AEF Update

image: AeS

With only two weeks to go until the Antwerp eSports Festival, it's time to release some more details.

First off, it's very important you bring your drivers and other software on a USB stick. There's no guarantee that your PC will have a cd-rom drive, thus you're down to using the USB ports. You will have NO INTERNET on the gaming pc's.
When you forget to bring your drivers on a USB stick, you won't be able to download them on your PC, nor will the games be delayed because of it.

That brings me to the second part. The schedule will be pretty tight, which means that we'll apply a very strict policy on the starting times. All the matches will be forced to start on time, whether you're there or not. That means that if you're only with 4 on the server at starting time, the game will start anyway (this does not apply to technical issues that aren't your fault).

When you do have technical issues with your pc, do not try to fix it yourself. A tech admin is always nearby, and asking him to solve a problem will be a lot faster than if you messed around with the PC yourself.

Installing software on the PC's that has nothing to do with ET and your match is not allowed and will be penalised. That means no HoN intermezzo's and so forth. Also, when all your matches are finished you are required to leave the players area to make a more fluent transition between the matches, which is to everyone's benefit.
You're however not allowed to leave the players area when you still have upcoming matches. If you do and you're not around at game-time, your match will start nevertheless.

There are also some teams that are looking for a replacement team. If your team is still interested, you can send me a pm and I'll forward you to those teams. You might even get a discount if you play it smart ;)

Now for the scheduling, if your team is not sure it will be at the venue in time (which is 9:00 am on Friday), drop me a pm and I'll see what I can do. I'll try to help out as many teams as possible, but logically I can't give any team guarantees.

The tech specs, schedule and seeding will follow soon.
QuoteAll the matches will be forced to start on time

Haaha :D:D You should've had a talk with one of the CC/CDC LANS admins =DDDDDD
Haaha :D:D I am a CC LAN admin =DDDDDD
You are :D:D:D: Theen you should know that matches almost _NEVER_ start on time =)) CDC4: ZeroE vs Muse 18:00 we started 03:00 =))))
Yes :D:D:D: Theen you should also know that AEF ain't CC =)) =))))
wat wat in da bat
Please, you can force whatever you want, but you wont see people back next lan if you just start while some people can't fix their cfg
Everyone has 30 minutes to set up. That's more than enough time to load your config. It's your own fault if you piss around too much.
I want to believe the force starts. But we will see right :)
the ego reveals
Waarom delete je alles van me kankerlijer :/
bek dicht :P
QuoteThat means no HoN intermezzo's and so forth.

Dit is het enige wat nog terecht is, zon kut spel :~>
QuoteYou will have NO INTERNET

QuoteThat means no HoN intermezzo's and so forth

U need internet to play HoN ..
No shit sherlock. HoN is a shit game. Don't understand how people can actually like this shit game.
Lemme guess,
u tried it and u sucked?
what is there to do in the players area when you dont play but still have to be there? because I CBA to be with evo 24/7 !
You'll probably still have your pc to play patience on! ;)
im not a hardcore gamer :<, cant I just chill somewhere else + is it allowed to bring your own drinks?
Ye you can go to the spec area where u can booze yourself to death on the best Belgian beers, but remember it's at your own risk. Matches are forced to start ;)
oke cool, but you cant drink at the players area or?
Sure you can! You just can't enter it without a player-badge.
okeeeeeeyyy know enough for now :)
drunk drunk drunk!
we can cuddle
QuoteJust to be sure, if I get setup early (and am bored) I can of course play games that are stored on my USB drive (such as touhou, quake) if I don't copy them to the actual computer?

