ET to be ported to XreaL Engine

Tr3b, head developer over at the XreaL Project, announced yesterday that he plans to port ET to his "XreaL Engine". One of the main advantages of the XreaL Engine is its renderer, based in id Tech 3, but massively improved - and able to compete with modern commercial game titles. Tr3b has already started working on the project, and says "I already diffed the vanilla Q3A renderer code with the ET one and there aren’t many changes. Most changed lines contain the new skeletal animation code and there is some new foliage and decal rendering code. It is not particular difficult to merge those changes into the XreaL renderer."

For years there have been calls on Crossfire for somebody to "just update the graphics and leave the gameplay alone", could this be the update so yearned for by the community?

Tr3b has also posted a YouTube video of "Parallel Split Shadow Maps" in the XreaL engine, leaving us to imagine an ET that looks as good as, if not better than what is in the video.
Official Announcement by Tr3b
Look really nice dude
Great work!!!
yeah =)

"just update the graphics and leave the gameplay alone" +1
Sounds promising
ET is alright the way how it is at now .
Except our community is small.
But it's one of the best community's ever, people from other games say it too.

I don't know if you remember Quakeqon 2006? Where alot of members donated 1 euro each only to send a european team to Canada to content a international LAN and get europe at a higher level of playing and getting more competitive? Alot of people say: People on CSS/CoD would've never done that, ET is a awesome community that they've done this.
right, in 2006. Now people wouldn't do that either. Community smalled down abit, but has been getting alot worse
Since when is Dallas in Canada?
Texas then, idc, somewhere in that area
You do know Texas is as close to Canada as Holland is to Algeria? :P
"Somewhere in that area", of the map?

Dude, Texas and Canada are about 1500 km apart from eachother. Dallas to the closest part of Canada is close to 2000 km. "somewhere in that area". I lolled :)
I don't care :D
so you wanna have a medal now?
wat kom jij dan ineens stoer doen snotneusje.
Sorry, hooikoorts.. Maar wil je nou een medaille omdat je gegoogled hebt hoever dallas van Canada is? Je begreep toch wel dat hij gewoon probeerde te zeggen dat het een verre reis was en dat de exacte locatie er niet toe deed.
Dat hoef ik niet te googlen, kheb zelf in Canada gewoond dus weet wel hoe ver het ongeveer is vanaf daar naar een staat als Texas in the States.

Die medaille hoef ik ook niet. Liever dat hij beter z'n best had gedaan bij topografie, dan had hij em mogen hebben.

En uiteraard begrijp ik wel dat hij bedoeld dat het een verre reis is, maar neemt niet weg dat ik (en anderen met mij) hem er wel op kan wijzen dat Canada totaal niet in de buurt is van QuakeCon in Dallas.
You have really smart countrym8s.
really what the fuck
yes thats what i'm saying , our ET is grat like it is ...
You don't want higher and more stable FPS along with the possibility for awesome graphics?

Just so you guys can tweak the graphics to get 90 fps
Leave ET!
I can't get stable 125fps on my pc now, wtf u think will be then? :/
get a job and buy a pc kurwa
sure - in Poland, xDD
true, no jobs in poland :)
A stable 125. The reason for the current unstable FPS is that the ET engine is so old that it renders about everything using the CPU instead of the GPU.

In other words, you will get better FPS if your computer is made after 2002 or so.
Ya exactly. I can get 200-250 FPS no problem in cod4, but its sometimes hard for me to even get 125 steady in et
more like if you bought a shit cpu/premade pc
Built my own.. 3GHz quadcore and Radeon HD 4870 1GB - in other words more than enough for a 7 years old game.
if you cant get 125 (stable) fps you got to be failing at something then, and it is not magic
you good sir are right, quad core made me laugh
I am getting 125fps, and in fact can get 333fps in most maps.
There still are places where the standard ET renderer sucks cocks - such as sw_goldrush_te.

My point was that in a game with meager graphics such as ET I should be getting over 9000 FPS, which is obviously not true.
1000 fps is max, server fps and tick is fixed also
I know. The "over 9000 fps" was a joke. It is actually a quite popular joke on the Internet. It dates back to this video:
You'll probably get like tripple the amount of FPS? :DD
Quote by Tr3BYes I liked ET very much. I think it is one of the best multiplayer games ever created.

