covered then you are jumping at back, it's far quicker then jumping at east, and it takes fewer people than jumping at west, yet it's by far the most detrimental to the axis defence
Quoteit's far quicker then jumping at east

it's not, it takes me like 2-3 seconds longer to jump east than to jump main(ideally, in normal situation, someone blocking you and shit I guess it would take like 5 :/)
2-3 seconds is a huge difference in terms of attacking speed after respawn

furthermore, you stay in (near enough) one position when jumping east, making you much more prone to grenades/a rush from east exit, whilst it's nigh impossible to time a grenade for someone jumping over at main
2-3 sec may bring a difference, but what if you have a guy that's waiting on east and tries to jump at a time that will distract you same as if he would jump main, or if you have a guy hiding in the bush and running in after you all push? it's the element of the game

it may not be possible to nade him on main(even though it is, tested against suvi, you always have to follow a certain pattern to jump) but it's however possible to shoot the guy that's trying to jump, one bullet hits him and he's off, so you come to the same prevention method as in east jump; unbalance him
Quoteit takes fewer people than jumping at west

he was talking about trickjumping, not boosting, or at least I understood it that way

there is a rock in front of cave, which you can use to jump over the wall(without any assistance from teammates), that's called west jump
I assume that has been left in as like has been said you are a bit more vulnerable, the spot you jump to is less advantageous and also its much harder to do than the main jump on the east side.
I know it's left in, I made a journal about it why (url) [[url]][/url] :D

Rahul said that it takes more ppl to jump west, so I assumed that he was referring to boosting over west wall and I told him that there is a jump which is called west jump
simpleitems <3
QuoteSupply satchel bug to destroy the crane controls has been fixed
issn't it fixed since some years? :o
after the global configs were released, the bug appeared again.
it was a bug? oO
snipers and simpleitems this is it ;-)
It's 3 am and this stupid girl won't leave what should I do I'm on my phone atm and she's sleeping next to me and my bed is small I'm tired I want to push her out of my house omg
surprise buttsexs will do the trick
She's sleeping and I have to get up in 4 hours to work a bit I'm a but drunk to drive :pppppp worst night ever she didn't even sex me :(
she any good lookin?
Yes but I'm sleepy I'll try and take pic but it's to dark I think :DDD
Snipers limited to 1

Oh dear, there goes KRP's Supply outside defense :D
QuoteSupply main rockjump has "theoretically" been removed, it's no longer possible to jump over it as of yet

wtf rly?? perfect solution when some("highskillers") cant jump this rockjump so you removed it...GOOD JOB
o man, why do ppl actually care explaining.

this isnt about whether you can do the jump or not Its about supply being broken in 5vs5 if you dont fix the mainjump. If you are just going to keep crying about 'skills' and how pro it to do that jump you might aswell talk to the hand cause the face aint listening.
be more flexible in depot defence ;)) izi

its ET nowdays ;))
You should've posted this news btw, you're far better at making your point :P
tell me, is radar broken in 5on5? is bremen broken in 5on5? is there a single map that works really well in 5on5?

do you see the repeating pattern here?
I agree. 5vs5 is mostly to blame, it broke a lot of maps. In my personal opinion though removing the main jump will make sd2 more enjoyable to play.
I only see like once in every 10 matches someone do it anyway so don't know why they got so bothered with it
omg only one sniper? :[[[[[[[[[[
Config changes

Warmup countdown has been increased from 10 to 15 seconds. good

b_simpleitems has been unlocked again (update will be released on sunday) good

Mapscript changes

karsiah.script fix - the South documents are protected with a door which will be automatically opened after the allies secure the North documents bad - makes the map more linear (imagine if the same rule was made on radar?!)

sw_oasis_te - a forward spawn for allies has been added. The flag in the middle bunker cannot be recaptured good, but what happens to the tunnel?