Well I guess this wouldn't be a problem. But if you're playing that stuff and when your game starts some shit doesn't work, then it's your own fault.
That's the way it should be handled at next CC.
why, in this way its imo less social, I always enjoyed that you could walk around and still see all players/specs or whatever
He prolly means the matches are forced to start on time.
we will see if that happens this time
je mag mijn manager zijn <3
je mag mijn pik likken tijdens het spelen
ik denk niet dat je dan nog veel raak schiet (in game)
oh dat doe ik sowieso niet, op beide gebieden!
nou ik vind dat je best wel veel raak schiet hoor :$
heb mijn dagen :P
I hope it works, it will be very interesting. The reason he's doing it this way is because I advised him to, though :p

Happy to have you by my side private!
hey hey let him have the credits come on!
Firstly, let's see if that works out :)
do like! just hope you really do it
should also make it cpc1 style: randomly pick the map 1min before match start - change to that map on the gameserver and forcestart with like 60s warmuptime
Sounds good :)
What was the reason not to do it like that anymore on CPC2?
no idea.. maybe they wanted the teams to pick maps again because on cpc1 the "random picking" resulted in alot of oasis if i remember correctly :D nevertheless it was the best system imo
Oasis is indeed the worst LAN map ever ^^
The random picking resulted in a lot of oasis early on, until we mysteriously lost the piece of paper with 'oasis' written on it for the later matches...
haha yep :-D
We still had random maps at CPC2, and I think maybe CDC3 too. The logistical problems of trying to coordinate random map selection for 4-5 matches starting at the same time became painful, though - it was easier just to let the teams pick maps.

Also, with multiple servers running it was too easy to make a mistake and change the map on the wrong server if you use server consoles to control the games, interrupting a game in progress (sorry TAG!).
About the force start, I remember plugging in both my keyboard and mouse at cpc1 and neither of them working. Same for some of my teammates. Adacore fixed it somehow by taking another keyboard and navigating through countless driver installation popups. The second I connected the match was started, with literally no chance to warmup or check all of my settings :P.
Well that could be a technical problem that isn't your fault. If you were at the venue at the correct time when setup started, then you've got nothing to worry about. But if you only show up 5 minutes before the starting time, and your keyboard doesn't work, then the match will indeed be forced, even if it's a technical problem that's out of your league. Just common sense you know.
XP gets really confused if you start plugging and unplugging loads of different USB devices (which is exactly what happens to PCs on LAN) - you have to go through all the installation popups for USB HID controllers before it'll recognise the device.

Win7 is a lot better for this, it just recognises most devices without any trouble.

If they're ghosting the machines between matches it won't be a big problem, but that can take a lot of time, and time is short...
Depends on how they do it, but I doubt they have a dedicated server for that
and now everyone is suddenly really happy with CDC and its delays :]

btw what a shit rules... its fucking lan, u cant avoid delays -_-
What a shit comment. What rules would you apply instead?

Would it be:
- People don't have to be on time, match will not be forced until everybody is there
- With technical problems matches will be forced to start, bad luck to you.
- everybody can install everything they want on pc
- you are allowed to play red alert 2 and HON for as long as u want
- Its only allowed to take your config on a CD

your motto would be: Its a fucking lan, lets not try to avoid delays and act retarded all weekend long!
You forgot the random polak typos :P
im not a random polak :/
Dooorgh are you blind?
dunno if you spoted it... but if you have tech problems, the match will start anyway... same with pissing, puking etc etc... u cant even have a smoke to get some stress of your shoulders...
(this does not apply to technical issues that aren't your fault).
I never understood people who absolutely need a smoke between maps. Together with punkbuster it's prolly the most irritating thing about the game.

That hard to wait 20 more minutes before you go slowly killing yourself?
smoke between maps is tactical move... especially if u lost the first one..
hmhm so how do you communicate? lanventrilo?!
We've got a ventrilo (2.1) server, a mumble server and a teamspeak 3 server. Just pick your favourite :)
just replying on you so you get a message, but my question has nothing to do with the communication servers;

Is there a toilet close to the players room? :D because normally when my hands are getting sweaty or when i suck i wash my hands :DD:D:D:D and it obviously cant take more then a couple of mins (because of the pause)
I'm not 100% certain, but it would be very strange if there wasn't :P
hahahaha rick :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
+10000 i do it too as well :DD
Just get some tissue's or paper. tissue's got multiple functions :D
Looking forward to see half of the community play without their personal settings because of the timerules.
Plug and play ftw!

