RtCW NC I Group Phase Underway

image: flags

After the showmatches the groups for RtCW NC I were drawn, and the first set of games were known, these first set of games were played out over the last two weeks and they were:

The groups were already known to be quite tight and the results over the next 4-6 weeks should show this and it is anyones guess who will qualify into the playoffs.

Here is a rundown on the results of these games:

Group A
United Kingdom United Kingdom vs. Belgium Belgium
image: game20195Maps were UK: Ice, BE: Village. Although Belgium Belgium had their chances and epic moment of the match was Belgium mLy team killing 3 team mates, one having the docs and in a good position for a chance to set a decent time in the second round United Kingdom Team UK didnt look like losing this game and the final score summed up the performances but Belgium Belgium did well to force a double fullhold on Village. Belgium Belgium must secure at least a point against Germany Germany in their next game to stand any chance of getting out of the group phase. United Kingdom Team UK will be confident of qualification after this win and with the return of United Kingdom owzo on the panzer for future games they can only get stronger. demos can be found: HERE

Germany Germany vs. Italy Italy
image: game20196Maps were DE: Frost, ITA: Ice. After some scheduling issues this game was played last night, in a replay of the opening showmatch the scoreline stayed the same. Some lineup changes may be ahead for Germany Germany as I have heard this was a weaker fielded team, time will tell ahead of their crunch game with Belgium Belgium. Italy Italy face a tough task ahead with games against United Kingdom United Kingdom and Germany Germany.

Group B[/u]
Netherlands Netherlands vs. Hungary Hungary
image: game20198Maps were NL: Base, HU: Ice. Some people may see this as a surprise result others may not but in what was a quick game with some fast times sets Netherlands Netherlands came out on top. Hungary Hungary will be playing Finland Finland next and this will be a major game for both teams. Netherlands Netherlands can secure their place in the playoffs if they beat Estonia Estonia in their next game.

Finland Finland vs. Estonia Estonia
image: game20197Maps were FI: Village, EE: Frost. After a small reschedule after some client issues this game finally got finished and it was a nice watch, with some good play by Finland Auron and Finland Sirkka pulling back the result from 2:0 down. Finland Finland are in a good place now knowing that if they beat Hungary Hungary in their next game they are through, where as Estonia Estonia have to do something against a strong Netherlands Netherlands side to stand any chance of qualification.

We spoke to a couple of people about the first weeks results to get peoples thoughts and this is what they said:

Estonia Pudi, Team Estonia player and former Europe POW owner had this to say:

Quotein group b well the nl and hu score suprised me, i was pretty sure that hun was going to win, as they usually do in official games and ofcourse and fin vs ee, we shouldve won, cause sipperi is a retard but we got really unlucky and did a bit rubbish. group a the uk vs. be and de vs. ita results were not so surprising.

Germany phaTe, Team Germany player and former ET Team Germany Player said the following:

Quotegames to me really came out as expected, with nl vs hu and fi vs ee being relatively close - the most exciting moment probably was mLy absolutely destroying any chances of a tie for belgium with his 3man teamkill panzer, including syL who was in a very good position to secure docs. apart from that I cant't really recall anything of these games, but it was fun watching them, that I know!

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So how do scores work in RTCW. How can it be 2-1?
still wondering why i ever used a capital 't' D:
better than capitol A :_D
Später wirste dich möglicherweise fragen, wie du "je" in deinem Namen haben konntest ;S
je ist neat!
"epic moment of the match was mLy team killing 3 team mates"

<3 <3 <3
3man tk on ice? mouly is getting out of shape, he used to do roundlosing 5man teamkills on beach easily back in the days.
That shot.... gawd I wanna cry :D <3 mly still tho
thanks :)

so they stopwatch one map twice?
this is great:D any demos?
loooooooooooooooool angry nerd
half-russians got DESTROYED
you were lucky to get the two rounds... was easybash tbh....

and well played mly :D shit happens.

gonna be a lot better game was hungary <3<3
hope i can play soon. waiting to get my connection fixed.
any demos????

sadly only one someones uploaded, guess more likely the one you would want to watch ;)
no Z no win

nice! :))))

too bad my schedule sucks atm -.-

have to get up at 5 am won't come home till around 5pm :(
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