caen - axis(attacking team) spawntime 20, allies(defending team) spawntime 30
- once the gate is blown, is is not constructable anymore
- after axis construct the command post, they can spawn inside the church
- tank barrier has been removed
- when the tank is escorted to it's final place, axis can spawn near the boat
- landmines reduced from 4 to 3 on caen (sunday) i dunno lol

Changes proposed by the ET.Committee include the following:

rifle grenades have been increased from 3 to 4 good

Snipers have been reduced to 1, you can still have unlimited coverts. (to be released on sunday, unless the script keeps on giving problems) bad - change for the sake of change

Supply main rockjump has "theoretically" been removed, it's no longer possible to jump over it as of yet bad - most ridiculous thing i have ever seen

Supply satchel bug to destroy the crane controls has been fixed good

Nading from outside east to the inside of the "Upper defense" bug is now fixed i dunno lol
what about sniper cover script and 180° script ? should be no more allowed

" Nading from outside east to the inside of the "Upper defense" bug is now fixed " - bad - one of the last chance for axis to get the engy.
covert script ?
you shoot and the xhair goes straight down again.
yes its just a sensi/ mpitch script nothin special.
but it pretty much negates the idea of the sniper xhair to go up after shooting so you won't be able to "ping, ping, ping", don't you think?
still its just a sensi/ mpitch script nothin special.
I don't deny that fact at all :D its just about the fact it breaks the idea behind the sniper, so it should be forbidden (imo).
Squall is pretty good sniper and he uses pretty much default settings. There's no need for scripts to be able to be a good sniper
Agree on you there =) People who know their sens should be able to control it.For example with the sniper, its no problem at all sniping with normal SMG settings.
so just coz u are used to play with 1 sens everyone else should use it aswell?
read what i replied to fredd
there is no way to disable that, especially since all new gen mouses have a dpi switcher built in.
nah, i didnt think about a sens switch (which im using myself too - but not for sniping) - i meant those sniperscripts aka you shoot -> crosshair goes up -> crosshair goes instantly down - but as fredd stated this seems to be disabled a near century :X
there is no +lookdown command since like 2005, sniper scripts don't exist within ET. the scripts you're thinking of are simple sensitivity toggles and if you're trying to imply that people shouldn't be able to change their sensitivity, then well..
Oh, actually didnt know that - i thought it still works that way :X:X:X
you didn't understand, it's this bug:

image: 2v0zlar

you can throw a nade and somehow they went inside into the wall at up
I have a proposition, since the stupid allies shoot me all the time and seriously distract me and break our defense, and they just keep throwing those nades and airstrikes and artilleries, I found a way to play safely without being annoyed

image: def
what I propose is, take the force field shield from ETQW and put it like that on supply so only axis can shoot, this will provide a more comfortable experience of the game without being annoyed by those pesky allies

I want the patent on it once you enforce it
force shield in etqw can't be used. Since the Axis will be unable too shoot trough it sadly.
And the forceshield in etqw is another color.

So it wont work i think.
jij bent echt fucking dom
wou al zegge xD
Maar het is trouwens wel waar wat ik zeg :P
Maar natuurlijk meen ik het niet serieus ^^
Do you like my Supply Jungle?
image: comiteeee_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_
the hell :DD
finally :DDDDDDDDDD n1
let it be xDDDD
who is this secret et committee :D

whats next? speedcapping et because players like sqzz get an advantage over players that cant extually strafe :P
crouchjumping will be disabled
that's a fucking good idea, I fully support this, limit the speed!
lets remove riflenades, panzer, arty, supports and mines too, they dont require skill ...
i guess people should start learning the more harder one over the wall near cave like clown said
but i made image: tjline could already help people with the jump :P
and after 60% of community learn cp2axisdoor jump it will be banned too...

2 years ago noone even tried to jump from cp 2 east... till raveneye and xpaz started it...
- landmines reduced from 4 to 3 on caen (sunday)

ahaha less landmines for u :pPPP

not killing by suvi's landmines anymore :PP
i only planted 2 actually :D
I'm serious, planting all of them is risky cause you might get the flag without touching them :D
ye but more lmines more dmg for you :PP but i know you are obj player only :o
depends on the team of course, i can just as easily play the aiming medic
it was me raging with landmines :PPPP
hah suvi's landmines always killed me :DD and urs on short way ofc :DD
Removing certain jumps because too many people can do them is like removing guns because too many people can actually aim.