Although I'm not, any more. Now I need to install the driver for my USB Pedal.
Even without a very technical personal preference you need time to setup, especially if the computers will be running Windows7. Just for the basics, meaning mouseherz, mouseacceleration and drivers, you already need atleast 10 to 15 minutes, and that is if everything goes perfect on the first go, and you, Krosan and Anaconda might remember me as quite a confused person in this case, I needed around 30 minutes a setup at cc7.
125 Hz, standard settings is fine :p

If it's Win7 I'll literally be ready to play in 30 seconds from getting my PC. But even if you want to configure all that, with SRP we were generally all on the server ready to play within 10 mins of getting PCs.
Yeah I agree, if I prepare myself well enough I'll be able to setup rather quickly.

But your statement about 125herz and standard settings being fine is so, so wrong :[
so u use 500hz? im still using 125... tbh i cant imagin, that 500hz makes such a big difference and effects ur play so hard. or am i completely wrong with this guess?
It could be personal, but when I play with 125 I play (estimating) 20% worse than whe I play with 500 herz.
Nice comeback.

I was having negative acceleration with my mx518/qpad, and I blamed it on Windows7 because I thought I didn't override all the settings well enough. I changed my herz just to test if it aimed better, not because I wanted to get rid of the acceleration, but guess what : It's gone now.
Your setup time will be 30 minutes ;)
Well, that is if you arrive in time of course!
so what :) good players can adapt to anything :P
yeee i love watching 3vs5 matches!........

so with no internet will the games be @ ettv or not? or am i stupid now:<
The servers (where the matches are running on) will have internet of course.
is the river accessible for private entertainment?
It IS. And we've got some world class entertainers downtown. The shady kind if you know what I mean ;)
50 € for full service!
hope rockit sponsors, best lan performance in return
We might be able to get her a manager badge, then she can "coach" you while you play!
You should've seen the other pictures ;P
googled russian lan, this was the first pic, saw the others too :>
do not want to be disturb by her !
NO SKYPE!?! phew im glad that i didnt buy aestas ticket
Do you know if the PCs will be Windows 7 or XP? If it's XP I'll need to track down my mouse drivers and check my headset works natively... can just plug them in on Win7.
I heard it's going to be a mix. So be prepared for both :)
XP gives me other mouse sense then on Win7. Would be shit for players to switch 3 times from xp to win7 and try their sense again on the biggest lan >.<
Make sure you're trained at setting that stuff up then ^^
"Now for the scheduling, if your team is not sure it will be at the venue in time (which is 9:00 am on Friday)"

waaaa, that limits my drinking on thursday :(
You could get your first game in the afternoon, then you can have as much of a hangover as you like ;-)
Ye I rly hope for it, was perfect at CiC7 didn't have game until 8 or 9 in the evening!
we be drinking
at CIC7 we had to play till like 3-4AM for the group stages :e (and had nothing to do all day friday)
How do you wanna warm up before the matches? Most people enjoyed playing some publics to get iinto the game and get their settings perfect. And shooting afk or non moving opponents on the match server aint really a warmup!
We don't have the liberty to give you your own personal pc to play all day on. It's a tight schedule, and that goes for everyone.
XP machine's will be readily available to teams or what? :(
Just reading that the PC's will be a mix between windows 7 and windows XP. My question is that will a certain number of XP machine's always be avaialble to each team or is it just pot luck?
Luck imo. The pc's will have a fixed place, and I think it will just be your luck if you end up with a good one.
You're going to get some whine from players if there are PCs with different specs for a team and their opponent. At least snoop isn't playing.
Ye, but I'll give them the adacore-treatment. Just. Fucking. Play. ;D
Yes but if you make sure there is say 1 or 2 xp machiens in every row of five. Surely that is the fairest way?
Ye sounds good, but of course when pc's are switched due to tech problems then I can't be certain that it will remain like that. I'll keep it in mind when setting up!
Agreed, i'm happy that your willing to make this effort though. Thanks.
fuck off with your xp naab :P
xp is far better
I would assume it's pot luck. As krosan said before - prepare as if you're going to have to play on both, just to be safe.
reply to my pm fucker
That wasnt what i ment. Some minutes pubbing during the setup phase work wonders for some players.
Perhaps we can set up a public server for all LAN players to practise on if they're waiting for another team!
Would be awesome :>
yeah gief internet
u`ll dodge anyway.... :D
so the pc wont have internet but whats up with the ettv servers then? :<
The servers itself will have internet of course.
okay nice ty for the fast answer :D
Doesnt sound rite to me ..
Very nice Krosan, thanks for keeping this game alive :-)
naiz joke here..
thx, appreciate it :)
Too bad I won't be there to receive that bak West Vleteren you promised me ;<
Why aren't you there?
FiF Red died, and I couldn't be arsed looking for a new team.
There are still teams looking for replacements!
Yeah, but if I'm gonna play after all I wanna do it for a team that has a chance to get on the podium. And those are already vol.
Laugh all you want, you jus mad cos I got skills.
Quote FiF Red