Very very promising. Also an own3d HD mirror
very nice:)
for all the idiots, in xreal the whole rendering has been swapped from the central processor unit to the graphics processor unit, which makes achieving stable 125 fps much easier, because gpus are much more powerful than cpus.
much more powerful.... at rendering... surely :P
GPU's are usually weaker than CPU's :P But for rendering they're much better obviously :)
this is obviously what I meant : /
Sounds good and all but who plays et with high graphix settings anyway?

Surely nearly every comp player turns the detail down as far as possible to aid aim and picking out enemies etc?

I mean does anyone switch have the grass turned on playing radar because it looks better?

Now if they can use the gpu to get steady high fps etc then that wouldn't hurt
pub players will play their nice looking game and we, the competition players, will be playing a game as we were playing before with the benefit of making nicer looking fragmovies and perhaps even achieving stable fps easier.

that could actually make playing ET with PB on lag free as ET wouldn't be consuming any thread of the CPU now. though we won't be playing with PB on, in the future ( :

e: oh and it does support many other nice features as support for IPv6
Apart from CPU tasks, much of the graphic processing will go through GPU now, regardless of how detailed you put your graphics which will only result in a further FPS boost. :3
i got a detailed cfg :)
same with squall
make update !!!
Stop whining about that u prefer low gfx, i bet we can get good perfomance and this will surely attract new ppl
I think that would be more work than actually write a new renderer for ET.
oh how many people i know who refused to play ET because its ugly

this will definatly bring ET to a new world and with a massive amount of new players
Pub players like playing pretty games, and sponsors like pretty games because they take more hardware to run, so nVidia and AMD can sell graphics cards.
i can only see profit then...
Indeed, there is profit. Which means the hardware companies will promote the game, and we get more players. ;)
They won't promote ET... That's a dream, nvidia would rather invest in upcoming new games, lime crisis for example, not some random free multiplayer from 2004
I doubt it well go that far, but I am expecting a massive playerboost (I'm sure the current ET players will spread the word :D) and with that, renewed attention from the gamingworld.

In fact, I'm more or less expecting it to get on TV in some game show some day :)
Quoteoh how many people i know who refused to play ET because its ugly

So true
kind of but CS 1.6 looks like complete arse (even more so than ET imo) but still has lots of people playing it :'(
"a massive amount of new players"

that has nothing to do with the graphics

it's the marketing that will make or break this game
soon we will have 5 different ETs
yeah and everyone will still play the original one XD
yeh but if theyre done right they should all be backwards compatible so it will be like various quakeworld clients
we're talking about this port and axis revenge, not bout clients ;o
I'll believe it when I see it.
but the quake engine feeling will be gone then :<
wrong, the renderer has nothing to do with the movement
It´s al about ze renderer. :)

See what I did there? :))))
Surely moving ET to another engine will massively effect the game play? Entirely different physics, trick jumping etc.
its only gfx engine, does nothing with the physics itself
So... what is being proposed is a game that will run with the some awesome quake 3 engine feeling but with just better graphics? I kinda find that a bit hard to believe but if they pull it off it'd be pretty awesome.
stuff like this exists for years already in other games, Quakeworld being one of the most outrageous. The clients/renderers people are playing with today look nothing like the original qw client but it is still 100% compatible.

xreal rendering a Quake3 benchmark map:

image: xreal-20090404-222937-000

but you wouldn't get anywhere near that fps on a traditional renderer

if anything comes of this it won't change much for players, most are going to play with traditional settings obviously, but if it helps with those annoying drops such as goldrush tank then it can only be a good thing
Looks very very dated.
I doubt this will attract new players because of the graphics!
rendering a q3 map.

i think that means that in the mapfile were still the old graphics/icons etc ?

so this has done some really awesome job to a q3 mapfile? :x

but im not sure
it will since they wont use etpro
basics will still be same...

and did etpro changed ET physic? :0 added few usefull options, but nothing more
did you actually try ET vanilla or etpro or are you trolling?
i never played etmain :D
Since its only going to be a renderer swap i dont see a reason why etpro wouldn't work tbh.. Ppl just don't seem to get the meaning of post at all. Renderer is a componen of the game that should allways be made a swappable one meaning you can change the renderer to a all new one if needed and not a single line of code needs to be changed, thats the idea atleast.
because etpro wont allow the new exe
mmh ye counted on the fact that something so small could we worked arround.. Besides that there shouldnt be any large problems or will there?
I dont agree, physics might be 100% the same, but our brain will react differently to it due to new graphics. So some time to get used to it will be needed.
Yes this is true, its kinda the same idea of cg_fov u have a other screen which make u shoot better or worse.
It doesn't work like that anyway... even if the "engine renderer" is better, to accomplish a good result we would need to recompile all the maps with some changes!
Yes, it's not a small project, but luckily all the stock maps are open source too.