Just remove strafing altogether why don't you.

I can't do any of the jumps but this is shit.

EDIT: I could go on forever but if "everyone" can do it and it's easy, why take it out? Surely it's an even playing field then?
stay on fixing bugs

the only good thing im getting from this is that simpleitems is allowed again
+ rnades increased from 3 to 4 again! Aka massive spam incoming.
Oh wait that's not actually good
its fucking shit
Coming to pracc tonight? C:
yesssss :$
7pm GMT moon face. :-D
yes sir bob!
Best change since sliced bread.
As I said in my reply somewhere else, I think it might actually help me, because I won't be distracted by trying to do that jump every attack :D
et comittee
image: internet-serious-business
you're just mad cause you're not in it :P
not really for that i dont care enough about this shithole game that et became, and imo only people who won more than 1 EC should be in it and not random lowbobs :´(
others are telling me I should have representatives from all skill levels, but I just want people who can come up with good ideas
who is in there now ?
mama raging
Supply main rockjump has "theoretically" been removed, it's no longer possible to jump over it as of yet

- The jump doesn't require skill anymore, and is therefore overused. The people who still want to use such a tactic and who actually can trickjump can use the cp-to-axis-door jump.


maybe you should actually ask what the community and players think before making these fucking retarded decisions
ET Committee?! :D If you want to run an ET Committee atleast make them publicly known to the community

+ simpleitems
+ adding 1 rnade
+ Warmup countdown has been increased from 10 to 15 seconds.

- blocking trickjumps (gg ET Committee, seriously..)
- non recapturable flag @ oasis (why no cp that can be blown, or just let allies take a keycard to a generator and let allies spawn at the generator after.. but non-recapturable flag is just gay. In theory you would be able to jump wall and permanently cap that flag.)
- 1 sniper. (maybe a good idea for delivery only and maybe radar/ufo, but pointless and lame for all the other maps..)
+ Warmup countdown has been increased from 10 to 15 seconds.

I fucking hate this :D I'm usually still lighting my sigaret and the game already started. I'm so used to 15 seconds.
OMG so dumb "its increased from 10 to 15" not decreased, own yourself some more
O, I'm sorry I misread one sentence. You so awesome, you so good.

Fuck off will ya.
your flaming someone based on that, why not delete your comment or just apologise for reading it wrong
QuoteI fucking hate that :D

notice the smiley?

edit: I cant see how you could think someone would flame or be serious about 10 or 15 seconds ... Its just a bit odd, as you are used to 15 seconds for ages ...
QuoteI fucking hate this :D I'm usually still lighting my sigaret and the game already started. I'm so used to 15 seconds.

noticed the engrish? good boy
tnx for the info bro
I don't mind the oasis flag thing, although you may have a point with the walljump. It makes it a lot easier to imagine a situation where you walljump, get the flag on your spawn just after axis respawn in the old city, you respawn there with 2 eng (the one that plants north should have time to selfkill and go panzer) and, say, 3 fops, then just put FFE down everywhere to defend the plants: insta-win.
:) plz, this was going to be our ubersecret tactic. Leon distracting with rididculous rifles while bobot trickjumps the wall.
A good fix would be that the flag would only appear after the wall gets blown or just replace the flag by one of the things i mentioned above.
You dont even need a flag, just a spawpoint which gets activated once the wall gets blown, kinda like karsiah has.
but the flag is there, so that axis can still defend a little bit between wall and flag. Besides, it wouldn't make sence that you spawn so far away from the wall
Crossfire - A whining at Krosan community.

Don't worry Krosan, I still like you!

image: smiley-face-wallpaper-005

Krosan I am dissapoint! Where did we get to vote for this commitee and where can
we read their secret "destroy et" programs to base our vote upon?
Or did CF go communist on our ass?

