Spectating AEF

image: AeS

If you are thinking to come down to the Antwerp eSports Festival to spectate some games, here is some extra information that might convince you!
  • The best gamers in the world will be present to play matches for a combined prize purse of nearly €20,000

  • You can watch games LIVE on a stream on two seperate stages with professional commentary

  • FREE PLAY AREA by Asus and Microsoft, play some of the latest games on brand new PC's


On Friday we will have Benelux gamebabe Charlotte Van Brabander coming down for a shootout where everyone can play against her and win some prizes. The shootout kicks off from 15 CET.

On Saturday you can see a wonderful show from the guys of the Electronic Sports World Cup as they bring you a full day of matches, prize giveaways and much more. Cheer on your favorite team as it will be a battle of Belgium vs Netherlands!

Sunday is all about the finals of the Call of Duty 4 and Enemy Territory competition as we see the final teams battle it our for first place.

Come check it out!

Rijnkaai 96
2000 Antwerp

Friday 30 July:

· 09:00 Start of the team/player registrations
· 09:30 Start of the competitions
· 24:00 End of the competitions

Saturday 31 July:

· 09:00 Start of the competitions
· 24:00 End of the competitions

Sunday 1 August:

· 09:00 Start of the registrations
· 21:00 End of the competitions
· 21:30 Award ceremony
· 22:00 The Antwerp eSports Festival 2010 is over!
what game is that gamebabe competing in?
whatfor does she need the mouse then? :P
Mmmmmm troo

Shes not really a gamebabe if she plays tennis either :D
anyway. id prolly hit her ;D
With lines such as 'im gonna make you respawn' :D
1.6, she used to play for L3 female and is now playing with Antwerp Aces I think. Anyways, hottest girl in pro gaming O.O
The "gamebabe" isn't much of a babe, is she?

Belgium Piet "Online Predator" Smet will, no doubt, try something on with her.
She doesn't look too bad. None of the ET-girls come close.
Sorry maar ik moet hier toch echt een lans breken voor Esther. Deze gamebabe is echt erg average.
Ja, want ik heb gezegd dat ze er ontzettend heet uit ziet. Treft dat eventjes...

Ik zei "ze ziet er niet slecht uit".
Ik zeg ook niet dat jij dat zegt. Jij zegt dat alle ET meiden niet in de buurt komen, nou daar ben ik het echt totaal niet mee eens.
Ja, jij bent biased.
Geen idee joh, eerste keer dat ik der zie :D
Nou die is wel fijn<3.
Charlotte ziet er ook niet slecht uit.

Kitty vindk niet zo mooi, niemand eigelijk in de ET-scene. Behalve Fasolka!
:P Oke je hebt duidelijk geen smaak.
En daar ben ik trots op!
you do know I'm sjlot's old team manager from Belgica :D Was manager of the female team (didnt require much managing tho they were all just starting out, never went to events).

Will def do a shootout against her! ;D

Also: Shes def a babe! Altho look-wise my fav gaming chick is most likely Inzane from fnatic, I have a thing for blondes as you know Sean :D

image: 30901_402211241164_617201164_4345732_5503050_n

Dan ziet Charlotte er toch een stuk leuker uit vind ik.
wat is dat dan voor een oostblok cracksnol :(
Die blonde op de foto is die Inzane, waar Sui zo op geilt.

En ze is Zweeds ;-p
every1 can have bad pictures m8

Some makeup and tadaa

image: 3628137939_0f1ced722b
Don't like her, prefer Josephine or Rakete!
wow, could I teach her how to play at ET ? :D
sure! she plays CS now so she'll prob be nuub at ET :D
w00p w00p I'm comin!
wtf finish time on sunday :s
and those times are planned without any delay ^^
i'm pissed off since we are only finding this out now a few days before the lan and apparently if you dont go to the presentation you dont get any prize money :s