This will bring new opportunities to map makers and blow some life to the community - it's by no means a bad thing!
And what about linux/mac ? Will there be a client ?
XreaL is opensource, and the ET-XreaL will also be, so yes.
and the pic related to?

polaks are dumb
if u dont know u are rly idiot and fagot :D
This talks about the kid being awesome, not about the post being awesome. learn to use the proper pics
still u are idiot :)
oh yeah i am the idot while u are posting fail pics, damn polish logic, gotta love it
fuck you, my pc cant carry ET and Q3 now... and buying a new PC just to play one game from time to time is pointless :X
then quit you dumb moneyless nerd
why should I, if its only game i enjoy?
If it's worth that much to you then invest a couple hundred in a graphics card to last you for the next few years. You can get PC parts for so cheap nowadays that there is really no excuse for not being able to run any game at low graphics setting.
lol... how old are u? i enjoy the game, but i would never say its worthy to me :0

instead of playing ET i can meet my friends or read a book or something... this, however, dont change the fact that i like to play ET...
read a book!:DD
in nl u dont read books or u just arent able to read ?
no its more like u got no life if u read a book,,, its the most boring thing u can do
discuss with a random narrow minded et player - priceless
Just admid u got nothing to say on it or dont reply nerd
you are obviously unintelligent.
success troll is successful
clueless polak
You do realize that you can play it with the same graphics but just get a shit load more FPS on it right?....
It only takes half a brain to realize it...

Graphics processing done by GPU rather than CPU = FPS boost
Multithreading = FPS boost
Newer coding = FPS boost
Better graphics = slight FPS drop

End result = massive FPS boost ftw
kewl, but following ur way it would seem i can run cod4... but i cant
Any computer made in the 21st century should be able to run ET with Xreal at good FPS

I don't really care about Cod and shit :D

They use different engines all together so meh
in the end you couldnt prove your point... i just love to start a day in such way
wat... My point was that you'd get more FPS with xreal then you do now, noone can 'prove' that until the game actually gets released so I don't get what you're trying to say :/
believe me till the new et is out, the whole hardware u will need for running et on stable 125 fps will be very cheap
hahaha ... im afraid ET2 will never be out as in 2012 there is end of the world
why would i want to have an intelligent discussion with somebody whos flaming about something he knows shit about?
cause i flame for pure fun of flaming?
not sure it will have the same feeling, but i hope so
so et will be looking like the youtube video? if yes will it be only the graphics or movement too for example? or do i misunderstand something?
as far i understood they will make ET in that engine, so its like et with a far more better graphics but the game play and maybe the feeling is the same.
hmm, so it's simply "updating" the graphics? to make them looking better? i think they should better fix the amount of bugs.
That's what tr3b's doing. I'm sure hannes- and co will then work on the source that tr3b will release to remove some bugs.

At least I hope :P
Quotethat he plans to port ET to his "XreaL Engine"

This article has it wrong.
QuoteIt will contain the vanilla ET engine with the renderer replaced by the XreaL one.

The XreaLrenderer will be ported to ET.
Since Tr3b will have access to the whole ET source, everything will be exactly the same (movement, physics, etc) but the grapihcs will be better. Of course if Tr3b wants to improve the physics he can, but it looks like he's just porting ET to Xreal and that's it, which is what's best (bugs/minor improvements can be fixed after of course)
why not fixing the bugs as well if he's working with et already? i mean it can't be wrong to fix them?

and btw why is he doing that? cause he is such a nice guy?^^
Quote by Tr3bYes I liked ET very much. I think it is one of the best multiplayer games ever created.