I would prefer admins who would put some more time into upcomming events.
A seeding tournament for aef would be nice. It would take your minds of stupid decisions
as warm up time and removing trickjumps. fffffsss.

yes i am mad.
"I would prefer admins who would put some more time into upcomming events."

You seem to have enough time to discuss important major issues like warm up time. And finding flaws in maps nobody cares about.

I would prefer u put that time into making seeding tournament. Or at least answering my questions about it @ irc.

I ain't got enough time for a seeding tournament, and the players don't have enough time because of CB & ESL...
Maybe if you stopped discussing things nobody cares about and then wasting time to tell the community to stfu and defending these idiotic decisions, you would have some more time??

Annyway, sorry I forgot admins have all seeing eye and know exactly perfect what all players want.

I didnt even know myself my team doesnt have time.
Also I didnt even know my team wanted to play frostbite :S

But thx for reminding me of who I am, I will get back in line for some foodstamps.

I like u Krosan, weve know each other for a long time. I respect the work you do for all of us. But this Nazi regime here at crossfire is getting out of hand. Looking forward to offer you a beer @ aef and have a talk.
I'll be glad to explain it to you on AEF!
pc specs?
can we change mouserate and winaccel?

We'll have different kind of pc's, not all the same, so I can't be certain. Will let you know when I know though.
Im more curious whether we can change mouserate and winaccel. I wouldnt mind if it was forbidden, but I prefer to know one month before lan rather than one week if you know what i mean :)
"Supply satchel bug to destroy the crane controls has been fixed"

Wow, only took about four years to fix it!
I think they tried to fix it before but that made it really difficult to press the button.
wusst gar nicht das es n bug war :D

ich newschooler ich ^^
Quote * rifle grenades have been increased from 3 to 4
* Snipers have been reduced to 1, you can still have unlimited coverts. (to be released on sunday, unless the script keeps on giving problems)
* Supply main rockjump has "theoretically" been removed, it's no longer possible to jump over it as of yet
* Supply satchel bug to destroy the crane controls has been fixed
* Nading from outside east to the inside of the "Upper defense" bug is now fixed

Rnades back to 4, naiz men lets keep changing it! NExt config I want 3 rnades again!

Snipers been reduced to one? Whats the reason for this lol?

Supply main rock jump, oh yeah what the fuck lets disallow TJ !!! Is backjump to controls still allowed? East rock jump? ET_beach jump on side?(blowable wall)

Supply satchel? Didnt they fix that before?

East nade upper defense,? say what?
i dunno why they changed the sniper thing when there is no more delivery
so give me my FUCKING DELIVERY BACK 1111111111111!!!!!!!zOMG
Everyone crying when a new game hasen't got ET movemant in it, no trickjump, etc. Now you disable one of the most important jumps, because its irritating the 90% of noobs can do it easily, and the same number of players in topclans can't do it! I can't do this trash jump, and I rly hate when some pocalpocal|kekburfighter guy jumps in and rapes my ass, but its still part of the game.

LOEL, Just leave that part of supply as it is... you are just whining! :p

ow and before I forgot Croatia danL totally Destroyed this bullshit troll News with his comment =)
Quote Now you disable one of the most important jumps,

I'm glad you are making a statement why the main jump had to be removed. If you that one jump is so important to your overall game plan, you are doing it wrong.
Yay please, open a box and put your head into it :D
like its not a good thing when someone does that jump sometimes during a war and clear east side of the base
But come on, it's not as if it has fucked supply up or something.

You're acting as if that jump in combination with 5o5 makes the map completely unplayable and that it's impossible to set up and maintain a good defence when people can jump the rock.

I've been playing quite some supply games myself over the years and I've seen a shitload of highskilled ETTV matches and I think I can safely say that I can count the number of times that a game was decided by someone doing that trickjump on one hand.