wat ze fack
Never ever was there any confirmed ending time. You just assumed it would be at noon or something, but it was very clear that the event lasted 3 days, that includes Sunday. If you want to leave on Sunday already based on other lans (CC) then that's ok but that's your own choice.
Actually, I assumed it would end at the time the website said 'end of competitions' which was 18:00 CET.
Isn't that why you book return flights for Monday when a LAN ends on Sunday?
Some cant get the monday off work so not that simple
Was even more fun at CiC7, you had to be present at the prize ceremony to get your hardware. Too bad no one told us, ask feruS about his 1500$ hardware (or so) missing :P.
Gonna have to adjust some travel plans i think
I told ferus in person
Wasn't aware of that, but you'd think any member Dignitas would turn up if it's about getting prices :P
charlotte kinda looks nice, played poker with here since my mate is her ex =)
ill dodge prize ceremony :S
like you will win anything nerd :s
Quote* You can watch games LIVE on a stream on two seperate stages with professional commentary

huge turn off for me, the fun in going to a lan as a spectator is being around everyone and being able to support your mates...not gonna happen from a seperate room.
kinda blows the atmosphere :(
Ye it's indeed something special to watch the games behind the gamers' backs, but it's also often a bitch for the players who can't concentrate completely, or can't hear the game enough because of the constant noise behind them. This decision was made with a more professional environment in mind, to really get the most out of every team and player. Of course the CC lans have their own advantages that make it very special. But if you want to meet up with your favorite team you can still do so in the spec area where most players will reside when they aren't playing any games.
Probably be more fun AFTER all the games are over, suppose you've seen the setup of the center? Any resemblance with the CC setup? (specially the bar :-) )
We've got a huge bar, with most Belgian beers (best beers in the world ;). You can check some pictures over at www.esportsfestival.com (top right)
solid, didnt see the link on the site.
hope they serve more than just beer though, need to get them shots! get felix wasted to he can pass out again :-)))

hook me up with some jewish diamonds there btw.
Hehe no problemo :D
What is it with Belgians thinking their beers are the best in the world, I admire national pride but they're pretty crap. Stella is the only one that is internationally mainstream and at least in the UK even that has its own stereotype. This is not me saying English beers are good, but at least I know they're bland :P
Stella ain't a beer, it's a simple lager :P

If I'm talking Belgian beers, I'm talking West-Vleteren, Duvel, Chimay, Brugse Tripple, Leffe, Achel, Westmalle, Orval, Rochefort, ...

There's a big difference between the mass-production beers they sell everywhere and the real beers with more alcohol and deeper flavor :)
Yeah, but Belgian beers are still pretty mediocre compared to British or German beers. They're not bad, I'll give you that, but mostly they're the result of cockups - the sweet beers, for example, are sweet because some incompetent malter overcooked the malt and allowed it to caramelise.

Britain has a thousand beers that are better than those Belgian beers you mention.
West-Vleteren is officially the best beer in the world. And you can't say you ever tasted it because getting one takes quite some effort ;)
Belgie als beste bierland is wel serieus overdreven ze. In dat onderzoek waar West-Vleteren op 1 stond was er geen enkel ander belgisch bier in de top 10. Elke keer als er een belgisch bier het goed doet ziet get direct in alle gazette ma in de realiteit ist zeker ni da België alles domineert of wa weet ek veel gelijk da je wel soms zou peizen.
And that's based on what exactly, extensive experience with both British and Belgian beers?
You obviously never tried a good trappist. In Antwerp we have a few bars just for the tasting of beers from all over the world. Can't say I've tried them all, but I've tried a decent number of those and by any measure those trappist beers are by no means "mediocre". And yes, sweet beers are for girls. If any country has some good new beers which can be compared to the best belgian ones it has to be the US.

This is in no way meant offensive, but you don't know your beers if you tried those and qualified them as mediocre.
most international beer fanatics would disagree with that statement
When we talk about our good beer, we aren't talking about lagers like stella. Have you ever tried Chimay, Westmalle or Westvleteren? That's what I call beer, even my piss tastes better than the average lager.
+1, yet ppl seem to love it? Idk, guess most think that "getting drunk" and "drinking alcohol" is super cool :D:D:DD
lol, so what you are saying that if you go out you always order a top quality beer ?

and yes it's fun to drink loads of lager and get pissed with your friends out clubbing, you should try it some day! :D not about being cool, it's about having fun
no, I don't drink beer for the most part. There are other types of alcohol that are actually decently tasting (vodka, rum for example)
Then piss some bottles full and send them over here, much cheaper than Jupiler which I absolutely love.
I like Jupiler aswell, but even Jupiler still can't be compared to trappist imo ;)
True, but I can drink 2-3 Jupilers every evening without a problem. With Trappist and other strong beers I have enough with 1 a week or so.
So basically your saying a beer has to be internationally mainstream in order to be a 'good' beer? Almost every mainstream beer like Heineken or Stella is absolute p*sh. They are ment to be low-quality in order to mass produce them. If you base yourself on this in order to make a judgement about quality beers...