He was developing a game based on his own engine Xreal, but since that died and the ET source was just released he has decided to work on the port.
oh all right. but he could fix the bugs besides anyway.
Yea if he wanted to but I'm sure someone from AxisRevenge will work with his release.
btw will it change the current autoexec config commands? or will there be any new / different commands for the config?
No. He will merely replace this part in the code with the XreaL one (which is not a huge job in itself seeing that XreaL is also Q3 based). This "renderer" does, as one could guess, nothing but rendering the graphics - it does not affect the movement or gameplay aspects at all. Some cvars might be changed or added, but it will feel just like the "old" ET, you can just get better graphics, and more importantlty, waaaaaaaay better performance in it. Movement or weapons or anything won't be changed.

image: VFGAv
so basically you could say et will receive an facelift which will be looking more attractive (especially to outsiders)?

so if this will really happen i already see the "low fps" journals here?
and how do i update my et then? replacing some files in etmain / etpro folders?

sorry for that stupid questions.
Read hannes' comment below. It will not instantly look like Crysis, but it will be possible to make it look awesome - it will just require quite a bit of making new models.

What will matter to people is that the performance boost will be insane for any relatively new (made in the 21st century basically) computer. So it will be the exact opposite of what you are fearing - people will get better FPS with a renderer that's optimized for newer hardware (ie. post-1999 hardware).

It's too early to say about how it will work in practice, that is, how playing it would work - we'll see. It's also not certain if ETPro will be ported to work with the new renderer, as I suspect it won't work out of the box.
thank you for your comments
most likely some parts of etpro wont work but i dont see a reason why it wouldn't work at all..
Nah, the ETPro anticheat will block attempts to use the Xreal-ET client on unmodified etpro servers, kicking you for Integrity failure or something.

All the other mods (mods without an anticheat) work fine, I hear - it will just be an exe and some zz_xreal.pk3's or something.
it takes a lot of time to fix the bugs because you know fixing something may break another thing :P, there's a lot of testing going on
the client will be the same? if not what about slac?(this need to be ported too then.)
fuck off

please leave ET alone
Nothing changes... You just get the OPTION to run it at better graphics AND you automatically get BETTER fps

Why complain about that?
Why do you have to screw this game up?

Leave it how it is.
Since when do I come from Poland?
idk i replied in another thread allready with that , where the point was about Poland so i putted your name with a pl flag before :P
What is the point of changing a game that is doing his work for 7 years?[/u]

Why are there people that invest money in our game?[/u]

They should invest money in creating new maps. They should invest money in a normal Anti-Cheat system. They should invest money in more oppurtunities and sponsors for the teams.

Like the New Wolfenstein, wow it looks nice, but no one likes it.

ET is ET because of his personality, not about the graphics. If I didn't liked the graphics of ET I really shouldn't play this game.

So PLS! leave this game alone.

Maybe one of the admins can make a poll for this.
Dont really get your point.. Game looking good == game getting attention / new players.. And since the xreal renderengine is just a port from q3 engine its surely still very easy to get it looking like a fucking doom1 screen if needed.. Plus most likely the FPS gets better on some machines due to new calculation technicues.. As said also the game is left as it is only the ->Rendered<- is changed.
come on dont knock it

SLAC > pb and lets face it everyone was moaning about pb and when it went people were complaining bout cheaters

Xreal graphics will break alot more opportunities to the ET community and if some extra stuff can be made when its released in terms of community supoort and advertising (packs, banners etc..) then et will get a fresh breath of life :)
finally something new and fresh maybe et will survive another 6 years who knows
7 , you dumbduck
if ET gets such a gfx then the movies will have to much details. personally i dont like fragmovies with too much details like in CoD4 - sometimes u lose the overview
oke dude, who the fuck cares seriously
me, personally i'll make a movies in old-looking ET
Nothing stops you from doing that at any rate...
ok, just to clearify this a bit.

ET is NOT ported to xreal. What is done, is that the xreal renderer will be ported to ET GPL. This means we would have etmain with a new renderer.

ET would not look much, or any diffrent, unless one would redo all maps, models, actually the whole gamecontent.

However, this is still great news, since projects will now have a superb and huge gamecode with a top notch renderer.
+ I could perhaps finally get that 1000fps
2 questions:

1) Will it work with etpro?

2) What is the involvement of this burneddi guy?
no (at least i dont know a way yet?) and none :)
why not :O yesterday some guys were talking about that it has nothing to do with mods
Cause you will get an incorrect ET.exe exception :)
well sure but we can hook this
Etpro 3.2.6 only works with ET 2.6b atm...