And no one on a decent level makes tactics based on that trickjump, so I don't get why you act as if it's a huge exploit or bug or something like that.
Headshots are one of the most important things in ET. someone's shoot them a lot, others almost none. ITS UNFAIR SO WE SHOULD REMOVE IT! Also it will stop aimbotters from shooting headshots :3
QuoteNading from outside east to the inside of the "Upper defense" bug is now fixed

what ?
Warmup countdown has been increased from 10 to 15 seconds. - Wasn´t it 16 before?

karsiah.script fix - the South documents are protected with a door which will be automatically opened after the allies secure the North documents - Idiots...
removed main ROCK JUMP????

reason 5on5 hard to defend?? rly stupid kids

WHATS NEXT??? remove SIDE on ALL MAPs??? yep its HARD to DEFEND but ET ISNT about camp on one place like fucking CS or COD u need movement skill brain -----> so gtfo with this stupid changes

ET in 2012?? no medic packs , no ammo, no jumps , NO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stop with fucking changes
stop with fucking changes
stop with fucking changes
stop with fucking changes
stop with fucking changes

if u want do something 4 ET - remove BUGS no gameplay
CHARLIE MAD?????????
very MAD - u must be next skiller which cant jump:-D
u can do this? jump main no so U MAD:-D
no he can't D:
finaly reason why he is MAD very MAD:-D
anyway you used to fail this jump.

why the hell remove that rockjump?

so poeple who actually have decent movement get punished?

nice fuck up
Seems reasonable, let's see how it plays out.
Allthough 3 rnades seemed decent enough to me.
2 of your teammates voted for it, slap them on vent for me please!
i dont see the whine about the supply jump. It is so easy to do that any nobob lowskilled strafer can jump it now. If the ppl complaining are so skilled at doing the jump compared to the et.committee then why dont you do the jump from small wall down over west, or east jump. Its a ridiculous jump that ruins defences, thank god its removed.
im lowtard and i cant do it, tried got bored and im never gonna do it since TJ is not my specialty, therefore your idea of everyone can do it, its not a real valid poit.

im voting to keep how is it, not with this lame change, the ability of those players that learned and helped their team with that jump and owning everyone in the spawn to earn seconds. To be honest i couldn't care less since im not playing any competition, but what really bugs me its the idea of how people makes decition over the community with they high stantard about everything.

admins should also take care about this: remove the jump to the roof in the CP area, sniper can hide and will ruin the fun of the allies attack.

Do you agree with the latest decision regarding trick jumping on supply?
Yes, good decision: 23.5%
No, it's a bad change: 53.7%
What happened?: 22.8%
I can't believe you even said something like this. Since when ET is serious bussines? Isn't it just a game that is meant to have fun?
What happens when you'll get raped through the tunnel rock trickjump, as you were raped from the main rock? Will you remove that too? These trickjumps are making the game much more interesting to watch, much more attractive. Look at all the important matches throughout the ET history. Most of them were won in the last freakin' second. If you remove all the things that are making wars unpredictable, I'm sure ET will lose most of its viewers/players.

Is this what you want?
These "ridicilous jumps" are what make ET special compared to bullshit games like Counter-Strike.
why cant the highskilled teams cope with the lowskilled bobs doing that jump? cant highskilled teams defend that wall, r they to stupid :s

make more sense in ur posts, cuz it goes both ways :s
I don't like that most of us have no say in these changes. I suppose you're taking votes from idle/F5 but they're just going to want changes that help their gameplay. You are a fool if you think this is clever or justified.
actually im kinda shocked they didnt ask us anything.
fuckin lowbobs are in committee but not top2 team members
They didn't even ask you guys? This is really quite stupid.

The poll at the moment shows how representative of the community this committee actually is.
ya'll just mad cause trickjumpers are stylin' on you
Why the hell do you removed the Supply-Main-Rockjump?!

Cause some noobs without movement are crying??

Come on, lets remove "+jump" & "+sprint" and add iron-sights!