That said I agree with you that "Belgium beer is the best" is a bit over the top. There are other countries with good beer too. The US has more quality beers then Belgium (allthough they have a much higher population).
Haha - with 7 call of duty matches going on at the same time as ET matches it's not going to be quiet in the gaming room. Have you heard how loud those guys are? :p
I'm hoping they won't be SPEED-LINK SPEED-LINK SPEED-LINK'ing on our ass! :p
Bose Quiet Sound > "NICE111111"
Looks like someone has been on the old facebook stalk then? ;D
nah, talked on a lan
Fair play I'll let you off then :O)
Gimme a name then :-)
her sister is way better tbh!
haha nerds going to lan -__-
Nah summer to good to be going all the way there for that maybe I'll go to cc8 or something if I have the time to be away :)
Not coming? :(
Nope :( maybe next one if i got the time :) pwn some nerds for me :)
I'm not playing, no time.
But since it's my hometown, I'll be going anyway :P
Ya hard to find time in the summer but have fun :)
Thought so.
And that's based on what? I've seen pictures from most of the ET-girls and personally I don't think anyone comes close.

How is it biased and void?

I already asked you, give me names of ET-girls you think are prettier, but all you come up with is 13-year old nonsense.
"That you are from Belgium as so is she."

Childish reasoning. I don't even like Belgium.

"You've seen most but not all"

I've seen all active girls.

"and it's according to your own personal opinion don't state it like a fact, cause your opinion is subjective. "

Where did I say it's a fact? This is a discussion forum, so I give my opinion. I'm not gonna end every post of mine with "this is not a fact, it's merely my personal opinion".

Go troll somewhere else, stupid kid.
How about you go rob some store, sandmonkey.
die praat over playmate zijn et liefde :P
Dacht ik al, één van de lelijkste dozen in ET. Enige reden dat die aantrek heeft, is omda ze 2 vetboebels op haar borstkas heeft staan en merendeel van deze community kent da enkel van foto's op het internet.
You insult me first and when i return the favour you start crying, haha, this is just priceless.

You're the one who started, use your brains for once.

And how am I talking behind someone's back? It's a PUBLIC FORUM. Everything I say is visible for everyone who comes here.

No wonder your country is going through the drain, with Wilders getting most votes, if people like you live in Holland.
brb going to spec @ aef, will play vuvuzela behind etplayers 8D
You're not allowed to enter the Player Area as a spectator :-)
so better to be at home speccing ettv(there will be ettv?) instead going at aef to watch et @ big tv
lol dude nerd, u can meet people at lan and have beers n stuff. rly cool
was talking about spectator ( speccing games :p )
i would love to meet you

One day we should have a KKC-meeting/reunion or something.
I'm part of bF party, but I can't cheer for them? :(
you'll be our ingame leader :P u must stay behind us at all times
I'm very good at that
nice see ya next week
I hope she doesn't kill herself if she finds out I think she's ugly.

And I quit competitive ET a few months ago, unless Dignitas picks me up I won't be visiting any LANs.
Sorry I quit ET a few months ago. But you know what, I'll come to the next LAN anyway, just to prove myself! Even though there's nothing for me to do there because I don't care about competitive ET anymore and because I won't know anyone decent there.

The discussion was about hot chicks but I should look in the mirror first before I talk? Christ, fuckin idiot...
Komen he, ik kom ook :p
Kga ff geld uitgeven om wa naar ne LAN te gaan waar ik zelf nie kan spele, halloo.
Zit ge nie in antwerpe? Das gratis toch vor spectators :o
Ik zit in de Kempen :-)
he rly serious :/
Beautifull last name of the chick
Basically your saying Rhand can't say she is the prettiest ET-girl because she has the same nationality??? Why would anyone have a biased opinion about a pic of a girl?

Most people base their opinion on the looks of the girl, not if she is belgian or not.
i dont get it 1.6 wat? tennis? huh?

you missed the point again
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