So unless we get source from bani we're kinda stuck there :(
It has nothing to do with mods, yes - it will work out-of-the-box with Jaymod, NoQuarter, TJMod, ETPub etc. The problems arise from the ETPro anticheat.

I mean, you can compile a ET.exe right now and it will work on any mod except for ETPro (and PB-enabled servers will probably kick you).
khaplaja said he removes etpro anticheat when he started coding slac
I am involved with everything.
clarify things about map: will maps have to be made again or the existing maps will be automatically rendered with new gfx? the answer is no i guess?
If maps have to be made again, who will do this: the xreal guys or some1 else?
The maps will need texture upgrades.

Fortunately we have the source for the originals... the rest we don't :/
no one will probably redo maps.
so u mean we will b having upgraded official maps...besides that, custom maps have to be redone by the respective creators of the map? (as hannes said its very unlikely)
i think high graphics will just distract you from gameplay and feel you're on some random exploring mission looking for gold and gems! maybe some trolls.
Quote by Turkish Et nationalteam leaderthis is a big step to make et much more active and creative.
Quote by Croatian SLAC Developerhannes doesn't realize he must release the source code of his changes
hannes doesn't seem to know what GPL is
dont you be happy too early, i have nothing to hide :)
i guess xreal doesn't happen to also aproach positioncalculating of the models in a different way? (from which positions the models start being rendered change, so only models you can view are actually being rendered - as in: "no more wallhacks possible, without evaluating the positioningdata the server transmits"?)
srly i cannot believe how ppl here on cf can be so fucking narrowminded. A graphic port can only benefit for ET since it has nothing in common with game physics thus attracting new casual players while leaving the comp players happy with unchanged gameplay mechanism overally expanding the player base and as we all know a large player database attracts sponsors and sponsors have money to make lans and since this game is free we won't get any developer support so no fucking lans for u, unless people like tr3b make this game the way it should be @ year 2010. In conclusion a gfx port in certainly a step in the right direction, so maybe instead of being so blindly orthodox stop whining like a bunch of sad tards and start to support ppl who want to save this game from dying. me like engrish. piece
etpro won't be ported so there you are with your sponsors and shit :D
bani prolly doesn't want to release the source code
that sux idd but maybe bani can change his decision since et has gone open source u never know or maybe someone one can start working on a mod similar to etpro i know it involves a shitload of work but dunno everything is possible with a little bit of determination and support u know they didn't build Rome in one day.
Didn't bani already give Chap and co. insight on the etpro source code back when they developed antipro? Why wouldn't he allow another mod team to use it?
no, he only gave them a "license" to hook it with a pk3 (antipro).
get on irc :p
that bani guy is an asshole he should go work with microsoft
You never know..
21:30:33 <@|Rain|> I've been seriously considering pushing a release with all the anticheat stuff ripped out

This would mean that it would work with ETPro out-of-the-box, as the only thing causing problems is the ETPro anticheat. But we'll see.
there are more facts involved in this
step 1: release the sourcecode
step 2: improve the gfx and leave the engine alone !
step 3: create new maps
step 4: call it enemy territory 2
step 5: sell it (yes i would buy it !) -> sponsors ?
step 6: many lans and great support
step 7: money money money
step 8: someone invests in a new anti cheat?
step 9: profit
lets see if it works
fix bugs.
And i am not sure if etpro would work. So we also need smth like that.
mods are unaffected by this as far as i know
ETPro is not, due to the built-in anticheat. New renderer means new exe, and with ETPro that means "Incompatible ET.exe" or "Integrity failure". I hope that Bani will do something about this, and if he wont, some people will surely reverse-engineer it enough to evade that stupid integrity failure thing.
Well yeah, the mod isn't affected, the anticheat is :)

And only because bani made it force to only work with 2.6B
8. that's exactly the same question for me :x

will it be the same client or just an "addon" or a new client with new executables etc? :D
step 1: release the sourcecode

you have to do it anyways (GPL)

step 2: improve the gfx and leave the engine alone !

since the renderer has "nothing" to do with the gameplay, it shouldn't be difficult.

