ET & RtCW Engine Source Code Released

id Software has finally released the source code for the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory engine, along with the source code for the Return to Castle Wolfenstein SP and MP engine. During QuakeCon 2009, John Carmack stated id Software's plans to release the source code, shortly after being acquired by ZeniMax.

The news comes during SLAC's development, as well AxisRevenge's development, a community game based on the Wolfenstein multiplayer series.

Releated Journal[/url]
QuoteThe news comes during SLAC anti-cheat's development

you make it sounds like it will effect slac somehow :/
what you can do with the source code?
Sell it to china
they would rather copy it then buy it
Quoterelease of the et source code does not change the mod situation

much like the q3 source code release did not change the mod situation

new and improved clients were released such as ioquake3, cnq3, dfengine, q3mme but the mods remain unchanged (osp, cpma, cnq3)

compatibility is maintained with mods, sure compatibility is not maintained with SLAC due to the aggressive way in which SLAC hooks into the ET client but I'm sure if someone with enough motivation started working on an improved ET client that chaplja would have no choice but to co-operate else watch his anti-cheat die

saying "we cannot do anything with it" is simply wrong and you're just as bad as the people who claim the source code release will somehow "save ET"

no reason to discourage creativity before anything has even happened. i for one really want a q3mme style et client... demo rewinding, directly writing motion blurred video&audio to avi, in-engine camera path creation and editing... motivated/skilled persons could really do a lot with this source code so yeah it is a pretty good thing
and now wat
up to uv-Hannez
you tell me!
I already got that bitch told.
how can 6MB make a game with about 350MB? :D
How can babby form when gerl get pregnant???
6mb of nothing but code is a lot
- graphic data (textures etc)
- sound data
- map data

and like the guy above mentioned, 6mb of actual source-code is quite a lot.
means all those things can be changed. we (you! without me.)can make a new random game! WOOOO! incl implementing antivirus?

did i get that right?
yes, especially the antivirus part.
oops. anticheat i mean ofc :>
oke, and now what?
so good, sooooooo good
what you gonna do with it!?
selling it to russians
Oh you so bad!
dm_84 to .avi converter
so now what amazing use can be done?
so making cheats is not illegal anymore ? great news
they are called addons!
yeah the illegality of cheats is really what kept those dirty hackers at bay...
thought the same, thank god we got slac now
go madscientist !
add dualcore support if possible :P
The demo format should be changed to *.avi, but it should still be replay able with other configs for better Moviequality. Maybe the ETTV Servers will have some problems with it.

Better Deatheffect when someone get killed, like it is in some Movies.

Maybe a new Skinpack, Soundpack.

New Maps for new Gameplay like 'Capture the Flag' or 'Deathmatch'. Withit some new Leagues will come up and maybe more ppl will get interested in ET.

We need to make ET more interesting to other persons, give some usefull suggestions.
this is ET not christmas, dreamer
If you dont try to let your dreams come true, bury them.
y but stay realistic...
Why this isnt realistic?
These are suggestions, and the ET scene got some nice Coders.
Why they shouldnt do that?
no, just no.
why limit the game to a certain codec right away? doesn't make any sense at all.
we all like ET here because it isn't a "classical multiplayer mod", why the hell would you want to do some CTF or deathmatch shit thing :/
maybe we can make some cs or cod players love et like we do?
It wouldn't work. ET wouldn't be a good game with theses formats, ET community wouldn't play it at all and I don't think cod or css players would quit their respective game to join a deadly mod on an old game they didn't like before...
hmm your right...

but i want to have a better deatheffect :D:D
There is a better deatheffect in fun mods if I'm not mistaken, noquarter or nitmod (read my comment above about that if you wonder what it is), not sure anymore tho.
So there will be hope for this game, more 3d work init in the next update?
Also, I hope that somebody could make a nice mod or something to add some nice realistic/effect stuff for movie making as example, like they did on counterstrike source/1.6
Can't upload on a decent FTP ?
does this mean it's possible to fix the 10000000000 bugs ET has? and update some basic stuff?
so now ?? we can merge RTCW and ET into the perfect game we've always dreamed of oh wait.... i just woke up
NO! the perfect game is rtcw
Rtcw respawnsystem is borked, ET's respawn system is far superiour. The respawnsystem wouldnt be as much of a problem if it werent for clans playing with nothing but fops spam on beach for example.

Rtcw anitlag is fucked. Thats why ETpro had to redo the ETmain hitboxes (ported from RTCW)

I can underdstand you prefer the wolfrof but and option was made in ET and it never took off.
agree on hitboxes, but once u get used to it, you just know wheir and how to aim
yeah but its still fucked up and annoying
Sorry but what is it?
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