Go play WOLFENSTEIN and stop ruin ET!
These are the arguments to remove + forward:

- The movement doesn't require skill anymore, and is therefore overused. The people who still want to use such a tactic and who actually can just backpadle can use the move left and move right key.
a lot of highskilled players already play +back only
dont care about jump,personally voted i agree about removing, but can keep it as well,dont mind that much

snipers to 1 - FINALLY

nading outside east? :D wtf , first time heard about this

warmup gooD, put it back

now just put that u cant push enemies and everythin is fine

how about u tell us who is in ET COMMITEE ?
mind knows them there was a journal last night abaut who are in that drity committee.

saw krein and edain nicks.. also night and some other "i am high skilll so you can fuck off" ppl.
krein is lol but still understandable, but edain?
evo and gifted
all I can say this is dirty conspiracy against KRP and all other intelligent finns..... cos they can do that jump whitout any scripts and stuff... AND also i think kamz got his fingers in this. (now he actually think that he can beat them on supply)

SO FUCK OFF ALL faggots and let krp make new and fair committee for this shit scene!!

imo we need taz to choose ppl to be in committee
millos sää oot alkanu krp:tä nuoleskelee?
varmaan joq 1v sit :)

millos sä oot saanu agnen poies? :P
en tiiä mikä agne on mut jos aknea tarkotat ni varmaa joskus sillon ku murrosikä loppu
Tarkotin aknea, mutta taisin lintsata äikän tunnit yläasteella agnenaamoja hakatessa.
im with you brother :) together we shall stop these motherfuckers
put back in the mortar so me and winghaven can rage with it :((
arent you in that committee?
u will be burn to death :P
no jk (but closely)

taking mg was really a dumb decision bring it back!!!
Only thing I dislike is the jumping part : ( so that being said you should also remove the back crane jump on west, the east jump. what about stacking up on west and jumping over. its all the same shit and all include jumping on a wall. so ppl are getting annoyed that people can jump over on main but not the other jumps. Sorry but this is retarded. Also you do know you don't have to listen to these players that suggest it. just say "NO" here say it with me "NO!" haha thats good Jimmy I knew you could do it :D
double snipers damage if u force it to 1 imo!! would be cool to kill ppl with 1 headshot etc. :-)
That would require mod changes methinks
Snipers to 1... Most likely ppl hate to paly against high sens + other basic shit that they call script....... It was fun to defend with 5 covies and bobs whining but thanks for removing that.

Supply jump :DDDDD mos retarded shit ever. What next? Lets add manhole instead of main so u can't rush with 3ppl at the same time... I personally can't do the jump but I see it retarded to punish ppl who have wasted their time to learn this jump and now they cannot use it anymore. It never fucks ur defence and even if it does too bad, nades can fuck u up aswell so lets remove nades?
covies ain't necessarily snipers, maybe you didn't know that yet
ye and whats the point of using sten when u can screw retards with sniper oh wait u cannot anymore...
That's ur argument on his post? :D
It's normal in most games to have one sniper. And since a lot of people can handle sniper properly i think it's good And don't forget the knockback. And if you play with 5 covies against less skilled teams, you are just retarded. You are just showing what is wrong with alot of ET teams. Lack of respect towards opponents.
Remove panzers and support fires and rifle grenades, spam is annoying.
The new generation of random admins is again showing that the one thing they can do is blocking or removing things in the game and all of this is to "improve" gameplay. If all of u are halfbrained clerkless cunts just leave it for someone that will actually do something with idea unlike you fucking pathetic little castrated dogs.
awesome, I rly like these changes makes me wanna play ET more and more
warmup should stay 10 seconds :P
soooo, its going to be changed back?
karsia doesnt want to load it claims to have not the right mapscript.
Anyone else got the same problems of server admins?
remove mapscript hash from config for caen and karsiash. Some mistakes in this config since it's beta.
WHO THE FUCK IS INVOLVED IN ET.Committee?!?!?! make it public!
let one headshot kill the enemy.
pro players got an advantage that you need 3 hs to kill someone!
Agree with everything except Karsiah.
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