step 3: create new maps

any good mapping tutorial? ;)

step 4: call it enemy territory 2

isn't "enemy territory" copyrighted

step 5: sell it (yes i would buy it !) -> sponsors ?


step 8: someone invests in a new anti cheat?
Maybe including SLAC within the installation and within et itself to prevent cheating on public and so on

step 9: profit
i hope so..
the selling system won't work, and no sponsors will come
it was just a little dream :] ET has to get merchandised, to be more interesting for bigger companies... (engrish?) BUT if we are lucky, then we dont even need this step, dont we?. I mean sponsors and bigger teams such as roccat, dignitas, intel, amd... wont get any money from the gameprice anyway. They are supporting counterstrike and call of duty because of their high amount of players. More players playing the game = more players who can see their products and players = possible consumer. So if we make ET more exciting and entertaining and maybe get a little help by some advertisment (Tek-9,, TV, sure we will) then it could be really possible to have an up 2 date game with nice gfx and a great gameplay and some sponsors

-> ET will be alive again with many many lans :)
theres is no 3rd company that can sell ET, and ET is an open source game, and cannot be sold, kind of hard to explain it in english, but also if "someone" will offer et for sell, no sponsors will pop up since it's not a company who sells the game, its just some random faggot
just jizzed!! oh ladida!
better graphics mean less players.
just the opposite actually
the standardplayer will be different, if what you said is 100% true how come cod mw2 & cod 5 failed hard?
mw2 has quite a lot of players though?
The problem with ET is that it can't attract new players. A graphics update is the perfect thing for new people too look at it and say "oh I'll give this game a try."

Nobody is going to all of a sudden start playing a game from 2003 because in videogame terms that is ancient. The only way we can attract new players is to make the game appealing to what modern gamers want, and that is graphics. The pros will probably turn them down anyway, but in every game the size of the pro players is directly proportional to the size of the pub players. The more people playing, the more competitive interest there will be.
idd... new gfx is perfect to get another 10k jaymode/etpub players...
why do you care about the pubplayers ?

if we get 100.000.000 new jaymodplayers then we would get much much much more support because more people playing this game = more consumer = more support = more lans = better game
ye thats how it looks when u have to pay for the game... sadly ET is not the case :<
In the early day of ET it was the 3rd most popular mp game on the web and that is one of the reasons it was featured @ quakecon and numerous other events even tho it was free
prolly because RtCW was so A W E S O M E
90% of ppl playing et never played wolf
u can prove that?

cause most of players i know played wolf... or at least wolf single
majority picked the game because it was free. :) pretty common sense really
and how many play warsow? even if its free ? :>

ET got fame after RtCW, j u s t l i k e t h a t
because after all they are still a different games? MW2 didn't fail, but the dedicated players was awful
COD5 there were a few objects that made the game shit, especially the update that treyarch did that ruined it
there are also a lot of differences with the guns, so it's a bad comprasion and i still want to say that i think you are a retard. have a nice day
well many (non-pro) players have shitty PCs and won't bother buying new hardware just to run old game with better graphics. so it will be a big loss in size of community but if your predictions are correct, there will be other players who will "give it a try".
Wrong, they won't have to buy any new hardware if they have a computer dated from after 2000.
uhm how come?
low graphics settings
This new renderer will make better use of modern hardware compared to the current renderer (which explains why people are getting lower FPS in ET now than in COD6)

+ You can always still play with the settings you currently have which means you'll actually get an FPS boost
Could you also add that work on iowolfet and iortcw has started? I find these bits of news related.
Would this effect Etpro? Otherwise it's kinda useless going back to ETmain.

and we'd have no anticheat.

But yea i'd love to see it happen for shits and giggles.
Unless bani releases etpro source as well and we can port that too if it's even needed...

Then chapjla will have to port SLAC and tada :D
To start a mod from scratch to get it where etpro is would take a serious amount of time. And chapjla already said he wouldn't do anything like that and its not in his contract basically.
ehm, did you not read what I wrote?

