AEF Hotel Guide

With the Antwerp Esports Festival kicking off next week, on Friday the 30th of July, it has come to our attention that several teams are still looking for accomodation during the event.

Similar to the guide to the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 and the SteelSeries Esport Challenge, below you can find a list of 12 possible hotel alternatives, that are within 30 minutes of walking distance from the event. More information regarding the travel to Antwerp and the event can be found at the website (HERE). A few other accomodation alternatives can be found (HERE).

The address of the event is as follows:

Stuurboord / Hangar 26
Rijnkaai 96
2000 Antwerp

Although this list gives you a good idea of the possibilities, I would advice everyone to have a look at sites such as or for possibly better deals or locations closer to the event.

The criteria I've used: the hotels should be within 30 minutes walking distance from the event, preferably around 10 minutes. The rating of the hotel (over a decent sample) should be 6.9/7.0 out of 10, or higher.

Free WiFi Available
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No WiFi Available
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Paid WiFi Available
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Walking Distance To Event
image: icon_walkingdistance

Breakfast Included
image: icon_breakfast

No Breakfast Available
image: icon_nobreakfast

Paid Breakfast Available
image: icon_paidbreakfast

The alternatives are ordered (from low to high) based on price. All prizes are based on four nights, from Thursday the 29th of July until Monday the 2nd of August. I will add the total cost for a four night stay, using the cheapest double bedroom for each alternative as an example. In addition, I've included the price per person / per night. I will add the price of a family room (5 persons) when available.


Koningin Astridplein 40, Antwerp
A 29 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).
Details: image: star_smallicon star rating: 6.9
Price (4 nights, two persons): €196 (From Thursday till Monday)
Per person / per night: €24,50
Link: HERE

image: icon_nowifiimage: icon_nobreakfastimage: icon_walkingdistance = 29 minutes (to the event location)

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De Pretstraat 11, Antwerp
A 15 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: image: star_smallicon stars rating: 7.5
Price (4 nights, two persons): €217 (From Thursday till Monday)
Per person / per night: €27,12
Link: HERE

image: icon_paidwifiimage: icon_paidbreakfastimage: icon_walkingdistance = 15 minutes (to the event location)

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Koningin Astridplein 43, Antwerp
A 28 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: image: star_smallicon stars rating: 7.6
Price (4 nights, two persons): €244 (From Thursday till Monday)
Per person / per night: €30,50
Link: HERE

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Appelmanstraat 31, Antwerp
A 30 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: image: star_smallicon stars rating: 7.2
Price (4 nights, two persons): €256 (From Thursday till Monday)
Per person / per night: €32
Link: HERE

image: icon_paidwifiimage: icon_breakfastimage: icon_walkingdistance = 30 minutes (to the event location)

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De Keyserlei 59, Antwerp
A 30 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: [img]] stars rating: No Rating
Price (4 nights, two persons): €258 (From Thursday till Monday)
Per person / per night: €32,25
Link: HERE

image: icon_paidwifiimage: icon_paidbreakfastimage: icon_walkingdistance = 30 minutes (to the event location)

image: article_aefhotelguide7[/hide]

Van Stralenstraat 49, Antwerp
A 23 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: image: star_smallicon stars rating: 7.3
Price (4 nights, two persons): €260 (From Thursday till Monday)
(4 person rooms available for €486 for 4 nights).
Per person / per night: €32,50
Link: HERE

image: icon_paidwifiimage: icon_paidbreakfastimage: icon_walkingdistance = 23 minutes (to the event location)

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van Ertbornstraat 10, Antwerp
A 27 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: image: star_smallicon stars rating: 7.1
Price (4 nights, two persons): €269 (From Thursday till Monday)
(3 person rooms available for €398 for 4 nights).
Per person / per night: €33,62
Link: HERE

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St. Jansvliet 10-12, Antwerp Centre, Antwerp
A 20 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: Unknown stars rating: 7.8
Price (4 nights, two persons): €280 (From Thursday till Monday)
Per person / per night: €35
Link: HERE

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Blauwmoezelstraat 6, Antwerp Centre, Antwerp
A 16 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: image: star_smallicon star rating: 7.7
Price (4 nights, two persons): €280 (From Thursday till Monday)
Per person / per night: €35
Link: HERE

image: icon_wifi (in public areas only) image: icon_paidbreakfastimage: icon_walkingdistance = 16 minutes (to the event location)