Quotea team that has a chance to get on the podium

image: 11471041056v13mj
u just mad cos were stylin on u :) u got styled on pretty badly brother
u lost, don't cry
u mad? :)
not at all, im happy cos u lost :))))
i think u mad cos u stylin on me :P
i think u sad cos u have nothin better to do :P
i think ure right :s anyway doesnt change the fact that ure mad for getting styled on by me :P
if that makes u shut up
it doesnt :P mad boy
sounds interesting ;D
Well scheduled lan, nice Krosan!
i need some help with geting my setings for widows 7 :(
Very nice Krosan, thanks for removing the main trickjump :-)
like u were able to do it..
QuoteWhen you do have technical issues with your pc, do not try to fix it yourself.
ye so dont change keyboard settings to french and fuck the computers up u putain frog.
azerty ftw
haha :D

fucking keyboard settings always :D
sounds fine except for the non internet usage. How am i going to update ppl about evo sleeping naked in a shower, how am i gonna warmup on a public server, not that i need warmup - plug and pown baby. Sounds good apart from that !
How many times I ain't getting in the shower with u :p
serious business, baby
Request a press-badge! With that kinda news you surely gonna get special access!
need a dedicated admin just for karnaj please
get a manager
thank god I got 2 :X
Hope no one is a bully at lan :(
Good rules, but a mix of XP and Win7 PCs is a big fail. either give the option to chose (install both) or just use one of them. And make sure the PCs aren't that shitty as in wzzrd, overheating etc.

If you can't install drivers and config in 30 minutes u shouldn't be able to play ET at all,you need to be a tech nerd anyway to get ET working properly.
gonna need guide again - how to copy paste all meh settings. :<
will be interesting to see, most admins aren't able to enforce a rule so easily (the force start one) just because they want to be matey.

Not that I don't think its a good idea
Ye we'll try as hard as we can, but we are realistic about it.
heard there is a players-only area ...

what about spectators..?

is there going to be something like barbecue or pokerevent ?
You'll have a bar & will be able to follow the matches from the spec area. Other spec-related stuff I'm unsure about. I'm going to try to get a poker event going, but it's still illegal so gotta keep that in mind ;)
thx for the info :]

2 bad that i dont have the time to come this time, because of work :/

see you next lan
image: gallery_5493

LAN babes are not happy about rules
what team. want to google the shit out of them.
I have read they have a pretty decent teamplay :P
url and watermark ...
this might be interesting for the people traveling by train

there are 2 options, depending on your age and whether you're traveling alone or in group:

- younger than 26: and you are in group, buy the GO PASS (=10 journeys ticket)
are you traveling alone? buy the GO PASS 1 (for 1 individual that is) >>

- for the ones above 26years old, there is the Summer ticket.. you can travel wherever you want for 7,5euro (per individual) and if you're traveling in group, you should check out the RAIL PASS >>
Alles moet op tijd starten?
9 uur?
Kan je aanvraag doen voor de matche over de middag te kunne spele ( alles zowat )
hoe bedoel je? het toernooi begint 9.00 dus dan beginnen ook de eerste matche
Eh ye thats what they said about 7 crossfire lans too, first matches on the first day NEVER took place at the scheduled time tho :D
I'll make sure
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