We won't have to start from scratch if bani releases etpro source... And I don't see why he wouldn't now that ET source is released (which is the main reason he was holding it back since ID let him use parts of it)

And chapjla has no choice if the competitive scene moves to ET-Xreal...
Yes I did read what you said but I can't see Bani doing that. and chaplja's already said after the source was released that if someone was to try fix the bugs in ET engine or whatever and everyone was to move and play that instead that he wouldn't be making it SLAC compatible.. so we'll get nice graphics and even more cheaters with a bigger player base.. if that was top happen ofc.
Lol, somehow I can't see Speedlink agreeing with Chapjla...
I doubt converting his AC to work with a different version of the engine was part of his contract.
... You don't seem to get my point :D

Speedlink did it to get their name out there, kinda a waste of money if he's now developping an AC for a game noone will play :DD
I do get your point, but thats got nothing to do with him if everyone else decides to play a different game!
I dont like this for several reasons, one is that I got a crap gpu and an awesome cpu.
I hate when people don't put their pc specs in there crossfire profiles.. like why just why!!
Could send you a XT285 ":D" or 8800 GT:D
Going SLI mode or what? =DD
good, one tard less
keep it up!
when you are tired of ET vanilla you are welcome back :-pppp
where one can try it?
man CS is older then ET and it still got sponsors xDDDDD
This is the perfect way to get some attention in the Gaming-community!

ET will be more attractive and we will get more big clans in this game

like TBH or KD _Gaming or mTw
reason why cs more sponsors becuase it's a top esport game
since you have to buy hl CS has developer support from valve and vivendi that pump in the cash for various events coz that gonna benefit them anyway unlike ET which is free and neither activision id or splash damage don't give a fuck about anymore it since they wouldn't make any profit from a freeware game
If I remember correctly VALVE refused to give out broadcasting rights to CS 1.6 tournament organizers, cause they where more interested in promoting source.
cs is still being played because valve can earn money on it...
rly nice!
Sounds nice =)
Never change a running system...

Will be in my eyes the same shit as the new CS:promod or whatever (the new graphic) and the same fail as this stopped AC for et... (not SLAC)
Nobody forces you to play the "new" ET.
CS:promod changes the hitboxes and some parts of the gameplay.
an gfx engine port will not affect the gameplay...
"new looking" ET, better?!
replied the wrong person sorry :X
Already thought so, but I am bored so I replied!
me2 but I have to work now @.@
I am at work =D Flashing some mobile phones (which takes some time) and installing new software on it.
will not or might not?
It will in the sense that you'll have to get used to new graphics and more stable FPS...

Apart from that nothing changes :)
Without changing the textures, shaders and maps the graphics will (probably) be 100% identical to the current ones - they'll just be GPU accelerated = better FPS :-).

However, it will be possible to make ET look awesome by making new textures, models and such - this will be a job for modders, perhaps someone at NoQuarter or something?
Yeah I'm kinda assuming mapmakers will get motivated to make maps now. I doubt they'll rework old ones, but hey... new ones would only make this better right? :)
No one has wondered here nor asked this question before:

How long does one take to render Xreal into ET? (not how long will it take him, but how long average does this kind of thing takes)
Umm, what? It will probably take a few months - with any luck we might see a release before Christmas.
You first say what then answer?
I was merely guessing what the question was, hence the "Umm, what?".
i hope they dont release few 100 beta versions of the game first.
I like it but would be great if we could still choose from like R_picmip 0 to r_picmip 3 :D:D and that the trickjumping hitboxes/ game feels the same
It will just be the renderer replaced - physics and everything else will stay the same. And XreaL supports picmip also I'm sure.
Is there anyone who would redo all maps, models etc..??
Guess not. Half a plan
sorry but i liked the way it was, cant there be 2 different versions? the original one and the rendering one?

Pleas take a look at this example
there will be two different versions
So just the shaders and so on will be changed?

not the weaponmodels?
I prefer ET how it is. But like always

high skilled players and admins are always who get listened so.. what ever.
no one is going to make your ET.exe magically vanish in the air. what is going to happen, though, is that an Xreal port of ET will be made which modders can use to their benefit. and perhaps in the distant future the competitive community as well. you won't have to even touch the Xreal port if you don't want to.
+ the "original ET" is there forever. so if u dont like et2, then get back on et.
brb have to overclock my comp
k fine, going from cpu to gpu rendering...very cool!! Giving a makeover to et while keeping the gameplay as it is.

but i wonder, will we have same the freedom of tweaking gfx through lots of cvars as we have in today's et like "r_drawfoliage 0"?

ET has pb. some1 said above that this so called "ET2" shud come with SLAC...a gr8 idea if SLAC proves itself.