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Falconrui 21, Antwerp Centre, Antwerp
A 13 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: image: star_smallicon star rating: 7.1
Price (4 nights, two persons): €288 (From Thursday till Monday)
Per person / per night: €36
Link: HERE

image: icon_paidwifiimage: icon_breakfastimage: icon_walkingdistance = 13 minutes (to the event location)

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Jordaenskaai 11-12, Antwerp Centre, Antwerp
A 11 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: image: star_smallicon stars rating: 7.7
Price (4 nights, two persons): €300 (From Thursday till Monday)
(4 person rooms available for €540 for 4 nights).
Per person / per night: €37,50
Link: HERE

image: icon_wifiimage: icon_breakfastimage: icon_walkingdistance = 11 minutes (to the event location)

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Koningin Astridplein 14, Antwerp
A 29 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: image: star_smallicon stars rating: 8.7
Price (4 nights, two persons): €320,40 (From Thursday till Monday)
Per person / per night: €40,05
Link: HERE

image: icon_wifiimage: icon_paidbreakfastimage: icon_walkingdistance = 29 minutes (to the event location)

image: article_aefhotelguide14[/hide]

All rights reserved to Netherlands jetset on

- Original copy/paste by Sweden sweedy but I figured it'd be more suitable as a stickied newspost.

If anybody has any other info on other hotels/B&Bs/hostels then provide the info in your comments and include all the information in the same format as this news post. Thankyou!
link to my profile or i'm heart broken
i dont see any link :(
Trolled hard.
what made you change your nick to this btw
everyone at my work starts talking to me in swedish cos im too blonde/fair to be maltese :(

this week this austrian girl told me "you have all the features of a german, everytime i see you i want to speak to you in german! i must teach you german :D"

so if it keeps on happing regularly, i guess i will have to change my nick to deutschy lol
if shes hot its worth the shot :p (but austrian german can be bad)
who the fuck were you ?
before you changed your nick!
it was killerboy :P
aah ok. ye you dont look swedish mate. sorry. everyone is just lying to you!
herbal showing up?
need ride for uk. know anyone with space in there vehicle ?
hey you found a good chair? still need one!
hmm maybe ask potty

heard hes going by car
pretty funny if that will be happing regularly!!
Ik denk dat ik mn nick maar in aziaat/homo moet veranderen dan :<
aziaat serieus? :P homo oke maar aziaat :O)
Geen idee maar ik heb die vraag echt tientallen keren gehad dit jaar :<. En homo wtf? Ik ben de pimp
Homo :))))))))))))))))))))
spierdalaj chuj ci w dupe kurwa m8 ! :]
Anything cheaper eg. B&B's?
cheapest -> 19euro/night :)
so typical it has a jew on the first picture.
god love antwerp
moses to..
It's in their neighbourhood ^^
I found smth for 15€/night!
"...kunnen we een fantastisch hostel met huis-ingerichte gamers..." it says!! :D
nou jij bent grappig
i dont understand :(
id cum if you show up !
gungy hotel now
Gungy has a tent outside the hangar rating: 11
What is the name of the closest hotel? Probally should read all the links, but praxing for the lan with the drinking, so no go!
you so pro <3
Hotel Antigone

Jordaenskaai 11-12, Antwerp Centre, Antwerp
A 11 minute walk to Hangar 26 (the location of the event).

Details: stars rating: 7.7
Price (4 nights, two persons): €300 (From Thursday till Monday)
(4 person rooms available for €540 for 4 nights).
Per person / per night: €37,50
Link: here

= 11 minutes (to the event location)
you going to be there? :D
see you there then pal :P
de bedstay hostel is also cheap hostel and its 10 min. away from lan center :D
indeed psiquh mate indeed :PPP
need ride to lan. msg me with any spare seats!
Hotel Antigone
"original copy"

sound good
rockit stays in the hostel, we rox!
we stay at the Hilton :)
sup with the holiday inn? thought its the nearest?
Asked myself the same, but SL will stay there. About 900m to the event :D
Ja booked it cause it was so close to the event.
O god, u in the same hotel as me :<
massive partying!
we stay at the Internationaal Zeemanshuis
ETAP HOTEL Antwerpen city centrum centraal station

quite cheap aswell, mighty ducks staying there
Exactly how far is it from Antwerp Central Station to ze lan center? ?¿
exactly 225,12 m
End station: Antwerp Central station
2,8 km - 34 minutes walk
motherfuck...thats a lot lol :x
u ruined rockit so id would be rather nice if you would keep your hands of everything else from now on.
Yes, thats the top of the holiday inn! :D:D
need lineup of ET & cod4 plz!
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