Most importantly, it shud stay free. One of the main attraction of this game (which i think) is "a free game with awesome gameplay". So as soon as u put on the price tag, it will lose 50% of ppl who are ready and excited to play. Some people might think twice before they decide to pay.

If the devs listen closely to this "ET community" and make the game, we can actually have a gr8 game but possibility is low imo...
pb has been removed form the gpl source
They can't sell it. Source released under GPL terms
Actually I think it's allowed to sell GPL licensed software, you just have to give out the source, which pretty much negates the point because people can just compile the software themselves and hand it out for free to everyone.

Example of such behaviour is Xchat - the dev is selling a Windows version of it (while the source is public), and it's released under GPL.
It is allowed but I'm trying to get everyone to believe it isn't so we get an awesome free game once more ;D
alright, i think i've got my answers..thnx ;)
moze mi ktos napisac o co tu kurwa chodzi bo nie rozumiem angielskiego
ze bedzie koniec swiata w piatek
It's time to let go of ETPRO and play something that can be UPDATED! haven't you seen all the other mods? NQ,ETpub,Jaymod they are wayyy more advanced than ETpro, it as been left to rot in poo it's time to let go...
yes NQ,ETpub,Jaymod are wayyy more competitive than ETpro
you forgot to say wayyy more Advanced and UpDated! than old ETpro that has been forgotten in a basement...
There are several good reasons why the competitive scene does not use those mods...
way more advanced in what way?
update a old graphic with a newer grtaphic but still looking old and crappy
and when you are over it will be even older...

w0w great idea!!!!!
Yes, because noone wants to have more and more stable FPS


+ New maps with better textures will mean better graphics ...
does anyone really care for the graphic?

picmip 9000000 is the way

Moviemakers care about graphics... and many other players that love ET's gameplay but don't play it cuz of graphics (I know hundreds :O)
huh hu
will they be able to record like u can do with et/rtcw engine?

ask yourself

and btw all this story is a useless story
the project won't see a end , everyone knows it
Yes they can

In fact, it might even be possible to convert demos into avis straight away.

And tbh, this project has a high chance of getting finished
he said movie makers care about graphics...hmm what's the rate of players to movie makers? anyways shadows are a waste just make everything clear, i don't think people want to play with bright screens (gamma 3, overbrightbits and mapoverbrightbits, intensity maxed out, since this is going to be better graphics i suggest rich colors , less shadows that way we don't have to set high picmips and bright screens...
yes, this will bring many new players because of we will have targets to shoot for a while :D
Because oldschool players will play with old graphic and see players will play with awesome new graphic, but totally blind. So they won't be able to kill anyone ---> blablabla...oldschoolers are cheaters...blablabla ---> new players quit and let the "cheaters" play their stupid game
ET will never die!
Like Punkrock will never die! :P
Always said that ^^

PB lagfree for PubServers? Stable FPS? Fucking great graphics? Still perfect Team and Objectivegame!
--> A dream comes true! Finally a game with great graphics and high teamplay, why was it that hard?

I guess the developers from splash damage made a big mistake to release ET as a freeware game :D
PB is removed from source :)

So... there won't be PB for ET2 :3

Besides, PB last updated for ET like 8 months ago and it's not like it was detecting that many cheats at any rate :D
I find that good news actually
Looks great, nice job :D
Sounds like a great idea. Hopefully it will actually be finished, unlike so many other failed projects. As good as the game was/is, this is the only way I will ever play it again. Good luck!
shadows look good idd, too bad everyone will tweak them away and those who'll play with shadows switched on will start crying cause they cant see the dark axismodels (hooray)
since this is going to be better graphics i suggest rich colors , less shadows that way we don't have to set high picmips and bright screens...
Two years late with this stuff.
i have 1 smart suggestion

If u think you like better graphic for your et, TRY THIS

Put at maximum detail and resolution, your ET
Like if u were going to make a frgmovie

join a server and tell me how u feel playing like that

I BET from my experience that you will switch as fast as you can on lower detail, no shadows and everything usefull to see and aim better the enemies.
Actually I more or less play at fragmovie quality...I think it's easier to spot enemies that way :)
Looks great, It will probably just take years before its ready :>
1 fps coming !
u surely didnt read about "wat will happen to fps" in above comments.
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